couch surf

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See also:couch-surf



Alternative forms




couchsurf(third-person singular simple presentcouch surfs,present participlecouch surfing,simple past and past participlecouch surfed)

  1. To use temporary overnight accommodations in one or more private residences, especially without cash payment.
    • 1997,James Di Salvio, E. P. Bergen (lyrics and music), “Couch Surfer”, inGlee,performed byBran Van 3000:
      Move into your house, I'm a couch surfer, Can I crash at your place again? Just one more night? I'm surfing,couch surfing
    • 2004,Elizabeth Peavey,Maine & me: ten years of Down East adventures,page13:
      Icouch-surfedin my Portland friends' guest rooms (I had a key ring that looked like it belonged to a janitor) while I tried to reinvent myself.
    • 2008,Robert Hartmann McNamara,Homelessness in America,volume 1, page158:
      The term homeless youth can include shelter-based or street-based youth, as well as young peoplecouch-surfing(doubled-up with friends or lovers).
    • 2009January,SPIN,volume25,number 1, page26:
      "Couch-surfingallows musicians who couldn't tour before to get out and get their music heard, "Fenton says. It also beats sleeping in a van.



Coordinate terms


Derived terms
