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See also:èssere




  • IPA(key):/esːeˈre/ [ʔɛsːɛˈɾɛ]
  • Hyphenation:es‧se‧re




  1. (transitive)ask
    • Saytun Qhuraan kee kay maqnah tarjamaty Qafar afal tani[The clear Qur'an and its explanation translated into the Afar language]‎[3],Suurat Al-Faatica, verse 5:
      Diggah nanu Ni Rabbow koo inkittosnaah Qibaada dibuk koo caglisna, nanu ni-caagiidah inkih cato kooesserra.
      Our God, with strength we make you whole, only you we give [our] adoration,weas oneaskyou for help with our affairs.
  2. (transitive)visit


Conjugation ofessere(type II verb)
1st singular 2nd singular 3rd singular 1st plural 2nd plural 3rd plural
m f
perfective V-affirmative esseréh essertéh esseréh essertéh esserréh esserteeníh essereeníh
N-affirmative esseré esserté esseré esserté esserré essertén esserén
negative mésserinniyo mésserinnito mésserinna mésserinna mésserinnino mésserinniton mésserinnon
imperfective V-affirmative esseráh essertáh esseráh essertáh esserráh essertaanáh esseraanáh
N-affirmative esserá essertá esserá essertá esserrá essertán esserán
negative méssera mésserta méssera mésserta mésserra méssertan mésseran
prospective V-affirmative esseréliyoh
esseréleh esseréleh esserélinoh
N-affirmative esseréliyo
esseréle esseréle esserélino
conjunctive I V-affirmative esséruh essértuh esséruh essértuh esséruh essertóonuh esseróonuh
N-affirmative esséru essértu esséru essértu esséru essertón esserón
negative esseréwáyuh esseréwáytuh esseréwáyuh esseréwáytuh esseréwáynuh esseréwaytóonuh esseréwóonuh
conjunctive II V-affirmative esseránkeh essertánkeh esseránkeh essertánkeh esserránkeh essertaanánkeh esseraanánkeh
N-affirmative esseránke essertánke esseránke essertánke esserránke essertaanánke esseraanánke
negative esseréwáankeh esseréwaytánkeh esseréwáankeh esseréwaytánkeh esseréwaynánkeh esseréwaytaanánkeh esseréwáankeh
jussive affirmative esséray essértay esséray essértay esséray essertóonay esseróonay
negative esseréwáay esseréwáytay esseréwáay esseréwáytay esseréwáynay esseréwaytóonay esseréwóonay
affirmative esserinniyóy esserinnitóy esserinnáy esserinnáy esserinninóy esserinnitoonúy esserinnoonúy
negative esseréwanniyóy esseréwannitóy esseréwannáy esseréwannáy esseréwanninóy esseréwannitoonúy esseréwanninoonúy
conditional I
affirmative esserék esserték esserék esserték esserrék esserteeník essereeník
negative esseréwéek esseréwayték esseréwéek esseréwayték esseréwaynék esseréwayteeník esseréweeník
singular plural singular plural
consultative affirmative esseróo esserróo imperative affirmative essér esséra
negative messeróo messerróo negative mésserin mésserina
-h converb -i form -k converb -in(n)uh converb -innuk converb infinitive indefinite participle
V-focus N-focus
essérah esséri essérak esserínnuh esserínnuk esseríyya esserináanih esserináan
Compound tenses
past perfect affirmative perfective+perfective ofénorsugé
present perfect affirmative perfective+imperfective ofén
future perfect affirmative perfective+prospective ofsugé
past progressive -k converb+imperfective ofénorsugé
present progressive affirmative imperfect+imperfective ofén
future progressive -k converb+prospective ofsugé
immediate future affirmative conjunctive I+imperfective ofwée
imperfect potential I affirmative conjunctive I+imperfective oftakké
potential II
affirmative imperfective+-m+takké
negative esseré+imperfective ofwée+-m+takké
affirmative perfective+-m+takké
negative esseré+perfective ofwée+-m+takké
conditional II
affirmative imperfective+object pronoun+tekkék
negative esseré+perfective ofwée+object pronoun+tekkék
affirmative perfective+imperfective ofsugé+-k
negative perfective+sugé+imperfective ofwée-k
irrealis esseré+perfective ofxaaxéorraaré


  • E. M. Parker, R. J. Hayward (1985) “essere”, inAn Afar-English-French dictionary (with Grammatical Notes in English),University of London,→ISBN





InheritedfromEarly Medieval Latinessere,fromLatinesse.The past participlestatois fromLatinstātus.


  • IPA(key):/ˈɛs.se.re/
  • Audio:(file)
  • Rhymes:-ɛssere
  • Hyphenation:ès‧se‧re



èssere(first-person singular presentsóno,first-person singular past historicfùi,past participlestàto,first-person singular imperfectèro,first-person singular futuresarò,first-person singular subjunctivesìa,first-person singular imperfect subjunctivefóssi,second-person singular imperativesìi,auxiliaryèssere)

  1. (auxiliary,the non-perfect forms followed by a past participle, used to form composite (perfect) tenses of passive intransitive verbs and of their reflexive forms)to have (done something); tobein the state of having (done something);SeeCategory:Italian verbs taking essere as auxiliary.
    Essendopartito e nonessendosi ancora fermato, lui è tutt’ora in movimento.
    Beingstarted and nothavingstopped yet, he is still moving.
    (literally, “Beingstarted and nothavingstopped yet, he is all now in movement.”)
    (io) sono
    I am
    I (have) been
    (io) sto
    I stay
    I (have) stayed
    (io) mi fermo
    (io) misonofermato
    I stop me/myself
    I (have) stopped myself
    (tu) ti fermi
    (tu) tiseifermato
    you stop yourself
    you (have) stopped yourself
    (lui/lei/egli/ella/esso/essa) si ferma
    (lui/lei/egli/ella/esso/essa) sièfermato
    he/she/it stops himself/herself/itself
    he/she/it (has) stopped himself/herself/itself
    (noi) ci fermiamo
    (noi) cisiamofermati
    we stop ourselves
    we (have) stopped ourselves
    (voi) vi fermate
    (voi) visietefermati
    you stop yourselves
    you (have) stopped yourselves
    (loro/essi/esse) si fermano
    (loro/essi/esse) sisonofermati
    they stop themselves
    they (have) stopped themselves
    it happens
    it (has) happened
    (io) vado
    I go
    I (have) gone
  2. (auxiliary,the non-perfect forms followed by a past participle, used to form composite (perfect) tenses of reflexive forms of transitive verbs)tohave(done something to oneself/oneselves); tobein the state of having (done something to oneself/oneselves);SeeCategory:Italian reflexive verbs.
    Lui guardando verso lo specchio sieravisto.He, looking towards the mirror, (had) seen himself.
    (io) mi ho
    (io) misonoavuto
    I have me/myself
    I (have) had me/myself
    (io) mi faccio […]
    (io) misonofatto […]
    I make myself [...]
    I (have) made myself […]
  3. (auxiliary,both non-perfect and perfect forms followed by a past participle, used to form the passive forms of transitive verbs)tobe(done something); tobein the state of being (done something);SeeCategory:Italian transitive verbs.
    Luièamato da lei.Heisloved by her.
    Leiera stataamata da lui.Shehad beenloved by him.
    (io) avevo/possedevo
    (io)ero statoavuto/posseduto
    I owned/possessed
    Ihad beenowned/possessed
    (io) amavo
    (io)ero statoamato
    I loved
    Ihad beenloved
  4. (intransitive,absolutive,as predicative verb,affirms the existence, the essence in itself, the pure act, without further determination)tobe,toexist(regionally, chiefly in Tuscany, can be found in the singular also when referring to plural subjects)
    cisonovarie specie di rosetherearevarious/many species of roses
    discutere se visianoil paradiso e l’infernodiscuss whether thereisheaven and hell/heaven and hellexist
    Cisonomolti laureati in legge.Therearemany law graduates.
    • 2008[c.600BCE], chapter 1, inCEI 2008 (Bibbia)[Bible]‎[4],volumeGenesi[Genesis] (religious text,creation myth), line 3:
      Dio disse: «Siala luce!». E la lucefu.
      God said: «Let there belight», and the lightwas.
    • 1314 (volume), 1321 (full book),Dante Alighieri,“III”,inDivina Commedia[Divine Commedy], volumeInferno[hell] (allegorical-didacticpoem,lyric poetry), lines7–8:
      Dinanzi a me nonfuorcose create / se non etterne, […]
      Before meexistednot created things / if not eternal, […]
      (literally, “Before me [there]weren’t created things / if not eternal, […]”)
    • 1316 (volume), 1321 (full book),Dante Alighieri,“XVI”,inDivina Commedia[Divine Commedy], volumePurgatorio[Purgatory] (allegorical-didacticpoem), line97:
      Le leggi [ci]son,ma chi pon mano ad esse?
      The lawsexist,but who put its hand on them?
      (literally, “The lawsare[there], but who put its hand on them?”)
    • 1840,Alessandro Manzoni,“II”,inI Promessi Sposi[The betrothed spouses], 3rd:la Quarantana[the Forty]edition (novel,historical fiction), page34:
      […] “E poi c’èdegli imbrogli” / “Degl’imbrogli? Che imbrogli ci puòessere?”[…]
      […] “And then therearesome entanglements” / “Some entanglements? What entanglements mayexist?”[…]
      (literally, “[…] “And then thereissome cheats” / “Some cheats? What cheats may therebe?”[…]”)
  5. (intransitive,also followed bypresente)tobe(present)
    Il verbo “essereèse stesso.The verb “to beisitself.
    (L’)iddioè(presente) dappertutto.(The) godis(present) everywhere.
    Non c’eranopersone lungo la strada.Therewereno (present) people along the road.
    Sietegià qui?Areyou already here?
    Sonoio in carne ed ossaIt’sme in person(literally, “It’sme in meat and bones.”)
    Sonopresente in carne ed ossaIampresent in person(literally, “Iampresent in meat and bones.”)
    • 1507–1566,Annibale Caro,(Please provide the book title or journal name):
      […] fate che al mio ritorno la scenasiain essere […]
      […] let the scenebeready at my return […]
    • 1600–1602,William Shakespeare,Amleto[Hamlet] (Tragedy), atto III, scena V [act III, scene V], line 1:
      Essere,o nonessere,questoèil dilemma: […]
      To be,or notto be,thatisthe problem: […]
    • 1626–1697,Francesco Redi,(Please provide the book title or journal name):
      […] le sue letteresontutte in essere […]
      […] his lettersareall in existence […]
    • 14–19 May 1835,Giacomo Leopardi,“Dialogo di un fisicoe di un metafisico[Dialogue of a physicist and a metaphysician]”, inOperette morali[Moral operettas] (collection ofphylosophicalnovellasanddialogues), page66:
      […] Ma se tu vuoi, prolungando la vita, giovare agli uomini veramente; trova un’arte per la qualesienomoltiplicate di numero e di gagliardia le sensazioni e le azioni loro. […]
      […] But if you want, prolonging life, to benefit men; find an art in which their sensations and actionsaremultiplied by number and vigor. […]
      (literally, “[…] But if you want, prolonging life, to benefit men; find an art in whicharemultiplied by number and vigor, sensations and actions of them. […]”)
    • 1840,Alessandro Manzoni,“XII”,inI Promessi Sposi[The bethroted spouses], 3rd:la Quarantana[the Forty]edition (novel,historical fiction), page251:
      […] Spesso, in simili circostanze, l’annunzio d’una cosa la faessere [presente].[…]
      […] Often, in similar circumstances, the announcement of a thing makes itpresent.[…]
      (literally, “[…] Often, in similar circumstances, the announcement of a thing makes itto be [present].[…]”)
  6. (intransitive,also followed byvero)tobetrue
    è(proprio) cosìitis(just/exactly) that way
    affermare ciò che (in realtà) nonè (vero)affirm what (in realty)isnot(true)
    non puòessere (vero)it can notbe (true)
  7. (intransitive,used to replace action verbs)tobe
    ero statoio (a dare/fare qualcosa)ithad beenme (who gave/did something)(which replace the clausel’avevodato/fattoio)
    l’avevodato/fattoioit wasgiven/doneby me
  8. (intransitive,impersonal,used to indicate a situation)tobe
    oggi (c’)èbel tempotoday (the weather/it)islovely
    oggi (il clima)èfreddo/caldotoday (the climate/it)iscold/hot
    oggi (il cielo)ègià buiotoday (the sky/it)isalready dark
  9. (intransitive,impersonal,used to emphasize)tobe
    Èa te che mi rivolgo.Itisto you who I address (my speech).
    Èa te che rivolgo il mio discorso.Itisto you who I address my speech.
    Èper questo che insisto.Itisfor this reason that I insist.
    Quand’èche ci rivedremo?Whenwill we meet again?
  10. (intransitive)toexist
    • 1314 (volume), 1321 (full book),Dante Alighieri,quotingVirgilio[Virgil], “III”,inDivina Commedia[Divine Commedy], volumeInferno[Hell] (allegorical-didacticpoem,lyric poetry), lines49–51:
      […] Fama di loro il mondoessernon lassa; / misericordia e giustizia li sdegna: / non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa.” […]
      […] Fame of them the world does not letexist;/ mercy and justice disdains them: / do not reason about them, but look and pass.” […]
      (literally, “[…] Fame of them the world does not allowto be;/ mercy and justice disdains them: / do not reason about them, but look and pass.” […]”)
  11. (intransitive)tobe,toconsist,tostay,tolay
    in questoèla difficoltàthe difficultyis/lies/consistsin this
    la vera felicità nonènel denarotrue happinessisnot/doesnotconsistin money
    tutta la sua gioiaènel lavoroall his joyisin (the) work
  12. (intransitive)tolive
    C’erauna volta (ed ora non più) […](Itlived) once upon a time (and now no longer) […](literally, “Itwasonce (and now no longer) […]”)
    • 1350–1353,Giovanni Boccaccio,“Giornata quinta[Fifth day]”, inDecameronorDecamerone[The Decameron] (collection ofNovellas),Novella nona[Ninth novella], page395:
      […] Dovete adunque sapere che Coppo di Borghese Domenichi, il qualefunella nostra cittá, e forseèancora, uomo di grande e di reverenda autoritá ne’ di nostri, […]
      […] You must therefore know that Coppo di Borghese Domenichi, wholivedin our city, and maybe stilllivesthere,was,and maybe stillis,a man of great and reverend authority in our days […]
      (literally, “[…] You must therefore know that Coppo di Borghese Domenichi, whowasin our city, and maybe stillis,a man of great and reverend authority in of our […]”)
    • 1821,Alessandro Manzoni,Il cinque maggio[The Fifth of May] (poetry,ode), page689,line 1:
      (literally, “Hewas.[…]”)
  13. (intransitive)tohavelife,tohaveorigin
    Di dovesiete?From whereareyou?
    Lui/Egli/Essoèdi Milano/Napoli.Hewas born/livesin Milan/Naples.
    Lei/Ella/Essaèdi Milano/Napoli.Shewas born/livesin Milan/Naples.
  14. (intransitive)tooccur,tohappen,totakeplace
    Cos’è stato?What(has) happened?
    Cosasaràdi noi?Whatwill happen/occurto us?
    Quel cheè statoè stato.The thing which(has) happenedit(has) happened.(literally, “What(has) happened(has) happened.”)
    • 1516,Ludovico Ariosto,“Canto primo[First song]”, inOrlando furioso[Furious Orlando] (poetry,chivalric romance), section 1, lines2–4:
      [...], l’audaci imprese io canto, / chefuroal tempo che passaro i Mori / d’Africa il mare, […]
      […], I sing the audacious enterprises, / whichhappenedat the time the Moors / of Africa passed the sea, […]
      (literally, “[…], the audacious enterpsrises I sing, / which were at the time the Moors / of Africa passed the sea, […]”)
    • 1911,Guido Gozzano,“Alle soglie [On the thresholds]”, inI colloqui[The interviews] (poetry),Cocotte,lines27–29:
      […] Non amo che le cose / che potevanoesseree nonsono/state…. […]
      […] I do not like the things that / couldhappenbut whichdidnot /happened…. […]
      (literally, “[…] I do not like that the things that / couldbeanddidnot /been…. […]”)
  15. (intransitive,followed byin,suora,or a locative adverb or phrase,alsofigurative)tobein/ataplace;tobein a particularplace/positioncompared tosomeone/somethingelse
    esserein casa/nei campi/in ufficioto beat home/in the fields/in the office
    esserea casa/a scuola/a lettoto beat home/at school/in the bed
    esseresulla strada di casato beon the way home
    esseresul postoto beon the spot
    esseredavanti a qualcuno/qualcosato bein front of someone/something
    esseredietro a qualcuno/qualcosato bebehind someone/something
    esseresopra a qualcuno/qualcosato beover someone/something
    esseresotto a qualcuno/qualcosato beunder/below someone/something
    esseredentro a qualcosato beinside something
    esserefuori da qualcosato beoutside something
    la portaèthe dooristhere
    la collinaèa(d) ovestthe hillisto the west
    (loro/essi/esse)eranotutti lì ad aspettarlotheywereall there waiting for him
    quand’eroin collegiowhen Iwasin college
    esserein compagnia di qualcunoto bein someone’s company
    esserefra/tra amicito beamong friends
    Erogiàstatoin quella città.I’ve(already)beento that city before.
    Il nemicoèalle porte.The enemyisat the door(s).
    esserein guerra/paceto beat war/peace
    essereal sicuroto besafe
    esserein pericoloto bein danger
    esserenei guai/pasticcito bein trouble
    esserenel veroto be(in) true
    esserein colpato beat fault
    esserein erroreto bein error
    essereall’oscuro di tuttoto bein the dark about everything
    essereagli ordini di qualcunoto beunder someone’s orders
    esseresotto il dominio di qualcunoto beunder someone’s domain
    esseresotto la protezione di qualcunoto beunder someone’s protection
    esserein agoniato bein agony
    esserein luttoto bein mourning
    esserein simpatia/odio a qualcunoto bein sympathy/have hatred for someone
    esserein/nella grazia di dio/Dioto bein the grace of god/God
    esserein collera per qualcosato beangry at something
    esserein pena/ansia per qualcosato beworried/anxious about something
  16. (intransitive,followed byin,suora,or a locative adverb or phrase)tobein/ataplace,tocometoaplace;tobein/at a particularplace/positioncompared tosomeone/somethingelse,tocometo a particularplace/positioncompared tosomeone/somethingelse
    esserein/a casa/nei campi/in ufficioto beat home/in the fields/in the office
    esserea scuola/a tavola/a lettoto beat school/at the table/in bed
    esseresulla via di/per casa/sul postoto beon the way home/on the spot
    quandosaremo(arrivati) a casawhen wewill have(arrived) at home
    aspetta chesiavicinowait for it to be/come close
  17. (intransitive,alsofigurative)tobe(used in relation to the idea of motion)
    esserein via (di arrivo)to beon the way
    esserein via di partenzato bein the start
    esserein camminoto beon the way
    esserein viaggioto betravelling/traveling
    esserein via di guarigioneto beon the mend
    essereal principio/alla fineto beat the beginning/end
    essereavanti/indietro a fare qualcosato beahead/back doing something
    esserea buon punto a fare qualcosato bewell advanced/on one’s way doing something
    esserealla minestra/fruttato beat the soup/fruit (time)
    l’acquaèa bollorethe waterisboiling
    esserci (quasi)to be(almost) there
    (noi) cisiamoquasiwearealmost there
    coraggio, cisiamoquasicourage, wearealmost there
  18. (intransitive)tobe(used in reference to time)
    (Noi)siamogià a Natale.Wearealready at Christmas.
    èdi cinque mesiitisfive months/five years old
    eranato da cinque mesiitwasborn five months ago
    èal quinto mese (di gravidanza)itisin the fifth months (of pregnancy)
    sonole noveit’snine o’clock
    èil tempo di agireit’stime to act
    (noi)siamoin primaverawearein spring
    (Egli)èsulla quarantinaHeisin his forties/Heisabout forty years old
    È(da) un’ora (phát) che aspetto.It’s(from) an hour (ago) that I’m here.
    (Io) l’avevo incontrato quindici giornior sonoI (had) met him fifteen daysago(literally, “I him had met fifteen daysnow are.”)
  19. (intransitive)tobe(used in reference to the spatial or temporal distance)
    Da qui al paese dovrebberoessere/esserci almeno 6 miglia.From here to the town there shouldbeat least six miles.
    C’èpiù di un’ora di cammino (ancora da percorrere)thereismore than an hour of walk (still to go)
    Quanti giorni cisono(ancora) per arrivare a Pasqua?How many daysarethere (still) to get to Easter?
  20. (intransitive,usually followed by the prepositiondior a possessive adjective or pronoun)tobe(of)
    essere dibuon appetitoto be (of)good appetite
    (esso/essa)èuna personadigustohe/sheisa personoftaste
    il fattoè dinatura diversathe factisdifferent in nature(literally, “the factis ofdifferent nature”)
    essere dibuon umoreto be ina good mood
    essere d’aiutoto behelpful(literally, “to be ofhelp”)
    essereutile/d’utilitàto beuseful
    essere diconfortoto be ofcomfort/consolation/support
    essere diservizioto be ofservice
    essere diguardiato be onguard
    essere diturnoto be onduty
    essere digiornatato be ofthe day
    essere dell’opinione/dell’avviso/dell’idea (che)to be ofthe opinion (that)
    essere diritornoto beback(literally, “to be onreturn”)
    • 1314 (volume), 1321 (full book),Dante Alighieri,“IV”,inDivina Commedia[Divine Commedy], volumeInferno[Hell] (allegorical-didacticpoem,lyric poetry), lines16–18:
      […] E io, che del color mi fui accorto, / dissi: “Come verrò, se tu paventi / che suoli al mio dubbiareesserconforto?”. […]
      […] And I, who has noticed the colo(u)r / I said: “How will I come, if you fear / that I have the habit to doubtbe (of)comfort?”. […]
      (literally, “[…] And I, who myself has noticed of the colo(u)r / I said: “How will I come, if you fear / that I have the habit to doubtbecomfort?”. […]”)
  21. (intransitive,usually followed by the prepositionda+verb)tobe(to do something)
    c’è daspedire subito questo telegrammaThis telegram must be sent immediately(literally, “Thereisthis telegramtobe send immediately”)
    C’è daattendere molto?Isthere muchtowait for?
    (Queste) nonsonocosedadirsi.Thesearenot thingstobe said.
    Nonè dacredere.Itisnottobe believed.
    È daancora (tutto) vedere.Itisstill (everything)tobe seen.
    C’è daimpazzire.Thereis tobecome crazy.
    C’è damettersi le mani nei capelli.(please add an English translation of this usage example)(literally, “Thereis toput one’s hands in oneself/oneselves hair.”)
    Cisarebbe daguadagnare parecchio.Therewould bea lottogain.
  22. (intransitive,usually followed by the prepositionda)tobe(from)
    nonè datanto (tempo)itisnotfromso long (time)
    Nonè dagalantuomo/gentiluomo comportarsi così.Itisnot a gentlemen’sbehavio(u)r to do so.
    • 1321 (volume and full book),Dante Alighieri,“XXXIII”,inDivina Commedia[Divine Commedy], volumeParadiso[Paradise] (allegorical-didacticpoem,epic poetry), line139:
      […] Ma noneran daciò le proprie penne: […]
      […] But their own penswerenotfromthese […]
      (literally, “[…] But their own featherswerenotfromthese […]”)
  23. (intransitive,followed by the prepositionin,by extension of the figurative use of the meaning 16,alsofigurative)tobe(in)
    essere inbuon(o)/cattivo statoto be in(a) good/bad condition(s)/state
    esseremaleinarneseto bebadintools
    essere incastigo/punizioneto be inpunishment
    essere inerroreto be inerror
    essere investagliato be ina robe
    essere inpantofoleto be inslippers
    essere inmaniche di camiciato be inshirt sleeves
    essere inmaniche corte/lungheto be inshort/long sleeves
    essere nei panni di qualcunoto be insomeone’s shoes
    essere inqualcunoto be insomeone
    Se iofossi nei tuoi panni.If Iwere inyour shoes, I would act differently.
    Se iofossi inte.If Iwere (in)you, I would act differently.
    (non)essere insé (stessi)tobe(not)inoneself/oneselves
  24. (intransitive,followed by the prepositionin,alsofigurative)tobe(in)
    (Io) farò tutto quantoè/sia inme.I will do everything(is/be) inme.
    (Io) farò tutto quantoè/sia nei miei doveri.I will do everything(is/be) inmy duties.
    (Noi) faremo tutto, per quant’è/quantosia innoi.We will do everything, as it(is/be) inus.
    (Noi) faremo tutto, per quant’è/quantosia nelle nostre capacità.We will do everything, as much as it(is/be) inour abilities.
  25. (intransitive,followed byingradodi+verb,alsofigurative)tobe able to(do something)
    Io nonsono in grado dirisponderti.Iamnotable toanswer (to) you.
    Loro nonsono in grado dirisponderti.Theyarenotable toanswer (to) you.
    Il ferito nonera in grado dicamminare.The injured (man)wasunable towalk.
    L’uomo ferito nonera in grado dicamminare.The injured manwasunable towalk.
    La (donna) ferita nonera in grado dicamminare.The injured (woman)wasunable towalk.
  26. (intransitive,followed bya,alsofigurative)tobe(at)
    essere atavolato be atthe table(literally, “to be attable”)
    essere acavalloto be onthe horseback(literally, “to be athorse”)
    essere acavalloto feel good(literally, “to be athorse”)
    essere aspasso/passeggioto be(out)fora walk
    essere alla disperazioneto be indespair
    essere alla fameto behungry
    essere al verdeto bewithout money(literally, “to be atgreen”)
  27. (intransitive,preceded by a dative pronoun or pronominal phrase)tohave
    • 1350–1353,Giovanni Boccaccio,“Giornata prima[First day]”, inDecameronorDecamerone[The Decameron] (collection ofNovellas),Introduzione[Introduction], page20:
      […] E per ciò, acciò che noi per ischifiltá o per trascutaggine non cadessimo in quello di che noi per avventura per alcuna maniera volendo potremmo scampare, non so se a voi quello se ne parrá che a me ne parrebbe: io giudicherei ottimamente fatto che noi, sì come noi siamo, sì come molti innanzi a noi hanno fatto e fanno, di questa terra uscissimo, e fuggendo come la morte i disonesti esempli degli altri, onestamente a’ nostri luoghi in contado, de’ quali a ciascunadi noi ègran copia, ce n’andassimo a stare, e quivi quella festa, quell’allegrezza, quello piacere che noi potessimo, senza trapassare in alcuno atto il segno della ragione, prendessimo. […]
      […] And for these reason, to what we in disgust or neglect did not fall into what we as an adventure in some way wanting could escape, I do not know if for you it thinks that I think about it: I would judge excellently the fact that we, as we are, as many before us have made and currently do, we go out from this land, and escaping as the die from the dishonest examples, honestly to our places in the countryside, from which eachof us(it)isa great copy, we went from there to stay, and there that feast, the joy, that pleasure that we could, without going beyond in any act the limit of reason, we took. […]
      (literally, “[…] And for these reason, to what we, in disgust or neglect, did not fall into what we, as an adventure, for some way, wanting, could escape, I do not know if for you itself thinks about that I think about it: I would judge excellently fact that we, as we are, as many ahead to us have made and do, of this land we exit, and escaping as the die the dishonest examples of other, honestly to our places in the countryside, of which eachof usitisa great copy, we went from there to stay, and there that feast, the joy, that pleasure that we could, without going beyond in any act the sign of reason, we took. […]”)
  28. (intransitive,followed by the prepositiona,calque of the French use)tobe(given) to
    La parolaè(data)al ministro.The wordis(given)tothe minister.
  29. (intransitive,followed by the prepositionper,alsofigurative)tobefor
    questo (pacco)è pertethis packageis foryou
    questa nonèrobapertethisisnot (stuff)foryou
    essere perqualcunoto be forsomeone
    Iosono perchi supporta la mia causa.Iam forthose who support the just cause.
  30. (intransitive,followed by the prepositionper+ infinitive,used to express a continous event which is near in the future,alsofigurative)tobe(almost)(+gerund);tobegoingto(+ infinitive)
    Synonyms:(more common)starequasi+ gerund,(more common)stareper+ infinitive
    (Io)ero/stavo giàperpartire (per andare da qualche parte).Iwas (almost)already leaving/starting (to go somewhere).
    • 1835,Giacomo Leopardi,“XV. Il sogno[XV. The dream]”, inCanti[Songs] (poetrycollection), page53:
      […] Maseituperlasciarmi un’altra volta? […]
      […]Areyou goingtoleave me another time? […]
      (literally, “[…] Butareyoutoleave me another time? […]”)
  31. (followed by the prepositionscon,suortra/fra,or the prepositional use of the adverbcontro,or of the adverbial phraseafavoredi)tobewith/against; tobeon/over; tobebetween/among
    Iosono convoi.Iam withyou
    essere controla/a favore della guerrato be against/in favor ofthe war
    essere sulla bocca di tuttito be onthe everyone’s lips
    essere sulle brecciato be inthe breach
    essere tra/fratantito be among/betweenothers
    essere(uno)tra/fratantito be(one)amongothers
  32. (used to form prepositional phrases)tobe;tohave
    Quant’è(che costa) quest’orologio?How muchis/costs this watch?
    Quant’è(che pesa/costa) questo cocomero/quest’anguria?How muchisheavy/costs this watermelon?
    Quant’è(che pesa/costa) questo melone?How muchisheavy/costs this melon?
    Cosasarebbea dire?Whatwould (be)that mean?
    Vuol’essere un affare serio.It wantsto bea serious business.
    Così sia.So be it.
    Allora che sia così.So thatbeit.
    Come se nullafosse(accaduto).As if nothinghadhappened.
    Siacosìsia/checosà.Bothin that wayandin that other way.
    Sia cheaccada questo(sia) cheaccada quest’altro.Either/Whatever ifhappen thisand ifhappen that.
    (Che)siachi (si)/chiunquesia.Bewhoever itbe.
  33. (intransitive,copula,used to put a subject in relation with a predicate (an adjective, a noun, a pronoun, the infinitive form of a verb, an adverb,...))tobe
    La neveèbianca.The snowiswhite.
    La neve biancaèqui/lì.The white snowishere/there.
    La neve biancaera stataqui/lì.The white snowused to behere/there.
    Carloèun amico.Charlesisa friend.
    Non so chi lui/egli/essosia./Non so chisialui/egli/esso.I don’t know whobehe.
    Questo nonèvivere (bene).Thisisnot living (well).
    Questo problemaèdifficile.This problemisdifficult.
    Voglio fargli vedere chisono(io/loro).I want to show him/them who Iam/theyare.
    Voglio mostrargli comesono/sonfatto.I want to show him/them how Iamdone.
    Cheè/Cos’èquesto liquido?Whatisthat liquid?
    Essente partito e non essendosi ancora fermato, luiètutt’ora/ancora in movimento.Being started and not having stopped yet, heisstill moving.(literally, “Being started and not having stopped yet, heisall now/isstill in movement.”)
    essereseduto/seduta/seduti/sedute/a sedereto besitting
    esseredisteso/distesa/distesi/distese/sdraiato/sdraiata/sdraiati/sdraiateto belying (down)
    esserein piedi/in posizione erettato bestanding
    esserein ginocchioto beon one's knees
    esseregenuflessoto begenuflected
    esserela metà/il doppio di...to behalf/double of
    essereprimoto be(the) first
    essereil diciottesimo classificatoto beeighteenth ranked
    essere(il) diciottesimo in classificato beeighteenth in the placings
    Quantisiete(voi)?How manyareyou?
    Suo fratelloèun professionista.His brotherisa professional.
    Le tigrisono(dei) felini.Tigersarefelines.
    «sedia»èun nome/sostantivo.«chair»isa noun/substantive.
    èbene tacereitisgood to be silent
    èmeglio non parlarneitisbetter to not speak about it/them
    essereda piùto befor more
    nonessereda menotonotbeoutdone
    esseretutt’uno con qualcunoto be(all in) one with someone(literally, “to beall one with someone”)
    Quel bambinoètutto suo padre/papà/babbo.That childisall his father/dad.
    esseretutt'orecchi/in ascoltoto beall ears/listening
    Lo spettacolosaràdi grand’effettoThe showwill beof great effect/impressive.
    èfama discussa/indiscussa/èdi discussa/indiscussa famaitis(of) disputed/undisputed fame
    è(una) voce comune che [...]itisa common voice that [...]
    èd’uso comune/non comuneitisof common/uncommon use
    èdi tradizione (diffusa)/èdi (diffusa) tradizioneitisof (widespread) tradition
  34. (intransitive,copula,used to put a subject in relation with a predicate (an adjective, a noun, a pronoun, the infinitive form of a verb, an adverb,...))tobe
    Èun piacere vederti.Itisa pleasure to see you again.
    Per meègià molto.For me itisalready a lot.
    L’impresaera stata/fuun disastro.The activitywasa disaster(literally, “The companywasa disaster.”)
    L’attivitàera stata/fuun disastro.The activitywasa disaster


Usage notes

  • The present participleessenteis very rare, and is usually replaced withstante,the present participle ofstare,or with the present participles of its synonyms. Similarly the past participleessutohas disappeared, withstato,the past participle ofstare,being used instead.[2]
  • The verbessere(including all its forms) is the word that occurs most frequently in speech and the most necessary for the expression of thought. It differs from all other verbs because, in its absolute use, it does notdeterminethesubject,but onlysetsit as existing; used as acopulaor as anauxiliary,it only performs the function of introducing thenominalorverbalpredicate;it is therefore never, strictly speaking, a truepredicate.[1]
  • When stating an amount, for example amount of money to pay for a service, Italian, unlike English, uses the third pluralsono,not third singularè.An example would be: "It will be €200”, which in Italian would read "Sono 200 €".



Including lesser-used forms:

  • Truncated apocopic forms exist of many of the above forms:
Form Inflection Apocopic equivalent
èssere infinitive èsser
sóno 1st singular present indicative; 3rd plural present indicative són
siàmo 1st plural present indicative/subjunctive/imperative siàm
sémo archaic or regional 1st plural present indicative sém
ènno archaic or regional 3rd plural present indicative èn
eravàmo 1st plural imperfect indicative eravàm
eràmo 1st plural imperfect indicative eràm[3]
èrano 3rd plural imperfect indicative èran
fùmmo 1st plural past historic fùm
fùrono 3rd plural past historic fùron
fùro archaic 3rd plural past historic fùr
fòro archaic 3rd plural past historic fòr
fuòro archaic 3rd plural past historic fuòr
sarémo 1st plural future sarém
sarànno 3rd plural future saràn
fìano archaic 3rd plural future fìan
fìeno archaic 3rd plural future fìen
sìano 3rd plural present subjunctive/imperative sìan
sìeno literary 3rd plural present subjunctive/imperative sìen
fóssimo 1st plural imperfect subjunctive fóssim

Derived terms

  • riessere(to be again)
  • essermi/essermelo(first-person singular reflexive/dative/accusative form)
  • esserci(first-person plural reflexive/dative/accusative form, third-person/impersonal strumental/locative/lative form)/essercelo(first-person plural reflexive/dative/accusative form)
  • esserti/essertelo(second-person singular reflexive/dative/accusative form)
  • esservi(second-person plural reflexive/dative/accusative form, third-person/impersonal lative form)/esservelo(second-person plural reflexive/accusative/dative form)
  • essersi/esserselo(impersonal/third-person reflexive form)
  • essergli(third-person masculine singular dative form, third-person plural dative form)/esserglielo(third-person masculine singular accusative form, third-person plural dative form)
  • esserla(third-person feminine singular dative form)/esserle(third-person plural feminine dative form, third-person singular feminine accusative form)
  • esserli(third-person plural masculine accusative form)/esserlo(third-person masculine singular accusative form)
  • esserne(third-person/impersonal relative form)




  1. (uncountable,substantival use of the verbal voice,the condition of have life, reality, existence,the act of be living)being,living
    l’essereed il nullabeingand nothingness
  2. (countable,substantival use of the verbal voice,the condition of have life, reality, existence,the act of be living)being,living
    Synonym:(more common)vivere
    passare dall’essereal nonessereto pass from thelivingto the non-living
    scienza/problema dell’esserescience/problem ofbeing
    L’esseresemplicissimo/Il semplicissimoessereThe very simplebeing
    L’esserestesso/Il semplicissimoessereThebeingitself
    la totalità dell’esserethe totality ofbeing
  3. (uncountable,substantival use of the verbal voice,the act/fact of exist,existence,life)being
    • 14–19 May 1835,Giacomo Leopardi,“Dialogo di un fisicoe di un metafisico[Dialogue of a physicist and a metaphysician]”, inOperette morali[Moral operettas] (collection ofphylosophicalnovellasanddialogues), page66:
      […] Nel qual modo, accrescerai propriamente la vita umana, ed empiendo quegli smisurati intervalli di tempo nei quali il nostroessereè piuttosto durare che vivere, ti potrai dar vanto di prolungarla. […]
      […] In this way, you will properly increase human life, and by filling up those immense intervals of time in which ourbeingis rather lasting than living, you can boast of prolonging it. […]
  4. (uncountable,way of being, condition, state, in relation to intrinsic qualities and properties,usually accompanied by a determination)being
    conoscere una persona/una cosa/un fatto nel suo veroessereto know a person/a thing/a fact in its truebeing
    (lui/lei/egli/ella/esso/essa/uno/una) gli domandò/chiese dell’essersuohe/she/it/one asked him about his being.
    • 1802–1874,Niccolò Tommaseo,(Please provide the book title or journal name):
      […] l’esseredell’uomo dista grandemente da quel delle bestie […]
      […] thebeingof the man is very far from that of the beasts […]
  5. (uncountable,in ancient phrases)being;living;existence;condition
    trovarsi inessereto be inbeing/to beliving(literally, “to found oneself/oneselves inbeing”)
    • 1626–1697,Francesco Redi,(Please provide the book title or journal name):
      […] le sue lettere son tutte inessere[…]
      […] his letters are all inexistence[…]
  6. (uncountable,in ancient phrases)being,condition
    in buon/cattivoesserein good/badbeing/conditions
    mobili/casa in cattivoesserefurniture/house/home in badconditions
  7. (uncountable,in ancient phrases)being,ingoodconditions
    mio nonno è sempre inesseremy grandad/grandfather is always ingood conditions/healty/inprosperity
  8. (uncountable,in ancient phrases)ready
    averein essereto haveready
    • 1507–1566,Annibale Caro,(Please provide the book title or journal name):
      […] fate che al mio ritorno la scena sia inessere[…]
      […] let the scene bereadyat my return […]
  9. (uncountable,in ancient phrases)place,operation
    porre inessereto put inplace/intooperation
  10. (uncountable,concrete)being
    • 1321 (volume and full book),Dante Alighieri,“I”,inDivina Commedia[Divine Commedy], volumeParadiso[Paradise] (allegorical-didacticpoem,epic poetry), lines110, 112–113:
      […] Tutte nature […] si muovono a diversi porti / per lo gran mar de l’essere[…]
      […] All natures […] move to different ports / via the great sea ofbeing/god[…]
      (literally, “[…] All natures […] move themselves to different ports / via the great sea ofbeing[…]”)
  11. (countable,concrete)being,creature
    È unesserespregevole.it is a despicablebeing/creature.
  12. (countable,concrete,by extension)living being,creature
    Synonyms:essere vivente,creatura
    Lo stessoessere (vivente)The same(living) being/creature
  13. (uncountable,philosophy,followed byci)existence

Derived terms



  1. 1.01.1essere1in Treccani.it –Vocabolario Treccani on line,Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
  2. ^[1]
  3. ^[2]
  4. ^essere2in Treccani.it –Vocabolario Treccani on line,Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana







essere(EarlyMedieval Latin)

  1. Alternative form ofesse,presentactiveinfinitiveofsum(to be)
    • Roman epitaph (uncertain date but after the 4th–5th c. AD)[1]
      omns·qvị[- - -]inhancavlamọ[- - -]/rationem·orateprmẹ/peccatoresid͞mabeatis/protectoremqviacod/estisfvi·etqvodsvm/essereabetisetsiqvis/sepresv̄seritcontra/hoctvmvlv̄mev̄biola/[- - -]ạbeāindeinqvisitio/[- - -]ṭetribvnald͞nin͞r͞i/[- - -]bivcatv̄cv̄/[- - -]irase
      omn[e]s quị... in hanc aulam... [o?]rationem orate pr[o] mẹ peccatore si d(eu)m [h]abeatis protectorem quia [qu]od estis fui et quod sumessere[h]abetis et si quis se pr[a]esu(m)[p]serit contra hoc tumulu(m) meu(m) [v]iola⟨re h⟩ạbea[t] inde inquisitio⟨nem an⟩ṭe tribunal d(omi)ni n(ost)ri... ⟨sub?⟩iu[g?]atu(m) cu(m)...
      All who... in this court... Pray for me, the sinner that I was, if you have God as your protector. For I once was what you are, and you will one daybewhat I am [sc.a corpse]. Should anyone dare desecrate this grave of mine, may he be judged for it before the tribunal of our Lord...
    • Lex Curiensis(8th c.)[2]
      ...tam de facultatem quam et de colonaria familia qui exinde causam cum altero habuerit infra annum prosequat cuiusesseredebeat...
      ...whose it oughtto be...
    • Alvarus'Confessio(mid-9th c. AD)[3]
      Hic enim seritur quod illic metitur nec fas est credi illum lucifluum seculum peccantes recipere in quo tu eum sustinendo dignatus est abitare quem locum retributjonis iustitjeessereuoluisti.
      For here is sown what there is reaped, and it is impossible to believe that the brilliant world you have deigned to live in, and sustain, which you intendedto bea place for the dispensing of justice, accepts sinners.
    • Cartulário de San Vicente de Oviedon.ᵒ6 (AD 905)[4]
      Gundesalvus Nepotiani dumesserepausati in domo istius Gundefredi presentes fuimus.
      I, Gundesalvus Nepotani, was present (as witness for the signing of this document) whilstbeinglodged at the home of this very same Gundefredus.




  1. ^https://catalogo.beniculturali.it/detail/HistoricOrArtisticProperty/1201030367B
  2. ^Meyer-Marthaler, Elisabeth. 1968.Römisches Recht in Rätien im frühen und hohen Mittelalter.Zurich: Leemann. Page 114.
  3. ^Gil, Juan. 1973.Corpus scriptorum muzarabicorum.Vol. I. Madrid: CSIC. Page 328.
  4. ^Cruz, Guilherme Braga da. 1979.Obras Esparsas.Vol. 1. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora. Page 72.





InheritedfromEarly Medieval Latinessere,fromLatinesse.


  • (Naples)IPA(key):[ˈɛssərə]
  • (numerous dialects)IPA(key):[ˈɛssə]




  1. tobe

See also








InheritedfromEarly Medieval Latinessere,fromLatinesse.


  • IPA(key):/ˈessere/,[ˈɛs.sɛ.ɾɛ̆]




  1. (intransitive)tobe(to exist)
    Eososu chisoIamwho Iam(literally, “I am that which I am”)
  2. (intransitive)tobe(to occupy a place)
    Estin Tatari[He] is in Sassari




  1. being
    sosesseresumanos[the] humanbeings





FromEarly Medieval Latinessere,fromLatinesse.




  1. (intransitive)tobe

Usage notes

  • Not used as an auxiliary verb.

