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See also:Glory


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Glory (5).



FromMiddle Englishglory,glorie,fromOld Frenchglorie(glory),fromLatinglōria(glory, fame, renown, praise, ambition, boasting).Doubletofgloria.Displaced nativeOld Englishwuldor.






  1. Greatbeautyandsplendor.
    • 1918,W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell,chapter V, inThe Mirror and the Lamp,Indianapolis, Ind.:The Bobbs-Merrill Company,→OCLC:
      He was thinking; but thegloryof the song, the swell from the great organ, the clustered lights,[],the height and vastness of this noble fane, its antiquity and its strength—all these things seemed to have their part as causes of the thrilling emotion that accompanied his thoughts.
    • 2014June 14, “It's a gas”,inThe Economist,volume411,number8891:
      One of the hiddengloriesof Victorian engineering is proper drains. Isolating a city’s effluent and shipping it away in underground sewers has probably saved more lives than any medical procedure except vaccination.
  2. Honour, admiration, or distinction, accorded by common consent to a person or thing; high reputation; renown.
  3. That quality in a person or thing which secures generalpraiseorhonour.
  4. Worshiporpraise.
  5. (meteorology,optics)Anopticalphenomenon,consisting ofconcentricringsand somewhat similar to arainbow,caused bysunlightormoonlightinteracting with thewaterdropletsthat composemistorclouds,centered on theantisolarorantilunarpoint.
  6. Victory;success.
    • 2012May 13, Alistair Magowan, “Sunderland 0-1 Man Utd”, inBBC Sport[1]:
      But, with United fans in celebratory mood as it appeared their team might snatchglory,they faced an anxious wait as City equalised in stoppage time.
  7. Anemanationof light supposed to shine from beings that are speciallyholy.It is represented in art by rays of gold, or the like, proceeding from the head or body, or by a disk, or a mere line.
  8. (theology)Themanifestationof the presence ofGodas perceived byhumansin Abrahamic religions.
  9. (obsolete)Pride; boastfulness; arrogance.
    • c.1624,“A Hymne to Venus”, inGeorge Chapman,transl.,The Crowne of allHomersWorkesBatrachomyomachiaor the Battaile of Frogs and Mise, His Hymn’s and Epigrams[2],London: John Bill, page106:
      []But if thou declare
      The Secrets, truth; and art so mad to dare
      (Ingloryof thy fortunes) to approue,
      That rich-crownd Venus, mixt with thee in loue;
      Ioue (fir’d with my aspersion, so dispred)
      Will, with a wreakefull lightning, dart thee dead.
  10. Something glorious.
    • 1897,Richard Marsh,The Beetle:
      It was a woman’s clothing, beyond a doubt,[]The two men gazed at the heap of feminineglories,— it might have been the most wonderful sight they ever had seen.



Derived terms



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glory(third-person singular simple presentglories,present participleglorying,simple past and past participlegloried)

  1. Toexultwithjoy;torejoice.
    • 1753,James Hervey,A Visitation Sermon: Preached at Northampton, May 10, 1753:
      In what the Apostledidglory?—Hegloriedin a Cross.... [T]o the Ear of aGalatian,it conveyed much the same Meaning, as if the Apostle hadgloriedin a Halter;gloriedin the Gallows;gloriedin a Gibbet.
    • 1891,Thomas Hardy,Tess of the d'Urbervilles:
      He says hegloriesin what happened, and that good may be done indirectly; but I wish he would not so wear himself out now he is getting old, and would leave such pigs to their wallowing.
    • 1902,William James, “Lectures 4 & 5”, inThe Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature[],New York, N.Y.; London:Longmans, Green, and Co.[],→OCLC:
      When the passion is extreme, suffering may actually begloriedin, provided it be for the ideal cause, death may lose its sting, the grave its victory.
  2. Toboast;to beproud.
    • 1881,Revised Version,2 Corinthians 7:14:
      For if in anything I havegloriedto him on your behalf, I was not put to shame; but as we spake all things to you in truth, so ourgloryingalso, which I made before Titus, was found to be truth.
  3. (archaic,poetic)To shine radiantly.
    • 1859–85,Alfred Tennyson,Idylls of the King,"The Last Tournament":
      Down in a casement sat,
      A low sea-sunsetgloryinground her hair
      And glossy-throated grace, Isolt the Queen.



Middle English





  1. Alternative form ofglorie