See also:hypéron
- (physics)Anybaryon(a three-quark particle) with a non-zerostrangeness(i.e., whose composition includes one or morestrangeoranti-strange quarks).
- 1965,Richard Henry Dalitz,Nuclear Interactions of theHyperons,page 1:
- The knownhyperonsand their properties are listed in Table I of the companion lectures on Strange Particles. Most of thesehyperonshave lifetimes of the order of 10-10sec, with the exception of the Σ0-hyperonwhose electromagnetic decay has an exceedingly short lifetime.
- 2000,Norman K. Glendenning,Compact Stars: Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics, and General Relativity[1],page264:
- What is particularly noticeable is the steep rise inhyperonpopulations as the limiting mass is approached.
- 2001,M.K. Sundaresan,Handbook of Particle Physics[2],page21:
- The properties of the Λ0hyperonand of theΚ0were more precisely determined. The charged counterparts of the neutralΚparticle were also found as well as the charged Σhyperonsand their neutral counterpart.