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Riparian zoneon Wikipedia



Borrowed fromLatinrīpārius(relating to a riverbank)+‎-an.


  • (UK)IPA(key):/ɹʌɪˈpɛːɹɪən/,/ɹɪˈpɛːɹɪən/
  • Audio(General Australian):(file)
Ariparianstripon a tributary to Lake Erie




  1. Of or relating to the bank of ariverorstream.
    • 1966March,Thomas Pynchon,chapter 5, inThe Crying of Lot 49,Philadelphia, Pa.; New York, N.Y.:J[oshua] B[allinger] Lippincott Company,→OCLC,page112:
      By the time she'd pulled into Bortz's subdivision, aripariansettlement in the style of Fangoso Lagoons, she was only shaking and a little nauseous in the stomach.
    • 2011May 28, Jim Perrin,The Guardian:
      A kingfisher, an airborne jewel, whirrs past, stickleback in its beak, and disappears into a thicket ofriparianwillow.
    • 2013January, Nancy Langston, “The Fraught History of a Watery World”, inAmerican Scientist[1],volume101,number 1, archived fromthe originalon22 January 2013,page59:
      European adventurers found themselves within a watery world, a tapestry of streams, channels, wetlands, lakes and lushriparianmeadows enriched by floodwaters from the Mississippi River.
    • 2021April 1, Lara Fowler, “No April Fool’s joke for Florida: Water rights case is dismissed”,inSCOTUSblog:
      Relying on the fact that both states areriparianstates, the court noted that both have “an equal right to make a reasonable use” of the water in the shared basin and that Florida bore the “heavy burden” of proving its case by clear and convincing evidence.

Derived terms




See also





  1. (chieflylaw)A person or other entity that lives or owns property along the shore of ariver.