[edit]FromProto-Baltic*smag-,fromProto-Indo-European*smog-(“such that it presses heavily; to work hard, to carry a heavy load”).The much broader range of meanings in theLithuaniancognate was apparently also once present in itsLatviancounterpart: remnants are still found in uses likesmagsgaiss“heavy air” = “stifling,” and, dialectally, also “fast, quick” or “intensely, a lot.” It would seem that the meaning of this word first broadened ( “heavy, hard(working)” > “(to hit) heavily, hard” > “strong” > “capable, competent” > “good, nice” ) and then was restricted again to “heavy.” (Alternatively, the other uses might result fromLithuanianinfluence.) Cognates includeLithuaniansmagùs(“good, nice, pleasant; joyful, cheerful; fast, quick; strong, agile, skillful; big, intensive; sonorous; rich, well-off; severe, angry, harsh; useful, handy; heavy; stifling”),smōgti(“to hit heavily, strongly; to throw”),Ancient Greekμογέω(mogéō,“I try, strive”),σμογερόν(smogerón,“difficult, painful”).[1]
- heavy(such that it hasgreatweight,alargemass)
- smagsakmens―heavystone
- smagsspainis―heavybucket
- smagakrava―heavyload
- smagaviela―heavysubstance
- smagaaugsne―heavy(= thick, muddy) soil
- paceltsmagunastu―to lift aheavyburden
- lielais āmurs bija tiksmags,ka Juris to tikko ar vienu roku cēla―the big hammer was soheavythat Juris could barely lift it with one hand
- (withnumericmeasurementin theaccusative)heavy
- vienu kilogramusmagsatsvars―a one-kilo (heavy) weight
- divas tonnassmagakrava―a two-ton (heavy) load
- heavy(larger,moreimportant,morepowerfulthanothersof itskind)
- smagietanki―heavytanks
- smagieieroči―heavyweapons
- smagāartilērija―heavyartillery
- smagārūpniecība―heavyindustry
- smagieķīmiskie elementi―heavychemical elements
- smagiemetāli―heavymetals
- smagi,smagiejoni―heavyions
- smagaisūdens―heavywater (with deuterium instead of common hydrogen)
- (of thesky,clouds)heavy(givingtheappearanceofgreaterweight,largermass)
- debesis sedzasmagimākoņi―heavyclouds covered the sky
- debesis bija zemas, pelēkas unsmagaska piens ar svinu―the sky was low, gray andheavylike milk with lead
- (ofgases,fog,smoke,smells)heavy(concentrated,thick,dense,strong)
- migla bijasmagaun bieza un apēda daudz gaismas―the fog washeavyand thick and ate (= absorbed) a lot of light
- gaiss kļuvasmagsun spiedīgs, un drīz vien pārņēm nogurums―the air becameheavyand muggy, and soon the fatigue took over
- skurbinājasmagāsveķu smarža―theheavyresinous odor was intoxicating
- (ofdarkness,night)heavy,dark
- smagatumsa―heavydarkness
- tumši,smagitoņi―dark,heavyhues, shades (of color)
- violetā irsmaga,nomācoša krāsa―violet is aheavy,depressing color
- (offood)heavy(difficulttodigest)
- paēdissmagasvakariņas, Vītols atstāja ēdienu izgarojumiem, piesātinātās viesnīcas koptelpas―having eaten aheavydinner, Vītols left the hotel commons saturated (with) meal fumes
- heavy,hard,tough,difficult(such that itneedsgreatphysicaleffortto becarried out)
- smagsdarbs―heavy,hard,difficultwork
- smagsnobrauciens no kalna―adifficultdescent from the mountain
- smagacīņa―hard,difficultstruggle
- dežūra bija pagadījusies smaga, pa visu nakti viņa netika aizvērusi ne acu―her shift had beenhard,she didn't close her eyes even once during the whole night
- ceļš būs smags; jātiek pāri kalnu pārejai―the road will beheavy(= difficult); (we) will have to go over the mountain pass
- heavy,hard,tough,difficult(such that itneedsgreatmentaloremotionaleffortfor itsrealization,understanding)
- smagamācību viela―hard,difficultlearning material
- smagaizvēle―hard,difficultchoice
- smagsjautājums―hard,difficultquestion
- smagaizskaidrošanās―difficultexplanation
- māte ir atnākusi atrunāt dēlu no brīvdomības: tas patiesībā irvissmagākaispārbaudījums―the mother came to dissuade her son from free thinking: this really is thehardest,toughestchallenge
- smagoklusumu primais pārtrauca mehāniķis Glūda; viņš ierunājās savā vecīgi mierīgajā balsī―the mechanic Glūas was the first to break theheavysilence; he began to speak in (his) old, calm voice
- heavy,tough,hard,severe(relatingtodifficulty,hardships,misery,orembarrassment,concernwith somesituationorevent)
- smagidzīves apstākļi―difficult,toughliving conditions
- smaganelaime―severeunhappiness, misery
- smagajaunība―difficultyouth
- sevišķismagsbija pilsētnieku saimnieciskais stāvoklis... produktus nebija iespējams nopirkt―the economic situation of the townspeople was particularlydifficult:(they) could not (even) buy groceries
- šajāsmagajābrīdī viņam šķita, ka vienīgais dzīves atrisinājums ir pašnāvība―in thisdifficultmoment it seemed to him that the only solution to life was suicide
- (offeelings,mentalstates)heavy,difficult,severe,gloomy(veryunpleasant;implying,expressingsuffering)
- smagasbēdas―severegrief, sadness
- smagsnoskaņojums―heavy,gloomymood
- smaganopūta―heavysigh
- smagasatmiņas―heavymemories
- cilvēki var pēkšņi nosirmotsmagupārdzīvojumu ietekmē―people can suddenly become gray(-haired) under the inluence of (= because of)heavy,difficultexperiences
- Līzbete atvēra durvis plaši vaļa un teicasmagāčukstā: “noliec to glāzi vienu brītiņu nost un iznāc laukā... tēvs ir nomiris”―Līzbete opened the door wide and said in aheavywhipster: “leave this glass for a moment and come outside... father is dead”
- Vērdiņš iet un domāsmagudomu... jau otro reizi savā mužā viņš nes mīļu biedru, kas kritis no vācieša lodes―Vērdiņš walks and thinksheavythoughts... for the second time in his life he is carrying a dear comrade who fell to the German bullets
- heavy,serious,severe,dangerous(especiallydangerousorharmfulto others)
- smagslikuma pārkāpējs―adangerouscriminal (lit.heavylaw breaker)
- tīša slepkavība ir viens nosmagākajiemnoziegumiem―deliberate homicide is one of themost seriouscrimes
- (ofjudgments,penalties)heavy,serious,strict,severe,merciless
- smagstiesas spriedums―severe,strictjudgment
- smagsnosodījums―heavypunishment, penalty
- smagipārmetumi―seriousaccusations
- vaigos sadzina asinis rupji,smagivārdi―the harsh,severewords made blood come to (his) cheeks
- sods nebijasmags,bet pietiekams, lai atskurbtu Kristaps―the punishment was notsevere,(it was) enough to sober up Kristaps
- (ofpeople)difficult(with whom it isdifficulttocommunicatesuccessfully;quarrelsome)
- biedri to uzskatīja parsmaguun nebiedrisku cilvēku, jo viņš bija skarbs un mazrunīgs―his colleagues considered him adifficult,non-social person, because he was gruff and uncommunicative
- Viktorijas raksturā ir kaut kas neizprotams unsmags;Centim šķiet, ka viņai nevar uzticēties―in Viktorija's character there is something incomprehensible andhard(= difficult to get by); it seemed to Centis that she couldn't be trusted
- heavy,serious(implyingstrongphysical,mentaloremotionalpain,suffering;life-threatening)
- smagsievainojums―heavy,seriousinjury
- smagaslimība―seriousillness, disease
- smagasaindēšanas―heavypoisoning
- smagaoperācija―heavy,painfuloperation
- smagadepresija―heavy,seriousdepression
- smagsslimnieks―severlysick person (lit.heavypatient)
- pirmdienas vakarā mūsu slimnīcāsmagāsdzemdībās kādai jaunai sievietei piedzima bērns―on Monday evening in our hospital some woman gave birth to a child in aheavy,difficultdelivery
- (ofbreath)heavy,difficult
- Ziemelis pēkšņi pieceļas, elpa viņam, nule pamanu, kļuvusi satraukta,smaga―Ziemelis suddenly stood up, (and) his breath, I notice, has become troubled,heavy
- (ofsleep)heavy,difficult
- kad uzlēca saule, viņš gāja uz mājām un, nokritis dažas stundassmagā,murgu pilnā miegā, devās atkal uz skolu―when the sun rose, he went home and, after falling intoheavy,nightmare-filled sleep for a few hours, went back to school
- (ofbodies,theirparts)heavy,tired,weak
- smagiplakstiņi―heavyeyelids
- ak, ciksmagas,nogurušas kājas! vai gan brīnums? ir jau tālu iets―oh, whatheavy,tired legs! is that a wonder? it has been, after all, a long way
- (ofmotion,actions)heavy(characterizedbylackofagilityorgrace;slow,difficult)
- māte turpināja iet vienmuļā,smagāgaitā―mother continued to walk in a monotonous,heavygait
- Gundega dzirdēja, cik žēli čīkstēja kāpnes zem Ilmassmagajiemsoļiem; parasti Ilma skrēja lejup pa trepēm viegli un ātri―Gundega heard how sadly the stars crackd under Ilma'sheavysteps; usually Ilma ran upstairs easily and quickly
- (oftexts,words,style)heavy(difficulttofolloworunderstand)
- smagsstils―heavy,difficultstyle
- smagateikuma konstrukcija―heavy,complexsentence construction
- viņa valoda ritējasmagaun gausa―his language flowedheavyand sluggish
- (ofsounds)low,low-pitched,hollow
- smagspērkoa dārdiens―lowthunder rumblings
- smagasegļu šalkas―low,hollowrustling of spruce trees
- iedunējās baznīcas zvans; dobjas,smagasskaņas aizplūda pāri kalnam―the church bell began tolling; the hollow,heavysounds flowed over the hills
- (ofweather)heavy(veryunpleasant;unpleasantlystrong)
- smagsnegaiss―heavystorm
- smags,mitrs vējš skrien pār sniega laukiem―aheavy,humid wind ran over the snowy countryside
- klimats Melvilas salāsmags:musoni, vasaras lietus gāzes un karstums―the climate on Melville island (is)heavy:monsoons, summer rainstorms and heat
[edit]masculine(vīriešudzimte) | feminine(sieviešudzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) | ||||||
nominative(nominatīvs) | smags | smagi | smaga | smagas | |||||
accusative(akuzatīvs) | smagu | smagus | smagu | smagas | |||||
genitive(ģenitīvs) | smaga | smagu | smagas | smagu | |||||
dative(datīvs) | smagam | smagiem | smagai | smagām | |||||
instrumental(instrumentālis) | smagu | smagiem | smagu | smagām | |||||
locative(lokatīvs) | smagā | smagos | smagā | smagās | |||||
vocative(vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
[edit]- (of "heavy"):svarīgs(rare)
- (of "hard, difficult"):grūts,sarežģīts
- (of "heavy, difficult (breathing)"):smacīgs,spiedīgs
- (of sounds, "low", "hollow"):dobjš,zems
[edit]Derived terms
[edit]- ^Karulis, Konstantīns(1992) “smags”,inLatviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1](in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS,→ISBN