Papers updated in last 31 days (381 results)

Last updated:  2024-07-10
HRA-Secure Homomorphic Lattice-Based Proxy Re-Encryption with Tight Security
Aloni Cohen, David Bruce Cousins, Nicholas Genise, Erik Kline, Yuriy Polyakov, and Saraswathy RV
We construct an efficient proxy re-encryption (PRE) scheme secure against honest re-encryption attacks (HRA-secure) with precise concrete security estimates. To get these precise concrete security estimates, we introduce the tight, fine-grained noise-flooding techniques of Li et al. (CRYPTO'22) to RLWE-based (homomorphic) PRE schemes, as well as a mixed statistical-computational security to HRA security analysis. Our solution also supports homomorphic operations on the ciphertexts. Such homomorphism allows for advanced applications, e.g., encrypted computation of network statistics across networks and unlimited hops, in the case of full homomorphism, i.e., bootstrapping. We implement our PRE scheme in the OpenFHE software library and apply it to a problem of secure multi-hop data distribution in the context of 5G virtual network slices. We also experimentally evaluate the performance of our scheme, demonstrating that the implementation is practical. In addition, we compare our PRE method with other lattice-based PRE schemes and approaches to achieve HRA security. These achieve HRA security, but not in a tight, practical scheme such as our work. Further, we present an attack on the PRE scheme proposed in Davidson et al.'s (ACISP'19), which was claimed to achieve HRA security without noise flooding.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
DiLizium 2.0: Revisiting Two-Party Crystals-Dilithium
Peeter Laud, Nikita Snetkov, and Jelizaveta Vakarjuk
In previous years there has been an increased interest in designing threshold signature schemes. Most of the recent works focus on constructing threshold versions of ECDSA or Schnorr signature schemes due to their appealing usage in blockchain technologies. Additionally, a lot of research is being done on cryptographic schemes that are resistant to quantum computer attacks. In this work, we propose a new version of the two-party Dilithium signature scheme. The security of our scheme is based on the hardness of Module-LWE and Module-SIS problems. In our construction, we follow a similar logic as Damgård et al. (PKC 2021) and use an additively homomorphic commitment scheme. However, compared to them, our protocol uses signature compression techniques from the original Dilithium signature scheme which makes it closer to the version submitted to the NIST PQC competition. We focus on two-party signature schemes in the context of user authentication.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Oryx: Private detection of cycles in federated graphs
Ke Zhong and Sebastian Angel
This paper proposes Oryx, a system for efficiently detecting cycles in federated graphs where parts of the graph are held by different parties and are private. Cycle detection is an important building block in designing fraud detection algorithms that operate on confidential transaction data held by different financial institutions. Oryx allows detecting cycles of various length while keeping the topology of the graphs secret, and it does so efficiently; Oryx achieves quasilinear computational complexity and scales well with more machines thanks to a parallel design. Our implementation of Oryx running on a single 32-core AWS machine (for each party) can detect cycles of up to length 6 in under 5 hours in a financial transaction graph that consists of tens of millions of nodes and edges. While the costs are high, adding more machines further reduces the completion time. Furthermore, Oryx is, to our knowledge, the first and only system that can handle this task.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
DeCAF: Decentralizable Continuous Group Key Agreement with Fast Healing
Joël Alwen, Benedikt Auerbach, Miguel Cueto Noval, Karen Klein, Guillermo Pascual-Perez, and Krzysztof Pietrzak
Continuous group key agreement (CGKA) allows a group of users to maintain a continuously updated shared key in an asynchronous setting where parties only come online sporadically and their messages are relayed by an untrusted server. CGKA captures the basic primitive underlying group messaging schemes. Current solutions including TreeKEM ("Messaging Layer Security'' (MLS) IETF RFC 9420) cannot handle concurrent requests while retaining low communication complexity. The exception being CoCoA, which is concurrent while having extremely low communication complexity (in groups of size $n$ and for $m$ concurrent updates the communication per user is $\log(n)$, i.e., independent of $m$). The main downside of CoCoA is that in groups of size $n$, users might have to do up to $\log(n)$ update requests to the server to ensure their (potentially corrupted) key material has been refreshed. In this work we present a "fast healing'' concurrent CGKA protocol, named DeCAF, where users will heal after at most $\log(t)$ requests, with $t$ being the number of corrupted users. While also suitable for the standard central-server setting, our protocol is particularly interesting for realizing decentralized group messaging, where protocol messages (add, remove, update) are being posted on some append-only data structure rather than sent to a server. In this setting, concurrency is crucial once the rate of requests exceeds, say, the rate at which new blocks are added to a blockchain. In the central-server setting, CoCoA (the only alternative with concurrency, sub-linear communication and basic post-compromise security) enjoys much lower download communication. However, in the decentralized setting - where there is no server which can craft specific messages for different users to reduce their download communication - our protocol significantly outperforms CoCoA. DeCAF heals in fewer rounds ($\log(t)$ vs. $\log(n)$) while incurring a similar per round per user communication cost.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
On the Semidirect Discrete Logarithm Problem in Finite Groups
Christopher Battarbee, Giacomo Borin, Ryann Cartor, Nadia Heninger, David Jao, Laura Maddison, Edoardo Persichetti, Angela Robinson, Daniel Smith-Tone, and Rainer Steinwandt
We present an efficient quantum algorithm for solving the semidirect discrete logarithm problem (SDLP) in any finite group. The believed hardness of the semidirect discrete logarithm problem underlies more than a decade of works constructing candidate post-quantum cryptographic algorithms from nonabelian groups. We use a series of reduction results to show that it suffices to consider SDLP in finite simple groups. We then apply the celebrated Classification of Finite Simple Groups to consider each family. The infinite families of finite simple groups admit, in a fairly general setting, linear algebraic attacks providing a reduction to the classical discrete logarithm problem. For the sporadic simple groups, we show that their inherent properties render them unsuitable for cryptographically hard SDLP instances, which we illustrate via a Baby-Step Giant-Step style attack against SDLP in the Monster Group. Our quantum SDLP algorithm is fully constructive for all but three remaining cases that appear to be gaps in the literature on constructive recognition of groups; for these cases SDLP is no harder than finding a linear representation. We conclude that SDLP is not a suitable post-quantum hardness assumption for any choice of finite group.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Strong Existential Unforgeability and More of MPC-in-the-Head Signatures
Mukul Kulkarni and Keita Xagawa
NIST started the standardization of additional post-quantum signatures in 2022. Among 40 candidates, a few of them showed their stronger security than existential unforgeability, strong existential unforgeability and BUFF (beyond unforgeability features) securities. Recently, Aulbach, Düzlü, Meyer, Struck, and Weishäupl (PQCrypto 2024) examined the BUFF securities of 17 out of 40 candidates. Unfortunately, on the so-called MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) signature schemes, we have no knowledge of strong existential unforgeability and BUFF securities. This paper studies the strong securities of all nine MPCitH signature candidates: AIMer, Biscuit, FAEST, MIRA, MiRitH, MQOM, PERK, RYDE, and SDitH. We show that the MPCitH signature schemes are strongly existentially unforgeable under chosen message attacks in the (quantum) random oracle model. To do so, we introduce a new property of the underlying multi-pass identification, which we call _non-divergency_. This property can be considered as a weakened version of the computational unique response for three-pass identification defined by Kiltz, Lyubashevsky, and Schaffner (EUROCRYPT 2018) and its extension to multi-pass identification defined by Don, Fehr, and Majentz (CRYPTO 2020). In addition, we show that the SSH11 protocol proposed by Sakumoto, Shirai, and Hiwatari (CRYPTO 2011) is _not_ computational unique response, while Don et al. (CRYPTO 2020) claimed it. We also survey BUFF securities of the nine MPCitH candidates in the quantum random oracle model. In particular, we show that Biscuit and MiRitH do not have some of the BUFF security.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Small Private Key Attack Against a Family of RSA-like Cryptosystems
George Teseleanu and Paul Cotan
Let $N=pq$ be the product of two balanced prime numbers $p$ and $q$. Elkamchouchi, Elshenawy and Shaban presented in 2002 an interesting RSA-like cryptosystem that uses the key equation $ed - k (p^2-1)(q^2-1) = 1$, instead of the classical RSA key equation $ed - k (p-1)(q-1) = 1$. The authors claimed that their scheme is more secure than RSA. Unfortunately, the common attacks developed against RSA can be adapted for Elkamchouchi \emph{et al.}'s scheme. In this paper, we introduce a family of RSA-like encryption schemes that uses the key equation $ed - k (p^n-1)(q^n-1) = 1$, where $n>0$ is an integer. Then, we show that regardless of the choice of $n$, there exists an attack based on continued fractions that recovers the secret exponent.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Lower Bound on Number of Compression Calls of a Collision-Resistance Preserving Hash
Debasmita Chakraborty and Mridul Nandi
The collision-resistant hash function is an early cryptographic primitive that finds extensive use in various applications. Remarkably, the Merkle-Damgård and Merkle tree hash structures possess the collision-resistance preserving property, meaning the hash function remains collision-resistant when the underlying compression function is collision-resistant. This raises the intriguing question of whether reducing the number of underlying compression function calls with the collision-resistance preserving property is possible. In pursuit of addressing these inquiries, we prove that for an ℓn-to-sn-bit collision-resistance preserving hash function designed using r tn-to-n-bit compression function calls, we must have r ≥ ⌈(ℓ−s)/(t−1)⌉. Throughout the paper, all operations other than the compression function are assumed to be linear (which we call linear hash mode).
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Switching Off your Device Does Not Protect Against Fault Attacks
Paul Grandamme, Pierre-Antoine Tissot, Lilian Bossuet, Jean-Max Dutertre, Brice Colombier, and Vincent Grosso
Physical attacks, and among them fault injection attacks, are a significant threat to the security of embedded systems. Among the means of fault injection, laser has the significant advantage of being extremely spatially accurate. Numerous state-of-the-art studies have investigated the use of lasers to inject faults into a target at run-time. However, the high precision of laser fault injection comes with requirements on the knowledge of the implementation and exact execution time of the victim code. The main contribution of this work is the demonstration on experimental basis that it is also possible to perform laser fault injection on an unpowered device. Specifically, we targeted the Flash non-volatile memory of a 32-bit microcontroller. The advantage of this new attack path is that it does not require any synchronisation between the victim and the attacker. We provide an experimental characterization of this phenomenon with a description of the fault model from the physical level up to the software level. Finally, we applied these results to carry out a persistent fault analysis on a 128-bit AES with a particularly realistic attacker model which reinforces the interest of the PFA.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Structural Lower Bounds on Black-Box Constructions of Pseudorandom Functions
Amos Beimel, Tal Malkin, and Noam Mazor
We address the black-box complexity of constructing pseudorandom functions (PRF) from pseudorandom generators (PRG). The celebrated GGM construction of Goldreich, Goldwasser, and Micali (Crypto 1984) provides such a construction, which (even when combined with Levin's domain-extension trick) has super-logarithmic depth. Despite many years and much effort, this remains essentially the best construction we have to date. On the negative side, one step is provided by the work of Miles and Viola (TCC 2011), which shows that a black-box construction which just calls the PRG once and outputs one of its output bits, cannot be a PRF. In this work, we make significant further progress: we rule out black-box constructions of PRF from PRG that follow certain structural constraints, but may call the PRG adaptively polynomially many times. In particular, we define ``tree constructions" which generalize the GGM structure: they apply the PRG $G$ along a tree path, but allow for different choices of functions to compute the children of a node on the tree and to compute the next node on the computation path down the tree. We prove that a tree construction of logarithmic depth cannot be a PRF (while GGM is a tree construction of super-logarithmic depth). We also show several other results and discuss the special case of one-call constructions. Our main results in fact rule out even weak PRF constructions with one output bit. We use the oracle separation methodology introduced by Gertner, Malkin, and Reingold (FOCS 2001), and show that for any candidate black-box construction $F^G$ from $G$, there exists an oracle relative to which $G$ is a PRG, but $F^G$ is not a PRF.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Automated Creation of Source Code Variants of a Cryptographic Hash Function Implementation Using Generative Pre-Trained Transformer Models
Elijah Pelofske, Vincent Urias, and Lorie M. Liebrock
Generative pre-trained transformers (GPT's) are a type of large language machine learning model that are unusually adept at producing novel, and coherent, natural language. Notably, these technologies have also been extended to computer programming languages with great success. However, GPT model outputs in general are stochastic and not always correct. For programming languages, the exact specification of the computer code, syntactically and algorithmically, is strictly required in order to ensure the security of computing systems and applications. Therefore, using GPT models to generate computer code poses an important security risk -- while at the same time allowing for potential innovation in how computer code is generated. In this study the ability of GPT models to generate novel and correct versions, and notably very insecure versions, of implementations of the cryptographic hash function SHA-1 is examined. The GPT models Llama-2-70b-chat-hf, Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1, and zephyr-7b-alpha are used. The GPT models are prompted to re-write each function using a modified version of the localGPT framework and langchain to provide word embedding context of the full source code and header files to the model, resulting in over $130,000$ function re-write GPT output text blocks (that are potentially correct source code), approximately $40,000$ of which were able to be parsed as C code and subsequently compiled. The generated code is analyzed for being compilable, correctness of the algorithm, memory leaks, compiler optimization stability, and character distance to the reference implementation. Remarkably, several generated function variants have a high implementation security risk of being correct for some test vectors, but incorrect for other test vectors. Additionally, many function implementations were not correct to the reference algorithm of SHA-1, but produced hashes that have some of the basic characteristics of hash functions. Many of the function re-writes contained serious flaws such as memory leaks, integer overflows, out of bounds accesses, use of uninitialised values, and compiler optimization instability. Compiler optimization settings and SHA-256 hash checksums of the compiled binaries are used to cluster implementations that are equivalent but may not have identical syntax - using this clustering over $100,000$ distinct, novel, and correct versions of the SHA-1 codebase were generated where each component C function of the reference implementation is different from the original code.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
An NVMe-based Secure Computing Platform with FPGA-based TFHE Accelerator
Yoshihiro Ohba, Tomoya Sanuki, Claude Gravel, and Kentaro Mihara
In this paper, we introduce a new approach to secure computing by implementing a platform that utilizes an NVMe-based system with an FPGA-based Torus FHE accelerator, SSD, and middleware on the host-side. Our platform is the first of its kind to offer complete secure computing capabilities for TFHE using an FPGA-based accelerator. We have defined secure computing instructions to evaluate 14-bit to 14-bit functions using TFHE, and our middleware allows for communication of ciphertexts, keys, and secure computing programs while invoking secure computing programs through NVMe commands with metadata. Our CMux gate implementation features an optimized NTT/INTT circuit that eliminates pre-NTT and post-INTT operations by pre-scaling and pre-transforming constant polynomials such as the bootstrapping and private-functional key-switching keys. Our performance evaluation demonstrates that our secure computing platform outperforms CPU-based and GPU-based platforms by 15 to 120 times and by 2.5 to 3 times, respectively, in gate bootstrapping execution time. Additionally, our platform uses 7 to 12 times less electric energy consumption during the gate bootstrapping execution time compared to CPU-based platforms and 1.15 to 1.2 times less compared to GPU-based platforms.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Towards Achieving Asynchronous MPC with Linear Communication and Optimal Resilience
Vipul Goyal, Chen-Da Liu-Zhang, and Yifan Song
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows a set of $n$ parties to jointly compute a function over their private inputs. The seminal works of Ben-Or, Canetti and Goldreich [STOC '93] and Ben-Or, Kelmer and Rabin [PODC '94] settled the feasibility of MPC over asynchronous networks. Despite the significant line of work devoted to improving the communication complexity, current protocols with information-theoretic security and optimal resilience $t<n/3$ communicate $\Omega(n^4C)$ field elements for a circuit with $C$ multiplication gates. In contrast, synchronous MPC protocols with $O(nC)$ communication have long been known. In this work we make progress towards closing this gap. We provide a novel MPC protocol in the asynchronous setting with statistical security that makes black-box use of an asynchronous complete secret-sharing (ACSS) protocol. The cost per multiplication reduces to the cost of distributing a constant number of sharings via ACSS, improving a linear factor over the state of the art by Choudhury and Patra [IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory '17]. With a recent concurrent work achieving ACSS with linear cost per sharing, we achieve an MPC with ${O}(nC)$ communication and optimal resilience.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Constrained Pseudorandom Functions for Inner-Product Predicates from Weaker Assumptions
Sacha Servan-Schreiber
In this paper, we provide a novel framework for constructing Constrained Pseudorandom Functions (CPRFs) with inner-product constraint predicates, using ideas from subtractive secret sharing and related-key-attack security. Our framework can be instantiated using a random oracle or any suitable Related-Key-Attack (RKA) secure pseudorandom function. This results in three new CPRF constructions: 1. an adaptively-secure construction in the random oracle model; 2. a selectively-secure construction under the DDH assumption; and 3. a selectively-secure construction with a polynomial domain under the assumption that one-way functions exist. All three instantiations are constraint-hiding and support inner-product predicates, leading to the first constructions of such expressive CPRFs under each corresponding assumption. Moreover, while the OWF-based construction is primarily of theoretical interest, the random oracle and DDH-based constructions are concretely efficient, which we show via an implementation.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Finding Bugs and Features Using Cryptographically-Informed Functional Testing
Giacomo Fenzi, Jan Gilcher, and Fernando Virdia
In 2018, Mouha et al. (IEEE Trans. Reliability, 2018) performed a post-mortem investigation of the correctness of reference implementations submitted to the SHA3 competition run by NIST, finding previously unidentified bugs in a significant portion of them, including two of the five finalists. Their innovative approach allowed them to identify the presence of such bugs in a black-box manner, by searching for counterexamples to expected cryptographic properties of the implementations under test. In this work, we extend their approach to key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) and digital signature schemes (DSSs). We perform our tests on multiple versions of the LibOQS collection of post-quantum schemes, to capture implementations at different points of the recent Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process run by NIST. We identify multiple bugs, ranging from software bugs (segmentation faults, memory overflows) to cryptographic bugs, such as ciphertext malleability in KEMs claiming IND-CCA security. We also observe various features of KEMs and DSS that do not contradict any security guarantees, but could appear counter-intuitive.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography over SECP256R1 on STM32 Microprocessor
Onur İşler
The use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in embedded systems has become increasingly popular with advancing technologies. These devices become vulnerable to cyber attacks as they gain popularity. The cryptographic operations performed for the purpose of protection against cyber attacks are crucial to yield fast results in open networks and not slow down network traffic. Therefore, to enhance communication security, studies have been conducted in the literature on using asymmetric encryption and symmetric encryption together in IoT devices for activities such as key sharing, encryption, decryption, data signing, and verifying signed data. In this study, we first propose a cryptographic system engaging of IoT devices operated from a server. Then we do performance analysis of our proposal. In particular, we evaluate the elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange and elliptic curve digital signature algorithms on the Secp256r1 elliptic curve and AES symmetric encryption via the Micro uECC library conducted with the 32-bit STM32F410RB Nucleo development board microprocessor running at 48 MHz.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
QuietOT: Lightweight Oblivious Transfer with a Public-Key Setup
Geoffroy Couteau, Lalita Devadas, Srinivas Devadas, Alexander Koch, and Sacha Servan-Schreiber
Oblivious Transfer (OT) is at the heart of secure computation and is a foundation for many applications in cryptography. Over two decades of work have led to extremely efficient protocols for evaluating OT instances in the preprocessing model, through a paradigm called OT extension. A few OT instances generated in an offline phase can be used to perform many OTs in an online phase efficiently, i.e., with very low communication and computational overheads. Specifically, traditional OT extension protocols use a small number of “base” OTs, generated using any black-box OT protocol, and convert them into many OT instances using only lightweight symmetric-key primitives. Recently, a new paradigm of OT with a *public-key setup* has emerged, which replaces the base OTs with a non-interactive setup: Using only the public key of the other party, two parties can efficiently compute a virtually unbounded number of OT instances on-the-fly. In this paper, we put forth a novel framework for OT extension with a public-key setup and concretely efficient instantiations. An implementation of our framework is over 30 times faster when compared to the previous state-of-the-art public-key OT protocols, and remains competitive even when compared to OT protocols that *do not* offer a public-key setup. Additionally, our instantiations result in the first public-key schemes with plausible post-quantum security. In summary, this paper contributes: - QuietOT: A framework for OT extension with a public-key setup that uses fast, symmetric-key primitives to generate OT instances following a one-time public-key setup, and offering additional features such as precomputability. - A public-key setup for QuietOT from the RingLWE assumption, resulting in the first post-quantum construction of OT extension with a public-key setup. - An optimized, open-source implementation of our construction that can generate up to 1M OT extensions per second on commodity hardware. In contrast, the state-of-the-art public-key OT protocol is limited to approximately 20K OTs per second. - The first formal treatment of the security of OT with a public-key setup in a multi-party setting, which addresses several subtleties that were overlooked in prior work.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
A Fast and Efficient SIKE Co-Design: Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Accelerators with Custom RISC-V Microcontroller on FPGA
Jing Tian, Bo Wu, Lang Feng, Haochen Zhang, and Zhongfeng Wang
This paper proposes a fast and efficient FPGA-based hardware-software co-design for the supersingular isogeny key encapsulation (SIKE) protocol controlled by a custom RISC-V processor. Firstly, we highly optimize the core unit, the polynomial-based field arithmetic logic unit (FALU), with the proposed fast convolution-like multiplier (FCM) to significantly reduce the resource consumption while still maintaining low latency and constant time for all the four SIKE parameters. Secondly, we pack the small isogeny and point operations in hardware, devise a coarse-grained reconfigurable hardware architecture (CGRHA) based on FALU as the co-processor, and apply it to the RISC-V core with customized instructions, effectively avoiding extra time consumption for the data exchange with the software side and meanwhile increasing flexibility. Finally, we code the hardware in SystemVerilog language and the software in C language and run experiments on FPGAs. In the co-processor implementation, the experiment results show that our design for the four SIKE parameters achieves 2.6-4.4x speedup and obtains comparable or better area-time product to or than the state-of-the-art. In the hardware-software co-design experiments, we still have the superiority in speed and only <10\% of extra time is introduced by mutual communication.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Ring Signatures for Deniable AKEM: Gandalf's Fellowship
Phillip Gajland, Jonas Janneck, and Eike Kiltz
Ring signatures, a cryptographic primitive introduced by Rivest, Shamir and Tauman (ASIACRYPT 2001), offer signer anonymity within dynamically formed user groups. Recent advancements have focused on lattice-based constructions to improve efficiency, particularly for large signing rings. However, current state-of-the-art solutions suffer from significant overhead, especially for smaller rings. In this work, we present a novel NTRU-based ring signature scheme, Gandalf, tailored towards small rings. Our post-quantum scheme achieves a 50% reduction in signature sizes compared to the linear ring signature scheme Raptor (ACNS 2019). For rings of size two, our signatures are approximately a quarter the size of DualRing (CRYPTO 2021), another linear scheme, and remain more compact for rings up to size seven. Compared to the sublinear scheme Smile (CRYPTO 2021), our signatures are more compact for rings of up to 26. In particular, for rings of size two, our ring signatures are only 1236 bytes. Additionally, we explore the use of ring signatures to obtain deniability in authenticated key exchange mechanisms (AKEMs), the primitive behind the recent HPKE standard used in MLS and TLS. We take a fine-grained approach at formalising sender deniability within AKEM and seek to define the strongest possible notions. Our contributions extend to a black-box construction of a deniable AKEM from a KEM and a ring signature scheme for rings of size two. Our approach attains the highest level of confidentiality and authenticity, while simultaneously preserving the strongest forms of deniability in two orthogonal settings. Finally, we present parameter sets for our schemes, and show that our deniable AKEM, when instantiated with our ring signature scheme, yields ciphertexts of 2004 bytes.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
A Long Tweak Goes a Long Way: High Multi-user Security Authenticated Encryption from Tweakable Block Ciphers
Benoît Cogliati, Jérémy Jean, Thomas Peyrin, and Yannick Seurin
We analyze the multi-user (mu) security of a family of nonce-based authentication encryption (nAE) schemes based on a tweakable block cipher (TBC). The starting point of our work is an analysis of the mu security of the SCT-2 mode which underlies the nAE scheme Deoxys-II, winner of the CAESAR competition for the defense-in-depth category. We extend this analysis in two directions, as we detail now. First, we investigate the mu security of several TBC-based variants of the counter encryption mode (including CTRT, the encryption mode used within SCT-2) that differ by the way a nonce, a random value, and a counter are combined as tweak and plaintext inputs to the TBC to produce the keystream blocks that will mask the plaintext blocks. Then, we consider the authentication part of SCT-2 and study the mu security of the nonce-based MAC Nonce-as-Tweak (NaT) built from a TBC and an almost universal (AU) hash function. We also observe that the standard construction of an AU hash function from a (T)BC can be proven secure under the assumption that the underlying TBC is unpredictable rather than pseudorandom, allowing much better conjectures on the concrete AU advantage. This allows us to derive the mu security of the family of nAE modes obtained by combining these encryption/MAC building blocks through the NSIV composition method. Some of these modes require an underlying TBC with a larger tweak length than what is usually available for existing ones. We then show the practicality of our modes by instantiating them with two new TBC constructions, Deoxys-TBC-512 and Deoxys-TBC-640, which can be seen as natural extensions of the Deoxys-TBC family to larger tweak input sizes. Designing such TBCs with unusually large tweaks is prone to pitfalls: Indeed, we show that a large-tweak proposal for SKINNY published at EUROCRYPT 2020 presents an inherent construction flaw. We therefore provide a sound design strategy to construct large-tweak TBCs within the Superposition Tweakey (STK) framework, leading to new Deoxys-TBC and SKINNY variants. We provide software benchmarks indicating that while ensuring a very high security level, the performances of our proposals remain very competitive.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Generic Anamorphic Encryption, Revisited: New Limitations and Constructions
Dario Catalano, Emanuele Giunta, and Francesco Migliaro
The notion of Anamorphic Encryption (Persiano et al. Eurocrypt 2022) aims at establishing private communication against an adversary who can access secret decryption keys and influence the chosen messages. Persiano et al. gave a simple, black-box, rejection sampling-based technique to send anamorphic bits using any IND-CPA secure scheme as underlying PKE. In this paper however we provide evidence that their solution is not as general as claimed: indeed there exists a (contrived yet secure) PKE which lead to insecure anamorphic instantiations. Actually, our result implies that such stateless black-box realizations of AE are impossible to achieve, unless weaker notions are targeted or extra assumptions are made on the PKE. Even worse, this holds true even if one resorts to powerful non-black-box techniques, such as NIZKs, $ i\mathcal{O} $ or garbling. From a constructive perspective, we shed light those required assumptions. Specifically, we show that one could bypass (to some extent) our impossibility by either considering a weaker (but meaningful) notion of AE or by assuming the underlying PKE to (always) produce high min-entropy ciphertexts. Finally, we prove that, for the case of Fully-Asymmetric AE, $ i\mathcal{O}$ can actually be used to overcome existing impossibility barriers. We show how to use $ i\mathcal{O} $ to build Fully-Asymmetric AE (with small anamorphic message space) generically from any IND-CPA secure PKE with sufficiently high min-entropy ciphertexts. Put together our results provide a clearer picture of what black-box constructions can and cannot achieve.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Shared-Custodial Password-Authenticated Deterministic Wallets
Poulami Das, Andreas Erwig, and Sebastian Faust
Cryptographic wallets are an essential tool in Blockchain networks to ensure the secure storage and maintenance of an user's cryptographic keys. Broadly, wallets can be divided into three categories, namely custodial, non-custodial, and shared-custodial wallets. The first two are centralized solutions, i.e., the wallet is operated by a single entity, which inherently introduces a single point of failure. Shared-custodial wallets, on the other hand, are maintained by two independent parties, e.g., the wallet user and a service provider, and hence avoid the single point of failure centralized solutions. Unfortunately, current shared-custodial wallets suffer from significant privacy issues. In our work, we introduce password-authenticated deterministic wallets (PADW), a novel and efficient shared-custodial wallet solution, which exhibits strong security and privacy guarantees. In a nutshell, in a PADW scheme, the secret key of the user is shared between the user and the server. In order to generate a signature, the user first authenticates itself to the server by providing a password and afterwards engages in an interactive signing protocol with the server. Security is guaranteed as long as at most one of the two parties is corrupted. Privacy, on the other hand, guarantees that a corrupted server cannot link a transaction to a particular user. We formally model the notion of PADW schemes and we give an instantiation from blind Schnorr signatures. Our construction allows for deterministic key derivation, a feature that is widely used in practice by existing wallet schemes, and it does not rely on any heavy cryptographic primitives. We prove our scheme secure against adaptive adversaries in the random oracle model and under standard assumptions. That is, our security proof only relies on the assumption that the Schnorr signature scheme is unforgeable and that a public key encryption scheme is CCA-secure.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Reducing the Share Size of Weighted Threshold Secret Sharing Schemes via Chow Parameters Approximation
Oriol Farràs and Miquel Guiot
A secret sharing scheme is a cryptographic primitive that allows a dealer to share a secret among a set of parties, so that only authorized subsets of them can recover it. The access structure of the scheme is the family of authorized subsets. In a weighted threshold access structure, each party is assigned a weight according to its importance, and the authorized subsets are those in which the sum of their weights is at least the threshold value. For these access structures, the share size of the best known secret sharing schemes is either linear on the weights or quasipolynomial on the number of parties, which leads to long shares, in general. In certain settings, a way to circumvent this efficiency problem is to approximate the access structure by another one that admits more efficient schemes. This work is dedicated to the open problem posed by this strategy: Finding secret sharing schemes with a good tradeoff between the efficiency and the accuracy of the approximation. We present a method to approximate weighted threshold access structures by others that admit schemes with small shares. This method is based on the techniques for the approximation of the Chow parameters developed by De et al. [Journal of the ACM, 2014]. Our method provides secret sharing schemes with share size $n^{1+o(1)}$, where $n$ is the number of parties, and whose access structure is close to the original one. Namely, in this approximation the condition of being authorized or not is preserved for almost all subsets of parties. In addition, applying the recent results on computational secret sharing schemes by Applebaum et al. [STOC, 2023] we show that there exist computational secret sharing schemes whose security is based on the RSA assumption and whose share size is polylogarithmic in the number of parties.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Securely Training Decision Trees Efficiently
Divyanshu Bhardwaj, Sandhya Saravanan, Nishanth Chandran, and Divya Gupta
Decision trees are an important class of supervised learning algorithms. When multiple entities contribute data to train a decision tree (e.g. for fraud detection in the financial sector), data privacy concerns necessitate the use of a privacy-enhancing technology such as secure multi-party computation (MPC) in order to secure the underlying training data. Prior state-of-the-art (Hamada et al.) construct an MPC protocol for decision tree training with a communication of $\mathcal{O}(hmN\log N)$, when building a decision tree of height $h$ for a training dataset of $N$ samples, each having $m$ attributes. In this work, we significantly reduce the communication complexity of secure decision tree training. We construct a protocol with communication complexity $\mathcal{O}(mN\log N + hmN + hN\log N)$, thereby achieving an improvement of $\approx \mathsf{min}(h, m, \log N)$ over Hamada et al. At the core of our technique is an improved protocol to regroup sorted private elements further into additional groups (according to a flag vector) while maintaining their relative ordering. We implement our protocol in the MP-SPDZ framework and show that it requires $10\times$ lesser communication and is $9\times$ faster than the state-of-the-art.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Linear-Communication Asynchronous Complete Secret Sharing with Optimal Resilience
Xiaoyu Ji, Junru Li, and Yifan Song
Secure multiparty computation (MPC) allows a set of $n$ parties to jointly compute a function on their private inputs. In this work, we focus on the information-theoretic MPC in the \emph{asynchronous network} setting with optimal resilience ($t<n/3$). The best-known result in this setting is achieved by Choudhury and Patra [J. Cryptol '23], which requires $O(n^4\kappa)$ bits per multiplication gate, where $\kappa$ is the size of a field element. An asynchronous complete secret sharing (ACSS) protocol allows a dealer to share a batch of Shamir sharings such that all parties eventually receive their shares. ACSS is an important building block in AMPC. The best-known result of ACSS is due to Choudhury and Patra [J. Cryptol '23], which requires $O(n^3\kappa)$ bits per sharing. On the other hand, in the synchronous setting, it is known that distributing Shamir sharings can be achieved with $O(n\kappa)$ bits per sharing. There is a gap of $n^2$ in the communication between the synchronous setting and the asynchronous setting. Our work closes this gap by presenting the first ACSS protocol that achieves $O(n\kappa)$ bits per sharing. When combined with the compiler from ACSS to AMPC by Choudhury and Patra [IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory '17], we obtain an AMPC with $O(n^2\kappa)$ bits per multiplication gate, improving the previously best-known result by a factor of $n^2$. Moreover, with a concurrent work that improves the compiler by Choudhury and Patra by a factor of $n$, we obtain the first AMPC with $O(n\kappa)$ bits per multiplication gate.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
A Simple Post-Quantum Oblivious Transfer Protocol from Mod-LWR
Shen Dong, Hongrui Cui, Kaiyi Zhang, Kang Yang, and Yu Yu
Oblivious transfer (OT) is a fundamental cryptographic protocol that plays a crucial role in secure multi-party computation (MPC). Most practical OT protocols by, e.g., Naor and Pinkas (SODA'01) or Chou and Orlandi (Latincrypt'15), are based on Diffie-Hellman (DH)-like assumptions and not post-quantum secure. In contrast, many other components of MPC protocols, including garbled circuits and secret sharings, are post-quantum secure. The reliance on non-post-quantum OT protocols presents a significant security bottleneck with the advent of quantum computing. In this paper, we address this issue by constructing a simple, efficient OT protocol based on Saber, a Mod-LWR-based key exchange protocol. We implemented our OT protocol and conducted experiments to evaluate its performance. Our results show that our OT protocol significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art Kyber-based post-quantum OT protocol by Masny and Rindal (CCS'19) in terms of both computation and communication costs. Furthermore, the computation speed of our OT protocol is faster than the best-known DH-based OT protocol by Chou and Orlandi (Latincrypt'15), making it competitive to replace DH-based OT in the high-bandwidth network setting.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Public vs Private Blockchains lineage storage
Bilel Zaghdoudi and Maria Potop Butucaru
This paper reports the experimental results related to lineage event storage via smart contracts deployed on private and public blockchain. In our experiments we measure the following three metrics: the cost to deploy the storage smart contract on the blockchain, which measures the initial expenditure, typically in gas units, required to deploy the smart contract that facilitates lineage event storage, then the time and gas costs needed to store a lineage event. We investigated both single and multi-clients scenarios. We considered the following public blockchains: Hedera, Fantom, Harmony Shard0, Polygon Amoy, Ethereum Sepolia, Optimism Sepolia, Klaytn Baobab and Arbitrum Sepolia. Furthermore, we investigate the performances of Hyperledger Besu with different consensus algorithms as private blockchains.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Time-Memory Trade-off Algorithms for Homomorphically Evaluating Look-up Table in TFHE
Shintaro Narisada, Hiroki Okada, Kazuhide Fukushima, and Takashi Nishide
We propose time-memory trade-off algorithms for evaluating look-up table (LUT) in both the leveled homomorphic encryption (LHE) and fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) modes in TFHE. For an arbitrary $n$-bit Boolean function, we reduce evaluation time by a factor of $O(n)$ at the expense of an additional memory of "only" $O(2^n)$ as a trade-off: The total asymptotic memory is also $O(2^n)$, which is the same as that of prior works. Our empirical results demonstrate that a $7.8 \times$ speedup in runtime is obtained with a $3.8 \times$ increase in memory usage for 16-bit Boolean functions in the LHE mode. Additionally, in the FHE mode, we achieve reductions in both runtime and memory usage by factors of $17.9 \times$ and $2.5 \times $, respectively, for 8-bit Boolean functions. The core idea is to decompose the function $f$ into sufficiently small subfunctions and leverage the precomputed results for these subfunctions, thereby achieving significant performance improvements at the cost of additional memory.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Information-Theoretic 2-Party Computation from Additive Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption
Jonathan Trostle
Two-party computation has been an active area of research since Yao's breakthrough results on garbled circuits. We present secret key additive somewhat homomorphic schemes where the client has perfect privacy (server can be computationally unbounded). Our basic scheme is additive somewhat homomorphic and we give protocols to handle addition and multiplication. In one scheme, the server handles circuit multiplication gates by returning the multiplicands to the client which does the multiplication and sends back the encrypted product. We give a 2-party protocol that also incorporates server inputs where the client has perfect privacy. Server privacy is not information-theoretic, but rather depends on hardness of the subset sum problem. Correctness for the server in the malicious model can be verified by a 3rd party with high probability where the client and server privacy are information-theoretically protected from the verifier. Scaling the 2PC protocol via separate encryption parameters for smaller subcircuits allows the ciphertext size to remain constant as circuit size grows.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Fast, Large Scale Dimensionality Reduction Schemes Based on CKKS
Haonan Yuan, Wenyuan Wu, and Jingwei Chen
The proliferation of artificial intelligence and big data has resulted in a surge in data demand and increased data dimensionality. This escalation has consequently heightened the costs associated with storage and processing. Concurrently, the confidential nature of data collected by various institutions, which cannot be disclosed due to personal privacy concerns, has exacerbated the challenges associated with data analysis and machine learning model training. Therefore, designing a secure and efficient high-dimensional data reduction method that supports multi-party joint participation becomes critical to solving these problems. This paper proposes a novel homomorphic encryption dimensionality reduction scheme (HE-DR) based on CKKS, which modifies the Rank-Revealing (RR) method to make it more applicable to fully homomorphic encryption, thereby achieving fast and secure dimension reduction for high-dimensional data. Compared to traditional homomorphic encryption dimensionality reduction schemes, our approach does not transmit the user’s original data to other participants in any format (Ciphertext or Plaintext). Moreover, our method's computational efficiency is nearly $60-200$ times faster than similar algorithms, and the communication overhead is only $1/3$ of theirs. Finally, we have shown that our proposed scheme can preserve its computational efficiency and accuracy even when dealing with high-dimensional data. As dimensionality escalates, the ratio of ciphertext to plaintext computational efficiency plateaus at approximately 5 times, while the computational error (distance between subspaces) remains around $1e^{-11}$
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Ringtail: Practical Two-Round Threshold Signatures from Learning with Errors
Cecilia Boschini, Darya Kaviani, Russell W. F. Lai, Giulio Malavolta, Akira Takahashi, and Mehdi Tibouchi
A threshold signature scheme splits the signing key among $\ell$ parties, such that any $t$-subset of parties can jointly generate signatures on a given message. Designing concretely efficient post-quantum threshold signatures is a pressing question, as evidenced by NIST's recent call. In this work, we propose, implement, and evaluate a lattice-based threshold signature scheme, Ringtail, which is the first to achieve a combination of desirable properties: (i) The signing protocol consists of only two rounds, where the first round is message-independent and can thus be preprocessed offline. (ii) The scheme is concretely efficient and scalable to $t \leq 1024$ parties. For $128$-bit security and $t = 1024$ parties, we achieve $13.4$ KB signature size and $10.5$ KB of online communication. (iii) The security is based on the standard learning with errors (LWE) assumption in the random oracle model. This improves upon the state-of-the-art (with comparable efficiency) which either has a three-round signing protocol [Eurocrypt'24] or relies on a new non-standard assumption [Crypto'24]. To substantiate the practicality of our scheme, we conduct the first WAN experiment deploying a lattice-based threshold signature, across 8 countries in 5 continents. We observe that an overwhelming majority of the end-to-end latency is consumed by network latency, underscoring the need for round-optimized schemes.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Simple Logarithmic-size LSAG signature
Edsger Hughes
A number of existing cryptosystems use the well-known linear-size LSAG signature concept, extending it in many ways. This article presents a simple logarithmic-size signature LS-LSAG which, despite a radical reduction in size, retains the basic code block of LSAG. Therefore, substituting LS-LSAG for LSAG requires minimal changes to almost any existing LSAG/CLSAG-based solution, making it logarithmic instead of linear.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
HERatio: Homomorphic Encryption of Rationals using Laurent Polynomials
Luke Harmon, Gaetan Delavignette, and Hanes Oliveira
In this work we present $\mathsf{HERatio}$, a homomorphic encryption scheme that builds on the scheme of Brakerski, and Fan and Vercauteren. Our scheme naturally accepts Laurent polynomials as inputs, allowing it to work with rationals via their bounded base-$b$ expansions. This eliminates the need for a specialized encoder and streamlines encryption, while maintaining comparable efficiency to BFV. To achieve this, we introduce a new variant of the Polynomial Learning With Errors (PLWE) problem which employs Laurent polynomials instead of the usual ``classic'' polynomials, and provide a reduction to the PLWE problem.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Polytopes in the Fiat-Shamir with Aborts Paradigm
Henry Bambury, Hugo Beguinet, Thomas Ricosset, and Eric Sageloli
The Fiat-Shamir with Aborts paradigm (FSwA) uses rejection sampling to remove a secret’s dependency on a given source distribution. Recent results revealed that unlike the uniform distribution in the hypercube, both the continuous Gaussian and the uniform distribution within the hypersphere minimise the rejection rate and the size of the proof of knowledge. However, in practice both these distributions suffer from the complexity of their sampler. So far, those three distributions are the only available alternatives, but none of them offer the best of all worlds: competitive proof of knowledge size and rejection rate with a simple sampler. We introduce a new generic framework for FSwA using polytope based rejection sampling to enable a wider variety of constructions. As a matter of fact, this framework is the first to generalise these results to integral distributions. To complement the lack of alternatives, we also propose a new polytope construction, whose uniform sampler approaches in simplicity that of the hypercube. At the same time, it provides competitive proof of knowledge size compared to that obtained from the Gaussian distribution. Concurrently, we share some experimental improvements of our construction to further reduce the proof size. Finally, we propose a signature based on the FSwA paradigm using both our framework and construction. We prove it to be competitive with Haetae in signature size and with Dilithium on sampler simplicity.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Ad Hoc Broadcast, Trace, and Revoke --- Plus Time-Space Trade-Offs for Attribute-Based Encryption
Ji Luo
Traitor tracing schemes [Chor–Fiat–Naor, Crypto ’94] help content distributors fight against piracy and are defined with the content distributor as a trusted authority having access to the secret keys of all users. While the traditional model caters well to its original motivation, its centralized nature makes it unsuitable for many scenarios. For usage among mutually untrusted parties, a notion of *ad hoc* traitor tracing (naturally with the capability of broadcast and revocation) is proposed and studied in this work. Such a scheme allows users in the system to generate their own public/secret key pairs, without trusting any other entity. To encrypt, a list of public keys is used to identify the set of recipients, and decryption is possible with a secret key for any of the public keys in the list. In addition, there is a tracing algorithm that given a list of recipients’ public keys and a pirate decoder capable of decrypting ciphertexts encrypted to them, identifies at least one recipient whose secret key must have been used to construct the said decoder. Two constructions are presented. The first is based on functional encryption for circuits (conceptually, obfuscation) and has constant-size ciphertext, yet its decryption time is linear in the number of recipients. The second is a generic transformation that reduces decryption time at the cost of increased ciphertext size. A matching lower bound on the trade-off between ciphertext size and decryption time is shown, indicating that the two constructions achieve all possible optimal trade-offs, i.e., they fully demonstrate the Pareto front of efficiency. The lower bound also applies to broadcast encryption (hence all mildly expressive attribute-based encryption schemes) and is of independent interest.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Collision Attacks on Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)
John Preuß Mattsson
Show abstract
Advanced Encryption Standard Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) is the most widely used Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithm in the world. In this paper, we analyze the use of GCM with all the Initialization Vector (IV) constructions and lengths approved by NIST SP 800-38D when encrypting multiple plaintexts with the same key. We derive attack complexities in both ciphertext-only and known-plaintext models, with or without nonce hiding, for collision attacks compromising integrity and confidentiality. Our analysis shows that GCM with random IVs provides less than 128 bits of security. When 96-bit IVs are used, as recommended by NIST, the security drops to less than 97 bits. Therefore, we strongly recommend NIST to forbid the use of GCM with 96-bit random nonces.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Phase Modulation Side Channels: Jittery JTAG for On-Chip Voltage Measurements
Colin O'Flynn
Measuring the fluctuations of the clock phase of a target was identified as a leakage source on early electromagnetic side-channel investigations. Despite this, only recently was directly measuring the clock phase (or jitter) of digital signals from a target connected to being a source of exploitable leakage. As the phase of a clock output will be related to signal propagation delay through the target, and this propagation delay is related to voltage, this means that most digital devices perform an unintended phase modulation (PM) of their internal voltage onto clock output phases. This paper first demonstrates an unprofiled CPA attack against a Cortex-M microcontroller using the phase of a clock output, observing the signal on both optically isolated and capacitively isolated paths. The unprofiled attack takes only 2-4x more traces than an attack using a classic shunt-resistor measurement. It is then demonstrated how the JTAG bypass mode can be used to force a clock through a digital device. This forced clock signal can then be used as a highly effective oscilloscope that is located on the target device. As the attack does not require modifications to the device (such as capacitor removal or heat spreader removal) it is difficult to detect using existing countermeasures. The example attack over JTAG uses an unprofiled CPA attack, requiring only about 5x more traces than an ideal shunt-resistor based measurement. In addition, a version of this attack using a fault correlation analysis attack is also demonstrated. Countermeasures are discussed, and a simple resampling countermeasure is tested. All tools both offensive and defensive presented in the paper have been released under open-source licenses.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Legacy Encryption Downgrade Attacks against LibrePGP and CMS
Falko Strenzke and Johannes Roth
This work describes vulnerabilities in the specification of the AEAD packets as introduced in the novel LibrePGP specification that is implemented by the widely used GnuPG application and the AES-based AEAD schemes as well as the Key Wrap Algorithm specified in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS). These new attacks exploit the possibility to downgrade AEAD or AES Key Wrap ciphertexts to valid legacy CFB- or CBC-encrypted related ciphertexts and require that the attacker learns the content of the legacy decryption result. This can happen either due to the human recipient returning the decryption output, which has entirely pseudo-random appearance, to the attacker or due to a programmatic decryption oracle in the receiving system. The attacks effect the decryption of low-entropy plaintext blocks in AEAD ciphertexts and, in the case of LibrePGP, also the manipulation of existing AEAD ciphertexts. For AES Key Wrap in CMS, full key decryption is possible. Some of the attacks require multiple successful oracle queries. The attacks thus demonstrate that CCA2 security is not achieved by the LibrePGP and CMS AEAD or Key Wrap encryption in the presence of a legacy cipher mode decryption oracle. The proper countermeasure to thwart the attacks is a key derivation that ensures the use of unrelated block cipher keys for the different encryption modes.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
On Efficient and Secure Compression Modes for Arithmetization-Oriented Hashing
Elena Andreeva, Rishiraj Bhattacharyya, Arnab Roy, and Stefano Trevisani
ZK-SNARKs, a fundamental component of privacy-oriented payment systems, identity protocols, or anonymous voting systems, are advanced cryptographic protocols for verifiable computation: modern SNARKs allow to encode the invariants of a program, expressed as an arithmetic circuit, in an appropriate constraint language from which short, zero-knowledge proofs for correct computations can be constructed. One of the most important computations that is run through SNARK systems is the verification of Merkle tree (MT) opening proofs, which relies on the evaluation of a fixed-input-length (FIL) cryptographic compression function over binary MTs. As classical, bit-oriented hash functions like SHA-2 are not compactly representable in SNARK frameworks, Arithmetization-Oriented (AO) cryptographic designs have emerged as an alternative, efficient solution. Today, the majority of AO compression functions are built from the Sponge permutation-based hashing mode. While this approach allows cost savings, compared to blockcipher-based modes, as it does not require key-scheduling, AO blockcipher schedulers are often cheap to compute. Furthermore, classical bit-oriented cryptography has long studied how to construct provably secure compression functions from blockciphers, following the Preneel-Govaerts-Vandewalle (PGV) framework. The potential efficiency gains together with the strong provable security foundations in the classic setting, motivate the study of AO blockcipher-based compression functions. In this work, we propose PGV-LC and PGV-ELC, two AO blockcipher-based FIL compression modes inspired by and extending the classical PGV approach, offering flexible input and output sizes and coming with provable security guarantees in the AO setting. We prove the collision and preimage resistance in the ideal cipher model, and give bounds for collision and opening resistance over MTs of arbitrary arity. We compare experimentally the AO PGV-ELC mode over the Hades blockcipher with its popular and widely adopted Sponge instantiation, Poseidon, and its improved variant Poseidon2. Our resulting constructions are up to \(3\times \) faster than Poseidon and \(2\times \) faster than Poseidon2 in native x86 execution, and up to \(50\% \) faster in the Groth16 SNARK framework. Finally, we study the benefits of using MTs of arity wider than two, proposing a new strategy to obtain a compact R1CS constraint system in such case. In fact, by combining an efficient parametrization of the Hades blockcipher over the PGV-ELC mode, together with an optimal choice of the MT arity, we measured an improvement of up to \(9\times \) in native MT construction time, and up to \(2.5\times \) in proof generation time, compared to Poseidon over binary MTs.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Faster Asynchronous Blockchain Consensus and MVBA
Matthieu Rambaud
Blockchain consensus, a.k.a. BFT SMR, are protocols enabling $n$ processes to decide on an ever-growing chain. The fastest known asynchronous one is called 2-chain VABA (PODC'21 and FC'22), and is used as fallback chain in Abraxas* (CCS'23). It has a claimed $9.5\delta$ expected latency when used for a single shot instance, a.k.a. an MVBA. We exhibit attacks breaking it. Hence, the title of the fastest asynchronous MVBA with quadratic messages complexity goes to sMVBA (CCS'22), with $10\delta$ expected latency. Our positive contributions are two new and complementary designs. $\bullet$ 2PAC (2-phase asynchronous consensus). It has a simpler and lighter chaining than in previous approaches. Instantiated with either quadratic or cubic phases of voting, it yields: 2PAC$^\text{lean}$: $+90\%$ throughput and $9.5\delta$ expected latency, with quadratic ($O(n^2)$) messages complexity. In both 2-chain VABA and sMVBA (as if chained, with pipelining), the quorum-certified transactions which were produced in the worst-case 1/3 of views with a slow leader were dumped, so the work was lost. The simpler design of 2PAC inserts such blocks in straight-line in the chain. Thus, contrary to naive uncle-referencing, this comes with no computational overhead, yielding a net $+50\%$ throughput gain over chained sMVBA. Both the remaining throughput and latency ($-0.5\delta$) gains, come from the lighter interactive construction of proofs of consistency appended to proposed blocks, compared to sMVBA. 2PAC$^\text{BIG}$: the fastest asynchronous blockchain consensus with cubic ($O(n^3)$) messages complexity. Fault-free single shot MVBA runs decide in just $4\delta$, as soon as no message is delivered more than twice faster than others: GradedDAG (SRDS'23) required furthermore no messages reordering. $\bullet$ Super Fast Pipelined Blocks. This is an upgrade of previous approaches for pipelining: in 2-chain VABA, Cordial Miners (DISC'23) and GradedDAG, a block pipelined by a leader in the middle of the view had almost twice larger latency than the non-pipelined block. Our design provides a fast path deciding the pipelined block with even smaller latency than the non-pipelined block. The fast delay is guaranteed in all executions with a fair scheduler, but remarkably, whatever the behaviors of faulty processes. Consistency is preserved by a lightweight mechanism, of one threshold signature appended per proposal. Instantiated with the previous protocols, it yields: s2PAC$^\text{lean}$, with fast decision of pipelined blocks in $4\delta$; s2PAC$^\text{BIG}$, in $3\delta$; and sGradedDAG, in $3\delta$.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
MUSEN: Aggregatable Key-Evolving Verifiable Random Functions and Applications
Bernardo David, Rafael Dowsley, Anders Konring, and Mario Larangeira
A Verifiable Random Function (VRF) can be evaluated on an input by a prover who holds a secret key, generating a pseudorandom output and a proof of output validity that can be verified using the corresponding public key. VRFs are a central building block of committee election mechanisms that sample parties to execute tasks in cryptographic protocols, e.g. generating blocks in a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain or executing a round of MPC protocols. We propose the notion, and a matching construction, of an Aggregatable Key-Evolving VRF (A-KE-VRF) with the following extra properties: 1. Aggregation: combining proofs for several VRF evaluations of different inputs under different secret keys into a single constant size proof; 2. Key-Evolving: preventing adversaries who corrupt a party (learning their secret key) from ``forging'' proofs of past VRF evaluations. As an immediate application, we improve on the block size of PoS blockchains and on the efficiency of Proofs of Proof-of-Stake (PoPoS). Furthermore, the A-KE-VRF notion allows us to construct Encryption to the Future (EtF) and Authentication from the Past (AfP) schemes with a Key-Evolving property, which provides forward security. An EtF scheme allows for sending a message to a party who is randomly selected to execute a role in the future, while an AfP scheme allows for this party to authenticate their messages as coming from a past execution of this role. These primitives are essential for realizing the YOSO MPC Framework (CRYPTO'21).
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Squirrel: A Scalable Secure Two-Party Computation Framework for Training Gradient Boosting Decision Tree
Wen-jie Lu, Zhicong Huang, Qizhi Zhang, Yuchen Wang, and Cheng Hong
Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT) and its variants are widely used in industry, due to their strong interpretability. Secure multi-party computation allows multiple data owners to compute a function jointly while keeping their input private. In this work, we present Squirrel, a two-party GBDT training framework on a vertically split dataset, where two data owners each hold different features of the same data samples. Squirrel is private against semi-honest adversaries, and no sensitive intermediate information is revealed during the training process. Squirrel is also scalable to datasets with millions of samples even under a Wide Area Network (WAN). Squirrel achieves its high performance via several novel co-designs of the GBDT algorithms and advanced cryptography. Especially, 1) we propose a new and efficient mechanism to hide the sample distribution on each node using oblivious transfer. 2) We propose a highly optimized method for gradient aggregation using lattice-based homomorphic encryption (HE). Our empirical results show that our method can be three orders of magnitude faster than the existing HE approaches. 3) We propose a novel protocol to evaluate the sigmoid func- tion on secretly shared values, showing 19×-200×-fold im- provements over two existing methods. Combining all these improvements, Squirrel costs less than 6 seconds per tree on a dataset with 50 thousands samples which outperforms Pivot (VLDB 2020) by more than 28×. We also show that Squirrel can scale up to datasets with more than one million samples, e.g., about 170 seconds per tree over a WAN.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
QuickPool: Privacy-Preserving Ride-Sharing Service
Banashri Karmakar, Shyam Murthy, Arpita Patra, and Protik Paul
Online ride-sharing services (RSS) have become very popular owing to increased awareness of environmental concerns and as a response to increased traffic congestion. To request a ride, users submit their locations and route information for ride matching to a service provider (SP), leading to possible privacy concerns caused by leakage of users' location data. We propose QuickPool, an efficient SP-aided RSS solution that can obliviously match multiple riders and drivers simultaneously, without involving any other auxiliary server. End-users, namely, riders and drivers share their route information with SP as encryptions of the ordered set of points-of-interest (PoI) of their route from their start to end locations. SP performs a zone based oblivious matching of drivers and riders, based on partial route overlap as well as proximity of start and end points. QuickPool is in the semi-honest setting, and makes use of secure multi-party computation. We provide security proof of our protocol, perform extensive testing of our implementation and show that our protocol simultaneously matches multiple drivers and riders very efficiently. We compare the performance of QuickPool with state-of-the-art works and observe a speed up of 1.6 - 2$\times$.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Bringing Order to Chaos: The Case of Collision-Resistant Chameleon-Hashes
David Derler, Kai Samelin, and Daniel Slamanig
Chameleon-hash functions, introduced by Krawczyk and Rabin at NDSS 2000, are trapdoor collision-resistant hash-functions parametrized by a public key. If the corresponding secret key is known, arbitrary collisions for the hash function can be efficiently found. Chameleon-hash functions have prominent applications in the design of cryptographic primitives, such as lifting non-adaptively secure signatures to adaptively secure ones. Recently, this primitive also received a lot of attention as a building block in more complex cryptographic applications ranging from editable blockchains to advanced signature and encryption schemes. We observe that in latter applications various different notions of collision-resistance are used, and it is not always clear if the respective notion does really cover what seems intuitively required by the application. Therefore, we revisit existing collision-resistance notions in the literature, study their relations, and - using the example of the recent redactable blockchain proposals - discuss which practical impact different notions of collision-resistance might have. Moreover, we provide a stronger, and arguably more desirable, notion of collision-resistance than what is known from the literature. Finally, we present a surprisingly simple and efficient black-box construction of chameleon-hash functions achieving this strong notion.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
BumbleBee: Secure Two-party Inference Framework for Large Transformers
Wen-jie Lu, Zhicong Huang, Zhen Gu, Jingyu Li, Jian Liu, Cheng Hong, Kui Ren, Tao Wei, and WenGuang Chen
Abstract—Large transformer-based models have realized state- of-the-art performance on lots of real-world tasks such as natural language processing and computer vision. However, with the increasing sensitivity of the data and tasks they handle, privacy has become a major concern during model deployment. In this work, we focus on private inference in two-party settings, where one party holds private inputs and the other holds the model. We introduce BumbleBee, a fast and communication-friendly two- party private transformer inference system. Our contributions are three-fold: First, we propose optimized protocols for matrix multiplication, which significantly reduce communication costs by 80% – 90% compared to previous techniques. Secondly, we develop a methodology for constructing efficient protocols tailored to the non-linear activation functions employed in transformer models. The proposed activation protocols have realized a significant enhancement in processing speed, alongside a remarkable reduction in communication costs by 80% – 95% compared with two prior methods. Lastly, we have performed extensive benchmarks on five transformer models. BumbleBee demonstrates its capability by evaluating the LLaMA-7B model, generating one token in approximately 14 minutes using CPUs. Our results further reveal that BumbleBee outperforms Iron (NeurIPS22) by over an order of magnitude and is three times faster than BOLT (Oakland24) with one-tenth communication.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Consolidated Linear Masking (CLM): Generalized Randomized Isomorphic Representations, Powerful Degrees of Freedom and Low(er)-cost
Itamar Levi and Osnat Keren
Masking is a widely adopted countermeasure against side-channel analysis (SCA) that protects cryptographic implementations from information leakage. However, current masking schemes often incur significant overhead in terms of electronic cost. RAMBAM, a recently proposed masking technique that fits elegantly with the AES algorithm, offers ultra-low latency/area by utilizing redundant representations of finite field elements. This paper presents a comprehensive generalization of RAMBAM and various other masking schemes within a unified framework and a mathematical representation known as Consolidated Linear Masking (CLM), where masking schemes are formalized by their encoding. We establish a theoretical foundation for CLM linking randomized isomorphic (code) representations and the entropy provided by the redundancy to a revised notion of masking order. Our analysis reveals that RAMBAM is a specific instance of CLM as well as other masking constructions, thus paving the way for significant enhancements. For example, a $1^{st}$-order secure design can be achieved almost without increasing the size of the representation of the variables. This property scales up to any order and is versatile. We demonstrate how CLM enables: (1) randomized selection of the isomorphic field for improved security; (2) flexible choice of the randomization polynomial; (3) embedded mask-refreshing via the randomized isomorphic representation that reduces randomness requirements significantly as well as improves performance; (4) a wider range of isomorphic randomized mappings that significantly increases the available randomization space compared to RAMBAM; (5) considerable improvement in securing fault-injection attacks and inherent security against probing adversaries, i.e., more required probes. In addition, our framework addresses ways to improve the brute-force parameter choices in the original RAMBAM. By offering a unifying theoretical perspective for masking and practical enhancements, this work advances the design of efficient and secure masking countermeasures against SCA threats.
Last updated:  2024-07-07
Practical Non-interactive Multi-signatures, and a Multi-to-Aggregate Signatures Compiler
Matthieu Rambaud and Christophe Levrat
In a fully non-interactive multi-signature, resp. aggregate-signature scheme (fNIM, resp. fNIA), signatures issued by many signers on the same message, resp. on different messages, can be succinctly ``combined'', resp. ``aggregated''. fNIMs are used in the Ethereum consensus protocol, to produce the certificates of validity of blocks which are to be verified by billions of clients. fNIAs are used in some PBFT-like consensus protocols, such as the production version of Diem by Aptos, to replace the forwarding of many signatures by a new leader. In this work we address three complexity bottlenecks. (i) fNIAs are costlier than fNIMs, e.g., we observe that verification time of a 3000-wise aggregate signature of BGLS (Eurocrypt'03), takes 300x longer verification time than verification of a 3000-wise pairing-based multisignature. (ii) fNIMs impose that each verifier processes the setup published by the group of potential signers. This processing consists either in verifying proofs of possession (PoPs), such as in Pixel (Usenix'20) and in the IETF'22 draft inherited from Ristenpart-Yilek (Eurocrypt'07), which costs a product of pairings over all published keys. Or, it consists in re-randomizing the keys, such as in SMSKR (FC'24). (iii) Existing proven security bounds on efficient fNIMs do not give any guarantee in practical curves with 256bits-large groups, such as BLS12-381 (used in Ethereum) or BLS12-377 (used in Zexe). Thus, computing in much larger curves is required to have provable guarantees. Our first contribution is a new fNIM called $\mathsf{dms}$, it addresses both (ii) and (iii). It is as simple as adding Schnorr PoPs to the schoolbook pairing-based fNIM of Boldyreva (PKC'03). (ii) For a group of 1000 signers, verification of these PoPs is: $5+$ times faster than for the previous pairing-based PoPs; and $3+$ times faster than the Verifier's processing of the setup in SMSKR (and contrary to the latter, needs not be re-started when a new member joins the group). (iii) We prove a tight reduction to the discrete logarithm (DL), in the algebraic group model (AGM). Given the current estimation of roughly 128 bits of security for the DL in both the curves BLS12-381 and BLS12-377, we deduce a probability of forgery of $\mathsf{dms}$ no higher than about $2^{-93}$ for a time $2^{80}$ adversary. This reduction is our main technical contribution. The only related proof before was for an interactive Schnorr-based multi-signature scheme, using Schnorr PoPs. Our approach easily fills a gap in this proof, since we take into account that the adversary has access to a signing oracle even before publishing its PoPs. But in our context of pairing-based multi-signatures, extraction of the keys of the adversary is significantly more complicated, since the signing oracle produces a correlated random string. We finally provide another application of $\mathsf{dms}$, which is that it can be plugged in recent threshold signatures without setup (presented by Das et al at CCS'23, and Garg et al at SP'24), since these schemes implicitly build on any arbitrary BLS-based fNIM. Our second contribution addresses (i), it is a very simple compiler: $\mathcal{M}to\mathcal{A}$ (multi-to-aggregate). It turns any fNIM into an fNIA, suitable for aggregation of signatures on messages with a prefix in common, with the restriction that a signer must not sign twice using the same prefix. The resulting fNIA is post-quantum secure as soon as the fNIM is, such as Chipmunk (CCS'23). We demonstrate the relevance for Diem by applying $\mathcal{M}to\mathcal{A}$ to $\mathsf{dms}$: the resulting fNIA enables to verify 39x faster an aggregate of 129 signatures, over messages with $7$ bits-long variable parts, than BGLS.
Last updated:  2024-07-07
Masked Vector Sampling for HQC
Maxime Spyropoulos, David Vigilant, Fabrice Perion, Renaud Pacalet, and Laurent Sauvage
Anticipating the advent of large quantum computers, NIST started a worldwide competition in 2016 aiming to define the next cryptographic standards. HQC is one of these post-quantum schemes still in contention, with four others already in the process of being standardized. In 2022, Guo et al. introduced a timing attack that exploited an inconsistency in HQC rejection sampling function to recover its secret key in 866,000 calls to an oracle. The authors of HQC updated its specification by applying an algorithm to sample vectors in constant time. A masked implementation of this function was then proposed for BIKE but it is not directly applicable to HQC. In this paper we propose a masked specification-compliant version of HQC vector sampling function which relies, to our knowledge, on the first masked implementation of the Barrett reduction.
Last updated:  2024-07-07
Improved Alternating-Moduli PRFs and Post-Quantum Signatures
Navid Alamati, Guru-Vamsi Policharla, Srinivasan Raghuraman, and Peter Rindal
We revisit the alternating moduli paradigm for constructing symmetric key primitives with a focus on constructing highly efficient protocols to evaluate them using secure multi-party computation (MPC). The alternating moduli paradigm of Boneh et al. (TCC 2018) enables the construction of various symmetric key primitives with the common characteristic that the inputs are multiplied by two linear maps over different moduli, first over $\mathbb{F}_2$ and then over $\mathbb{F}_3$. The first contribution focuses on efficient two-party evaluation of alternating moduli PRFs, effectively building an oblivious pseudorandom function. We present a generalization of the PRF proposed by Boneh et al. (TCC 18) along with methods to lower the communication and computation. We then provide several variants of our protocols, with different computation and communication tradeoffs, for evaluating the PRF. Most are in the OT/VOLE hybrid model while one is based on specialized garbling. Our most efficient protocol effectively is about $3\times$ faster and requires $1.3\times$ lesser communication. Our next contribution is the efficient evaluation of the OWF $f(x)=B\cdot_3 (A\cdot_2 x)$ proposed by Dinur et al. (CRYPTO 21) where $A \in \mathbb{F}^{m\times n}_2, B\in\mathbb{F}^{t\times m}_3$ and $\cdot_p$ is multiplication mod $p$. This surprisingly simple OWF can be evaluated within MPC by secret sharing $[\hspace{-3px}[x]\hspace{-3px}]$ over $\mathbb{F}_2$, locally computing $[\hspace{-3px}[v]\hspace{-3px}]=A\cdot_2 [\hspace{-3px}[x]\hspace{-3px}]$, performing a modulus switching protocol to $\mathbb{F}_3$ shares, followed by locally computing the output shares $[\hspace{-3px}[y]\hspace{-3px}]=B\cdot_3 [\hspace{-3px}[v]\hspace{-3px}]$. We design a bespoke MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) signature scheme that evaluates the OWF, achieving state of art performance. The resulting signature has a size ranging from 4.0-5.5 KB, achieving between $2\text{-}3\times$ reduction compared to Dinur et al. To the best of our knowledge, this is only $\approx 5\%$ larger than the smallest signature based on symmetric key primitives, including the latest NIST PQC competition submissions. We additionally show that our core techniques can be extended to build very small post-quantum ring signatures for small-medium sized rings that are competitive with state-of-the-art lattice based schemes. Our techniques are in fact more generally applicable to set membership in MPCitH.
Last updated:  2024-07-07
A New CRT-based Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Anil Kumar Pradhan
We have proposed a novel FHE scheme that uniquely encodes the plaintext with noise in a way that prevents the increasing noise from overflowing and corrupting the plaintext. This allows users to perform computations on encrypted data smoothly. The scheme is constructed using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), supporting a predefined number of modular operations on encrypted plaintext without the need for bootstrapping. Although FHE recently became popular after Gentry's work and various developments have occurred in the last decade, the idea of "Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)" scheme was first introduced in the 1970s by Rivest. The Chinese Remainder Theorem is one of the most suitable tools for developing a FHE Scheme because it forms a ring homomorphism \( Z_{p_1} \times Z_{p_2} \times \ldots \times Z_{p_k} \cong Z_{p_1 p_2 \ldots p_k} \). Various attempts have been made to develop a FHE using CRT, but most of them were unsuccessful, mainly due to the chosen plaintext attack (CPA). The proposed scheme overcomes the chosen plaintext attack. The scheme also adds random errors to the message during encryption. However, these errors are added in such a way that, when homomorphic operations are performed over encrypted data, the increasing values of errors never overwrite the values of the messages, as happens in LWE-based homomorphic schemes. Therefore, one can perform a predefined number of homomorphic operations (both addition and multiplication) without worrying about the increasing values of errors.
Last updated:  2024-07-06
BOLT: Privacy-Preserving, Accurate and Efficient Inference for Transformers
Qi Pang, Jinhao Zhu, Helen Möllering, Wenting Zheng, and Thomas Schneider
The advent of transformers has brought about significant advancements in traditional machine learning tasks. However, their pervasive deployment has raised concerns about the potential leakage of sensitive information during inference. Existing approaches using secure multiparty computation (MPC) face limitations when applied to transformers due to the extensive model size and resource-intensive matrix-matrix multiplications. In this paper, we present BOLT, a privacy-preserving inference framework for transformer models that supports efficient matrix multiplications and nonlinear computations. Combined with our novel machine learning optimizations, BOLT reduces the communication cost by 10.91x. Our evaluation on diverse datasets demonstrates that BOLT maintains comparable accuracy to floating-point models and achieves 4.8-9.5x faster inference across various network settings compared to the state-of-the-art system.
Last updated:  2024-07-06
LATKE: A Framework for Constructing Identity-Binding PAKEs
Jonathan Katz and Michael Rosenberg
Motivated by applications to the internet of things (IoT), Cremers, Naor, Paz, and Ronen (CRYPTO '22) recently considered a setting in which multiple parties share a common password and want to be able to pairwise authenticate. They observed that using standard password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocols in this setting allows for catastrophic impersonation attacks whereby compromise of a single party allows an attacker to impersonate any party to any other. To address this, they proposed the notion of identity-binding PAKE (iPAKE) and showed constructions of iPAKE protocol CHIP. We present LATKE, a framework for iPAKE that allows us to construct protocols with features beyond what CHIP achieves. In particular, we can instantiate the components of our framework to yield an iPAKE protocol with post-quantum security and identity concealment, where one party hides its identity until it has authenticated the other. This is the first iPAKE protocol with either property. To demonstrate the concrete efficiency of our framework, we implement various instantiations and compare the resulting protocols to CHIP when run on commodity hardware. The performance of our schemes is very close to that of CHIP, while offering stronger security properties.
Last updated:  2024-07-06
Efficient Universally-Verifiable Electronic Voting with Everlasting Privacy
David Pointcheval
Universal verifiability is a must-to-have for electronic voting schemes. It is essential to ensure honest behavior of all the players during the whole process, together with the eligibility. However, it should not endanger the privacy of the individual votes, which is another major requirement. Whereas the first property prevents attacks during the voting process, privacy of the votes should hold forever, which has been called everlasting privacy. A classical approach for universal verifiability is to add some proofs together with the encrypted votes, which requires publication of the latter, while eligibility needs a link between the votes and the voters: it definitely excludes long-term privacy. An alternative is the use of perfectly-hiding commitments, on which proofs are published, while ciphertexts are kept private for computing the tally. In this paper, we show how recent linearly-homomorphic signatures can be exploited for all the proofs, leading to very efficient procedures towards universal verifiability with both strong receipt-freeness and everlasting privacy. Privacy will indeed be unconditional, after the publication of the results and the proofs, whereas the soundness of the proofs holds in the algebraic group model and the random oracle model.
Last updated:  2024-07-06
Early Stopping Byzantine Agreement in $(1+\epsilon)\cdot f$ Rounds
Fatima Elsheimy, Julian Loss, and Charalampos Papamanthou
In this paper, we present two early stopping Byzantine agreement protocols in the authenticated setting against a corrupt minority $t < n/2$, where $t$ represents the maximum number of malicious parties. Early stopping protocols ensure termination within a number of rounds determined solely by the actual number of malicious nodes $f$ present during execution, irrespective of $t$. Our first protocol is deterministic and ensures early stopping termination in $ (d+5) \cdot (\lfloor f/d \rfloor +3)$ rounds, where $d$ is a fixed constant. For example, for all $d\ge 6$, our protocol runs in at most $(1+\epsilon )\cdot f$ rounds (where $0<\epsilon<1$), improving (for large $f$) upon the best previous early stopping deterministic broadcast protocol by Perry and Toueg, which terminates in $min(2f+4,2t+2)$ rounds. Additionally, our second protocol is randomized, ensuring termination in an expected constant number of rounds and achieving early stopping in $(d+9) \cdot (\lfloor f/d \rfloor +2)$ rounds in the worst case. This marks a significant improvement over a similar result by Goldreich and Petrank, which always requires an expected constant number of rounds and $O(t)$ rounds in the worst case, i.e., does not have the early stopping property.
Last updated:  2024-07-06
A Note on Efficient Computation of the Multilinear Extension
Ron D. Rothblum
The multilinear extension of an $m$-variate function $f : \{0,1\}^m \to \mathbb{F}$, relative to a finite field $\mathbb{F}$, is the unique multilinear polynomial $\hat{f} : \mathbb{F}^m \to \mathbb{F}$ that agrees with $f$ on inputs in $\{0,1\}^m$. In this note we show how, given oracle access to $f : \{0,1\}^m \to \mathbb{F}$ and a point $z \in \mathbb{F}^m$, to compute $\hat{f}(z)$ using $O(2^m)$ field operations and only $O(m)$ space. This improves on a previous algorithm due to Vu et al. (SP, 2013), which similarly uses $O(2^m)$ field operations but requires $O(2^m)$ space. Furthermore, the number of field additions in our algorithm is about half of that in Vu et al.'s algorithm, whereas the number of multiplications is the same up to small additive terms.
Last updated:  2024-07-06
A Note on ``Privacy Preserving n-Party Scalar Product Protocol''
Lihua Liu
We show that the scalar product protocol [IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 2023, 1060-1066] is insecure against semi-honest server attack, not as claimed. Besides, its complexity increases exponentially with the number $n$, which cannot be put into practice.
Last updated:  2024-07-06
Stickel’s Protocol using Tropical Increasing Matrices
Any Muanalifah, Zahari Mahad, Nurwan, and Rosalio G Artes
In this paper we introduce new concept of tropical increasing matrices and then prove that two tropical increasing matrices are commute. Using this property, we modified Stickel’s protocol. This idea similar to [5] where modified Stickel’s protocol using commuting matrices (Linde De La Puente Matrices).
Last updated:  2024-07-05
CaSCaDE: (Time-Based) Cryptography from Space Communications DElay
Carsten Baum, Bernardo David, Elena Pagnin, and Akira Takahashi
Show abstract
Time-based cryptographic primitives such as Time-Lock Puzzles (TLPs) and Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs) have proven to be pivotal in several areas of cryptography. All existing candidate constructions, however, guarantee time-delays based on the average hardness of sequential computational problems. This means that any algorithmic or hardware improvement affects parameter choices and may turn deployed systems insecure. To address this issue, we investigate how to build time-based cryptographic primitives where delays depend on sources other than sequential computations: namely, transmission delays caused by sequential communication. We explore sequential communication delays that arise when sending a message through a constellation of satellites in Space. This setting has the advantage that distances between protocol participants are guaranteed as positions of satellites are observable from Earth, moreover delay lower bounds are unconditional and can be easily computed using the laws of Physics (no transmission travels faster than the speed of Light). We introduce proofs of sequential communication delay (SCD) in the Universal Composability framework, that can be used to convince a verifier that a message has accrued delay by traversing a path among a set of scattered satellites. With our SCD proofs we realize the first proposals of Publicly Verifiable TLPs and VDFs whose delay guarantees are rooted on physical limits, rather than ever-decreasing computational hardness. Finally, our notion of SCD paves the way to the first Delay Encryption construction not based on supersingular isogenies.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
Unforgeability of Blind Schnorr in the Limited Concurrency Setting
Franklin Harding and Jiayu Xu
A Blind Signature Scheme (BSS) is a cryptographic primitive that enables a user to obtain a digital signature on a message from a signer without revealing the message itself. The standard security notion against malicious users for a BSS is One-More Unforgeability (OMUF). One of the earliest and most well-studied blind signature schemes is the Schnorr BSS, although recent results show it does not satisfy OMUF. On the other hand, the Schnorr BSS does satisfy the weaker notion of sequential OMUF --- which restricts adversaries to opening signing sessions one at a time --- in the Algebraic Group Model (AGM) + Random Oracle Model (ROM). In light of this result, a natural question arises: does the Schnorr BSS satisfy OMUF with regard to adversaries that open no more than a small number of signing sessions concurrently? This paper serves as a first step towards characterizing the security of the Schnorr BSS in the limited concurrency setting. Specifically, we demonstrate that the Schnorr BSS satisfies OMUF when at most two signing sessions can be open concurrently (in the AGM+ROM). Our argument suggests that it is plausible that the Schnorr BSS satisfies OMUF for up to polylogarithmically many concurrent signing sessions.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
Trust Nobody: Privacy-Preserving Proofs for Edited Photos with Your Laptop
Pierpaolo Della Monica, Ivan Visconti, Andrea Vitaletti, and Marco Zecchini
The Internet has plenty of images that are transformations (e.g., resize, blur) of confidential original images. Several scenarios (e.g., selling images over the Internet, fighting disinformation, detecting deep fakes) would highly benefit from systems allowing to verify that an image is the result of a transformation applied to a confidential authentic image. In this paper, we focus on systems for proving and verifying the correctness of transformations of authentic images guaranteeing: 1) confidentiality (i.e., the original image remains private), 2) efficient proof generation (i.e., the proof certifying the correctness of the transformation can be computed with a common laptop) even for high-resolution images, 3) authenticity (i.e., only the advertised transformations have been applied) and 4) fast detection of fraud proofs. Our contribution consists of the following results: - We present new definitions following in part the ones proposed by Naveh and Tromer [IEEE S&P 2016] and strengthening them to face more realistic adversaries. - We propose techniques leveraging the way typical transformations work to then efficiently instantiate ZK-snarks circumventing the major bottlenecks due to claims about large pre-images of cryptographic hashes. - We present a 1st construction based on an ad-hoc signature scheme and an and-hoc cryptographic hash function, obtaining for the first time all the above 4 properties. - We present a 2nd construction that, unlike in previous results, works with the signature scheme and cryptographic hash function included in the C2PA specifications. Experimental results confirm the viability of our approach: in our 1st construction, an authentic transformation (e.g., a resize or a crop) of a high-resolution image of 30 MP can be generated on a common 8 cores PC in about 41 minutes employing less than 4 GB of RAM. Our 2nd construction is roughly one order of magnitude slower than our 1st construction. Prior results instead either require expensive computing resources or provide unsatisfying confidentiality.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
cq: Cached quotients for fast lookups
Liam Eagen, Dario Fiore, and Ariel Gabizon
We present a protocol called $\mathsf{cq}$ for checking the values of a committed polynomial $f(X)\in \mathbb{F}_{<n}(X)$ over a multiplicative subgroup $H\subset \mathbb{F}$ of size $n$ are contained in a table $t\in \mathbb{F}^N$. After an $O(N \log N)$ preprocessing step, the prover algorithm runs in time $O(n\log n)$. Thus, we continue to improve upon the recent breakthrough sequence of results [ZBKMNS,PK,GK,ZGKMR] starting from $\mathsf{Caulk}$ [ZBKMNS], which achieve sublinear complexity in the table size $N$. The two most recent works in this sequence $\mathsf{Ba}\mathit{loo}$ [ZGKMR] and $\mathsf{flookup}$ [GK] achieved prover complexity $O(n\log^2 n)$. Moreover, $\mathsf{cq}$ has the following attractive features. 1. As in [ZBKMNS,PK,ZGKMR] our construction relies on homomorphic table commitments, which makes them amenable to vector lookups. 2. As opposed to the previous four works, our verifier doesn't involve pairings with prover defined $\mathbb{G}_2$ points, which makes recursive aggregation of proofs more convenient.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
FHE-MENNs: Opportunities and Pitfalls for Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Private Inference with Multi-Exit Neural Networks
Lars Wolfgang Folkerts and Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
With concerns about data privacy growing in a connected world, cryptography researchers have focused on fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) for promising machine learning as a service solutions. Recent advancements have lowered the computational cost by several orders of magnitude, but the latency of fully homomorphic neural networks remains a barrier to adoption. This work proposes using multi-exit neural networks (MENNs) to accelerate the FHE inference. MENNs are network architectures that provide several exit points along the depth of the network. This approach allows users to employ results from any exit and terminate the computation early, saving both time and power. First, this work weighs the latency, communication, accuracy, and computational resource benefits of running FHE-based MENN inference. Then, we present the TorMENNt attack that can exploit the user's early termination decision to launch a concrete side-channel on MENNs. We demonstrate that the TorMENNt attack can predict the private image classification output of an image set for both FHE and plaintext threat models. We discuss possible countermeasures to mitigate the attack and examine their effectiveness. Finally, we tie the privacy risks with a cost-benefit analysis to obtain a practical roadmap for FHE-based MENN adoption.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
Random Beacons in Monte Carlo: Efficient Asynchronous Random Beacon without Threshold Cryptography
Akhil Bandarupalli, Adithya Bhat, Saurabh Bagchi, Aniket Kate, and Michael Reiter
Regular access to unpredictable and bias-resistant randomness is important for applications such as blockchains, voting, and secure distributed computing. Distributed random beacon protocols address this need by distributing trust across multiple nodes, with the majority of them assumed to be honest. Numerous applications across the blockchain space have led to the proposal of several distributed random beacon protocols, with some already implemented. However, many current random beacon systems rely on threshold cryptographic setups or exhibit high computational costs, while others expect the network to be partial or bounded synchronous. To overcome these limitations, we propose HashRand, a computation and communication-efficient asynchronous random beacon protocol that only demands secure hash and pairwise secure channels to generate beacons. HashRand has a per-node amortized communication complexity of $\mathcal{O}(\lambda n \log(n))$ bits per beacon. The computational efficiency of HashRand is attributed to the two orders of magnitude lower time of a one-way Hash computation compared to discrete log exponentiation. Interestingly, besides reduced overhead, HashRand achieves Post-Quantum security by leveraging the secure Hash function against quantum adversaries, setting it apart from other random beacon protocols that use discrete log cryptography. In a geo-distributed testbed of $n=136$ nodes, HashRand produces 78 beacons per minute, which is at least 5x higher than Spurt [IEEE S\&P'22]. We also demonstrate the practical utility of HashRand by implementing a Post-Quantum secure Asynchronous SMR protocol, which has a response rate of over 135k transactions per second at a latency of $2.3$ seconds over a WAN for $n=16$ nodes.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
On the {\sf P/poly} Validity of the Agr17 FE Scheme
Yupu Hu, Siyue Dong, and Baocang Wang
Functional encryption (FE) is a cutting-edge research topic in cryptography. The Agr17 FE scheme is a major scheme of FE area. This scheme had the novelty of “being applied for the group of general functions (that is, {\sf P/poly} functions) without IO”. It took the BGG+14 ABE scheme as a bottom structure, which was upgraded into a “partially hiding attribute” scheme, and combined with a fully homomorphic encryp-tion (FHE) scheme. However, the Agr17 FE scheme had a strange operation. For noise cancellation of FHE decryption stage, it used bulky “searching noise” rather than elegant “filtering”. It searched total modulus interval, so that the FHE modulus should be polynomially large. In this paper we discuss the {\sf P/poly} validity of the Agr17 FE scheme. First, we obtain the result that the Agr17 FE scheme is {\sf P/poly} invalid. More detailedly, when the Agr17 FE scheme is applied for the group of randomly chosen {\sf P/poly} Boolean functions, FHE modulus at the “searching” stage cannot be polynomially large. Our analysis is based on three restrictions of the BGG+14 ABE scheme: (1) The modulus of the BGG+14 ABE should be adapted to being super-polynomially large, if it is applied for the group of randomly chosen {\sf P/poly} functions. (2) The modulus of the BGG+14 ABE cannot be switched. (3) If the BGG+14 ABE is upgraded into a “partially hiding attribute” scheme, permitted operations about hidden part of the attribute can only be affine operations. Then, to check whether the {\sf P/poly} validity can be obtained by modifying the scheme, we consider two modified versions. The first modified version is controlling the FHE noise by repeatedly applying bootstrapping, and replacing a modular inner product with an arithmetic inner product. The second modified version is replacing the search for the modulus interval with the search for a public noise interval, hoping such noise interval polynomially large and tolerating the modulus which may be super-polynomially large. The first modified version may be {\sf P/poly} valid, but it is weaker. There is no evidence to support the {\sf P/poly} validity of the second modified version. We also present an additional conclusion that there is no evidence to support the {\sf P/poly} validity of the GVW15 PE scheme. Finally, we present our response to an argument that our work is unnecessary, and show that our work is quite valuable for any interpretation.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
Circle STARKs
Ulrich Haböck, David Levit, and Shahar Papini
Traditional STARKs require a cyclic group of a smooth order in the field. This allows efficient interpolation of points using the FFT algorithm, and writing constraints that involve neighboring rows. The Elliptic Curve FFT (ECFFT, Part I and II) introduced a way to make efficient STARKs for any finite field, by using a cyclic group of an elliptic curve. We show a simpler construction in the lines of ECFFT over the circle curve $x^2 + y^2 = 1$. When $p + 1$ is divisible by a large power of $2$, this construction is as efficient as traditional STARKs and ECFFT. Applied to the Mersenne prime $p = 2^{31} − 1$, which has been recently advertised in the IACR eprint 2023:824, our preliminary benchmarks indicate a speed-up by a factor of $1.4$ compared to a traditional STARK using the Babybear prime $p = 2^{31} − 2^{27} + 1$.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
Limits of Black-Box Anamorphic Encryption
Dario Catalano, Emanuele Giunta, and Francesco Migliaro
(Receiver) Anamorphic encryption, introduced by Persiano $ \textit{et al.}$ at Eurocrypt 2022, considers the question of achieving private communication in a world where secret decryption keys are under the control of a dictator. The challenge here is to be able to establish a secret communication channel to exchange covert (i.e. anamorphic) messages on top of some already deployed public key encryption scheme. Over the last few years several works addressed this challenge by showing new constructions, refined notions and extensions. Most of these constructions, however, are either ad hoc, in the sense that they build upon specific properties of the underlying PKE, or impose severe restrictions on the size of the underlying anamorphic message space. In this paper we consider the question of whether it is possible to have realizations of the primitive that are both generic and allow for large anamorphic message spaces. We give strong indications that, unfortunately, this is not the case. Our first result shows that $ \textit{any black-box realization} $ of the primitive, i.e. any realization that accesses the underlying PKE only via oracle calls, $ \textit{must} $ have an anamorphic message space of size at most $poly(\lambda)$ ($\lambda$ security parameter). Even worse, if one aims at stronger variants of the primitive (and, specifically, the notion of asymmetric anamorphic encryption, recently proposed by Catalano $ \textit{et al.} $) we show that such black-box realizations are plainly impossible, i.e. no matter how small the anamorphic message space is. Finally, we show that our impossibility results are rather tight: indeed, by making more specific assumptions on the underlying PKE, it becomes possible to build generic AE where the anamorphic message space is of size $\Omega(2^\lambda)$.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
The Cost of Maintaining Keys in Dynamic Groups with Applications to Multicast Encryption and Group Messaging
Michael Anastos, Benedikt Auerbach, Mirza Ahad Baig, Miguel Cueto Noval, Matthew Kwan, Guillermo Pascual-Perez, and Krzysztof Pietrzak
In this work we prove lower bounds on the (communication) cost of maintaining a shared key among a dynamic group of users. Being "dynamic'' means one can add and remove users from the group. This captures important protocols like multicast encryption (ME) and continuous group-key agreement (CGKA), which is the primitive underlying many group messaging applications. We prove our bounds in a combinatorial setting where the state of the protocol progresses in rounds. The state of the protocol in each round is captured by a set system, with each of its elements specifying a set of users who share a secret key. We show this combinatorial model implies bounds in symbolic models for ME and CGKA that capture, as building blocks, PRGs, PRFs, dual PRFs, secret sharing, and symmetric encryption in the setting of ME, and PRGs, PRFs, dual PRFs, secret sharing, public-key encryption, and key-updatable public-key encryption in the setting of CGKA. The models are related to the ones used by Micciancio and Panjwani (Eurocrypt'04) and Bienstock et al. (TCC'20) to analyze ME and CGKA, respectively. We prove - using the Bollobás' Set Pairs Inequality - that the cost (number of uploaded ciphertexts) for replacing a set of $d$ users in a group of size $n$ is $\Omega(d\ln(n/d))$. Our lower bound is asymptotically tight and both improves on a bound of $\Omega(d)$ by Bienstock et al. (TCC'20), and generalizes a result by Micciancio and Panjwani (Eurocrypt'04), who proved a lower bound of $\Omega(\log(n))$ for $d=1$.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
A Scalable Coercion-resistant Voting Scheme for Blockchain Decision-making
Zeyuan Yin, Bingsheng Zhang, Andrii Nastenko, Roman Oliynykov, and Kui Ren
Typically, a decentralized collaborative blockchain decision-making mechanism is realized by remote voting. To date, a number of blockchain voting schemes have been proposed; however, to the best of our knowledge, none of these schemes achieve coercion-resistance. In particular, for most blockchain voting schemes, the randomness used by the voting client can be viewed as a witness/proof of the actual vote, which enables improper behaviors such as coercion and vote-buying. Unfortunately, the existing coercion-resistant voting schemes cannot be directly adopted in the blockchain context. In this work, we design the first scalable coercion-resistant blockchain voting scheme that supports private differential voting power and 1-layer liquid democracy as introduced by Zhang et al. (NDSS '19). Its overall complexity is $O(n)$, where $n$ is the number of voters. Moreover, the ballot size is reduced from Zhang et al.'s $\Theta(m)$ to $\Theta(1)$, where $m$ is the number of experts and/or candidates. We formally prove that our scheme has ballot privacy, verifiability, and coercion-resistance. We implement a prototype of the scheme and the evaluation result shows that our scheme's tally procedure is more than 6x faster than VoteAgain (USENIX '20) in an election with over 10,000 voters and over 50\% extra ballot rate. Note: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
Post-Quantum Ready Key Agreement for Aviation
Marcel Tiepelt, Christian Martin, and Nils Maeurer
Transitioning from classically to quantum secure key agreement protocols may require to exchange fundamental components, for example, exchanging Diffie-Hellman-like key exchange with a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM). Accordingly, the corresponding security proof can no longer rely on the Diffie-Hellman assumption, thus invalidating the security guarantees. As a consequence, the security properties have to be re-proven under a KEM-based security notion. We initiate the study of the LDACS key agreement protocol (Edition 01.01.00 from 25.04.2023), which is soon-to-be-standardized by the International Civil Aviation Organization. The protocol's cipher suite features Diffie-Hellman as well as a KEM-based key agreement protocol to provide post-quantum security. While the former results in an instantiation of an ISO key agreement inheriting all security properties, the security achieved by the latter is ambiguous. We formalize the computational security using the systematic notions of de Saint Guilhem, Fischlin and Warinshi (CSF '20), and prove the exact security that the KEM-based variant achieves in this model; primarily entity authentication, key secrecy and key authentication. To further strengthen our ``pen-and-paper'' findings, we model the protocol and its security guarantees using Tamarin, providing an automated proof of the security against a Dolev-Yao attacker.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
DLFA: Deep Learning based Fault Analysis against Block Ciphers
Yukun Cheng, Changhai Ou, Fan Zhang, Shihui Zheng, Shengmin Xu, and Jiangshan Long
Previous studies on fault analysis have demonstrated promising potential in compromising cryptographic security. However, these fault analysis methods are limited in practical impact due to methodological constraints and the substantial requirement of faulty information such as correct and faulty ciphertexts. Additionally, while deep learning techniques have been widely applied to side-channel analysis (SCA) in recent years and have shown superior performance compared with traditional methods, there has been minimal research focusing on the application of deep learning techniques in fault analysis to date. This paper proposes an innovative approach named deep learning-based fault analysis (DLFA) by incorporating deep learning techniques into fault analysis, which enhances the efficiency and versatility of the analysis. DLFA is equipped with a novel feature selection method to extract valuable information for neural networks from faulty ciphertexts. Besides, optimized hyper-parameters for MLP and CNN are presented as the benchmarks. Experimental results on advanced encryption standard (AES) reveal that DLFA achieves outstanding performance. Notably, DLFA requires only 683 minimum and 1488 average ciphertexts with an average analysis time of 0.12s, surpassing previous works in terms of efficiency.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
Quantum Complexity for Discrete Logarithms and Related Problems
Minki Hhan, Takashi Yamakawa, and Aaram Yun
This paper studies the quantum computational complexity of the discrete logarithm (DL) and related group-theoretic problems in the context of ``generic algorithms''---that is, algorithms that do not exploit any properties of the group encoding. We establish the quantum generic group model and hybrid classical-quantum generic group model as quantum and hybrid analogs of their classical counterpart. This model counts the number of group operations of the underlying cyclic group $G$ as a complexity measure. Shor's algorithm for the discrete logarithm problem and related algorithms can be described in this model and make $O(\log |G|)$ group operations in their basic form. We show the quantum complexity lower bounds and (almost) matching algorithms of the discrete logarithm and related problems in these models. * We prove that any quantum DL algorithm in the quantum generic group model must make $\Omega(\log |G|)$ depth of group operation queries. This shows that Shor's algorithm that makes $O(\log |G|)$ group operations is asymptotically optimal among the generic quantum algorithms, even considering parallel algorithms. * We observe that some (known) variations of Shor's algorithm can take advantage of classical computations to reduce the number and depth of quantum group operations. We show that these variants are optimal among generic hybrid algorithms up to constant multiplicative factors: Any generic hybrid quantum-classical DL algorithm with a total number of (classical or quantum) group operations $Q$ must make $\Omega(\log |G|/\log Q)$ quantum group operations of depth $\Omega(\log\log |G| - \log\log Q)$. * When the quantum memory can only store $t$ group elements and use quantum random access classical memory (QRACM) of $r$ group elements, any generic hybrid quantum-classical algorithm must make either $\Omega(\sqrt{|G|})$ group operation queries in total or $\Omega(\log |G|/\log (tr))$ quantum group operation queries. In particular, classical queries cannot reduce the number of quantum queries beyond $\Omega(\log |G|/\log (tr))$. As a side contribution, we show a multiple discrete logarithm problem admits a better algorithm than solving each instance one by one, refuting a strong form of the quantum annoying property suggested in the context of password-authenticated key exchange protocol.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
The solving degrees for computing Gröbner bases of affine semi-regular polynomial sequences
Momonari Kudo and Kazuhiro Yokoyama
Determining the complexity of computing Gr\"{o}bner bases is an important problem both in theory and in practice, and for that the solving degree plays a key role. In this paper, we study the solving degrees of affine semi-regular sequences and their homogenized sequences. Some of our results are considered to give mathematically rigorous proofs of the correctness of methods for computing Gr\"{o}bner bases of the ideal generated by an affine semi-regular sequence. This paper is a sequel of the authors' previous work and gives additional results on the solving degrees and important behaviors of Gr\"obner basis computation. We also define the generalized degree of regularity for a sequence of homogeneous polynomials. For the homogenization of an affine semi-regular sequence, we relate its generalized degree of regularity with its maximal Gr\"{o}bner basis degree (i.e., the solving degree of the homogenized sequence). The definition of a generalized (cryptographic) semi-regular sequence is also given, and it derives a new cryptographic assumption to estimate the security of cryptosystems. From our experimental observation, we raise a conjecture and some questions related to this generalized semi-regularity. These definitions and our results provide a theoretical formulation of (somehow heuristic) discussions done so far in the cryptographic community.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
Insecurity of MuSig and Bellare-Neven Multi-Signatures with Delayed Message Selection
Sela Navot
Multi-signature schemes in pairing-free settings require multiple communication rounds, prompting efforts to reduce the number of signing rounds that need to be executed after the signers receive the message to sign. In MuSig and Bellare-Neven multi-signatures, the signing protocol does not use the message until the third (and final) signing round. This structure seemingly allows pre-processing of the first two signing rounds before the signers receive the message. However, we demonstrate that this approach compromises security and enables a polynomial time attack, which uses the algorithm of Benhamouda et al. to solve the ROS problem.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
Notes on Multiplying Cyclotomic Polynomials on a GPU
Joseph Johnston
Show abstract
Lattice cryptography has many exciting applications, from homomorphic encryption to zero knowledge proofs. We explore the algebra of cyclotomic polynomials underlying many practical lattice cryptography constructions, and we explore algorithms for multiplying cyclotomic polynomials on a GPU.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
Faster Lookup Table Evaluation with Application to Secure LLM Inference
Xiaoyang Hou, Jian Liu, Jingyu Li, Jiawen Zhang, and Kui Ren
As large language models (LLMs) continue to gain popularity, concerns about user privacy are amplified, given that the data submitted by users for inference may contain sensitive information. Therefore, running LLMs through secure two-party computation (a.k.a. secure LLM inference) has emerged as a prominent topic. However, many operations in LLMs, such as Softmax and GELU, cannot be computed using conventional gates in secure computation; instead, lookup tables (LUTs) have to be utilized, which makes LUT to be an essential primitive in secure LLM inference. In this paper, we propose $\mathsf{ROTL}$, a secure two-party protocol for LUT evaluations. Compared with FLUTE (the state-of-the-art LUT presented at Oakland '23), it achieves upto 11.6$\times$ speedup in terms of overall performance and 155$\times$ speedup in terms of online performance. Furthermore, $\mathsf{ROTL}$ can support arithmetic shares (which is required by secure LLM inference), whereas FLUTE can only support boolean shares. At the heart of $\mathsf{ROTL}$ is a novel protocol for secret-shared rotation, which allows two parties to generate additive shares of the rotated table without revealing the rotation offset. We believe this protocol is of independent interest. Based on $\mathsf{ROTL}$, we design a novel secure comparison protocol; compared with the state-of-the-art, it achieves a 2.4$\times$ bandwidth reduction in terms of online performance. To support boolean shares, we further provide an optimization for FLUTE, by reducing its computational complexity from $O(l\cdot n^2)$ to $O(n\log n+l\cdot n)$ and shifting $O(n\log n)$ computation to the preprocessing phase. As a result, compared with FLUTE, it achieves upto 10.8$\times$ speedup in terms of overall performance and 962$\times$ speedup in terms of online performance.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
Fusion Channel Attack with POI Learning Encoder
Xinyao Li, Xiwen Ren, Ling Ning, and Changhai Ou
In order to challenge the security of cryptographic systems, Side-Channel Attacks exploit data leaks such as power consumption and electromagnetic emissions. Classic Side-Channel Attacks, which mainly focus on mono-channel data, fail to utilize the joint information of multi-channel data. However, previous studies of multi-channel attacks have often been limited in how they process and adapt to dynamic data. Furthermore, the different data types from various channels make it difficult to use them effectively. This study introduces the Fusion Channel Attack with POI Learning Encoder (FCA), which employs a set of POI Learning encoders that learn the inverse base transformation function family and project the data of each channel into a unified fusion latent space. Furthermore, our method introduces an optimal transport theory based metric for evaluating feature space fusion, which is used to assess the differences in feature spaces between channels. This model not only enhances the ability to process and interpret multi-source data, but also significantly improves the accuracy and applicability of SCAs in different environments.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
Anonymous, Timed and Revocable Proxy Signatures
Ghada Almashaqbeh and Anca Nitulescu
A proxy signature enables a party to delegate her signing power to another. This is useful in practice to achieve goals related to robustness, crowd-sourcing, and workload sharing. Such applications, especially in the blockchain model, usually require delegation to satisfy several properties, including time bounds, anonymity, revocability, and policy enforcement. Despite the large amount of work on proxy signatures in the literature, none of the existing schemes satisfy all these properties; even there is no unified formal notion that captures them. In this work, we close this gap and propose an anonymous, timed, and revocable proxy signature scheme. We achieve this in two steps: First, we introduce a tokenizable digital signature based on Schnorr signature allowing for secure distribution of signing tokens. Second, we utilize a public bulletin board, instantiated as a blockchain, and timelock encryption to support: (1) one-time usage of the signing tokens by tracking tokens used so far based on unique values associated to them, (2) timed delegation so that a proxy signer cannot sign outside a given period, and (3) delegation revocation allowing the original signer to end a delegation earlier than provisioned. All of these are done in a decentralized and anonymous way so that no one can tell that someone else signed on behalf of the original signer or even that a delegation took place. We define a formal notion for proxy signatures capturing all these properties, and prove that our construction realizes this notion. We also discuss several design considerations addressing issues related to deployment in practice.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
HAETAE: Shorter Lattice-Based Fiat-Shamir Signatures
Jung Hee Cheon, Hyeongmin Choe, Julien Devevey, Tim Güneysu, Dongyeon Hong, Markus Krausz, Georg Land, Marc Möller, Damien Stehlé, and MinJune Yi
We present HAETAE (Hyperball bimodAl modulE rejecTion signAture schemE), a new lattice-based signature scheme. Like the NIST-selected Dilithium signature scheme, HAETAE is based on the Fiat-Shamir with Aborts paradigm, but our design choices target an improved complexity/compactness compromise that is highly relevant for many space-limited application scenarios. We primarily focus on reducing signature and verification key sizes so that signatures fit into one TCP or UDP datagram while preserving a high level of security against a variety of attacks. As a result, our scheme has signature and verification key sizes up to 39% and 25% smaller, respectively, compared than Dilithium. We provide a portable, constant-time reference implementation together with an optimized implementation using AVX2 instructions and an implementation with reduced stack size for the Cortex-M4. Moreover, we describe how to efficiently protect HAETAE against implementation attacks such as side-channel analysis, making it an attractive candidate for use in IoT and other embedded systems.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
Enabling PERK and other MPC-in-the-Head Signatures on Resource-Constrained Devices
Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux, Alessandro Budroni, Marco Palumbi, and Lucas Pandolfo Perin
One category of the digital signatures submitted to the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process for Additional Digital Signature Schemes comprises proposals constructed leveraging the MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) paradigm. Typically, this framework is characterized by the computation and storage in sequence of large data structures both in signing and verification algorithms, resulting in heavy memory consumption. While some research on the efficiency of these schemes on high-performance machines has been done, studying their performance and optimization on resource-constrained ones still needs to be explored. In this work, we aim to address this gap by (1) introducing a general method to reduce the memory footprint of MPCitH schemes and analyzing its application to several MPCitH proposed schemes in the NIST Standardization Process. Additionally, (2) we conduct a detailed examination of potential memory optimizations in PERK, resulting in a streamlined version of the signing and verification algorithms with a reduced memory footprint ranging from 22 to 85 KB, down from the original 0.3 to 6 MB. Finally, (3) we introduce the first implementation of PERK tailored for Arm Cortex M4 alongside extensive experiments and comparisons against reference implementations.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
Byzantine Fault Tolerance with Non-Determinism, Revisited
Yue Huang, Huizhong Li, Yi Sun, and Sisi Duan
The conventional Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) paradigm requires replicated state machines to execute deterministic operations only. In practice, numerous applications and scenarios, especially in the era of blockchains, contain various sources of non-determinism. Despite decades of research on BFT, we still lack an efficient and easy-to-deploy solution for BFT with non-determinism—BFT-ND, especially in the asynchronous setting. We revisit the problem of BFT-ND and provide a formal and asynchronous treatment of BFT-ND. In particular, we design and implement Block-ND that insightfully separates the task of agreeing on the order of transactions from the task of agreement on the state: Block-ND allows reusing existing BFT implementations; on top of BFT, we reduce the agreement on the state to multivalued Byzantine agreement (MBA), a somewhat neglected primitive by practical systems. Block-ND is completely asynchronous as long as the underlying BFT is asynchronous. We provide a new MBA construction significantly faster than existing MBA constructions. We instantiate Block-ND in both the partially synchronous setting (with PBFT, OSDI 1999) and the purely asynchronous setting (with PACE, CCS 2022). Via a 91-instance WAN deployment on Amazon EC2, we show that Block-ND has only marginal performance degradation compared to conventional BFT.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
Alternative Key Schedules for the AES
Christina Boura, Patrick Derbez, and Margot Funk
The AES block cipher is today the most important and analyzed symmetric algorithm. While all versions of the AES are known to be secure in the single-key setting, this is not the case in the related-key scenario. In this article we try to answer the question whether the AES would resist better differential-like related-key attacks if the key schedule was different. For this, we search for alternative permutation-based key schedules by extending the work of Khoo et al. at ToSC 2017 and Derbez et al. at SAC 2018. We first show that the model of Derbez et al. was flawed. Then, we develop different approaches together with MILP-based tools to find good permutations that could be used as the key schedule for AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256. Our methods permitted to find permutations that outperform the permutation exhibited by Khoo et al. for AES-128. Moreover, our new approach based on two MILP models that call one another allowed us to handle a larger search space and thus to search for alternative key schedules for the two bigger versions of AES. This method permitted us to find permutations for AES-192 and AES-256 that provide better resistance to related-key differential attacks. Most importantly, we showed that these variants can resist full-round boomerang attacks.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
Exploiting Decryption Failures in Mersenne Number Cryptosystems
Marcel Tiepelt and Jan-Pieter D'Anvers
Mersenne number schemes are a new strain of potentially quantum-safe cryptosystems that use sparse integer arithmetic modulo a Mersenne prime to encrypt messages. Two Mersenne number based schemes were submitted to the NIST post-quantum standardization process: Ramstake and Mersenne-756839. Typically, these schemes admit a low but non-zero probability that ciphertexts fail to decrypt correctly. In this work we show that the information leaked from failing ciphertexts can be used to gain information about the secret key. We present an attack exploiting this information to break the IND-CCA security of Ramstake. First, we introduce an estimator for the bits of the secret key using decryption failures. Then, our estimates can be used to apply the Slice-and-Dice attack due to Beunardeau et al. at significantly reduced complexity to recover the full secret. We implemented our attack on a simplified version of the code submitted to the NIST competition. Our attack is able to extract a good estimate of the secrets using $2^{12}$ decryption failures, corresponding to $2^{74}$~failing ciphertexts in the original scheme. Subsequently the exact secrets can be extracted in about $2^{46}$ quantum computational steps.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
MatcHEd: Privacy-Preserving Set Similarity based on MinHash
Rostin Shokri, Charles Gouert, and Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) enables arbitrary computation on encrypted data, but certain applications remain prohibitively expensive in the encrypted domain. As a case in point, comparing two encrypted sets of data is extremely computationally expensive due to the large number of comparison operators required. In this work, we propose a novel methodology for encrypted set similarity inspired by the MinHash algorithm and the CGGI FHE scheme. Doing comparisons in FHE requires comparators and multiplexers or an expensive approximation, which further increases the latency, especially when the goal is to compare two sets of data. The MinHash algorithm can significantly reduce the number of comparisons required by employing a special Carter-Wegman (CW) hash function as a key building block. However, the modulus operation in the CW hash becomes another key bottleneck because the encrypted sub-circuits required to perform the modular reduction are very large and inefficient in an FHE setting. Towards that end, we introduce an efficient bitwise FHE-friendly digest function (FFD) to employ as the cornerstone of our proposed encrypted set-similarity. In a Boolean FHE scheme like CGGI, the bitwise operations can be implemented efficiently with Boolean gates, which allows for faster evaluation times relative to standard Carter-Wegman constructions. Overall, our approach drastically reduces the number of comparisons required relative to the baseline approach of directly computing the Jaccard similarity coefficients, and is inherently parallelizable, allowing for efficient encrypted computation on multi-CPU and GPU-based cloud servers. We validate our approach by performing a privacy-preserving plagiarism detection across encrypted documents.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
PolyFHEmus: Rethinking Multiplication in Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Charles Gouert and Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
Homomorphic encryption is a powerful technology that solves key privacy concerns in cloud computing by enabling computation on encrypted data. However, it has not seen widespread adoption due to prohibitively high latencies. In this article, we identify polynomial multiplication as a bottleneck and investigate alternative algorithms to accelerate encrypted computing.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
Juliet: A Configurable Processor for Computing on Encrypted Data
Charles Gouert, Dimitris Mouris, and Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) has become progressively more viable in the years since its original inception in 2009. At the same time, leveraging state-of-the-art schemes in an efficient way for general computation remains prohibitively difficult for the average programmer. In this work, we introduce a new design for a fully homomorphic processor, dubbed Juliet, to enable faster operations on encrypted data using the state-of-the-art TFHE and cuFHE libraries for both CPU and GPU evaluation. To improve usability, we define an expressive assembly language and instruction set architecture (ISA) judiciously designed for end-to-end encrypted computation. We demonstrate Juliet's capabilities with a broad range of realistic benchmarks including cryptographic algorithms, such as the lightweight ciphers Simon and Speck, as well as logistic regression (LR) inference and matrix multiplication.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
HElix: Genome Similarity Detection in the Encrypted Domain
Rostin Shokri, Charles Gouert, and Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
As the field of genomics continues to expand and more sequencing data is gathered, genome analysis becomes increasingly relevant for many users. For example, a common scenario entails users trying to determine if their DNA samples are similar to DNA sequences hosted in a larger remote repository. Nevertheless, end users may be reluctant to upload their DNA sequences, while the owners of remote genomics repositories are unwilling to openly share their database. To address this challenge, we propose two distinct approaches based on fully homomorphic encryption to preserve the privacy of the genomic data and enable queries directly on ciphertexts. The first is based on the ubiquitous MinHash algorithm and can determine if similar matches exist in the database, while the second involves a bespoke bloom filter construction for determining exact matches. We validate both approaches across various database sizes using both GPU and CPU-based cloud servers.
Last updated:  2024-07-04
Tyche: Probabilistic Selection over Encrypted Data for Generative Language Models
Lars Folkerts and Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
Generative AI, a significant technological disruptor in recent years, has impacted domains like augmented reality, coding assistance, and text generation. However, use of these models requires users to trust the model owners with their sensitive data given as input to the model. Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) offers a promising solution, and many earlier works have investigated the use this technology for machine learning as a service (MLaaS) applications. Still, these efforts do not cater to generative models that operate probabilistically, allowing for diverse and creative outputs. In this work, we introduce three novel probabilistic selection algorithms for autoregressive generative AI: multiplication-scaled cumulative sum, heuristic cumulative sum, and the random-multiplication argmax. Each of these approaches presents distinctive challenges in optimizing the trade-off between precision and timing performance, a balance intricately tied to the specific characteristics of the data under consideration. Our results show that the random multiplication argmax-based method is more scalable than the cumulative sum methods and can accurately mimic the plaintext selection curve.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
Fast pairings via biextensions and cubical arithmetic
Damien Robert
Biextensions associated to line bundles on abelian varieties allows to reinterpret the usual Weil, Tate, Ate, optimal Ate, \ldots, pairings as monodromy pairings. We introduce a cubical arithmetic, derived from the canonical cubical torsor structure of these line bundles, to obtain an efficient arithmetic of these biextensions. This unifies and extends Miller's standard algorithm to compute pairings along with other algorithms like elliptic nets and theta functions, and allows to adapt these algorithms to pairings on any model of abelian varieties with a polarisation $\Phi_D$, as long as we have an explicit theorem of the square for $D$. In particular, we give explicit formulas for the arithmetic of the biextension (and cubical torsor structure) associated to the divisor $D=2(0_E)$ on an elliptic curve. We derive very efficient pairing formulas on elliptic curves and Kummer lines. Notably for generic pairings on Montgomery curves, our cubical biextension ladder algorithm to compute pairings costs only $15M$ by bits, which as far as I know is faster than any pairing doubling formula in the literature.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
Obfuscated Key Exchange
Felix Günther, Douglas Stebila, and Shannon Veitch
Censorship circumvention tools enable clients to access endpoints in a network despite the presence of a censor. Censors use a variety of techniques to identify content they wish to block, including filtering traffic patterns that are characteristic of proxy or circumvention protocols and actively probing potential proxy servers. Circumvention practitioners have developed fully encrypted protocols (FEPs), intended to have traffic that appears indistinguishable from random. A FEP is typically composed of a key exchange protocol to establish shared secret keys, and then a secure channel protocol to encrypt application data; both must avoid revealing to observers that an obfuscated protocol is in use. We formalize the notion of obfuscated key exchange, capturing the requirement that a key exchange protocol's traffic "looks random" and that it resists active probing attacks, in addition to ensuring secure session keys and authentication. We show that the Tor network's obfs4 protocol satisfies this definition. We then show how to extend the obfs4 design to defend against stronger censorship attacks and present a quantum-safe obfuscated key exchange protocol. To instantiate our quantum-safe protocol using the ML-KEM (Kyber) standard, we present Kemeleon, a new mapping between ML-KEM public keys/ciphertexts and uniform byte strings.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
Privacy-Preserving Dijkstra
Benjamin Ostrovsky
Given a graph $G(V,E)$, represented as a secret-sharing of an adjacency list, we show how to obliviously convert it into an alternative, MPC-friendly secret-shared representation, so-called $d$-normalized replicated adjacency list (which we abbreviate to $d$-normalized), where the size of our new data-structure is only 4x larger -- compared to the original (secret-shared adjacency list) representation of $G$. Yet, this new data structure enables us to execute oblivious graph algorithms that simultaneously improve underlying graph algorithms' round, computation, and communication complexity. Our $d$-normalization proceeds in two steps: First, we show how for any graph $G$, given a secret-shared adjacency list, where vertices are arbitrary alphanumeric strings that fit into a single RAM memory word, we can efficiently and securely rename vertices to integers from $1$ to $V$ that will appear in increasing order in the resulting secret-shared adjacency list. The secure renaming takes $O(\log V)$ rounds and $O((V+E)\log V)$ secure operations. Our algorithm also outputs two secret-shared arrays: a mapping from integers to alphanumeric names and its sorted inverse. Of course, if the adjacency list is already in such a format, this step could be omitted. Second, given a secret-shared adjacency list for any graph $G$, where vertices are integers from $1$ to $V$ and are sorted, we show an oblivious $d$-normalization algorithm that takes $O(1)$ rounds and $O(V+E)$ secure operations. We believe that both conversions are of independent interest. We demonstrate the power of our data structures by designing a privacy-preserving Dijkstra's single-source shortest-path algorithm that simultaneously achieves $O((V +E) \cdot \log V)$ secure operations and $O(V \cdot \log V \cdot \log \log\log V)$ rounds. Our secure Dijkstra algorithm works for any adjacency list representation as long as all vertex labels and weights can individually fit into a constant number of RAM memory words. Our algorithms work for two or a constant number of servers in the honest but curious setting. The limitation of our result (to only a constant number of servers) is due to our reliance on linear work and constant-round secure shuffle.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
Randomized Distributed Function Computation with Semantic Communications: Applications to Privacy
Onur Gunlu
Randomized distributed function computation refers to remote function computation where transmitters send data to receivers which compute function outputs that are randomized functions of the inputs. We study the applications of semantic communications in randomized distributed function computation to illustrate significant reductions in the communication load, with a particular focus on privacy. The semantic communication framework leverages generalized remote source coding methods, where the remote source is a randomized version of the observed data. Since satisfying security and privacy constraints generally require a randomization step, semantic communication methods can be applied to such function computation problems, where the goal is to remotely simulate a sequence at the receiver such that the transmitter and receiver sequences follow a target probability distribution. Our performance metrics guarantee (local differential) privacy for each input sequence, used in two different distributed function computation problems, which is possible by using strong coordination methods. This work provides lower bounds on Wyner's common information (WCI), which is one of the two corner points of the coordination-randomness rate region characterizing the ultimate limits of randomized distributed function computation. The WCI corresponds to the case when there is no common randomness shared by the transmitter and receiver. Moreover, numerical methods are proposed to compute the other corner point for continuous-valued random variables, for which an unlimited amount of common randomness is available. Results for two problems of practical interest illustrate that leveraging common randomness can decrease the communication load as compared to the WCI corner point significantly. We also illustrate that semantic communication gains over lossless compression methods are achieved also without common randomness, motivating further research on limited common randomness scenarios.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
Enabling Complete Atomicity for Cross-chain Applications Through Layered State Commitments
Yuandi Cai, Ru Cheng, Yifan Zhou, Shijie Zhang, Jiang Xiao, and Hai Jin
Cross-chain Decentralized Applications (dApps) are increasingly popular for their ability to handle complex tasks across various blockchains, extending beyond simple asset transfers or swaps. However, ensuring all dependent transactions execute correctly together, known as complete atomicity, remains a challenge. Existing works provide financial atomicity, protecting against monetary loss, but lack the ability to ensure correctness for complex tasks. In this paper, we introduce Avalon, a transaction execution framework for cross-chain dApps that guarantees complete atomicity for the first time. Avalon achieves this by introducing multiple state layers above the native one to cache state transitions, allowing for efficient management of these state transitions. Most notably, for concurrent cross-chain transactions, Avalon resolves not only intra-chain conflicts but also addresses potential inconsistencies between blockchains via a novel state synchronization protocol, enabling serializable cross-chain execution. We implement Avalon using smart contracts in Cosmos ecosystem and evaluate its commitment performance, demonstrating acceptable latency and gas consumption even under conflict cases.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
A Faster Software Implementation of SQISign
Kaizhan Lin, Weize Wang, Zheng Xu, and Chang-An Zhao
Isogeny-based cryptography is famous for its short key size. As one of the most compact digital signatures, SQIsign (Short Quaternion and Isogeny Signature) is attractive among post-quantum cryptography, but it is inefficient compared to other post-quantum competitors because of complicated procedures in the ideal-to-isogeny translation, which is the efficiency bottleneck of the signing phase. In this paper, we recall the current implementation of SQIsign and mainly focus on how to improve the execution of the ideal-to-isogeny translation in SQIsign. Specifically, we demonstrate how to utilize the reduced Tate pairing to save one of the two elliptic curve discrete logarithms. In addition, the efficient implementation of the remainder discrete logarithm computation is explored. We speed up other procedures in the ideal-to-isogeny translation with various techniques as well. It should be noted that our improvements also benefit the performance of key generation and verification in SQIsign. In the instantiation with $p_{1973}$, the improvements lead to a speedup of 5.47%, 8.80% and 25.34% for key generation, signature and verification, respectively.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
LEA Block Cipher in Rust Language: Trade-off between Memory Safety and Performance
Sangwon Kim, Siwoo Eum, Minho Song, and Hwajeong Seo
Cryptography implementations of block cipher have been written in C language due to its strong features on system-friendly features. However, the C language is prone to memory safety issues, such as buffer overflows and memory leaks. On the other hand, Rust, novel system programming language, provides strict compile-time memory safety guarantees through its ownership model. This paper presents the implementation of LEA block cipher in Rust language, demonstrating features to prevent common memory vulnerabilities while maintaining performance. We compare the Rust implementation with the traditional C language version, showing that while Rust incurs a reasonable memory overhead, it achieves comparable the execution timing of encryption and decryption. Our results highlight Rust’s suitability for secure cryptographic applications, striking the balance between memory safety and execution efficiency.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
Quantum Implementation of LSH
Yujin Oh, Kyungbae Jang, and Hwajeong Seo
As quantum computing progresses, the assessment of cryptographic algorithm resilience against quantum attack gains significance interests in the field of cryptanalysis. Consequently, this paper implements the depth-optimized quantum circuit of Korean hash function (i.e., LSH) and estimates its quantum attack cost in quantum circuits. By utilizing an optimized quantum adder and employing parallelization techniques, the proposed quantum circuit achieves a 78.8\% improvement in full depth and a 79.1\% improvement in Toffoli depth compared to previous the-state-of art works. In conclusion, based on the implemented quantum circuit, we estimate the resources required for a Grover collision attack and evaluate the post-quantum security of LSH algorithms.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
A $3$-Round Near-Linear Third-Party Private Set Intersection Protocol
Foo Yee Yeo and Jason H. M. Ying
Third-party private set intersection (PSI) enables two parties, each holding a private set to compute their intersection and reveal the result only to an inputless third party. In this paper, we present an efficient third-party PSI protocol requiring only 3 communication rounds, while significantly lowering the computational workload compared to prior work. Our work is motivated by real-world applications such as contact tracing whereby expedition is essential while concurrently preserving privacy. Our construction attains a near-linear computational complexity of $O(n^{1+\varepsilon})$ for large dataset size $n$, where $\varepsilon>0$ is any fixed constant, and achieves post-quantum security. Our improvements stem from algorithmic changes and the incorporation of new techniques along with precise parameter selections to achieve a tight asymptotic bound. Furthermore, we also present a third-party PSI cardinality protocol which has not been explored in prior third-party PSI work. In a third-party PSI cardinality setting, only the third-party obtains the size of the intersection and nothing else. Our construction to achieve the cardinality functionality attains a quasilinear computational complexity for the third-party.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
Reducing Signature Size of Matrix-code-based Signature Schemes
Tung Chou, Ruben Niederhagen, Lars Ran, and Simona Samardjiska
This paper shows novel techniques to reduce the signature size of the code-based signature schemes MEDS and ALTEQ, by a large factor. For both schemes, the signature size is dominated by the responses for rounds with nonzero challenges, and we reduce the signature size by reducing the size of these responses. For MEDS, each of the responses consists of $m^2 + n^2$ field elements,while in our new protocol each response consists of only $2k$ ($k$ is usually chosen to be close to $m$ and $n$) field elements. For ALTEQ, each of the responses consists of $n^2$ field elements, while in our new protocol each response consists of about $\sqrt{2} n^{3/2}$ field elements. In both underlying $\Sigma$-protocols of the schemes, the prover generates a random isometry and sends the corresponding isometry to the verifier as the response. Instead of doing this, in our new protocols, the prover derives an isometry from some random code words and their presumed (full or partial) images. The prover sends the corresponding code words and images to the verifier as the response, so that the verifier can derive an isometry in the same way. Interestingly, it turns out that each response takes much fewer field elements to represent in this way.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
Simpler and Faster BFV Bootstrapping for Arbitrary Plaintext Modulus from CKKS
Jaehyung Kim, Jinyeong Seo, and Yongsoo Song
Bootstrapping is currently the only known method for constructing fully homomorphic encryptions. In the BFV scheme specifically, bootstrapping aims to reduce the error of a ciphertext while preserving the encrypted plaintext. The existing BFV bootstrapping methods follow the same pipeline, relying on the evaluation of a digit extraction polynomial to annihilate the error located in the least significant digits. However, due to its strong dependence on performance, bootstrapping could only utilize a limited form of plaintext modulus, such as a power of a small prime number. In this paper, we present a novel approach to instantiate BFV bootstrapping, distinct from the previous digit extraction-based method. The core idea of our bootstrapping is to utilize CKKS bootstrapping as a subroutine, so the performance of our method mainly depends on the underlying CKKS bootstrapping rather than the plaintext modulus. We implement our method at a proof-of-concept level to provide concrete benchmark results. When performing the bootstrapping operation for a 51-bits plaintext modulus, our method improves the previous digit extraction-based method by a factor of 37.9 in latency and 29.4 in throughput. Additionally, we achieve viable bootstrapping performance for large plaintext moduli, such as 144-bits and 234-bits, which has never been measured before.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
A Pure Indistinguishability Obfuscation Approach to Adaptively-Sound SNARGs for NP
Brent Waters and David J. Wu
We construct an adaptively-sound succinct non-interactive argument (SNARG) for NP in the CRS model from sub-exponentially-secure indistinguishability obfuscation ($i\mathcal{O}$) and sub-exponentially-secure one-way functions. Previously, Waters and Wu (STOC 2024), and subsequently, Waters and Zhandry (CRYPTO 2024) showed how to construct adaptively-sound SNARGs for NP by relying on sub-exponentially-secure indistinguishability obfuscation, one-way functions, and an additional algebraic assumption (i.e., discrete log, factoring, or learning with errors). In this work, we show that no additional algebraic assumption is needed and vanilla (sub-exponentially-secure) one-way functions already suffice in combination with $i\mathcal{O}$.
Last updated:  2024-07-03
Separating Selective Opening Security From Standard Security, Assuming IO
Justin Holmgren and Brent Waters
Assuming the hardness of LWE and the existence of IO, we construct a public-key encryption scheme that is IND-CCA secure but fails to satisfy even a weak notion of indistinguishability security with respect to selective opening attacks. Prior to our work, such a separation was known only from stronger assumptions such as differing inputs obfuscation (Hofheinz, Rao, and Wichs, PKC 2016). Central to our separation is a new hash family, which may be of independent interest. Specifically, for any $S(k) = k^{O(1)}$, any $n(k) = k^{O(1)}$, and any $m(k) = k^{\Theta(1)}$, we construct a hash family mapping $n(k)$ bits to $m(k)$ bits that is somewhere statistically correlation intractable (SS-CI) for all relations $R_k \subseteq \{0,1\}^{n(k)} \times \{0,1\}^{m(k)}$ that are enumerable by circuits of size $S(k)$. We give two constructions of such a hash family. Our first construction uses IO, and generically ``boosts'' any hash family that is SS-CI for the smaller class of functions that are computable by circuits of size $S(k)$. This weaker hash variant can be constructed based solely on LWE (Peikert and Shiehian, CRYPTO 2019). Our second construction is based on the existence of a circular secure FHE scheme, and follows the construction of Canetti et al. (STOC 2019).
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