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Green Intelligent Network Connection: Baidus Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Technology Brings Smooth Traffic in Yizhuang
Time: 2024-01-04

Baidu cooperated with Beijing Yizhuang High-level Automated Driving Demonstration Area to build an intelligent transportation demonstration zone. By 2022, Baidus intelligent transportation system had covered 329 intersections in the demonstration zone. By sensing information such as traffic flow and vehicle queuing, the system can automatically adjust the flashing duration of traffic lights at intersections in real time to help vehicles move more smoothly. At the same time, Baidu Maps can suggest the best driving speed and lane for car owners to ensure that they have a green light run on arrival at intersections, effectively reducing the waiting time, and avoiding unnecessary energy consumption caused by traffic lights.

According to statistics, the Yizhuang Demonstration Area has achieved an average delay reduction of 28.48% in single-point self-adaptive intersections, 30.30% in vehicle queue length and 18.33% in waiting for green lights. The average annual reduction of carbon emission at each intersection has reached 51.71 tons. If we calculate that329 intersections, the annual carbon emissions can be reduced by 17,000 tons.

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