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ESG Governance
Governance Structure
The Baidu Environmental,Social and Governance (ESG) Policy serves as the basis for the Company's ESG management practices on various ESG issues such as carbon neutrality target management, data security and privacy protection,labor and human rights,product quality and business ethics.

Baidu sets the sustainability of technology,business operations and employees as ESG management goals. We gain insights from the macro environment, business practices and stakeholders to continuously optimize our ESG management models and tools. Focusing on key ESG issues such as data security, privacy protection, carbon neutrality,product quality,human capital,and human rights protection, Baidu continues to identify risks and opportunities in our operations through the cross- business ESG issues working groups. The working groups also collaborate with each other to fully implement the ESG strategic goals and enable the compamy to create economic and social values to give back to shareholders, users, partners, and other stakeholders.
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