

1. A simple, high-level interpreted language invented by Guido van Rossum<[email protected]>in 1991. Python combines ideas fromABC,C,Modula-3andIcon.It bridges the gap betweenCandshellprogramming, making it suitable forrapid prototypingor as an extension language for C applications. It isobject-orientedand supports packages,modules,classes,user-defined exceptions, a good C interface, dynamic loading of C modules and has no arbitrary restrictions.

Python is available for manyplatforms,includingUnix, Windows,DOS,OS/2,MacintoshandAmoeba.


Usenetnewsgroup:comp.lang. Python.

Last updated:2007-02-21


2. AcompilerforCMU Common LISP.Python is more sophisticated than otherCommon Lispcompilers. It produces better code and is easier to use. The programming environment based on theHemlockeditor is better integrated thanGNUEmacsbased environments.

Last updated:1997-02-27

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Pythagoras's TheoremPythagoras' TheoremPythagorean TheoremPythonQQAqa

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