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Wikimedia Foundation Trademark Policy

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
This page is atranslated versionof the pagePolicy:Trademark policyand the translation is 18% complete.

Czy mogę używać znaków Wikimedia?

Ten opis nie jest tekstem prawnym.

TAK, proszę!

You have the right to usemarksto:

This policy also allows you to usemarks:

1.On the Wikimedia sites.

2. Outside the Wikimedia sites when you:

·Organize aWikimedia community-focused event;
·Dooutreach and recruit new editors;or
·Place marks on t-shirts, cakes, and other thingswithout selling them.

Please always comply with theVisual Identity Guidelines.

TAK, ale najpierw...

please sign aQuick License

for Wikimediaphoto contests,andGLAM.

Niestety, NIE.

Niew celulinkowania do serwisów nie-Wikimedia,

tworzeniakopiinaszych stron ani

w celuwprowadzenia w błąd.