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Programmation XML/XSLT

Un livre de Wikilivres.

XSLTsignifieExtended Stylesheet Language Transformations.Il s'agit d'un langage qui permet de transformer un document XML en un autre format en s'appuyant surXPath.On peut par exemple créer une pageHTML,un fichier PDF ou autre à partir d'un fichier XML.

Le langage XSLT se base sur la notion derègles de transformation.Pour chaque balise XML, on définit comment son contenu doit apparaître dans le document produit. Ces règles sont dans des balises <xsl: et on les enregistre dans des documents.xsl.

Les exemples ci-dessous sont vérifiables avec l'outil
Attributs Note
match désigne le nœud auquel s'applique le code.
select ce qu'il faut trier dans le résultat.
order classe les résultats (ascendingoudescending)
case-order classe les résultats en distinguant les lettres capitales (upper-firstou


data-types convertit le type des données (ex:string,number,boolean)
<?xml version= "1.0"?>
<?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8"?>


<?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8"?>

Depuis PHP5 l'extension est déjà inclue[1]dans le fichier PHP.ini:


Il n'y a donc rien a installer pour charger les deux fichiers publiés ci-dessus:





Syntaxe avancée

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Éléments XSL[2][3] Description Catégorie
apply-imports Applies a template rule from an imported stylesheet instruction
apply-templates Applies a template rule to the current element or to the current element's child nodes instruction
attribute Adds an attribute instruction
attribute-set Defines a named set of attributes top-level-element
call-template Calls a named template instruction
choose Used in conjunction with <when> and <otherwise> to

express multiple conditional tests

comment Creates a comment node in the result tree instruction
copy Creates a copy of the current node
(without child nodes and attributes)
copy-of Creates a copy of the current node
(with child nodes and attributes)
decimal-format Defines the characters and symbols to be used when converting numbers into strings, with the format-number() function top-level-element
element Creates an element node in the output document instruction
fallback Specifies an alternate code to run if the processor does not support an XSLT element instruction
for-each Loops through each node in a specified node set instruction
if Contains a template that will be applied only if a specified condition is true instruction
import Imports the contents of one stylesheet into another.
Note: An imported stylesheet has lower precedence than the importing stylesheet
include Includes the contents of one stylesheet into another.
Note: An included stylesheet has the same precedence as the including stylesheet
key Declares a named key that can be used in the stylesheet with the key() function top-level-element
message Writes a message to the output (used to report errors) instruction
namespace-alias Replaces a namespace in the stylesheet to a different namespace in the output top-level-element
number Determines the integer position of the current node and formats a number instruction
otherwise Specifies a default action for the <choose> element instruction
output Defines the format of the output document top-level-element
param Declares a local or global parameter top-level-element
preserve-space Defines the elements for which white space should be preserved top-level-element
processing-instruction Writes a processing instruction to the output instruction
sort Sorts the output instruction
strip-space Defines the elements for which white space should be removed top-level-element
stylesheet Defines the root element of a stylesheet top-level-element
template Rules to apply when a specified node is matched top-level-element
text Writes literal text to the output instruction
transform Defines the root element of a stylesheet top-level-element
value-of Extracts the value of a selected node instruction
variable Declares a local or global variable top-level-element or instruction
when Specifies an action for the <choose> element instruction
with-param Defines the value of a parameter to be passed into a template instruction
Nom[4] Description
current() Returns the current node
document() Used to access the nodes in an external XML document
element-available() Tests whether the element specified is supported by the XSLT processor
format-number() Converts a number into a string
function-available() Tests whether the element specified is supported by the XSLT processor
generate-id() Returns a string value that uniquely identifies a specified node
key() Returns a node-set using the index specified by an <xsl:key> element
system-property Returns the value of the system properties
unparsed-entity-uri() Returns the URI of an unparsed entity

Fonctions héritées de XPath

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Nom[5] Description Syntaxe
count() Returns the number of nodes in a node-set number=count(node-set)
id() Selects elements by their unique ID node-set=id(value)
last() Returns the position number of the last node in the processed node list number=last()
local-name() Returns the local part of a node. A node usually consists of a prefix, a colon, followed by the local name string=local-name(node)
name() Returns the name of a node string=name(node)
namespace-uri() Returns the namespace URI of a specified node uri=namespace-uri(node)
position() Returns the position in the node list of the node that is currently being processed number=position()

Fonctions chaines

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Nom Description Exemple
Concat() Returns the concatenation of all its arguments string=concat(val1, val2,..)

concat('The',' ','XML')
Result: 'The XML'

contains() Returns true if the second string is contained within the first

string, otherwise it returns false


Result: true

normalize-space() Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string string=normalize-space(string)

normalize-space(' The XML ')
Result: 'The XML'

starts-with() Returns true if the first string starts with the second string,

otherwise it returns false


Result: true

string() Converts the value argument to a string string(value)

Result: '314'

string-length() Returns the number of characters in a string number=string-length(string)

Result: 7

substring() Returns a part of the string in the string argument string=substring(string,start,length)

Result: 'Beat'

substring-after() Returns the part of the string in the string argument that occurs after the substring in the substr argument string=substring-after(string,substr)

Result: '10'

substring-before() Returns the part of the string in the string argument that occurs

before the substring in the substr argument


Result: '12'

translate() Takes the value argument and replaces all occurrences of string1

with string2 and returns the modified string


Result: '12!30'

Fonctions nombres

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Nom Description Exemple
ceiling() Returns the smallest integer that is not less than the number argument number=ceiling(number)

Result: 4

floor() Returns the largest integer that is not greater than the number



Result: 3

number() Converts the value argument to a number number=number(value)

Result: 100

round() Rounds the number argument to the nearest integer integer=round(number)

Result: 3

sum() Returns the total value of a set of numeric values in a node-set number=sum(nodeset)


Fonctions booléennes

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Nom Description Exemple
boolean() Converts the value argument to Boolean and returns true or false bool=boolean(value)
false() Returns false false()

Result: 0

lang() Returns true if the language argument matches the language of the xsl:lang element, otherwise it returns false bool=lang(language)
not() Returns true if the condition argument is false, and false if the condition argument is true bool=not(condition)


true() Returns true true()

Result: 1