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“2019 niên cao khảo anh ngữ ngữ pháp đại toàn luyện tập: Danh từ tính tòng cú”, canh đa 2019 cao khảo tư tấn, 2019 cao khảo báo danh thời gian, 2019 cao khảo báo khảo điều kiện, 2019 cao khảo kinh nghiệm đẳng tín tức, thỉnh cập thời quan chú khảo thí ba cao khảo võng hoặc quan chú “Khảo thí baCao trung tư tấn” vi tín hoạch thủ tương quan tín tức.

2019 niên cao khảo anh ngữ ngữ pháp đại toàn luyện tập: Danh từ tính tòng cú

1.I wonder how much.

A.cost these shoes B.do these shoes cost

C.these shoes cost D.are these shoes cost

2.Nobody knew.

A.where he comes B.where he was from

C.where he is from D.where does he come from

3.Excuse me,would you please tell me.

A.when the sports meet will be taken place.

B.when was the sports meet going to be held.

C.when is the sports meet to begin.

D.when the sports meet is to take place.

4.Cornputers can only give cut has been stored in them.

A.that B.which

C.what D.anything

5.She wanted to know.

A.whether I knew her and where did she work

B.if I knew her and the factory she worked there

C.wherther I knew her and the factory she worked

D.if I knew her and the factory where she worked

6.My friend wouldn’t tell me his new car.

A.how much he paid for B.how much did he pay

C.he paid how much for D.did he pay how much

7.A simple experiment shows air has some strength.

A.what B.that

C.which D.who

8.He you are not going abroad.

A.surprised that B.is surprised that

C.surprised at D.is surprised whether

9.Father asked.

A.what was wrong with me B.what’s wrong with me

C.what wrong was with me D.what wrong is with me

10.It doesn’t matter I rest or not.

A.if B.whether

C.that D.when

11.The trouble is we are short of tools.

A.what B.that

C.how D.why that

12.That is there appears a rainbow in the sky.

A.what B.when

C.why D.however

13. I can’t understand is he wants to change his mind.

A.That, that B.Which, what

C.What, what D.What, why

14.It is possible he misunderstood I said.

A.that,that B.what, what

C.what, that D.that, what

15.The thought he might fail in the exam worried him.

A.which B.that

C.when D./

16.The fact he is an orphan is well known.

A.what B.that

C.which D./

17. I was free that evening

A.It happened to B.It happened that

C.That happened D.It was happened that

18. I will accept the gift is none of your business.

A.If B.Whether

C.What D.Which

19. I have will be yours sooner or later.

A.No matter what B.No matter whatever

C.Whatever D.That

20.He always thinks he can do more for the people.

A.of how B.how

C.of that D.why

21. in the newspaper that the Japanese Minister will arrive next Monday.

A.It says B.It is said

C.It has said D.He is said

22.We think it important college students should master at least one foreign language.

A.which B.that

C.what D.whether

23.Comrade Wang is to give us a talk on he saw and heard in Britain.

A.what B.all what

C.that D.which

24.The town is no longer it was ten years ago.

A.which B.that

C.what D.when

25. told yuou that was lying.

A.who B.whoever

C.Anyone D.The person

26.Word came I was wanted at the office.

A.which B.why

C.that D.whether

27. nothing to do with us.

A.What he did is B.What he has done

C.What did he do D.What he has done has

28.The problem is will go.

A.that B.that who

C.who D.whoever

29. there is life on another planet is almost impossible.

A.How B.That

C.Why D.Whether

30. was a well -known fact.

A.That their team was weak B.That their team being weak

C.Their team was weak D.If their team was weak

【 đáp án 】:

1 C 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 D 6 A 7 B 8 B 9 A 10 B

11 B 12 C 13 D 14 D 15 B 16 B 17 B 18 B 19C 20 A

21 B 22 B 23 A 24 C 25 B 26C 27 D 28 C 29 B 30 A

Tảo miêu / trường án nhị duy mã bang trợ cao khảo thông quan!
Hoạch thủ 2019 cao khảo báo danh thời gian
Hoạch thủ 2019 niênCao khảo tác văn
Hoạch thủ cao khảo lịch niên chân đề giải tích
Hoạch thủ 2019 cao khảo tâm đắc kỹ xảo

Vi tín sưu tác "Khảo thí ba cao trung tư tấn"Quan chú dã khả hoạch đắc cao khảo bí tịch

Biên tập thôi tiến:

2018 niên thành nhân cao khảo cao khởi điểm ngữ văn trùng thứ thí quyển cập đáp án hối tổng

2018 thành khảo cao khởi điểm 《 ngữ văn 》 chuyên hạng luyện tập hối tổng

2018 thành khảo cao khởi điểm 《 ngữ văn 》 tinh tuyển hiện đại văn duyệt độc luyện tập hối tổng

2018 niên thành nhân cao khảo cao khởi điểm 《 ngữ văn 》 cổ thi đề phân đề hối tổng

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Vi tín tảo mã, lập tức hoạch thủ!
Tảo mã miễn phí sử dụng
Quốc gia Bắc kinh Thiên tân Thượng hải Trọng khánh
Hà bắc Sơn tây Liêu ninh Cát lâm Giang tô
Chiết giang An huy Phúc kiến Giang tây Sơn đông
Hà nam Hồ bắc Hồ nam Quảng đông Quảng tây
Hải nam Tứ xuyên Quý châu Vân nam Tây tàng
Thiểm tây Cam túc Ninh hạ Thanh hải Tân cương
Hắc long giang Nội mông cổ Canh đa
Cao khảoLan mục đạo hàng
Bản quyền thanh minh:Như quảCao khảoVõng sở chuyển tái nội dung bất thận xâm phạm liễu nâm đích quyền ích, thỉnh dữ ngã môn liên hệ [email protected], ngã môn tương hội cập thời xử lý. Như chuyển tái bổnCao khảo võngNội dung, thỉnh chú minh xuất xử.
Miễn phí phục tập tư liêu
Tối tân cao khảo tư tấn
Văn chương trách biên: liujiaqi