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来源:考试吧 2018-12-4 15:54:34 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库


  1.As is often pointed out, knowledge is a two­edged weapon which can be used______ for good or evil.

  A. similarly B. properly

  C. equally D. widely

  [解析]similarly 相似地,类似地;properly 合适地,恰当地;equally 相等地,等同地;widely 广泛地。句意:正如经常指出的那样:知识是一把双刃剑,它既可以用于善,又可以用于恶。由句意可知C项正确,指“它用于善、恶的几率是等同的”。


  2.At the meeting, they sat very ________ and had a ________ talk, but I didn't know what they were talking about.

  A. close; close B. closely; close

  C. close; closely D. closely; closely

  [解析]close 用作形容词,指“近的;亲密的”,用作副词意为“靠近地”,指具体的“近”;而 closely 只用作副词,意为“紧密地”。由句意“在会上他们紧挨着坐着,在亲密地交谈;但我不知道他们在谈论什么”可知选A项,第一空 close 为副词,而第二空 close 为形容词,指“亲密的,密切的”。


  3.In the future, the US policy is likely to be strongly determined by internal developments in a number of key states, ________ China and Russia.

  A. particularly B. namely

  C. absolutely D. eventually

  [解析]particularly 特别,尤其;namely 也就是说,即;absolutely 绝对地;eventually 最后,终于。由句意可知A项正确。


  4.—You all like your English teacher?

  —Yeah, she devotes herself ________ to teaching and it earns her a good reputation.

  A. originally B. extremely

  C. obviously D. entirely

  [解析]句意:—你们都喜欢你们的英语老师吗?—是的,她把全部的精力都投入到了教学中,这使她赢得了好名声。originally 原始地,最初地;extremely 极端地;obviously 明显地,显而易见地;entirely 完全地。由句意可知D项正确。


  5.Foreign teachers would like students to ________ ask questions, submit theories, or to debate any required reading materials.

  A. hopefully B. gradually

  C. truly D. eagerly

  [解析]hopefully 有希望地;gradually 逐渐地;truly 真正地;eagerly 急切地。句意:外国老师想让学生们急切地提问题,提出理论或是辩论任何要求的阅读材料。由语境可知,此处表示“学生内心渴望提问题”,故 eagerly 正确。


  6.—I played basketball for a whole morning yesterday and felt pretty good.

  —You will be healthier if you exercise more ________.

  A. regularly B. extremely

  C. fluently D. annually

  [解析]regularly 定期地,有规律地;extremely 极端地;fluently 流利地;annually 年度地。句意:—我昨天打了一上午篮球,感觉相当不错。—如果你定期地进行锻炼,你会更健康。由句意可知A项正确。


  7.China is no longer ________ a production base; it is also one of the most important consumer markets.

  A. partly B. merely

  C. shortly D. totally

  [解析]partly 部分地,在一定程度上;merely 仅仅,只不过;shortly 不久,很快,立刻;to tally 完全,整个地。由句意“中国不再只是个生产基地,它还是最重要的消费市场之一”可知B项正确。


  8.—What do you think of the film 2012?

  —Well, it's good. At least it's ________ the one I saw last time with Jean.

  A. as bad as B. not as good as

  C. no worse than D. not better than

  [解析]句意:—你认为电影《2012》怎么样?—嗯,不错。至少不比我上次跟 Jean 去看的那部差。as bad as=not as good as“跟……一样不好”;no worse than“不比……差”;not better than“不如……好”。由句意可知C项正确。


  9.—Are you used to your new job?

  —Well, yes. It's not as good as I expected, ________.

  A. though B. but

  C. too D. either

  [解析]句意:—你适应了新工作了吗?—是的,但不如我预想的好。though 用作副词意为“然而,可是,不过”,放于句末,往往用逗号与原句隔开,符合句意。


  10.His parents, ________, did not look after him very well: the elbows of his jacket and his boots were badly worn.

  A. generally B. gradually

  C. actively D. apparently



  11.Jim went to answer the phone. ________, Harry started to prepare lunch.

  A. However B. Nevertheless

  C. Besides D. Meanwhile

  [解析]句意:Jim 去接电话了。与此同时,Harry 开始做午饭。A.然而;B.虽然如此;C.除此之外;D.与此同时。根据前后句逻辑关系,应选择表示并列关系的D。


  12.We only had $100 and that was ________ to buy a new computer.

  A. nowhere near enough B. near enough nowhere

  C. enough near nowhere D. near nowhere enough

  [解析]句意:我们只有100美元,离买台新电脑的钱还差得远呢。not anywhere near 或 nowhere near:far from,not at all 远非,绝不是,为固定短语。


  13.In this lecture, I can only give you a purely ________ view of how we can live life to the full and make some suggestions about the future.

  A. private B. personal

  C. unique D. different

  [解析]句意:在本次讲座中,本人只能就我们如何才能让自己的日子过得充实些给你们提供一些个人的观点,并就未来的发展提供一些建议。从语境和四个选项的主要含义判断选B项。personal 个人的,私人的,又如:personal belongings 私人财产。另外三个选项的主要含义:private 私有的,私用的,私人的,秘密的,隐秘的,其反义词是 public;unique 唯一的,独一无二的,独特的;different 不同的。


  14.Mistakes don't just happen;they occur for a reason. Find out the reason,and then making the mistake becomes ________.

  A. favourable B. precious

  C. essential D. worthwhile

  [解析]句意:错误不是偶然发生的;它们的发生都是有原因的。找出其中的原因,使犯的错误有价值。favourable 赞成的,同意的,倾向于支持某人/某事物的,令人高兴的,肯定的;precious 宝贵的,珍爱的,过于讲究的;essential 必要的,本质的,重要的;worthwhile 值得的,值得花时间、金钱或精力的。又如:Nursing is a very worthwhile career.护理工作是很值得干的职业。从句意判断,可知选D。


  15.It was a nice house, but ________ too small for a family of five.

  A. rarely B. fairly

  C. rather D. pretty

  [解析]句意:那是一套很不错的房子,可是对一个五口之家来说太小了。四个选项中只有 rather 可以修饰 too,其他三个选项不能与 too 连用,故全被排除。


  16.I'm not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a ________ imagination.

  A. clear B. cautious

  C. funny D. vivid

  [解析]句意:他成了作家我并不感到惊奇。孩提时,他的想象力就很丰富。vivid 生动的,逼真的,栩栩如生的;clear 清晰的,清楚的,明白的;cautious 小心的,谨慎的,慎重的;funny 滑稽的,诙谐的。只有 vivid 可用来形容想象力。


  17.It seems that living green is ________ easy and affordable. A small step makes a big difference.

  A. exactly B. fortunately

  C. surprisingly D. hardly

  [解析]句意:似乎绿色生活方式出人意料的简单又廉价。这小小的一步就会(对自然资源的使用)有很大影响。surprisingly—unusually or unexpectedly 不寻常地,出乎意料地。exactly 精确地,确切地,准确地;fortunately 幸运地;hardly 几乎不。


  18.—Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students?

  —________, I do. I think it's a great idea.

  A. Really B. Obviously

  C. Actually D. Generally

  [解析]句意:——你认为和你的学生们交朋友是一个好主意吗?——其实我真的认为那是个很不错的主意。You use actually to emphasize that it is true.actually“实际上”,在句子中起加强语气的作用。really 真正地;obviously 明显地;generally 大体上。


  19.It took ________ building supplies to construct these energy­saving houses. It took brains, too.

  A. other than B. more than

  C. rather than D. less than

  [解析]句意:建造这些节能住宅不仅仅需要供给建筑材料,还需要才智。more than 意为“不仅仅”。other than 常用于否定句,相当于 but;rather than 而不是;less than 少于。


  20.John is very ________—if he promises to do something, he'll do it.

  A. independent B. confident

  C. reliable D. flexible




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