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O Uicipeid
stàit neo-eisimeileach,dùthaich,federal republic,democratic republic,constitutional republic,Nàisean,empire,empire,Next Eleven
Pàirt deAimearaga-Laideannach,Aimearaga a Tuath,Hispanic America,MIKTADeasaich
Cur air cois16 dhen t-Sultain 1810Deasaich
Ainm dùthchasachMéxico,Mexico,MexkoDeasaich
Ainm goirid🇲🇽,Мексика,México,المكسيكDeasaich
Tar-sgrìobhadh IPAˈmexikoDeasaich
CinnidheachdMestizos in Mexico,indigenous peoples of Mexico,White Mexicans,Afro MexicansDeasaich
Participant inPacific War,Group of Five,Economic Complementation Agreement No. 55,An Dàrna CogadhDeasaich
Cànan oifigeilSpàinntis,Nahuatl,Yucatec Maya,languages of MexicoDeasaich
LaoidhHimno Nacional Mexicano,Toque de BanderaDeasaich
Cultureculture of MexicoDeasaich
MottoDerecho ajeno es la pazDeasaich
Mòr-roinnAimearaga a TuathDeasaich
Roinn-tìdeCentral Time ZoneDeasaich
Faisg air an uisgeCuan Sèimh,Cuan SiarDeasaich
Domhan-leud is -fhad23°0′0″N 102°0′0″WDeasaich
Coordinates of geographic center20°31′15″N 99°53′45″WDeasaich
Coordinates of easternmost point21°8′7″N 86°44′27″WDeasaich
Coordinates of northernmost point32°43′8″N 114°43′11″WDeasaich
Coordinates of southernmost point14°31′50″N 92°13′43″WDeasaich
Coordinates of westernmost point32°31′23″N 117°7′29″WDeasaich
Puing as àirdeCitlaltepetlDeasaich
Lowest pointLaguna SaladaDeasaich
Basic form of governmentfederal republicDeasaich
Oifis aig ceann-stàitePresident of MexicoDeasaich
Ceannard na stàiteAndrés Manuel López ObradorDeasaich
Oifis aig ceann an riaghaltaisPresident of MexicoDeasaich
Ceannard an riaghaltaisAndrés Manuel López ObradorDeasaich
Executive bodyFederal government of MexicoDeasaich
Legislative bodyCongress of the UnionDeasaich
Central bankBank of MexicoDeasaich
CurrencyMexican pesoDeasaich
A’ gabhail a-steachChapultepec Castle,National Palace,Hospicio Cabañas,Palacio de MineríaDeasaich
Crìoch còmhla riGuatamala,A' Beilìs,Na Stàitean AonaichteDeasaich
Teacsa stéidheachaidhPolitical Constitution of MexicoDeasaich
Driving siderightDeasaich
Electrical plug typeNEMA 1-15,NEMA 5-15Deasaich
Na bh’ann roimheRepublic of Yucatán,Ēxcān Tlahtolōyān,New Spain,First Mexican Empire,Restored RepublicDeasaich
TachartasMexican War of Independence,Mexican Revolution,Cinco de Mayo,Pastry WarDeasaich
Duais a fhuair eLagun OnariDeasaich
Làrach-lìnhttps:// gob.mx/Deasaich
Top-level Internet domain.mxDeasaich
Main regulatory textPolitical Constitution of Mexico,La ReformaDeasaich
BratachFlag of MexicoDeasaich
Gearradh-armMexican coat of armsDeasaich
Geography of topicgeography of MexicoDeasaich
Feartpartly free countryDeasaich
History of topichistory of MexicoDeasaich
Railway traffic siderightDeasaich
Open data portalMexican Government Open Data,datos.gob.mxDeasaich
Economy of topiceconomy of MexicoDeasaich
Demographics of topicdemographics of MexicoDeasaich
Mobile country code334Deasaich
Country calling code+52Deasaich
Emergency phone number911Deasaich
GS1 country code750Deasaich
Licence plate codeMEXDeasaich
Maritime identification digits345Deasaich
Caractar Unicode🇲🇽Deasaich
Category for mapsCategory:Maps of MexicoDeasaich

'S e dùthaich ann anAimearaga a Tuatha tha ann amMeagsago[1](Spàinntis:México;IPA:[ˈmehiko] no [ˈmexiko]). Tha crìochan aice sa tuath leisna Stàitean Aonaichteagus sa deas leGuatamalaagusBeilise.Tha i na laighe eadara' Chuan Sèimhsan iar agusa' Mhuir Caraibeachsan ear.

ChaidhImpireachd nan Azteca stèidheachadh an an1428agus thàinig i gu crìoch ann an1521,nuair a thugHernán Cortésionnsaigh oirre.[2]Chuireadh às dothràilleachdan seo ann an1857.[3]

Daoine ainmeil

[deasaich|deasaich an tùs]
Tha dealbhan ann anWikimedia Commonscuideachd a tha ceangailte ris an aiste seo:
  1. Atlas Sgoile Oxfordle Stòrlann Nàiseanta, Oxford University Press (2010)
  2. Serge Gruzinski, Le destin brisé de l’empire aztèque,Paris,Éditions Gallimard, coll. « Découvertes Gallimard / Histoire » (no 33),2010(1re éd.1988) (ISBN 978-2-07-034876-3).