
Take GeneratePress to the next level.

Trusted by100,000+happy customers.

GeneratePress Premium


Get Started

Up to 500 sites

Full access to Site Library

All Pro features

1 year of forum support

1 year of updates

30-day money-back guarantee


Everything you need to build websites faster.


Normally $149 (30% off)

Get Started

Up to 500 sites

GeneratePress Premium

GenerateBlocks Pro


Coming Soon

Full access toSite & Pattern Libraries

Automatic access toall future products

1 year ofpriority emailsupport

1 year of updates

30-daymoney-back guarantee

GenerateBlocks Pro


Get Started

Up to 500 sites

Full access to Pattern Library

All Pro features

1 year of forum support

1 year of updates

30-day money-back guarantee

All prices are in USD.
Special introductory pricing, all renewals are at full price.

No-Code Solution

Our blocks come with our state-of-the-art coding engine. You point and click, and we build the code.

Professional Patterns

Build your pages in parts or choose from full pages crafted using best web development practices.

Full Website Designs

Start with a full website in a few clicks. Just change the content and be done, no building necessary.

World-Class Support

You deserve great support, and we’ve been privileged to provide it to our customers for over 10 years.

Kickstart your next website.

Choose from an extensive library of professionally designed websites and start your new site off on the right foot. Save hours of development time.

Watch the Video
Site library hero

Accelerate your workflow.

Add more great features to the theme only when you need them to maintain optimal performance.

Theme Builder

Design and build your theme elements in the block editor using our Block Elements.

Full Website Designs

Start with a full website in a few clicks. All you need to do is change out the content.


Add more flexibility & controls to your WooCommerce store.

Advanced Hook System

Add anything you need anywhere in the theme using our hook system.

Mobile Header

Easily add a sleek, low-profile mobile header to your website on smaller devices.

Secondary Nav

Add a secondary navigation with all the same options as the primary.

Off-Canvas Panel

A lightweight slide-out or overlay off-canvas panel for all devices.

Advanced Layout System

Change the theme layout based on advanced Display Rules.

Sticky Navigation

Make your navigation sticky for better user experience and design.

Infinite Scroll

Use vanilla javascript infinite scroll on your blog archives.


Display your blog archive posts in a multi-column masonry layout.

World-Class Support

We’ve been proud to help our customers with best-in-class support for over 10 years.

Block-based builder hero

Introducing the first ever block-based theme builder.

Using the combination of GeneratePress Theme Premium and GenerateBlocks Pro, both included in GeneratePress One, you can visually build every aspect of your website without touching a line of code (Unless you really want to). With our dynamic block elements, you have total design freedom to create whatever you need.

The options are endless; from post meta to site footers, page heroes to author boxes, single post templates to 404 pages, custom post cards to custom anything.

Watch the Video

Build better WordPress sites.

A powerful & easy-to-use page builder without bloat.

Pattern Library

Gain access to over200professional patterns directly inside the editor. Save hours of design time with a couple of clicks!

Global Styles

Better workflow, better consistency, and better performance. Create global styles and use them throughout your website with ease.


We bring the power of CSS effects directly into the editor with a powerful user interface that provides endless configuration.


Add a powerful Accordion block variation that uses our core set of blocks.


Like our Accordion block variation, you can build super flexible Tabs using our core blocks.


Add background gradients and images to your Containers and apply them to any device!

Container Links

Turn your Container blocks into beautiful card-style links and design them with hover options.

Asset Library

Add your icons and shapes to your library and gain access to them inside the editor.

Copy+Paste Styles

Save time by copying and pasting your block styles throughout your page.

Device Visibility

Easily hide or show our blocks on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Custom Attributes

Apply any custom data-* attributes to your blocks with a simple user interface.

World-Class Support

We’ve been proud to help our customers with best-in-class support for over 10 years.


Take GeneratePress to the next level.

Trusted by100,000+happy customers.


Everything you need to build websites faster.


Normally $149 (30% off)

Get Started

Up to 500 sites

GeneratePress Premium

GenerateBlocks Pro


Coming Soon

Full access toSite & Pattern Libraries

Automatic access toall future products

1 year ofpriority emailsupport

1 year of updates

30-daymoney-back guarantee

All prices are in USD.
Special introductory pricing, all renewals are at full price.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Have questions? We’re here to help.

GeneratePress One gives you full access to our full suite of products, including products we release in the future. This includes the following:

  1. GeneratePress Premium
  2. GenerateBlocks Pro
  3. GenerateCloud (coming soon)

All of these products will shareonelicense key. This greatly simplifies things for you, as you only need to manage this one key for all of your products.

A GeneratePress One membership also gives you access to priority email support.

A GeneratePress One membership allows you to activate your license key on up to 500 websites!

GeneratePress One members gain access to our priority email support. We’ve taken great pride in supporting our awesome users for over 10 years, and we can’t wait to continue to do so!

We truly go above and beyond to help our members. Your success means a lot to us!

Updates include new and improved features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.

We want you to succeed. If our system isn’t working for you, we’ll happily provide you with a refund within 30 days of your purchase.

Yes, your license will automatically renew once a year. You can cancel this subscription at any time in your account.

Our users love us.

Over10005 star reviews on

Brian Jackson

As someone who demands both performance and usability, GeneratePress has truly been a complete transformation of the way I develop and design my WordPress sites. From ecommerce to blogs, it’s one theme to rule them all!

– Brian Jackson, Co-founder, forgemedia

Ema Johnston

GeneratePress has been my ‘Ride or Die’ WordPress theme for 6 years and continues to grow with me as a developer. A super heavyweight of possibilities whilst staying super light on its feet. With more emphasis on creating a more sustainable web, GP creates the foundations to turn your websites green! But it’s not just the theme, the GP support team (family) are the gold standard. I honestly don’t know how they do it!

– Ema Johnston, Web Developer, Hillside Agency

Yael Reinhardt-Matsliah

I’ve been using GeneratePress on all site builds since 2017. For all the obvious reasons: speed, stability, performance, and stellar support. Now with the new Dynamic Block Elements, I can pull in custom fields and build beautiful dynamic layouts all within the GeneratePress ecosystem. Who says you can’t have it all!

– Yael Reinhardt-Matsliah, Branding Pixel Happy Studio

Roberto Briceño

GeneratePress has been the core of our website and e-commerce services for more than 5 years. We can build virtually anything with it knowing that our sites will be easy to maintain, fully compatible with any plugin we throw at it, and perfectly optimized both for performance and responsiveness.

– Roberto Briceño, WordPress Consultant

Mike Andreasen

Being a WordPress performance enthusiast, I require my sites to load as fast as possible. That means using the lightest, most powerful theme I have encountered: GeneratePress. Tom’s incredible support and rich features provide the best possible foundation for any WordPress project.

– Mike Andreasen, WordPress Consultant

Paul Lacey

So happy I found GeneratePress. It’s been my framework for over a year, maybe 2 years. It gets better and better all the time. Loads of hooks and filters for dev work, and all the basics covered for the non-coders too.

– Paul Lacey, WordPress Consultant