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🎸 Riffusion (hobby)

⛔ This project is no longer actively maintained.

CI status Python 3.9 | 3.10 MIT License

Riffusion is a library for real-time music and audio generation with stable diffusion.

Read about it at try it at

This is the core repository for riffusion image and audio processing code.

  • Diffusion pipeline that performs prompt interpolation combined with image conditioning
  • Conversions between spectrogram images and audio clips
  • Command-line interface for common tasks
  • Interactive app using streamlit
  • Flask server to provide model inference via API
  • Various third party integrations

Related repositories:


If you build on this work, please cite it as follows:

author = {Forsgren, Seth* and Martiros, Hayk*},
title = {{Riffusion - Stable diffusion for real-time music generation}},
url = {},
year = {2022}


Tested in CI with Python 3.9 and 3.10.

It's highly recommended to set up a virtual Python environment withcondaorvirtualenv:

conda create --name riffusion python=3.9
conda activate riffusion

Install Python dependencies:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

In order to use audio formats other than WAV,ffmpegis required.

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg # linux
brew install ffmpeg # mac
conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg # conda

If torchaudio has no backend, you may need to installlibsndfile.Seethis issue.

If you have an issue, try upgradingdiffusers.Tested with 0.9 - 0.11.




cpuis supported but is quite slow.


cudais the recommended and most performant backend.

To use with CUDA, make sure you have torch and torchaudio installed with CUDA support. See the install guideor stable wheels.

To generate audio in real-time, you need a GPU that can run stable diffusion with approximately 50 steps in under five seconds, such as a 3090 or A10G.

Test availability with:



Thempsbackend on Apple Silicon is supported for inference but some operations fall back to CPU, particularly for audio processing. You may need to set PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK=1.

In addition, this backend is not deterministic.

Test availability with:


Command-line interface

Riffusion comes with a command line interface for performing common tasks.

See available commands:

python -m riffusion.cli -h

Get help for a specific command:

python -m riffusion.cli image-to-audio -h


python -m riffusion.cli image-to-audio --image spectrogram_image.png --audio clip.wav

Riffusion Playground

Riffusion contains astreamlitapp for interactive use and exploration.

Run with:

python -m riffusion.streamlit.playground

And access athttp://

Riffusion Playground

Run the model server

Riffusion can be run as a flask server that provides inference via API. This server enables theweb appto run locally.

Run with:

python -m riffusion.server --host --port 3013

You can specify--checkpointwith your own directory or huggingface ID in diffusers format.

Use the--deviceargument to specify the torch device to use.

The model endpoint is now available athttp:// POST request.

Example input (seeInferenceInputfor the API):

"alpha": 0.75,
"num_inference_steps": 50,
"seed_image_id": "og_beat",

"start": {
"prompt": "church bells on sunday",
"seed": 42,
"denoising": 0.75,
"guidance": 7.0

"end": {
"prompt": "jazz with piano",
"seed": 123,
"denoising": 0.75,
"guidance": 7.0

Example output (seeInferenceOutputfor the API):

"image": "< base64 encoded JPEG image >",
"audio": "< base64 encoded MP3 clip >"


Tests live in thetest/directory and are implemented withunittest.

To run all tests:

python -m unittest test/*

To run a single test:

python -m unittest test.audio_to_image_test

To preserve temporary outputs for debugging, setRIFFUSION_TEST_DEBUG:

RIFFUSION_TEST_DEBUG=1 python -m unittest test.audio_to_image_test

To run a single test case within a test:

python -m unittest test.audio_to_image_test -k AudioToImageTest.test_stereo

To run tests using a specific torch device, setRIFFUSION_TEST_DEVICE.Tests should pass with cpu,cuda,andmpsbackends.

Development Guide

Install additional packages for dev withpython -m pip install -r requirements_dev.txt.

  • Linter:ruff
  • Formatter:black
  • Type checker:mypy

These are configured inpyproject.toml.

The results ofmypy.,black.,andruff.mustbe clean to accept a PR.

CI is run through GitHub Actions from.github/workflows/ci.yml.

Contributions are welcome through pull requests.