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Dụng Express hòa Vue3 đáp kiến đích ChatGPT diễn kỳ võng hiệt


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ChatGPT Web

Disclaimer: This project is only published on GitHub, based on the MIT license, free and for open source learning usage. And there will be no any form of account selling, paid service, discussion group, discussion group and other behaviors. Beware of being deceived.

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Supports dual models and provides two unofficialChatGPT APImethods

Method Free? Reliability Quality
ChatGPTAPI(gpt-3.5-turbo-0301) No Reliable Relatively stupid
ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI(web accessToken) Yes Relatively unreliable Smart


  1. ChatGPTAPIusesgpt-3.5-turbothroughOpenAIofficialAPIto callChatGPT
  2. ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPIuses unofficial proxy server to accessChatGPT's backendAPI,bypassCloudflare(dependent on third-party servers, and has rate limits)


  1. You should first use theAPImethod
  2. When using theAPI,if the network is not working, it is blocked in China, you need to build your own proxy, never use someone else's public proxy, which is dangerous.
  3. When using theaccessTokenmethod, the reverse proxy will expose your access token to third parties. This should not have any adverse effects, but please consider the risks before using this method.
  4. When usingaccessToken,whether you are a domestic or foreign machine, proxies will be used. The default proxy ispengzhile's is not a backdoor or monitoring unless you have the ability to flip overCFverification yourself. Use beforehand acknowledge.Community Proxy(Note: Only these two are recommended, other third-party sources, please identify for yourself)
  5. When publishing the project to public network, you should set theAUTH_SECRET_KEYvariable to add your password access, you should also modify thetitleinindex. htmlto prevent it from being searched by keywords.

Switching methods:

  1. Enter theservice/.env.examplefile, copy the contents to theservice/.envfile
  2. To useOpenAI API Key,fill in theOPENAI_API_KEYfield(get apiKey)
  3. To useWeb API,fill in theOPENAI_ACCESS_TOKENfield(get accessToken)
  4. OpenAI API Keytakes precedence when both exist

Environment variables:

See all parameter variableshere


[✓] Dual models

[✓] Multi-session storage and context logic

[✓] Formatting and beautification of code and other message types

[✓] Access control

[✓] Data import/export

[✓] Save messages as local images

[✓] Multilingual interface

[✓] Interface themes

[✗] More...



noderequires version^16 || ^18 || ^19(node >= 14needsfetch polyfillinstallation), usenvmto manage multiple localnodeversions

node -v


If you haven't installedpnpm

npm install pnpm -g

Filling in the Key

GetOpenai Api KeyoraccessTokenand fill in the local environment variablesGo to Introduction

# service/.env file

# OpenAI API Key -

# change this to an `accessToken` extracted from the ChatGPT site's `` response

Install Dependencies

For the convenience of "backend developers" to understand the burden, the front-end "workspace" mode is not adopted, but separate folders are used to store them. If you only need to do secondary development of the front-end page, delete theservicefolder.


Enter the folder/serviceand run the following commands

pnpm install


Run the following commands at the root directory

pnpm bootstrap

Run in Test Environment

Backend Service

Enter the folder/serviceand run the following commands

pnpm start

Frontend Webpage

Run the following commands at the root directory

pnpm dev

Environment Variables


  • OPENAI_API_MODELSet model, optional, default:gpt-3.5-turbo
  • OPENAI_API_BASE_URLSet interface address, optional, default:
  • OPENAI_API_DISABLE_DEBUGSet interface to close debug logs, optional, default: empty does not close


  • OPENAI_ACCESS_TOKENandOPENAI_API_KEYchoose one,OPENAI_API_KEYtakes precedence when both exist
  • API_REVERSE_PROXYSet reverse proxy, optional, default:,Community(Note: Only these two are recommended, other third party sources, please identify for yourself)


  • AUTH_SECRET_KEYAccess permission key, optional
  • MAX_REQUEST_PER_HOURMaximum number of requests per hour, optional, unlimited by default
  • TIMEOUT_MSTimeout, unit milliseconds, optional
  • SOCKS_PROXY_HOSTandSOCKS_PROXY_PORTtake effect together, optional
  • SOCKS_PROXY_PORTandSOCKS_PROXY_HOSTtake effect together, optional
  • HTTPS_PROXYSupporthttp,https,socks5,optional
  • ALL_PROXYSupporthttp,https,socks5,optional


Use Docker

Docker Parameter Examples


Docker build & Run

docker build -t chatgpt-web.

#Foreground running
docker run --name chatgpt-web --rm -it -p --env OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key chatgpt-web

#Background running
docker run --name chatgpt-web -d -p --env OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key chatgpt-web

#Run address

Docker compose

Hub address


image:chenzhaoyu94/chatgpt-web#always use latest, pull the tag image again to update
#choose one
#choose one
#API interface address, optional, available when OPENAI_API_KEY is set
#API model, optional, available when OPENAI_API_KEY is set,
#gpt-4, gpt-4o, gpt-4o-mini, gpt-4-turbo, gpt-4-turbo-preview, gpt-4-0125-preview, gpt-4-1106-preview, gpt-4-0314, gpt-4-0613, gpt-4-32k, gpt-4-32k-0314, gpt-4-32k-0613, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613, gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-3.5-turbo-0301, gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, text-davinci-003, text-davinci-002, code-davinci-002
#reverse proxy, optional
#access permission key, optional
#maximum number of requests per hour, optional, unlimited by default
#timeout, unit milliseconds, optional
#Socks proxy, optional, take effect with SOCKS_PROXY_PORT
#Socks proxy port, optional, take effect with SOCKS_PROXY_HOST
#HTTPS proxy, optional, support http,https,socks5
  • OPENAI_API_BASE_URLOptional, available whenOPENAI_API_KEYis set
  • OPENAI_API_MODELOptional, available whenOPENAI_API_KEYis set

Prevent Crawlers


Fill in the following configuration in the nginx configuration file to prevent crawlers. You can refer to thedocker-compose/nginx/nginx.conffile to add anti-crawler methods

# Prevent crawlers
if ($http_user_agent ~* "360Spider|JikeSpider|Spider|spider|bot|Bot|2345Explorer|curl|wget|webZIP|qihoobot|Baiduspider|Googlebot|Googlebot-Mobile|Googlebot-Image|Mediapartners-Google|Adsbot-Google|Feedfetcher-Google|Yahoo! Slurp|Yahoo! Slurp China|YoudaoBot|Sosospider|Sogou spider|Sogou web spider|MSNBot|ia_archiver|Tomato Bot|NSPlayer|bingbot" )
return 403;

Deploy with Railway

Deploy on Railway

Railway Environment Variables

Environment variable name Required Remarks
PORT Required Default3002
AUTH_SECRET_KEY Optional Access permission key
MAX_REQUEST_PER_HOUR Optional Maximum number of requests per hour, optional, unlimited by default
TIMEOUT_MS Optional Timeout, unit milliseconds
OPENAI_API_KEY OpenAI APIchoose one apiKeyrequired forOpenAI API(get apiKey)
OPENAI_ACCESS_TOKEN Web APIchoose one accessTokenrequired forWeb API(get accessToken)
OPENAI_API_BASE_URL Optional, available whenOpenAI API APIinterface address
OPENAI_API_MODEL Optional, available whenOpenAI API APImodel
API_REVERSE_PROXY Optional, available whenWeb API Web APIreverse proxy addressDetails
SOCKS_PROXY_HOST Optional, take effect withSOCKS_PROXY_PORT Socks proxy
SOCKS_PROXY_PORT Optional, take effect withSOCKS_PROXY_HOST Socks proxy port
SOCKS_PROXY_USERNAME Optional, take effect withSOCKS_PROXY_HOST Socks proxy username
SOCKS_PROXY_PASSWORD Optional, take effect withSOCKS_PROXY_HOST Socks proxy password
HTTPS_PROXY Optional HTTPS proxy, support http,https, socks5
ALL_PROXY Optional All proxies, support http,https, socks5

Note: Modifying environment variables onRailwaywill re-Deploy

Deploy with Sealos

Environment variables are consistent with Docker environment variables

Package Manually

Backend Service

If you don't need thenodeinterface of this project, you can omit the following operations

Copy theservicefolder to the server where you have thenodeservice environment.

pnpm install

pnpm build

pnpm prod

PS: It is also okay to runpnpm startdirectly on the server without packing

Frontend Webpage

  1. Modify theVITE_GLOB_API_URLfield in the.envfile at the root directory to your actual backend interface address

  2. Run the following commands at the root directory, then copy the files in thedistfolder to the root directory of your website service


pnpm build


Q: Why doesGitcommit always report errors?

A: Because there is a commit message verification, please follow theCommit Guide

Q: Where to change the request interface if only the front-end page is used?

A: TheVITE_GLOB_API_URLfield in the.envfile at the root directory.

Q: All files explode red when saving?

A:vscodeplease install the recommended plug-ins for the project, or manually install theEslintplug-in.

Q: No typewriter effect on the front end?

A: One possible reason is that after Nginx reverse proxy, buffer is turned on, then Nginx will try to buffer some data from the backend before sending it to the browser. Please try addingproxy_buffering off;after the reverse proxy parameter, then reload Nginx. Other web server configurations are similar.


Please read theContributing Guidebefore contributing

Thanks to everyone who has contributed!


Thanks toJetBrainsSoftWare for providing free Open Source license for this project.


If you find this project helpful and can afford it, you can give me a little support. Anyway, thanks for your support~


WeChat Pay




MIT © [ChenZhaoYu]