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  • As similar withCharlesin your App.

  • Shake to hide or show the black bubble. (Support iPhone device and simulator)

  • Share network details via email or copy to clipboard when you are in theNetwork Detailspage.

  • Copy logs. (Long press the text, then select all or select copy)

  • Search logs by keyword.

  • Long press the black bubble to clean all network logs.

  • DetectUI Blocking.

  • List crash errors.

  • List application and device informations, including:version,build,bundle name,bundle id,screen resolution,device,iOS version

  • List all network requests sent by the application. (SupportJSONand Google'sProtocol buffers)

  • List all sandbox folders and files, supporting to preview and edit.

  • List allWKWebViewconsoles.

  • List allReact NativeJavaScript consoles and Native logs.

  • List allprint()andNSLog()messages which have been written by developer in Xcode.







CocoaDebug.framework(Version 1.7.2)

WARNING: Never ship a product which has been linked with the CocoaDebug framework. TheIntegration Guideoutline a way to use build configurations to isolate linking the framework to Debug builds.


  • Don't need to do anything. CocoaDebug will start automatically.
  • To capture logs from Xcode with codes: (You can also set this inCocoaDebug->App->Monitor->Applogswithout any codes.)
CocoaDebugSettings.shared.enableLogMonitoring=true//The default value is false


When you initialize CocoaDebug, you can customize the following parameter values beforeCocoaDebug.enable().

  • serverURL- If the captured URLs contain server URL, CocoaDebug set server URL bold font to be marked. Not mark when this value is nil. Default value isnil.

  • ignoredURLs- Set the URLs which should not been captured, CocoaDebug capture all URLs when the value is nil. Default value isnil.

  • onlyURLs- Set the URLs which are only been captured, CocoaDebug capture all URLs when the value is nil. Default value isnil.

  • ignoredPrefixLogs- Set the prefix Logs which should not been captured, CocoaDebug capture all Logs when the value is nil. Default value isnil.

  • onlyPrefixLogs- Set the prefix Logs which are only been captured, CocoaDebug capture all Logs when the value is nil. Default value isnil.

  • additionalViewController- Add an additional UIViewController as child controller of CocoaDebug's main UITabBarController. Default value isnil.

  • emailToRecipients- Set the initial recipients to include in the email’s “To” field when share via email. Default value isnil.

  • emailCcRecipients- Set the initial recipients to include in the email’s “Cc” field when share via email. Default value isnil.

  • mainColor- Set CocoaDebug's main color with hexadecimal format. Default value is#42d459.

  • protobufTransferMap- Protobuf data transfer to JSON map. Default value isnil.
