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A self-hosted solution to search, view and archive link aggregators.


  • Reddit
  • HackerNews (in progress)


  • Ingest pushshift dumps
  • View threads/comments
  • Fulltext search via PostgresFTS
  • Submit threads to be archived via API
  • Periodically fetch rising, new and hot threads from specified subreddits
  • Downloadi.redd.itimages from threads.

Please abide by the Reddit Terms of Service andUser Agreementif you are using their API

Alt text Alt text

Download pushshift dumps

All data 2005-06 to 2022-12:


Top 20,000 subreddits:



Master branch is unstable. Please checkout a release


Install Docker:


  • postgres:Main database for threads, comments and subreddits
  • postgres_fts:Database for full-text searching
  • redarc:API backend and React frontend
    • Requires:redis,reddit_workerifINGEST_ENABLED
  • redis:Required for any service that uses a task queue
  • image_downloader:Asynchronously downloads images from Reddit ifDOWNLOAD_IMAGES
    • Requires:redis,reddit_worker
  • index_worker:Indexes threads/comments into postgres_fts
    • Requires:postgres_ftsandpostgres
  • reddit_worker:Asynchronously fetches threads/comments from Reddit
    • Requires:redis,image_downloader
  • subreddit_worker:Asynchronously fetches hot/new/rising thread IDs from subreddits
    • Requires:reddit_workerandredis

If you wish to change the postgres password, make surePOSTGRES_PASSWORDandPGPASSWORDare the same.

If you are using redarc on your personal machine, set docker envarsREDARC_API=http://localhost/apiandSERVER_NAME=localhost.

REDARC_APIis the URL of your API server; it must end with/api eg:

REDARC_FE_APIis the URL of the API server you want the frontend to send requests to.
If you are not using a reverse proxy, it should be the same asREDARC_API.

SERVER_NAMEis the URL your redarc instance is running on.

Setting anINGEST_PASSWORDandADMIN_PASSWORDin your API is highly recommended to prevent abuse.

IMAGE_PATHis the path you wantimage_downloaderworker to download images. This is the same path the API backend fetches images from.

INDEX_DELAYis how often you wantindex_workerto index comments/threads

SUBREDDITSis a list of subreddits you wantsubreddit_workerto fetch threads from. It is delimited by commas

FETCH_DELAYis how often yousubreddit_workerto fetch threads.

NUM_THREADSis the number of threads you want downloaded from hot, rising or new.

Docker compose (Recommended):

Docker compose:

Modify envars as needed

$ git clone
$ cd redarc
$ git fetch --all --tags
$ git checkout tags/vx.y.z -b vx.y.z
// Modify.env as-needed
$ cp default.env.env
$ docker compose up -d

Manual installation:

$ git clone
$ cd redarc

1) Provision Postgres database

$ docker pull postgres
$ docker run \
--name pgsql-dev \
-d \
-v postgres-docker:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
-p 5432:5432 postgres
$ docker run \
--name pgsql-fts \
-d \
-v postgresfts-docker:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
-p 5433:5432 postgres
psql -h localhost -U postgres -a -f scripts/db_submissions.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -a -f scripts/db_comments.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -a -f scripts/db_subreddits.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -a -f scripts/db_submissions_index.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -a -f scripts/db_comments_index.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -a -f scripts/db_status_comments.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -a -f scripts/db_status_comments_index.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -a -f scripts/db_status_submissions.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -a -f scripts/db_status_submissions_index.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5433 -a -f scripts/db_fts.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -a -f scripts/db_progress.sql

2) Process dump and insert rows into postgres database with the load_sub/load_comments scripts

Note: Be sure the ingest and Reddit workers are disabled

python3 scripts/ <path_to_submission_file>
python3 scripts/ <path_to_comment_file>
python3 scripts/ <path_to_submission_file>
python3 scripts/ <path_to_comment_file>
python3 scripts/ [subreddit_name]
python3 scripts/ <subreddit> <true|false>

3) Start the API server.

$ cd api
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install gunicorn
$ pip install falcon
$ pip install rq
$ pip install python-dotenv
$ pip install psycopg2-binary
$ gunicorn app

4) Start the frontend

mv sample.env.env

Set address for API server in the.env file

npm i
npm run dev // Dev server

5) Provision NGINX (Optional)

Edit nginx/nginx_original.conf with your own values

$ cd..
$ mv nginx/redarc_original.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/redarc.conf
cd redarc-frontend
npm run build
cp -R dist/* /var/www/html/redarc/
systemctl restart nginx

6) Setup submission workers

Fill in.env files with your own credentials.

$ docker pull redis
$ docker run --name some-redis -d redis
$ cd redarc/ingest
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install rq
$ pip install python-dotenv
$ pip install praw
$ pip install psycopg2-binary
$ pip install gallery-dl
$ python3 ingest/reddit_worker/
$ python3 ingest/index_worker/
$ python3 ingest/subreddit_worker/
$ python3 ingest/image_downloader/

Ingest data:


Note: Be sure the ingest and Reddit workers are disabled

Ensurepython3,pipandpsycopg2-binaryare installed:

# Decompress dumps

$ unzstd <submission_file>.zst

$ unzstd <comment_file>.zst

$ pip install pyscopg2-binary

# Change database credentials if needed

$ python3 scripts/ <path_to_submission_file>

$ python3 scripts/ <path_to_submission_file>

$ python3 scripts/ <path_to_comment_file>

$ python3 scripts/ <path_to_comment_file>

$ python3 scripts/ [subreddit_name]

# Optional
$ python3 scripts/ <subreddit> <true|false>
$ python3 scripts/ <subreddit> <after timestamp utc> <num urls>


  • Submit Reddit URL using the web form/submitto be fetched byreddit_worker
  • Add subreddits to theSUBREDDITSenvar (delimited by commas) to be periodically fetched bysubreddit_worker



  • [unflatten = <True/False>]
  • [subreddit = <name>]
  • [id = <id>]
  • [before = <utc_timestamp>]
  • [after = <utc_timestamp>]
  • [parent_id = <parent_id>]
  • [link_id = <link_id>]
  • [sort = <ASC/DESC>]


  • [subreddit = <name>]
  • [id = <id>]
  • [before = <utc_timestamp>]
  • [after = <utc_timestamp>]
  • [sort = <ASC|DESC>]



  • <subreddit = <subreddit>>
  • [before = <unix timestamp>]
  • [after = <unix timestamp>]
  • [sort = <asc|desc>]
  • [query = <seach phrase>]
  • <type = <comment|submission>>


Redarc is licensed under the MIT license