👋 Hi there, My name is Harun-Ur-Rashid.😀.Currently, I started Msc in CSE (Major Data Science) at United International University and working as a Software Engineer at Giga Tech Limited.I've profound knowledge in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural language processing, AI Software Development. I graduated from CSE at Daffodil International University. I’m interested in doing research on text and image related problems.I believe no problem is beyond human inventiveness.🤖
"languages": ["Python", "Java","R", "C++"],
"backend": ["Django","Flask","REST framework","FastAPI"],
"databases": ["mysql","postgresql"],
"ai framework":["Keras","PyTorch","Scikit-learn","PySpark","TensorFlow"],
"experimenting": ["Django","Flask", "Heroku","REST framework"]
- Top tech stories: HackerNoon Online Publication,2020
- 1st Runner-Up: NASA Space Apps Challenge organized by BASIS, 2019
- Awarded a bronze medal: "Predicting Molecular Properties Competition Organized by Kaggle,2019
- Top3: Participated at Bracathon-2019
- 1st Runner up: International Business Competition Organized by Hult Prize On Campus Round of Daffodil International University,2019