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🚀 Cookiecutter Template for FastAPI + React Projects. Using PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, and Docker


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A cookiecutter template for bootstrapping a FastAPI and React project using a modern stack.


Table of Contents


It is often laborsome to start a new project. 90% of the time you have to decide how to handle authentication, reverse proxies, docker containers, testing, server-side validation, linting, etc. before you can even get started.

FastAPI-Reactserves to streamline and give you that functionality out of the box.

It is meant as a lightweight/React alternative toFastAPI's official fullstack project.If you want a more comprehensive project in Vue, I would suggest you start there. A lot of the backend code is taken from that project or theFastAPI official docs.

Quick Start

First, install cookiecutter if you don't already have it:

pip3 install cookiecutter

Second, install docker-compose if you don't already have it:

docker-compose installation official docs.

Then, in the directory you want your project to live:

cookiecutter gh:Buuntu/fastapi-react

You will need to put in a few variables and it will create a project directory (called whatever you set forproject_slug).

Input Variables
  • project_name [default fastapi-react-project]
  • project_slug [default fastapi-react-project] - this is your project directory
  • port [default 8000]
  • postgres_user [default postgres]
  • postgres_password [default password]
  • postgres_database [default app]
  • superuser_email [defaultadmin@fastapi-react-project]
  • superuser_password [default password]
  • secret_key [default super_secret]


Change into your project directory and run:

chmod +x scripts/

This will build and run the docker containers, run the alembic migrations, and load the initial data (a test user).

It may take a while to build the first time it's run since it needs to fetch all the docker images.

Once you've built the images once, you can simply use regulardocker-compose commands to manage your development environment, for example to start your containers:

docker-compose up -d

Once this finishes you can navigate to the port set during setup (default is localhost:8000), you should see the slightly modified create-react-app page:

default create-react-app

Note: If you see an Nginx error at first with a502: Bad Gatewaypage, you may have to wait for webpack to build the development server (the nginx container builds much more quickly).

Login screen:regular login

The backend docs will be athttp://localhost:8000/api/docs.API Docs

Admin Dashboard

This project usesreact-adminfor a highly configurable admin dashboard.

After starting the project, navigate tohttp://localhost:8000/admin.You should see a login screen. Use the username/password you set for the superuser on project setup.

NOTE: regular users will not be able to access the admin dashboard

React Adming Login

You should now see a list of users which you can edit, add, and delete. The table is configured with the REST endpoints to the FastAPI/usersroutes in the backend.

React Admin Dashboard

The admin dashboard is kept in thefrontend/src/admindirectory to keep it separate from the regular frontend.


To generate a secure key used for encrypting/decrypting the JSON Web Tokens, you can run this command:

openssl rand -hex 32

The default is fine for development but you will want something more secure for production.

You can either set this on project setup assecret_keyor manually edit the PythonSECRET_KEYvariable inbackend/app/core/


This project comes with Pytest and a few Pytest fixtures for easier mocking. The fixtures are all located inbackend/conftest.pywithin your project directory.

All tests are configured to run on a test database usingSQLAlchemy transactionsto reset the testing state on each function. This is to avoid a database call affecting the state of a different test.


These fixtures are included inbackend/conftest.pyand are automatically imported into any test files that being withtest_.


Thetest_dbfixture is an empty test database and an instance of a SQLAlchemy Session class.







To use an unauthenticated test client, useclient:



If you need an authenticated client using OAuth2 and JWTs:


Since OAuth2 expects the access token in the headers, you will need to pass in user_token_headersas theheadersargument in any client request that requires authentication.



Background Tasks

This template comes with Celery and Redis Docker containers pre-configured for you. For any long running processes, it's recommended that you handle these using a task queue like Celery to avoid making the client wait for a request to finish. Some examples of this might be sending emails, uploading large files, or any long running, resource intensive tasks.

There is an example task inbackend/app/tasks.pyand an example Celery test in backend/app/tests/ test runs synchronously, which is what Celery docs recommend.

If you are not happy with Celery or Redis, it should be easy to swap these containers out with your favorite tools. Some suggested alternatives might be Hueyas the task queue and RabbitMQfor the message broker.


You can monitor tasks using Flower by going tohttp://localhost:5555

Frontend Utilities

There are a few helper methods to handle authentication infrontend/src/utils. These store and access the JWT returned by FastAPI in local storage. Even though this doesn't add any security, we prevent loading routes that might be protected on the frontend, which results in a better UX experience.

Utility Functions


// in src/utils/auth.ts

* Handles authentication with backend and stores in JWT in local storage


// in src/utils/auth.ts

// clears token from local storage


// Checks authenticated state from JWT tokens


Some basic routes are included (and handled infrontend/Routes.tsx).

  • /login- Login screen
  • /logout- Logout
  • /- Home
  • /protected- Example of protected route

Higher Order Components


This handles routes that require authentication. It will automatically check whether the correct token with the "user" permissions is present or redirect to the home page.

// in src/Routes.tsx

// Replace this with your component



This stack can be adjusted and used with several deployment options that are compatible with Docker Compose, but it may be easiest to use Docker in Swarm Mode with an Nginx main load balancer proxy handling automatic HTTPS certificates, using the ideas from

Please refer to to see how to deploy such a cluster easily. You will have to change the Traefik examples to Nginx or update your docker-compose file.


Contributing is more than welcome. Please read theContributing docto find out more.