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Action-Event-Response (AER) Mod Runtime Environment (MRE).

libaermreis one half of the AER modding framework for the Linux version of the gameHyper Light Drifter (the other half beingaerpatch).

Whileaerpatchhandles minimally patching the game's executable,libaermre is responsible for dynamically loading mods and exposing useful C API to those mods.


Installation will vary according the AER UI in use.

To automatically download and install the latest stable version oflibaermre usingaerman,run

$./ framework-mre-install

from inside theaermandirectory.


The public interface oflibaermrefollowsSemantic Versioning, and itsdocumentation can be found here.


libaermreis released by its authors under the Apache 2.0 license. See filesAUTHORS.txtandLICENSE.txtfor details.

For copyright information related to the libraries thatlibaermreuses, see directoryACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Josiah Bills for help designing the API and providing valuable feedback.