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INSTA - Instant Volumetric Head Avatars

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany

Official Repository for CVPR 2023 paper Instant Volumetric Head Avatars

This repository is based oninstant-ngp,some of the features of the original code are not available in this work.

⚠ We also prepared a Pytorch demo version of the projectINSTA Pytorch


The repository is based oninstant-ngpcommit.The requirements for the installation are the same, therefore please follow theguide. Remember to use the--recursiveoption during cloning.

git clone --recursive https://github /Zielon/INSTA.git
cmake.-B build
cmake --build build --config RelWithDebInfo -j

Usage and Requirements

After building the project you can either start training an avatar from scratch or load a snapshot. For training, we recommend a graphics card higher or equal toRTX3090 24GBand32 GBof RAM memory. Training on a different hardware probably requires adjusting options in the config:

"max_cached_bvh":4000,#How many BVH data structures are cached
"max_images_gpu":1700,#How many frames are loaded to GPU. Adjust for a given GPU memory size.
"use_dataset_cache":true,#Load images to RAM memory
"max_steps":33000,#Max training steps after which test sequence will be recorded
"render_novel_trajectory":false,#Dumps additional camera trajectories after max steps
"render_from_snapshot":false#For --no-gui option to directly render sequences

Rendering from a snapshot does not require a high-end GPU and can be performed even on a laptop. We have tested it onRTX 3080 8GBlaptop version. For--no-guioption you can train and load snapshot for rendering by using the config in the same way as the one withGUI. The viewer options are the same as in the case ofinstant-ngp,with some additional keyFto raycast the FLAME mesh.

Usage example

./build/rta --config insta.json --scene data/obama --height 512 --width 512

#Loading from a checkpoint
./build/rta --config insta.json --scene data/obama/transforms_test.json --snapshot data/obama/snapshot.msgpack

Dataset and Training

We are releasing part of our dataset together with publicly available preprocessed avatars fromNHA,NeRFaceandIMAvatar. The output of the training (Record Videoin menu), including rendered frames, checkpoint, etc will be saved in the./data/{actor}/experiments/{config}/debug. After the specified number of max steps, the program will automatically either render frames using novel cameras (Alloption in GUI andrender_novel_trajectoryin config) or only the currently selected one inMode,by defaultOverlay\Test.

Available avatars.Click the selected avatar to download the training dataset and the checkpoint. The avatars have to be placed in thedatafolder.

Dataset Generation

For the input generation, a conda environment is needed, and a few other repositories. Simply runinstall.shfromscriptsfolder to prepare the workbench.

Next, you can useMetrical Photometric Trackerfor the tracking of a sequence. After the processing is done run thegenerate.shscript to prepare the sequence. As input please specify the absolute path of the tracker output.

For training we recommend at least 1000 frames.

#1) Run the Metrical Photometric Tracker for a selected actor
Python --cfg./configs/actors/duda.yml

#2) Generate a dataset using the script. Importantly, use the absolute path to tracker input and desired output.
./ /metrical-tracker/output/duda INSTA/data/duda 100
#{input} {output} {# of test frames from the end}


If you use this project in your research please cite INSTA:

author={Zielonka, Wojciech and Bolkart, Timo and Thies, Justus},
title={Instant Volumetric Head Avatars},
journal={Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},