A minimal notes application inJetpack ComposewithMVVM architecture. Built with components like DataStore, Coroutines, ViewModel, Flow-State, Room, Navigation-Compose, Coil, koin etc.
- UI state management
- Basic Material Design theming (Light & Dark)
- Integration with Architecture Components: Navigation, ViewModel, Room
- Minor features like dedicated settings screen, Dialogs etc.
This is the first step forPaperin becoming a full fledged Notes application with all the desired features currently this is the first phase which included a basic working good Ui App.
[*] --> HomeScreen
HomeScreen --> NoteScreen
NoteScreen --> Add
Add --> DoodleScreen
Add --> ImageScreen
NoteScreen --> HomeScreen
NoteScreen --> PreviewScreen
PreviewScreen --> Edit
PreviewScreen --> Delete
Edit --> DoodleScreen
Delete --> DoodleScreen
Delete --> ImageScreen
PreviewScreen --> ImageScreen
HomeScreen --> SearchScreen
SearchScreen --> NoteScreen
HomeScreen --> SettingScreen
HomeScreen --> [*]
- Minimal todo app
- Image Integrations
- Doodle Screen Integration
- Material 2 to Material 3 migration
- Feature to Share Notes
- Backup and Restore Feature
- To-do list integration
- Tags/Folders to segregate notes
DrawBoxfor providing ability to created dynamic doodles on canvas.
Interested in seeing a particular feature of the Android Framework or Jetpack implemented in this app? Please open a newissue.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0,click here for the full license.
This project was created byAkshay Sharma.
If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee:)