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This repository serves as my way to help me setup and maintain my Mac. It takes the effort out of installing everything manually. Everything needed to install my preferred setup of macOS is detailed in this readme. Feel free to explore, learn and copy parts for your own dotfiles. Enjoy!

📖 -Read the blog post
📺 -Watch the screencast on Laracasts
💡 -Learn how to build your own dotfiles

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A Fresh macOS Setup

These instructions are for setting up new Mac devices. Instead, if you want to get started building your own dotfiles, you canfind those instructions below.

Backup your data

If you're migrating from an existing Mac, you should first make sure to backup all of your existing data. Go through the checklist below to make sure you didn't forget anything before you migrate.

  • Did you commit and push any changes/branches to your git repositories?
  • Did you remember to save all important documents from non-iCloud directories?
  • Did you save all of your work from apps which aren't synced through iCloud?
  • Did you remember to export important data from your local database?
  • Did you updatemackupto the latest version and ranmackup backup?

Setting up your Mac

After backing up your old Mac you may now follow these install instructions to setup a new one.

  1. Update macOS to the latest version through system preferences

  2. Setup an SSH key by using one of the two following methods
    2.1. If you use 1Password, install it with the 1PasswordSSH agentand sync your SSH keys locally.
    2.2. Otherwisegenerate a new public and private SSH keyby running:

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent /driesvints/dotfiles/HEAD/|sh -s"<your-email-address>"
  3. Clone this repo to~/.dotfileswith:

    git clone --recursive git@github:driesvints/dotfiles.git~/.dotfiles
  4. Run the installation with:

  5. StartHerd.appand run its install process

  6. After mackup is synced with your cloud storage, restore preferences by runningmackup restore

  7. Restart your computer to finalize the process

Your Mac is now ready to use!

💡 You can use a different location than~/.dotfilesif you want. Make sure you also update the references in the.zshrcandfresh.shfiles.

Cleaning your old Mac (optionally)

After you've set up your new Mac you may want to wipe and clean install your old Mac. Followthis articleto do that. Remember tobackup your datafirst!

Your Own Dotfiles

Please note that the instructions below assume you already have set up Oh My Zsh so make sure to firstinstall Oh My Zshbefore you continue.

If you want to start with your own dotfiles from this setup, it's pretty easy to do so. First of all you'll need to fork this repo. After that you can tweak it the way you want.

Go through the.macosfile and adjust the settings to your liking. You can find much more settings atthe original script by Mathias BynensandKevin Suttle's macOS Defaults project.

Check out theBrewfilefile and adjust the apps you want to install for your machine. Usetheir search pageto check if the app you want to install is available.

Check out thealiases.zshfile and add your own aliases. If you need to tweak your$PATHcheck out thepath.zshfile. These files get loaded in because the$ZSH_CUSTOMsetting points to the.dotfilesdirectory. You can adjust the.zshrcfile to your liking to tweak your Oh My Zsh setup. More info about how to customize Oh My Zsh can be foundhere.

When installing these dotfiles for the first time you'll need to backup all of your settings with Mackup. Install Mackup and backup your settings with the commands below. Your settings will be synced to iCloud so you can use them to sync between computers and reinstall them when reinstalling your Mac. If you want to save your settings to a different directory or different storage than iCloud,checkout the documentation.Also make sure your.zshrcfile is symlinked from your dotfiles repo to your home directory.

brew install mackup
mackup backup

You can tweak the shell theme, the Oh My Zsh settings and much more. Go through the files in this repo and tweak everything to your liking.

Enjoy your own Dotfiles!

Thanks To...

I first got the idea for starting this project by visiting theGitHub does dotfilesproject. BothZach HolmanandMathias Bynenswere great sources of inspiration.Sourabh Bajaj'sMac OS X Setup Guideproved to be invaluable. Thanks to@subnixrforhis awesome Zsh theme!Thanks toCanecofor the header in this readme. And lastly, I'd like to thankEmma Fabreforher excellent presentation on Homebrewwhich made me migrate a lot to aBrewfileandMackup.

In general, I'd like to thank every single one who open-sources their dotfiles for their effort to contribute something to the open-source community.