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📖 Manga-tui 🖥️

Terminal manga reader and downloader


Table of contents


  • Advanced search (with filters)
  • Read manga in your terminal (Wezterm, iTerm2, or Kitty, any terminal that has support for graphics protocol)
  • Reading history is stored locally (with no login required)
  • Download manga (available formats: cbz, epub and raw images)
  • Download all chapters of a manga (available formats: cbz, epub and raw images)


Using cargo

cargo install manga-tui --locked


You can installmanga-tuifrom theAURwith using anAUR helper.

paru -S manga-tui


If you have theNix package manager,this repo provides a flake that builds the latest git version from source.

Simply run the following:

nix run'github:josueBarretogit/manga-tui'

Or, to install persistently:

nix profile install'github:josueBarretogit/manga-tui'

Binary release

Download a binary from thereleases page

Image rendering

Use a terminal that can render images such asWezterm(Personally I recommend using this one It's the one used in the videos),iTerm2orKitty
For more information see:image-support


On windows image display is very buggy, seethis issuefor more information

No images will be displayed if the terminal does not have image support (butmanga-tuiwill still work as a manga downloader)


After installation just run the binary



Manga downloads and reading history is stored in themanga-tuidirectory, to know where it is run:

manga-tui --data-dir


manga-tui -d

On linux it will output something like:~/.local/share/manga-tui

On themanga-tuidirectory there will be 4 directories

  • history,which contains a sqlite database to store reading history
  • config,which contains a TOML file where you can define download format and image quality
  • mangaDownloads,where manga will be downloaded
  • errorLogs,for storing posible errors / bugs

If you want to change the location of this directory you can set the environment variableMANGA_TUI_DATA_DIRto some path pointing to a directory, like:


By defaultmanga-tuiwill search mangas in english, you can change the language by running:

#`es` corresponds to the Iso code for spanish
manga-tui lang --set'es'

Check the available languages and their Iso codes by running:

manga-tui lang --print


I wanted to make a "How linux user does..." but for manga,here is the videoalso this is a great excuse to start reading manga again


Many thanks to Mangadex for providing the free API please consider supporting them ❤️
Many thanks to theRatatui organizationfor making such a good library for making TUI's in rust 🐭
Many thanks to the developer of theRatatui-image cratefor providing a widget that renders images in the terminal 🖼️

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