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A JavaScript library to animate content on page scroll

  • No jQuery Dependency
  • Written on ES6(Compiled ES5 version available)
  • Very much lightweight, Only 2KB 😘
  • Animate usingAnimate.csslibrary
  • You can use your own CSS animation library
  • Work on newly created DOM

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Using NPM

npm install joshjs

If you are facing issue using as node module then please check the "asModule" branch. I have added example code for that.

Using HTML 〈script〉 tag

<script src= "js/josh.min.js" >

// Or use ES5
<script src= "js/josh.es5.min.js" >



//ES6[email protected]/dist/josh.min.js

//ES5[email protected]/dist/josh.es5.min.js


https://unpkg /[email protected]/dist/josh.min.js

https://unpkg /[email protected]/dist/josh.es5.min.js



<div class= "josh-js" data-josh-anim-name= "fadeInUp" >A JavaScript library to animate content on page scroll.</div>

// You have to provide below data attribute with animation name from Animate.css library or your own library

data-josh-anim-name= "fadeInUp"

How to get animation name

Go toAnimate.csswebsite. Copy the animation class name from right panel, you will get class name like "animatebackInDown "remove" animate"you get animation name like" backInDown "add this to above data attribute.


Add this css file to your HTML file.

<link rel= "stylesheet" href= "css/animate.css" />


const josh = new Josh();

If you write HTML, added CSS file and called JavaScript like above so that you are good to go!

Advanced usage


class= "element josh-js"
data-josh-anim-name= "lightSpeedInRight"
data-josh-duration= "1500ms"
data-josh-anim-delay= "3.5s"
data-josh-iteration= "infinite"
Written on ES6


const josh = new Josh({
// DOM CSS class to Animate, default is "josh-js"
initClass: "josh-js",

// Animation CSS class from Animate.css library
animClass: "animate__animated",

// Element distance of viewport to triggering the animation. default is 0.2 means 20% of element view animation will trigger
offset: 0.2,

// Animation will trigger on Mobile or not. Default is true
animateInMobile: true,

// Animation will trigger on newly added element or not. Default is false
onDOMChange: false,


Browser Support

All modern browsers are supported. Because of written in ES6 and modern web API Internet Explorer will not support. Here you can check supported browser:

IntersectionObserverNot supported by IE.

MutationObserverSupported by IE 11.

If you want to support Internet Explore so that you can use Polifill for IntersectionObserver.

IntersectionObserver Polifill 1

IntersectionObserver Polifill 2


Developed by Al Mamun

Want to contribute? Great!

Fork it, clone it to your PC, fix the issue, push to your repository, Make a pull request to this repository. You are done!



Free Software, Hell Yeah!