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This package is based onARKit-FocusNode,but adapted to work in Apple's framework RealityKit.

The Examplelooks identical to the above GIF, which uses the FocusEntity classic style.

See thedocumentationfor more.

Minimum Requirements

  • Swift 5.2
  • iOS 13.0 (RealityKit)
  • Xcode 11

If you're unfamiliar with using RealityKit, I would also recommend reading my articles onGetting Started with RealityKit.


Swift Package Manager

Add the URL of this repository to your Xcode 11+ Project.

Go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency, and paste in this link: https://github /maxxfrazer/FocusEntity


See theExample projectfor a full working example as can be seen in the GIF above

  1. InstallFocusEntitywith Swift Package Manager
https://github /maxxfrazer/FocusEntity.git
  1. Create an instance of FocusEntity, referencing your ARView:

And that's it! The FocusEntity should already be tracking around your AR scene. There are options to turn the entity off or change its properties. Check outthe documentationorexample projectto learn more.

Feel free tosend me a tweetif you have any problems using FocusEntity, or open an Issue or PR!

The original code to create this repository has been adapted from one of Apple's examples from 2018,license also included.I have adapted the code to be used and distributed from within a Swift Package, and now further adapted to work withRealityKit.