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Type-Safe Printf For C

This uses macro magic, compound literals, and _Generic to take printf() to the next level: type-safe printing, printing into compound literal char arrays, easy UTF-8, -16, and -32, with good error handling.

The goal is to be safe by removing the need for function varargs.

The usual C printf formatting syntax is used, with some restrictions and quite a few extensions.

This let's you mix UTF-8, -16, -32 strings seamlessly in input and output strings, without manual string format conversions, and without using different format specifiers or print function names.

This liberates you from thinking about%uvs.%luvs.%llu vs.%zu,even in portable code with different integer types.. With this library, the compiler chooses the right function for your parameter and they all print fine with~s,like also strings and pointers do.

'Type-safe' in this context does not mean that you get more compile errors or warnings, but that you cannot make a mistake, and you do not need the format string to specify the argument type. Format strings with this library do not need compile-time checking to be safe, because the compiler chooses the right formatting function for each parameter. You cannot pass the wrong size parameter and crash, avoided.


  • va_printf( "~s ~s ~s", 65, (long long)65, "65" )prints65 65 65
  • va_printf( "~c ~c ~c", 65, (long long)65, "65" )printsA A 65
  • va_printf( "~x ~x ~x", 65, (long long)65, "65" )prints41 41 65
  • va_printf( "~p ~p ~p", 65, (long long)65, "65" )prints 0x41 0x41 0x8838abc3932(the pointer value of the string)
  • va_lprintf( "~p", 65)returns4,the length of0x41
  • va_nprintf(10, "~p", 65)returns"0x41",the pointer to a compound literal(char[10]){}that was printed into
  • va_printf( "~t x = ~=qzs", u "fo\020o" )printschar16_t* x = u "fo\no"


This library requires at least a C11 compiler (for_Generic, char16_t,char32_t), and it uses a few gcc extensions that are also understood by Clang and a few other compilers (({...}), ,##__VA_ARGS__,__typeof__,__attribute__).


In the following,Charmay bechar,char16_t,orchar32_t:













































typedefstruct{... }va_stream_t;

typedefstruct{... }va_stream_vtab_t;




#defineva_countof(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof((A)[0]))


This library provides a type-safe printing mechanism to print any kind of string of base typechar,char16_t,orchar32_t, or any integer or pointer into a new string, an array, or a file.

The library also provides functions for user-defined output streams that can print into any other kind of stream.

The arguments to the formatted print are passed into a_Generic() macro instead of '...' and the resulting function call is thus type-safe based on the actual argument type, and cannot crash due to a wrong format specifier.

The format specifiers in this printing mechanism serve to define which output format should be used, as they are not needed for type information. The format specifier "~s" can be used as a generic 'default' output format.

Format Specifiers

The format is string is decoded and then output as is into the output stream where it is encoded, except for sequences of~,which are interpreted as a format specifier.

For each format specifier in the format string, 0, 1, or more arguments are read (how many is specified below). If there are more arguments than what is needed for the format specifiers, the rest of the argumnets are ignored and theVA_E_ARGCstream error is set.

If fewer arguments are given than needed for the format string, the rest of the format specifiers print empty and theVA_E_ARGCstream error is set.

A format specifier begins with~,and what follows is similar to C:

  • a list of flag characters
  • a width specifier
  • a precision specifier
  • a list of integer mask and quotation specifiers
  • a conversion letter

~is used instead of%to avoid confusion in source code that uses both this library and the standard Cprintf.


Generally, specifying multiple identical flags like~008sis reserved for future use and should be avoided. It is unspecified how the current library handles such format strings.

  • #print in alternative form. For numeric format, a prefix to designate the base is prefixed to the value except to 0:

    • foroand base 8,0is prefixed
    • forband base 2,0bis prefixed,
    • forBand base 2,0Bis prefixed,
    • forxand base 16,0xis prefixed,
    • forXand base 16,0Xis prefixed,
    • foreand base 32,0eis prefixed,
    • forEand base 32,0Eis prefixed.

    In~#p,the#flag switches off the implicit#that is contained inp,e.g., does not print the base prefix.

    For quoted strings,#inhibits printing of delimiting quotes.

  • 0pads numerics with zero0on the left rather than with a space character.If a precision is given, this is ignored.

    For C and JSON quotation, this selects to quote non-US-ASCII characters using\uand\Uinstead of printing them in output encoding.

  • -selects to left flush instead of the default right flush.

  • (a space character U+0020) selects that a space is printed in front of positive signed integers. Nothing is printed if the precision is 0 and the value is 0 (this is different compared to the behaviour of C's printf).

  • +selects that a+is printed in front of positive signed integers and zero. Nothing is printed if the precision is 0 and the value is 0 (this is different compared to the behaviour of C's printf).

  • =specifies that the last value is printed again using this new format specifier. This is meager replacement for the$ position specifiers that are not implemented in this library.

A width is either a decimal integer, or a*.The*selects that the width is taken from the next function parameter. If fewer code points result from the conversion, the output is padded with white space up the width. A negative width is intepreted as a-flag followed by a positive width.

A precision is specified by a.(period) followed by either a decimal integer or a*.The*selects that the width is taken from the next function parameter. If the precision is just., it is interpreted as zero. The precision defines the minimum number of digits in numeric conversions. For strings, this is the maximum number of raw code units read from the input string (not the number of converted code points, but the low-level number of elements in the string, so that non-NUL terminated arrays can be printed with their size passed as precision, even with multi-byte/multi-word encodings stored inside. Alternatively, there isva_span_tfor a string prefix parameter type.

The input decoder will not read incomplete encodings at the end of limited strings, but will stop before. If a pointer to a string pointer is passed, then the pointer will be updated so that it points to the next character, i.e., the one after the last one that was read.

Integer Mask and Quotation Specifiers

Generally, specifying multiple identical mask and quotation specifiers or more than listed in the following list, like~zzuor~hhhx,is reserved for future use and should be avoided. It is unspecified how the current library handles such format strings.

  • happlies the mask0xffffto an integer, then zero extends unsigned values, or sign extends signed values. E.g.,va_printf( "~#hx",0xabcdef)prints-0x3211.

  • hhapplies the mask0xffto an integer, then zero extends unsigned values, or sign extends signed values. E.g.,va_printf( "~hhX",0xabcdU)printsCD.

  • zreinterprets a signed integer as unsigned (mnemonic: zero extension).zis implicit in formatsu(andU). E.g.,va_printf( "~hhu", -1)prints255.

  • qselects C quotation for strings and char format. There is a separate section below to explain this.

  • Qselects JSON quotation for strings and char format. There is a separate section below to explain this.

  • kselects Bourne or Korn shell quotation. There is a separate section below to explain this.

  • Kadditional custom quotation

  • qq,QQ,kkmore additional custom quotations

Note that most of the usual length specifiers (l,ll,etc.) known from C make no sense and are not recognised (nor ignored), because type casting control in varargs is not needed here due to the type-safety.


The format specifiers is terminated by a single conversion character from the following list.

  • sprints anything in default notation (mnemonic: 'standard'). sis used by standard Cprintffor strings, and CommonLisp uses~sfor 'standard' format.

  • oselects octal integer notation for numeric printing (including pointers).

  • doriselects decimal integer notation for numeric printing (including pointers).

  • uis equivalent tozd,i.e., prints a signed integer as unsigned in decimal notation. This implicitly sets thez option, which also affects quoted string printing, so~qu prints strings like~qzs.

  • xorXselects hexadecimal integer notation for numeric printing (including pointers).xuses lower case digits, Xupper case. Note that this also prints signed numbers with a-if appropriate:va_printf( "~#x", -5)prints-0x5. There's thezflag to print signed integers as unsigned.

  • borBselects binary integer notation for numeric printing (including pointers).buses lower case prefix, Buses upper case. The difference is only visible with the#flag.

  • eorEselects Base32 notation using the digits 'a'..'z','2'..'7'.euses lower case digits and prefix, Euses upper case.

  • pprints likex,toggles the#flag, and for any strings, prints the pointer value instead of the contents. Note that it also prints signed numbers:va_print( "~p",-5)prints-0x5.

    Note that~#pprints pointers like~xand~pprints like ~#x,i.e., the#flag is toggled.

  • cprints integers (but not pointers) as characters, like a one-element string. Note that the NUL character is not printed, but behaves like an empty string, unless quotation is used. For string quotation where hexadecimals are printed, this uses lower case characters.

  • a,f,andgprint likes,but will print differently when floating point support is added.

  • tprints the argument type in C syntax: int8_t..int64_t,uint8_t..uint64_t,char*, char16_t*,char32_t*,void*.Note thatva_error_t* arguments never print, and never consume a~format, but always just return the stream error.

  • mprints the (error) status of the referenced item. This is for custom printers, and it is encoded asVA_MODE_STAT. The pre-defined data types have no error values and thus no error is printed. Retrieving the stream error usingva_error_t is another topic, as it does not print anything. The lettermis inspired by the GNU extension%m,which prints strerror(errno),which this library does not support natively (to avoid depending on<errno.h>).

  • ~prints~characters. By default, one is printed. The width gives the number of tildes, e.g.~5~prints~~~~~, and~0~prints nothing.~*~reads the width from an argument. The use of precision and justification flags is reserved for future use, and it is unspecified how the library handles them.

  • any letter mentioned above in lowercase only also exists in uppercase, and then prints whatever is usually printed in lowercase in uppercase, like like hexadecimal digits or numeric base prefixes like0Bor0X.

  • any format character not mentioned above is reserved for future use. If used, the argument is skipped, and theVA_E_FORMATerror is set in the stream.

  • any combination of format character and type not mentioned above prints in default notation.

Parameter Types

The following function parameter types are recognised. Note that enums are not listed here, because of the weak type system of C, where enum constants have type 'int' and enum types match type 'int' in _Generic.

  • int,unsigned,char,signed char,unsigned char,short, unsigned short,long,unsigned long,long long, unsigned long long:these are integer and are printed in unsigned or signed decimal integer notation by default.

    This means thatchar,char16_t,andchar32_tall print in numeric format by default, not in character format, as they are not distinct types. For interpreting them as a 1-element Unicode codepoint string,cformat should be used.

    Also note that character constants like'a'have typeintin C and print numerically by default.

  • _Bool(orboolwith<stdbool.h>): prints a boolean type. This is the only enum in C that does not match aninttype in _Generic,so it is supported. Note thattrueandfalsestill have typeintand notbool,so only variables of typebool will print in boolean mode. This printstrueorfalseby default or0and1if a numeric format is used:d,u, x,o,b.

  • char *,char const *:8-bit character strings or arrays. They print as is by default.

    The default string encoding is UTF-8, It can be reset to a user encoding by #definingva_char_p_decode.Also see the section on encoding below.

    Unquoted,NULLprints empty and sets theVA_E_NULLerror. Also see the section on quotation below.

    If the input decoder encounters an incomplete UTF-8 sequence right in front of the terminatingNULcharacter, it will return the bytes of the incomplete sequence as decoding errors. However, if a precision, i.e., maximum string size is specified, it will stop decoding before the incomplete sequence without a decoding error. This way, strings can be printed in chunks without errors. Using a pointer to a string, the final string position, i.e., the first byte of the incomplete sequence at the end, can be queried in order to start a new string chunk with the incomplete sequence at the beginning, followed by, hopefully, the missing bytes of the UTF-8 sequence from the next chunk.

  • char16_t *,char16_t const *:16-bit character strings or arrays. The default encoding is UTF-16, which can be switched usingva_char16_p_decode.

    Unquoted,NULLprints empty and sets theVA_E_NULLerror.

    If the input decoder encounters an high UTF-16 surrogate right in front of the terminatingNULcharacter, it will return the high surrogate as a decoding error. However, if a precision, i.e., maximum string size is specified, it will stop decoding before the high surrogate. This can be used for chunked printing like with UTF-8.

  • char32_t *,char32_t const *:32-bit character strings or arrays. The default encoding is UTF-32, which can be switched usingva_char32_p_decode.

    Unquoted,NULLprints empty and sets theVA_E_NULLerror.

  • Char **,Char const **:pointers to pointers to characters, i.e., pointers to string, will print the string and then update the pointer to point to the code unit just behind the last one that was read from the string. With no precision given in the format, they will point to the terminating NUL character. When these parameters are printed multiple times using the=flag, the string will be reset each time and the updated value will correspond to the end position during the last print of the string.

  • va_error_t*:this retrieves the error code from the stream and writes it into the passed struct. This can be used to check for encoding or decoding errors, out of memory conditions, or hitting the end of the output array.NULLmust not be passed as a pointer.

  • va_read_iter_t*:this is an internal type to read from strings. There are quite a few constraints on how to define a properva_read_iter_t,which are not all documented here.

  • va_span_t*:this is a length delimited string for printing non-NUL terminated strings or prefixes of strings. It is an alternative way to specify the string size in the argument directly instead of using the precision in the format specifier. When strings are specified this way, embedded U+0000 (NUL) characters are passed down, so quotation may print them as \u0000 or \000 or similar. NUL characters are never printed verbatim into the output stream, however, because the output stream is assumed to be text.

  • va_span16_t*:the same asva_span_t,but forchar16_tstrings.

  • va_span32_t*:the same asva_span_t,but forchar32_tstrings.

  • va_print_t*:user-defined printer for a value of an arbitrary type (there is a separate chapter on this, below).

  • anything else: is tried to be converted to a pointer and printed in hexadecimal encoding by default, i.e., in~x format.

Library Modules

Printing Into Fixed Size Arrays


To print into an string of characters up to a given number of elements in the array, the following function can be used, and it returns the pointer to the string. The resulting string is always NUL terminated, i.e., the maximum string length is one less than the passed element count.


The target buffer's type may be 8, 16, or 32 bit characters -- no need to use a different function. For anything butcharbuffers, use va_countof()for the array size, so that the number of elements, not the number of bytes, is used as the string size.



Theva_countof()values is inferred when usingva_sprintf.This is different from the standard Csprintffunction, which unsafely assumes a sufficiently large string -- you cannot express that with this library, but you'd have to usesnprintfwith a large size instead.


It is possible to print into a compound literal of a given size and return the pointer to that string. In this case, no character array can be used to infer the string type, so it is encoded in the function name. There are functions forchar,char16_t,andchar32_tstrings, as well as a generic version that takes as first argument the string character type.


The stream for printing can also be generated separately and then used for iterative printing usingva_iprintf.The stream makes sure not to print past the end of the char array.

va_iprintf(&stream,"bar ~u",55);
va_iprintf(&stream,"longer than the string, will be cropped");

There is astream.poscounter for the current write index in the array, i.e., the string length of the encoded byte sequence.pos increments up tostream.size-1,but no further (note thatsize==0 is an illegal configuration, because then there is no space for NUL terminating the string).

Creating ava_stream_char_p_twith the buffer equal toNULLis explicitly allowed. Putting the bytes into a char array will then be inhibited. The printer still incrementsstream.posup to stream.size-1,so by this,strnlen()functionality can be implemented on the resulting string. This is exactly howva_zprintf (mnemonic:siZe) works.

To determine whether the stream was truncated, i.e., whether the buffer was too small for the print result, the stream's error code can be checked for theVA_E_TRUNCerror code value after printing is done.

if(e.code!=VA_E_OK) {
/*... some stream error occurred... */

Alternatively, if you have a stream anyway, there is va_stream_get_error()that returns the stream's error code. There is alsova_strerror()to get the enum value as a string.

if(ec!=VA_E_OK) {
va_fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: found ec=~s\n",va_strerror(ec));
/*... more error handling */

Note that there is no%nequivalent format specifier for reading the printed length; usestream.posinstead. Or useva_zprintfto compute the needed array size.

There is alsova_lprintfto count the length of the string, i.e., the number of codepoints written, instead of the number of encoded bytes.

Printing Into Growing Vectors


It is possible to print into a string that is allocated grows using malloc():


Here, theva_alloc()function is implicitly used to allocate, possibly reallocate while printing, and possibly freeing the string in case of an out-of-memory error.

Forchar16_t*andchar32_t*target strings, there are va_uasprintfandva_Uasprintf,resp.

va_allocis a wrapper aroundreallocandfree.Any compatible function with the same prototype can be used instead.

A user defined allocation function can be supplied by using the va_axprintffunction, which is just likeva_asprintf,but takes the allocator function of typevoid *(void *, size_t nmemb, size_t size)as parameter, which is used for allocation, reallocation, and freeing (withnmemb==0). Forcharstrings, the function is invoked withsize==1.


Forchar16_tandchar32_toutput strings, there isva_uaxprintf andva_Uaxprintf,resp. The allocator function will then be invoked with asize==2forchar16_tandsize==4forchar32_t.

It is also possible to create a stream for iterative printing.

va_iprintf(&stream,"bar ~u",55);

For 16 and 32 bit chars, there isva_stream_vec16_tplus VA_STREAM_VEC16andva_stream_vec32_tplusVA_STREAM_VEC32.

Printing Into Files


To print intoFILE*files, there isva_fprintf,which returns nothing.


There is alsova_printfthat prints intostdout,and it also returns nothing.


To writechar16_torchar32_tstreams into files, the encodings UTF-16BEandUTF-32BEare used by default. Functions for this are calledva_ufprintfandva_Ufprintf,resp.

For files, there is a stream typeva_stream_file_tthat can be constructed usingVA_STREAM_FILE,e.g., to iteratively print.

va_iprintf(&stream,"bar ~u",55);
va_iprintf(&stream,"longer than the string, will be cropped");

The 16-bit and 32-bit versions use the same stream type, and the constructors are calledVA_STREAM_FILE16andVA_STREAM_FILE32, resp. `

Printing Into Raw File Descriptors


To print intointtyped file descriptors, there isva_dprintf,which returns nothing.


To writechar16_torchar32_tstreams into files, the encodings UTF-16BEandUTF-32BEare used by default. Functions for this are calledva_udprintfandva_Udprintf,resp.

For file descriptors, there is a stream typeva_stream_fd_tthat can be constructed usingVA_STREAM_FD,e.g., to iteratively print.

va_iprintf(&stream,"bar ~u",55);
va_iprintf(&stream,"longer than the string, will be cropped");

The 16-bit and 32-bit versions use the same stream type, and the constructors are calledVA_STREAM_FD16andVA_STREAM_FD32,resp. `

Printing non-NUL Terminated Strings

One way to print non-NUL terminated strings or prefixes of strings is by specifying the 'precision' in the format. It is the length inchar,char16_t,orchar32_telements and not the number of extracted codepoints, exactly for this purpose.


This printstoken= "abc".

An alternative way of controlling this is to pass a pointer to va_span_tto the printer, which contains the data and size:


This also printstoken= "abc".

Note that strings specified by their size may contain U+0000 (NUL) characters, and they are quoted accordingly, if requested:


This also printstoken= "\000".

There are similar typesva_span16_tandva_span32_tfor wide character strings.

Computing String Lengths


The functionva_lprintfreturns the number of codepoints printed into an output stream. This is the string length regardless of output encoding.


This is not a good function for computing array sizes -- use the va_zprintfamily instead.

Computing String Array Sizes


To compute the size of the array needed to store a given printed string, there isva_zprintf.


This function counts the encoded size of the needed array, i.e., it also includes theNULcharacter in the count, and it counts for each codepoint, how many UTF-8 (or whatever encoding is used) bytes are used for each codepoint. This function is, therefore, useful for computing array sizes that fit the printed string exactly.

Forchar16_tandchar32_tbased strings, the function is called va_uzprintfandva_Uzprintf,resp.

There is a generic version that can be passed the array element type as the first parameter.



Internally, this library uses 32-bit codepoints with 24-bit payload and 8-bit tags for processing strings, and by default, the payload representation is Unicode. The library tries not to interpret the payload data unless necessary, so that other encodings could in principle be used and passed through the library.

The only place the core library uses Unicode interpretation is when quoting C or JSON strings for codepoints >0x80 (e.g., when formatting with~0qs), and if a decoding error is encountered or if the value is not valid Unicode, then it uses \ufffd to show this, because the quotation using \u or \U would otherwise be a lie.

The internal representation allows any value within 24 bits to be used for codepoints. 0 is interpreted as 'end of string' and is never printed into the output stream.

UTF-8, -16, and -32 encoders and decoders check that the Unicode constraints are met, like excluding anything above 0x10FFFF and high and low UTF-16 surrogates, and detecting decoding errors according to the Unicode recommendations and best practices. The encoder/decoder pairs usually try to pass through faulty sequences as is, if possible, e.g., reading ISO-8859-1 data from an UTF-8~sand printing it into an UTF-8 output stream preserves the original ISO-8859-1 byte sequence, although the intermediate steps do raise 'illegal sequence' errors.

Integers print without Unicode checks, i.e., if an integer is printed as a character using~c,then the lower 24 bits is passed down to the output stream encoder as is. If integers larger than 0xffffff are tried to be printed with~c,this results in a decoding error, and only the lower 24 bits are used.


The library supports different string encodings for the format string, for input strings, and for output streams. The defaults are UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32. This can be switched by setting the following #defines before including headers of this library, i.e., it cannot be switched dynamically out of the box, because this would mean that all the encoding modules would always be linked. Dynamic switching can be added by defining a new encoding that internally switches dynamically.

The following #defines switch function names:

Format String Encoding

The default is UTF-8, -16, or -32 encoding, and it can be changed by #defining before#include <va_print/...>:

#define va_char_p_format utf8
#define va_char16_p_format utf16
#define va_char32_p_format utf32

These macros are appended to an identifier to find the appropriate reader for the format string as follows:

va_char_p_read_vtab ## va_char_p_format
va_char16_p_read_vtab ## va_char16_p_format
va_char32_p_read_vtab ## va_char32_p_format

When using a different encoding than the default, it must be ensured that the corresponding vtab declarations are visible.

String Value Encoding

The default for reading string values is UTF-8, -16, or -32 encoding, for"...",u "...",andU "..."strings,resp. The default can be changed by defining one of the following macros before#include <va_print/...>:

#define va_char_p_decode utf8
#define va_char16_p_decode utf16
#define va_char32_p_decode utf32

These macros are appended to an identifier to find the appropriate reader for the string value as follows:

va_xprintf_char_p_ ## va_char_p_decode
va_xprintf_char_pp_ ## va_char_p_decode
va_xprintf_char_const_pp_ ## va_char_p_decode
va_xprintf_char16_p_ ## va_char16_p_decode
va_xprintf_char16_pp_ ## va_char16_p_decode
va_xprintf_char16_const_pp_ ## va_char16_p_decode
va_xprintf_char32_p_ ## va_char32_p_decode
va_xprintf_char32_pp_ ## va_char32_p_decode
va_xprintf_char32_const_pp_ ## va_char32_p_decode

Note that for each parameter type, a different printer function is used, so for a different encoding, three functions need to be provided. A typical such function implementation looks as follows:

va_stream_t *va_xprintf_char_p_utf8(
va_stream_t *s,
char const *x)
va_read_iter_t iter = VA_READ_ITER(&va_char_p_read_vtab_utf8, x);
return va_xprintf_iter(s, &iter);

Output Stream Encoding

For encoding strings into character arrays, the default encoding is UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32, depending on the string type. To override the default, the following #defines can be set before#include <va_print/...>.

#define va_char_p_encode utf8
#define va_char16_p_encode utf16
#define va_char32_p_encode utf32

These are suffixed to find the vtab object for writing:

va_char_p_vtab_ ## va_char_p_encode
va_char16_p_vtab_ ## va_char16_p_encode
va_char32_p_vtab_ ## va_char32_p_encode

For dynamically allocated arrays, there are separate #definitions:

#define va_vec8_encode utf8
#define va_vec16_encode utf16
#define va_vec32_encode utf32

These are suffixed to find the vtab object for writing:

va_vec_vtab_ ## va_vec_encode
va_vec16_vtab_ ## va_vec16_encode
va_vec32_vtab_ ## va_vec32_encode

ForFILE*output, the default encoding is UTF-8, UTF-16BE, and UTF-32BE, depending on output character width. The following #defines correspond to the encoding:

#define va_file8_encode utf8
#define va_file16_encode utf16be
#define va_file32_encode utf32be

These are suffixed to find the vtab object for writing:

va_file_vtab_ ## va_file_encode
va_file16_vtab_ ## va_file16_encode
va_file32_vtab_ ## va_file32_encode

Forintfile descriptor output, the default encoding is UTF-8, UTF-16BE, and UTF-32BE, depending on output character width. The following #defines correspond to the encoding:

#define va_fd8_encode utf8
#define va_fd16_encode utf16be
#define va_fd32_encode utf32be

These are suffixed to find the vtab object for writing:

va_fd_vtab_ ## va_fd_encode
va_fd16_vtab_ ## va_fd16_encode
va_fd32_vtab_ ## va_fd32_encode


C/C++ quotation

  • qquotation option in format specifier
  • when printing integers, this is ignored
  • when printing pointers, this adds the#flag, i.e., the 0xprefix is printed
  • when printing strings, this selects C format quoted output
  • NULLstrings print asNULL,and do not set the VA_E_NULLerror, in contrast to unquoted printing.
  • without#,prints quotation marks, single forcandC, conversion, otherwise double.
  • withzprints the string size indicator based on the input string: empty forchar,uforchar16_t,andUfor char32_t(and alsoUfor 64-bit ints).
  • quotation of unprintable characters <U+0080 is done using octal quotation.
  • quotation of some characters in special notation: \t,\r,\n,\',\ ",\\.
  • 0flag quotes all non-ASCII using\uor\U.Note that\xis not used, because it may not terminate, so quoting\x1plus1is more complicated.
  • with0flag, chars that are marked as decoding errors are quoted as\ufffd,the replacement character, to avoid printing encoding errors with\uquotation, which would make the resulting string more wrong than with only the encoding errors. Without0flag, encoding errors are passed through if the input encoding equals output encoding, otherwiseU+FFFDis encoded.
  • upper case formats use upper case letters in hexadecimals


  • va_printf( "~qs", "foo'bar" )prints"foo\'bar".
  • va_printf( "~qs", "foo'bar" )prints"foo\'bar".
  • va_printf( "~qzs", u "foo'bar" )printsu "foo\'bar".
  • va_printf( "~qc", 10)prints'\n'.
  • va_printf( "~qzc", 10)printsU'\n'
  • va_printf( "~#qc", 16)prints\020.
  • va_printf( "~#0qc", 0x201c)prints\u201c.
  • va_printf( "~#0qC", 0x201c)prints\u201C.
  • va_printf( "~qa", (void*)18)prints0x12(on normal machines)
  • va_printf( "~qa", 18)prints18
  • va_printf( "~0qa", u "\xd801" )prints"\xfffd"

Java/JSON quotation

  • Qquotation option in format specifier
  • Like C, but always uses\uor\Uand never octal
  • NULLstrings print asnull,and do not set the VA_E_NULLerror, in contrast to unquoted printing.
  • thezflag is ignored (nouorUprefixes are printed).


  • va_printf( "~Qs", "foo'bar" )prints"foo\'bar".
  • va_printf( "~Qc", 10)prints'\n'.
  • va_printf( "~#Qc", 16)prints\u0010.
  • va_printf( "~#0Qc", 0x201c)prints\u201c.
  • va_printf( "~#0QC", 0x201c)prints\u201C.
  • va_printf( "~Qa", (void*)18)prints0x12(on normal machines)
  • va_printf( "~Qa", 18)prints18

Bourne Shell quotation

  • kquotation option in format specifier (mnemonic: Korn Shell quotation)
  • when printing integers, this is ignored
  • when printing pointers, this adds the#flag, i.e., the0xprefix is printed
  • when printing strings, this selects Shell quoted format
  • NULLstrings print as empty string, and set the VA_E_NULLerror, just like unquoted printing.
  • the empty string is printed as''
  • uses single quotes if necessary
  • without#,prints quotation marks if necessary
  • others print no quotation marks for in-string printing
  • this actually quotes nothing except the single quotation mark.
  • chars marked as decoding errors are not quoted, but passed through.


  • va_printf( "~ks", "ab" )printsab.
  • va_printf( "~ks", "" )prints''.
  • va_printf( "~#ks", "" )prints ``.
  • va_printf( "~ks", "a b" )prints'a b'.
  • va_printf( "~ks", "a'b" )prints'a'\''b'.
  • va_printf( "~#ks", "a'b" )printsa'\''b.
  • va_printf( "~ka", (void*)18)prints0x12(on normal machines)
  • va_printf( "~ka", 18)prints18

User-Defined Quotation

The quotation mechanism of the library can be extended by own quotation techniques. The API for this is currently preliminary and may change.

For implementing custom quotation, theimpl.hheader file needs to be included to get access to the internal programming API:


There is a definition of a structva_quotation_twhich has three entries to be defined for a quotation mechanism:

  • unsigned delim[2]:the delimiter with which to quote. array index [0] is used for characters and index [1] is used for string quotation. TheVA_DELIM(prefix, frontquote, backquote)macro constructs an entry. The quotation charactersfrontquoteandbackquotmust be in the BMP, i.e., smaller than or equal toU+FFFF.Theprefixcharacter must be smaller than or equal to U+00FF. If it is 0xff, then the prefix is selected if thezmodifier is used based on the string character type: empty forchar,uforchar16_tandUforchar32_t.

  • bool (*check_quote)(va_stream_t *s, unsigned c):if NULL, quotation is always used. If non-NULL, this function is used on each character of the string to check whether quotation is needed. If the function returns non-false for any of the characters, then quotation is needed.

  • bool (*check_flush)(va_stream_t *s):if non-NULL, will be invoked at the end of the string quotation check (only if check_quote is non-NULL) to check again whether quotation is needed.check_quoteandcheck_flush may uses->qctxtfor storing some state, e.g., for detecting and empty string (which needs quotation in Shell quotation).

  • void (*render_quote)(va_stream_t *s, unsigned ch):for the actual quotation of a character. This must invoke one of theva_stream_render*() functions for writing the quoted representation of the character into the output stream. The renderer can store context ins->qctxt,an unsigned,during quotation rendering. It is initialised to0 when rendering starts.

  • void (*render_flush)(va_stream_t *s):callback for the quotation to signal the end of the quoted string. Maybe NULL if not needed.

There are the following rendering functions for therender_quotemethod:

  • va_stream_render(s,c):prints the character verbatim into the output stream. Note that this cannot be done manually by a different function, because this function also contains the logic for counting string widths, etc.
  • va_stream_render_quote_u(s,c):prints as\u0123or\U01234567in hexadecimal notation
  • va_stream_render_quote_oct(s,c):prints as\012in octal notation.

For setting a quotation technique, ava_quotation_tneeds to be initialised and set usingva_quotation_set().

.delim={VA_DELIM(0,'<','>'),VA_DELIM(0,'|','|') },

This sets theqqprefix to usemy_quotationas a quotation method. There are currently 8 different quotation method slots:

  • 0:the default if noq,Q,k,orKmodifier is specified
  • VA_QUOTE_q:used if the modifierqis given
  • VA_QUOTE_Q:used if the modifierQis given
  • VA_QUOTE_k:used if the modifierkis given
  • VA_QUOTE_K:used if the modifierKis given
  • VA_QUOTE_qq:used if the modifierqqis given
  • VA_QUOTE_QQ:used if the modifierQQis given
  • VA_QUOTE_kk:used if the modifierkkis given

The prefixesq,k,andQare predefined as described in the previous sections. The others do not quote by default and are free for adding user quotation methods. Note that is possible to set quotation 0 so that it is used when no quotation modifier is given.

User Defined Printers

For user types, printers can be defined so that you do not need to print into an intermediate string buffer, but you can directly print into the output stream. This saves space for the temporary string buffer and avoids thinking about buffer sizes.

The library provides the typeva_print_t*that can be passed as an argument to the printing functions instead of the value itself. This provides the library with a user-defined callback for printing, and also encapsulates the value to be printed.

va_print_thas a callback functionvoid (*print)(va_stream_t *, va_print_t*)that the user can fill in to print the user value. The function can make use ofva_iprintfto stringify the value. The original stream's format is passed viawidth,prec,andopt value in theva_print_tstruct so that the printer can query them.

To define a printer for a custom type, a derived struct of va_print_tcan be used to encapsulate the value, or the provided valuecan be used to store store a pointer you your value into va_print_t::valueif that is sufficient information. E.g., for a simple pair of integers:


a printing function is defined for values of this user type:


When this is in place, to make the invocation easy, it is a good idea to encapsulate the creation of a temporaryva_print_tinto a macro. The following macro uses an({...})block to implement a type check, becauseva_print_t::valueis a void pointer.

#defineP_PAIR(_v) (&VA_PRINT(&my_print_pair,({my_pair_t const *v_=(v); v_;}))

With these definitions, values of the user type can be printed:


This printspair=(.a=1.b=2)with the above definitions.

The custom printer framework handles width and quotation just like with normal string types.


In contrast to the width, alignment, and quotation, The print precision is not handled by the framework -- the print function needs to handle it, because the semantics of a precision depends on the type. Also,NULLvalues, are not handled specially, but such values are printed via the normal mechanism -- the framework does not examine theva_print_t::valueat all.

Different print formats must be handled by the user print function, e.g., for printing the type or a pointer values -- nothing of this is done by the framework. E.g., withVA_BGET(p->opt, VA_OPT_MODE),the mode can be queries and one of theVA_MODE_*constants can be checked. Seeva_print/impl.hfor the implementation API to access the format options.

In theP_PAIRmacro above, one could apply some_Genericmagic to select the right printer for a given object type, maybe even to improve on the({...})type checking.


  • This is type-safe, i.e., printing an int using "~s" will not crash, but just print the integer.

  • ~band~Bprint binary, with optional0bor0Bprefix.

  • ~eand~Eprint integers in Base32, with optional0eor0E prefix. This could be handy for writing error codes: 0EINVAL, 0EAGAIN, 0EIO,...

  • any meaningless format specifier (=letter) defaults to 'print in natural default form'. It is recommended to use~sfor default format printing of anything.

  • The=modifier prints the last value again, possibly with a different format. Note that the format containing=should not contain any*,because then the width/precision will be printed, not the last value, which is probably not what you want.

  • Theq,Q,k,andKmodifiers mark different kinds of quotation. qis for C,Qis for Java/JSON, andkfor Bourne/Korn Shells.

  • Thetformat prints the input value type in C syntax.

  • Themformat is a custom format to print the status of an object, usually for the error status.


  • The~xspecifier also prints negative signed numbers, again, due to type-safety. Reinterpreting them as unsigned can be done with thezflag.

  • The format specifiers are not needed to prevent the program from crashing, because the information about the type that is passed is not needed. The format really only specifies 'print like...', so by default it is recommended to just print with~s.

  • Due to the type-safety, most length modifiers are not supported nor needed. Seeh,hh,andzmodifiers.

  • for strings, the precision counts the number of output bytes in the standard, but in this library, it is the number of input elements in the array, i.e., the precision specifies the array size the string points to. It is felt that input count is more useful, because it allows to print non-NUL terminated strings, while the output width can be controlled by a delimited printer. Also, different glyph widths in Unicode means that the visual width cannot really be controlled by the output count, either.

  • for strings, the width counts the number of characters that are printed, before encoding them in the output encoding. This includes all characters needed for quotation.

  • This library assumes that text is printed, not binary, so it will not output plain\0.


  • %nis not implemented, because pointers to integers are already used for strings, and the ambiguity betweensize_t*and char32_t*is common on many 32-bit systems, where both are unsigned*in C. Distinguishing whether to read or to write based on the format string alone is also the opposite of what this library tries to do, and accidentally writing the print size into an char32_t*string is a weird bug I'd rather not make possible.

  • m$syntax for reordering format strings is not supported, because it would require storing the parameters in an array and would counteract all the magic of the recursive expressions. This would make the code much more complex and stack usage infeasible. In fact, it would probably make the whole point of this library infeasible. There is the extended=option for at least printing the same value multiple times, so~d ~=#xprints the same value decimal and hexadecimal, and~qs ~=pprints a string in C quotation and its pointer value.

  • no floats, because support would be too large for a small library. Maybe it is added later -- it could be in a separate.o file that is only used if float arguments are actually used (the magic of _Generic: you would not pay for floats unless you use them).

  • Of the size flags,hh,h,l,ll,L,q,j,z,Z, t,onlyh,hh,andzare implemented, with slightly different semantics to print unsigned integers:happlies a mask 0xffff,hhapplies a mask0xffandzreinterprets the given number as unsigned. Due to the type-safety, the other flags are not needed as the library just prints whatever is thrown at it.

  • '...'literals have typeintin C, so values >0x7f, with its highest bit set, will be misinterpreted as illegal Unicode on compilers wherecharis signed. On my compiler, printing "~c",'\xfe'prints a replacement characters, because\xfeequals (int)0xfffffffe,which is not valid Unicode, and this library has no chance to find out that this is in fact(char)0xfe.So printing'...'literals is unfortunately broken, without a fix. Printing with~hhcworks as expected (but~zcdoes not, because,\xfeis anint). Printing(char)'\xfe'also works, but is more ugly in my opinion (I do not like casts much).

  • Compilingprintfwith any modern compiler gives you compile time warnings about the argument type vs. format string consistency. If these warnings are gone, there are usually no typing problems left for the target architecture (but compiling for other architectures may still have warnings and produce crashing code).

    For this library, no such warnings are be issued, because the argument passing is type safe and you cannot crash it with a wrong format specifier. However, if the argument count and format specifier count do not match, then the output is likely wrong, and the function will have undesirable behaviour. There is no compile time warning for this.

  • gcc 6: The library itself uses relatively little stack. But gcc (and also clang 3.8) accumulates the temporary stack objects in each function without reusing the stack space, i.e., each call to some print function builds up more stack at the call site. The temporary objects are clearly dead, but gcc keeps them. It does not help to add ({...})ordo{...}while(0)to formally restrict the official lifetime of the object to a block -- the compilers keep the object around. This is highly undesirable here, but I have no idea how to prevent this. -fconserve-stack and any other optimisations I tried don't change anything.

    gcc 11 fixes this (or maybe some earlier version), but it requires a block to limit the lifetime, even if the object is clearly dead. I added({...})to the macros so that newer compilers produce much less stack usage at call sites.


  • Q: Why formatted printing?

    A: Because it is nicer, and also it is feasible for Gnu gettext, which e.g. C++'scout<<is not. A: Because I like the string template based approach and find it more concise and can read it with less effort.

  • Q: Is this perfect?

    A: Well, no. It is hard to extend for other types to print. The macro mechanisms used are near impossible to understand and causse weird error messages and wrong error positions (in my gcc). The _Generic mechanism causes a ton of C code to be emitted for each print call -- the compiler throws almost all of it away, based on argument type, but looking at the pre-processed code is interesting. The number of arguments may be inconsistent with the format string without compile time warning.

  • Q: I stack usage really low?

    A: Kind of, but not as much as I'd like. It's around 250 bytes worst case on my x86-64.

  • Q: What about code size?

    A: This generates more code at the call site, because each argument is translated to another function call. Also, the temporary objects cause more stack to be used at the call site. Interally, the library is OK wrt. code size, I think.

  • Q: What about speed?

    A: Really? This is about printing messages -- probably short ones (less than a few kB, I'd guess). So while I did try not to mess it up, this is not optimised for speed.

  • Q: Is this safer thanprintf?

    A: Definitely, I think. There is absolutely no chance to give a wrong format specifier and access the stack (likeprintfdoes via stdarg.h) in undefined ways. This is particularly true for multi-arch development where withprintfyou need to be careful about length specifiers, and you might not get a warning on your machine, but the next person will and it will crash there. I usually need to compile a few times on multiple architectures to get the integer length right, e.g.,%uvs%luvs.%llu vs.%zu.

    This library's mechanism is also more convenient, because you do not need to think much about what you're printing with what format specifier, and there are noPRId16macros that obfuscate your portable code. And you can use UTF-8, -16, -32 strings seamlessly and mix them freely. You can print into a alloced or stack allocated compound literal safely, with error checking (end of string, out of memory, etc.) and guaranteed NUL termination.

  • Q: Why do you use~sand not%s?

    A1: This did use%sat the beginning. But the format strings must not be be confused with the standard Cprintf.The format is not compatible with aprintfcall, and this is not a drop-in replacement. E.g., in a larger code base, both this and old printfmight be mixed, maybe during a transition period, or just because. So programmers may see both styles. With the different sigil, it is immediately clear which format is used in a print call when editing code, and confusion can hopefully be avoided.


  • ISO-8859-1 (because why not)


Open a file with computed name, up to a fixed path length:



The same with error checking about truncated string or en- or decoding errors:

if(e.code!=VA_E_OK) {

You can use 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit characters seamlessly. The following uses UTF-16 as a parameter, but calls fopen() with an UTF-8 string. The only change is the parameter type. Just for fun, let's use an UTF-32 format string:

char*fn=va_nprintf(80,U "~s/~s~.s",dir,file,suffix,&e);
if(e.code!=VA_E_OK) {

This can also be done by creating a dynamically allocated string. The va_error_tmechanism then protects against out-of-memory situation (in which case the function deallocates what it allocated before and returns NULL), and also against Unicode decoding/encoding errors, and other traps.


if(e.code==VA_E_OK) {

Using VLA, do the same with arbitrary length by pre-computing the length using va_lprintf():




How Does This Work?

The main idea is to use macro magic (both standard C99 and some extensions from gcc, like allowing__VA_ARGS__to be empty etc.) to convert the printf calls:


Into a recursive call sequence:


TheSTREAM()is a temporary stream object, a compound literal, that is used for state information when parsing the format string, and for storing the output printer. The pointer to this temporary object is returned by all of the functions to the next layer of recursion. The init()initialises the format parser and the output stream (e.g. for NUL termination and initialalloc()), and eachrender()consumes one argument by printing it (once or more times) or using it as a width or precision.

The macro magic is calledVA_REC().Additional to what is described above, it passes a first parameter to theinit()andrender() calls to show whether the call is the last one of the expression. This is done to be able to optimise the call site code generation, and to allow sane error handling if the number of format specifiers and arguments do not match. You can try it withgcc -E:


This becomes:


Theinit(0,...)macro call is an extern function call that initialises the stream, initialises the output stream (e.g., NUL terminates a char array and/or allocs initial memory), and parses the format string, so that even with no arguments, the expression behaves in a sane way.

Theinit(1,...)macro call instead resolves to a fast inline function that initialises the stream by just setting all the slots. The format and output stream initialisation is then done by the first render(...)invocation. This way, there is the minimal number of extern calls to keep the call site code small.

Therender()resolves to a_Generic()call that selects the appropriate printer based on the type of the argument, and based on whether it's the last call of the expression, so that for each argument, a different C functions may be invoked. E.g.:

int i;
render(1,s,i) -> print_int(s,i)
render(0,s,i) -> print_last_int(s,i)

char const *x;
render(1,s,x) -> print_string(s,x)
render(0,s,x) -> print_last_string(s,x)

The_lastvariant finishes printing the format string even if no more argument is given -- this is used to make error handling sane and not just stop in the middle of the format string.