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Sendria (formerly MailTrap) is a SMTP server designed to run in your dev/test environment, that is designed to catch any email you or your application is sending, and display it in a web interface instead of sending to real world.


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Sendria (formerly MailTrap) is a SMTP server designed to run in your dev/test environment, catch any email you or your application is sending, and display it in a web interface instead of sending to real world. It help you prevent sending any dev/test emails to real people, no matter what address you provide. Just point your app/email client tosmtp:// look at your emails onhttp://

Sendria is built on shoulders of:

  • MailCatcher- original idea comes of this tool by Samuel Cochran.
  • MailDump- base source code ofSendria(version pre 1.0.0), by Adrian Mönnich.

If you like this tool, justsay thanks.

Icon made byFreepikfromflaticon.

Current stable version



  • Catch all emails and store it for display.
  • Full support for multipart messages.
  • View HTML and plain text parts of messages (if given part exists).
  • View source of email.
  • Lists attachments and allows separate downloading of parts.
  • Download original email to view in your native mail client(s).
  • Mail appears instantly if your browser supportsWebSockets.
  • Optionally, send webhook on every received message.
  • Runs as a daemon in the background, optionally in foreground.
  • Keyboard navigation between messages.
  • Optionally password protected access to web interface.
  • Optionally password protected access to SMTP (SMTP AUTH).
  • It's all Python!


Sendriashould work on any POSIX platform wherePython is available, it means Linux, MacOS/OSX etc.

Simplest way is to use Python's built-in package system:

Python 3 -m pip install sendria

You can also usepipxif you don't want to mess with system packages and installSendriain virtual environment:

pipx install sendria


Python version

Sendriais tested against Python 3.7+. Older Python versions may work, or may not.

If you want to run this software on Python 2.6+, just useMailDump.

How to use

After installingSendriajust run command:

sendria --db mails.sqlite

Now send emails throughsmtp://,i.e.:

echo'From: Sendria <sendria@example >\n'\
'To: You <you@example >\n'\
'Subject: Welcome!\n\n'\
'Welcome to Sendria!'|\
curl smtp://localhost:1025 --mail-from sendria@example \
--mail-rcpt you@example --upload-file -

or simpler withSMTPc:

smtpc send --host localhost:1025 --from sendria@example --to you@example \
--subject'Welcome!'--body'Welcome to Sendria!'

Finally, look atSendriaGUI on127.0.0.1:1080.

If you want more details, run:

sendria --help

for more info, ie. how to protect access to gui.


Sendriaoffers RESTful API you can use to fetch list of messages or particular message, ie. for testing purposes.

You can use excellenthttpietool:

% http localhost:1080/api/messages/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 620
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 20:04:46 GMT
Server: Sendria/2.2.2 (

"You <you@exampl >"
"sender_message":"Sendria <sendria@example >",
"source":"From: Sendria <sendria@example >\nTo: You <you@exampl >\nSubject: Welcome!\nX-Peer: ('', 59872)\nX-MailFrom: sendria@example \nX-RcptTo: you@example \n\nWelcome to Sendria!\n",

There are available endpoints:

  • GET /api/messages/- fetch list of emails. There is one query string param:pagefor pagination.
  • DELETE /api/messages/- delete all emails
  • GET /api/messages/{message_id}.json- fetch email metadata
  • GET /api/messages/{message_id}.plain- fetch plain part of email
  • GET /api/messages/{message_id}.html- fetch HTML part of email
  • GET /api/messages/{message_id}.source- fetch source of email
  • GET /api/messages/{message_id}.eml- download whole email as an EML file
  • GET /api/messages/{message_id}/parts/{cid}- download particular attachment
  • DELETE /api/messages/{message_id}- delete single email


There is also availableDocker image of Sendria. If you want to try, just run:

docker run -p 1025:1025 -p 1080:1080 msztolcman/sendria


I'm backend developer, not a frontend guy nor designer... If you are, and want to help, justmail me!. I think GUI should be redesigned, or at least few minor issues could be solved. Also, project requires some logo and/or icon. Again, do not hesitate tomail meif you want and can help:)

Also, if you have an idea how to enhanceSendria,please fill the ticket. Every idea, every feature request can help you, me and others!

Configure Rails

For your rails application just set in yourenvironments/development.rb:

config.action_mailer.delivery_method =:smtp
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {:address => '',:port => 1025 }
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false

Configure Django

To configure Django to work withSendria,add the following to your projects'


Configure Laravel

To useSendriain a Laravel project, configure your.envfile as follow:


As Sendria does not support TLS or SSL, it's very important to specifyMAIL_ENCRYPTION=tcp(instead of the defaultMAIL_ENCRYPTION=null), otherwise you will get aSwift_TransportException(with errorstream_socket_client(): unable to connect to null://

Behind nginx

If you want to hideSendriabehind nginx (ie. to terminate ssl) then you canuse example config (see in addons).


To startSendriaautomatically withSupervisorthere is in addons example config file for this purpose.



If you like or dislike this software, please do not hesitate to tell me about this me via email ([email protected]).

If you find bug or have an idea to enhance this tool, please use GitHub's issues.



  • added configuration description for Laravel (thanks tuxfamilyfor PR)


  • more dependencies fixes for Python 3.7


  • updated deps in


  • added messages pagination. One page is 100 messages. Can be browsed using buttons next to "Search" window or keyboard shortcuts:Ctrl-Shift-[Cursor Left] orCtrl-Shift-[Cursor Right].
  • changed keyboard shortcuts: instead ofCtrl-[Cursor Up]andCtrl-[Cursor Down] there is nowCtrl-Shift-[Cursor Up]andCtrl-Shift-[Cursor Down].
  • allow configuring defaultSendriainstance using config file (seesendria --help ->--config-file).
  • some fixes after hints from linters
  • minor changes and fixes


  • auth mechanisms are now implemented inaiosmtpd (thanksArzarothfor PR)
  • huge improvements to handling DB inserts. Now all messages are stored in an internal queue, then it's saved to the DB. It solves many problems with performance and single-threaded SQLite (thanksKathrynNfor reporting)
  • fixed API response when there is no data to return (#3) ( thanksKathrynNfor reporting)
  • improved logging system, now log messages has log levels, also many simplifications in logging system
  • Sendria now introduce as itself when connect through SMTP (also--smtp-identCLI param added)
  • minor fixes and performance issues solved, updated dependencies
  • next step in cleanups and making code modern



  • rename MailTrap -> Sendria


  • complete rewrite of backend part. Sendria is usingasyncioand aio-libsnow:
  • using asynchronous version of libraries drastically improved performance
  • Sendrianow can send a webhook about every received message
  • show in GUI information about envelope sender and recipients
  • all API requests has their own namespace now:/api
  • allow to replace name of application or url in template
  • block truncating all messages from GUI (on demand)
  • fixed issues withWebSockets,should refresh mails list and reconnect if disconnected
  • fixed issues with autobuilding assets
  • many cleanups and reformatting code
  • addons fornginx andsupervisor

Backward incompatible changes:

  • all api's requests are now prefixed with/api(look atAPI section)
  • --htpasswdcli param is renamed to--http-auth


  • fixed issue with old call dogevent.signal
  • minimum gevent version set to 1.5.0


  • bumped dependencies - security issues (dependabot)



  • fixed encoding issues


  • better support for macOS/OSX
  • links now opens in new tab/window (added 'target= "blank" ')
  • show message if there is no assets generated and info how to to generate them
  • added debugs for SMTP when in debug mode
  • added support forPipenv
  • HTML tab is default now when looking at particular message
  • converted to support Python 3.6+, drop support for lower Python versions
  • added SMTP auth support (look atpull request 28)
  • copy fromMailDumpv0.5.6