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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
We are full-stack GeoNinjas, creators of QField, [hard]core committers of QGIS and crafters of custom cloud solutions
Studio 1902 is web design and development studio creating and maintaining Peak: a free, open source and opinionated Starter Kit for all your Statamic sites.
@dyne is a non-profit software house and think &do tank for ethical hackers established in 1999 as a foundation committed to community empowerment through the conscious development of free and open-source technologies.
I maintain the Redux family of libraries (Redux, React-Redux, Redux Toolkit, Reselect), and spend much of my time answering questions about React, Redux, JavaScript, TypeScript, and related topics.
Support The Calyx Institute's open source work on CalyxOS, as part of our mission to bring privacy by design to everyone
JRuby needs you! Help sponsor development, services, and tools to help keep JRuby the best and most widely deployed alternative Ruby implementation in the world.
Support Jon's work on Alamofire, an elegant networking library for Swift, and its related libraries.
MX Linux is a cooperative venture between the antiX and former MEPIS communities, using the best tools and talents from each distro. It is a midweight OS designed to combine an elegant and efficient desktop with simple configuration, high stability,
Creative Scala's goal is to make Scala fun. We do this by creating training material that introduces Scala through non-traditional means, and libraries that unleash digital creativity.
I am a web developer from France, enthusiastic about developer experience. I love building tools and apps with Laravel and Vue.
Hi there! 👋 I'm Jose, JavaScript developer by day, Linux developer by night. I've worked on Free/Libre and Open Source Software for more than 10 years 🐧. Author of https://github /JoseExposito/touchegg
By sponsoring me, you're ensuring that the React Native (+ Web) packages I maintain are sustainable. All of my libraries are used in production on BeatGig website & mobile app – including Moti, Solito, Zeego, Burnt & Dripsy.


teenage developer & the maintainer of the notion-enhancer
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