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Acknowledgements screen displaying a list of licenses, for example from CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager dependencies.


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Acknowledgements screen displaying a list of licenses, for example fromCocoaPodsandSwift Package Managerdependencies.

Platform iOS tvOS watchOS macOS visionOS Build & Test Swift 5 Swift Package Manager CocoaPods compatible MIT license

Also available in Objective-C withVTAcknowledgementsViewController.

AcknowList screenshots


  • Load acknowledgments from CocoaPods-generated files (Pods-###-acknowledgements.plist)
  • Load acknowledgments from Swift Package Manager files (Package.resolved)
  • Fetch missing SPM licenses from GitHub API
  • Remove unnecessary line breaks from licenses for better text wrapping
  • Optional list header and footer
  • Tappable links in header, footer, and acknowledgment text
  • Storyboard support
  • Dark Mode support
  • Dynamic Type support
  • Localized in 13 languages
  • UIKit and SwiftUI interfaces



  1. Addpod 'AcknowList'to yourPodfile.
  2. Runpod install.
  3. Add thePods-#target#-acknowledgements.plistfile generated by CocoaPods to your main target: drag and drop the file from thePods/Target Support Files/Pods-#target#/folder to your Xcode project (don’t copy the file, leaveCopy items if neededunchecked).

Swift Package Manager

AcknowList can be installed with theSwift Package Manager(requires Xcode 12 for localized resources).

  1. Click onFileAdd Packages….
  2. Enterhttps://github /vtourraine/AcknowList.
  3. Select the version you’d like to use.
  4. Add thePackage.resolvedfile generated by Xcode to your main target. Drag and drop the file from the folder to your Xcode project (don’t copy the file, leaveCopy items if neededunchecked).
    • For single Xcode projects, the file is in[appName].xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/
    • For Xcode workspaces (for instance with CocoaPods), the file is in[appName].xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/


TheAcknowListViewControllerinstance is usually pushed to an existingUINavigationController.


By default, the controller will try to load acknowledgements from a CocoaPods plist file (by guessing its location based on the bundle name), as well as from aPackage.resolvedfile.

You can also initialize the view controller with a custom file name or URL.


If you want to include licenses that are not part of a.plistor.resolvedfile, you can create newAcknowinstances, and use them for the acknowledgements array of the controller.



The controller can also display a header and a footer. By default, they are loaded from the generatedplistfile, but you can also directly change the properties values.

viewController.headerText="We love open source software."
viewController.footerText="Powered by CocoaPods and SPM"

The controller title is a localized value for “acknowledgements”. You might want to use this localized value for the button presenting the controller.


By default,AcknowListViewControlleruses the “grouped” table view style. You can choose a different style:


If you need to further customize the appearance or behavior of this library, feel free to subclass its classes.


AcknowList now offers a SwiftUI interface, which supports all the major platforms.

Instantiate aAcknowListSwiftUIViewwith a path to theplistfile, or with an array ofAcknowinstances, and present this view from aNavigationView.


Platform UIKit SwiftUI
📱 iOS 9.0+ iOS 13.0+
📺 tvOS 9.0+ tvOS 13.0+
🥽 visionOS 1.0+ visionOS 1.0+
⌚️ not supported watchOS 7.0+
💻 not supported macOS 10.15+

⚠️If you install AcknowList with CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager, it will require iOS 13 and tvOS 13. To support earlier versions, please import this library manually, and ignore the SwiftUI classes. Alternatively, useVTAcknowledgementsViewControllerinstead.


AcknowList is written in Swift 5, and requires Xcode 12 and above.


AcknowList was created byVincent Tourraine,and improved by a growinglist of contributors.


AcknowList is available under the MIT license. See theLICENSE.txtfile for more info.