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Eureka: Elegant form builder in Swift

Build status Platform iOS Swift 5 compatible Carthage compatible CocoaPods compatible License: MIT codebeat badge

Made with ❤️ byXMARTLABS.This is the re-creation ofXLFormin Swift.

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For more information look atour blog postthat introducesEureka.

Requirements (for latest release)

  • Xcode 11+
  • Swift 5.0+

Example project

You can clone and run the Example project to see examples of most of Eureka's features.


How to create a form

By extendingFormViewControlleryou can then simply add sections and rows to theformvariable.

import Eureka


row.title="Text Row"
row.placeholder="Enter text here"
$0.title="Phone Row"
$0.placeholder="And numbers here"
$0.title="Date Row"

In the example we create two sections with standard rows, the result is this:

Screenshot of Custom Cells

You could create a form by just setting up theformproperty by yourself without extending fromFormViewControllerbut this method is typically more convenient.

Configuring the keyboard navigation accesory

To change the behaviour of this you should set the navigation options of your controller. TheFormViewControllerhas anavigationOptionsvariable which is an enum and can have one or more of the following values:

  • disabled:no view at all
  • enabled:enable view at the bottom
  • stopDisabledRow:if the navigation should stop when the next row is disabled
  • skipCanNotBecomeFirstResponderRow:if the navigation should skip the rows that return false tocanBecomeFirstResponder()

The default value isenabled & skipCanNotBecomeFirstResponderRow

To enable smooth scrolling to off-screen rows, enable it via theanimateScrollproperty. By default, theFormViewControllerjumps immediately between rows when the user hits the next or previous buttons in the keyboard navigation accesory, including when the next row is off screen.

To set the amount of space between the keyboard and the highlighted row following a navigation event, set therowKeyboardSpacingproperty. By default, when the form scrolls to an offscreen view no space will be left between the top of the keyboard and the bottom of the row.



// Enables the navigation accessory and stops navigation when a disabled row is encountered
// Enables smooth scrolling on navigation to off-screen rows
// Leaves 20pt of space between the keyboard and the highlighted row after scrolling to an off screen row

If you want to change the whole navigation accessory view, you will have to override thenavigationAccessoryViewvariable in your subclass ofFormViewController.

Getting row values

TheRowobject holds avalueof a specific type. For example, aSwitchRowholds aBoolvalue, while aTextRowholds aStringvalue.

// Get the value of a single row

// Get the value of all rows which have a Tag assigned
// The dictionary contains the 'rowTag':value pairs.


Eureka includes custom operators to make form creation easy:

+++ Add a section


// Chain it to add multiple Sections
form+++Section("First Section")+++Section("Another Section")

// Or use it with rows and get a blank section for free
+++TextRow()// Each row will be on a separate section

<<< Insert a row


// Or implicitly create the Section

+= Append an array

// Append Sections into a Form

// Append Rows into a Section

Result builders

Eureka includes result builders to make form creation easy:


// Section + Section
if something{

// Form + Section
if something{


Section("Section A"){sectionin
if true{
Section("Section B"){sectionin

Using the callbacks

Eureka includes callbacks to change the appearance and behavior of a row.

Understanding Row and Cell

ARowis an abstraction Eureka uses which holds avalueand contains the viewCell.TheCellmanages the view and subclassesUITableViewCell.

Here is an example:

letrow=SwitchRow("SwitchRow"){rowin// initializer
row.title="The title"
row.title=(row.value??false)?"The title expands when on":"The title"

Screenshot of Disabled Row

Callbacks list

  • onChange()

    Called when the value of a row changes. You might be interested in adjusting some parameters here or even make some other rows appear or disappear.

  • onCellSelection()

    Called each time the user taps on the row and it gets selected. Note that this will also get called for disabled rows so you should start your code inside this callback with something likeguard!row.isDisabled else { return }

  • cellSetup()

    Called only once when the cell is first configured. Set permanent settings here.

  • cellUpdate()

    Called each time the cell appears on screen. You can change the appearance here using variables that may not be present on cellSetup().

  • onCellHighlightChanged()

    Called whenever the cell or any subview become or resign the first responder.

  • onRowValidationChanged()

    Called whenever the the validation errors associated with a row changes.

  • onExpandInlineRow()

    Called before expanding the inline row. Applies to rows conformingInlineRowTypeprotocol.

  • onCollapseInlineRow()

    Called before collapsing the inline row. Applies to rows conformingInlineRowTypeprotocol.

  • onPresent()

    Called by a row just before presenting another view controller. Applies to rows conformingPresenterRowTypeprotocol. Use it to set up the presented controller.

Section Header and Footer

You can set a titleStringor a customViewas the header or footer of aSection.

String title


Section(header:"Title",footer:"Footer Title")

Section(footer:"Footer Title")

Custom view

You can use a Custom View from a.xibfile:


// Will be called every time the header appears on screen
// Commonly used to setup texts inside the view
// Don't change the view hierarchy or size here!

Or a customUIViewcreated programmatically


Or just build the view with a Callback


Dynamically hide and show rows (or sections)

Screenshot of Hidden Rows

In this case we are hiding and showing whole sections.

To accomplish this each row has ahiddenvariable of optional typeConditionwhich can be set using a function orNSPredicate.

Hiding using a function condition

Using thefunctioncase ofCondition:


The array ofStringto pass should contain the tags of the rows this row depends on. Each time the value of any of those rows changes the function is reevaluated. The function then takes theFormand returns aBoolindicating whether the row should be hidden or not. This the most powerful way of setting up thehiddenproperty as it has no explicit limitations of what can be done.

$0.title="Show message"

$0.title="Switch is on!"

Screenshot of Hidden Rows


Hiding using an NSPredicate

Thehiddenvariable can also be set with a NSPredicate. In the predicate string you can reference values of other rows by their tags to determine if a row should be hidden or visible. This will only work if the values of the rows the predicate has to check are NSObjects (String and Int will work as they are bridged to their ObjC counterparts, but enums won't work). Why could it then be useful to use predicates when they are more limited? Well, they can be much simpler, shorter and readable than functions. Look at this example:

$0.hidden=Condition.predicate(NSPredicate(format:"$switchTag == false"))

And we can write it even shorter sinceConditionconforms toExpressibleByStringLiteral:

$0.hidden="$switchTag == false"

Note: we will substitute the value of the row whose tag is 'switchTag' instead of '$switchTag'

For all of this to work,all of the implicated rows must have a tagas the tag will identify them.

We can also hide a row by doing:


asConditionconforms toExpressibleByBooleanLiteral.

Not setting thehiddenvariable will leave the row always visible.

If you manually set the hidden (or disabled) condition after the form has been displayed you may have to callrow.evaluateHidden()to force Eureka to reevaluate the new condition. Seethis FAQ sectionfor more info.


For sections this works just the same. That means we can set up sectionhiddenproperty to show/hide it dynamically.

Disabling rows

To disable rows, each row has andisabledvariable which is also an optionalConditiontype property. This variable also works the same as thehiddenvariable so that it requires the rows to have a tag.

Note that if you want to disable a row permanently you can also setdisabledvariable totrue.

List Sections

To display a list of options, Eureka includes a special section calledSelectableSection. When creating one you need to pass the type of row to use in the options and theselectionType. TheselectionTypeis an enum which can be eithermultipleSelectionorsingleSelection(enableDeselection: Bool)where theenableDeselectionparameter determines if the selected rows can be deselected or not.

form+++SelectableSection<ListCheckRow<String>>("Where do you live",selectionType:.singleSelection(enableDeselection:true))

letcontinents=["Africa","Antarctica","Asia","Australia","Europe","North America","South America"]
foroptionin continents{
What kind of rows can be used?

To create such a section you have to create a row that conforms theSelectableRowTypeprotocol.


ThisselectableValueis where the value of the row will be permanently stored. Thevaluevariable will be used to determine if the row is selected or not, being 'selectableValue' if selected or nil otherwise. Eureka includes theListCheckRowwhich is used for example. In the custom rows of the Examples project you can also find theImageCheckRow.

Getting the selected rows

To easily get the selected row/s of aSelectableSectionthere are two methods:selectedRow()andselectedRows()which can be called to get the selected row in case it is aSingleSelectionsection or all the selected rows if it is aMultipleSelectionsection.

Grouping options in sections

Additionally you can setup list of options to be grouped by sections using following properties ofSelectorViewController:

  • sectionKeyForValue- a closure that should return key for particular row value. This key is later used to break options by sections.

  • sectionHeaderTitleForKey- a closure that returns header title for a section for particular key. By default returns the key itself.

  • sectionFooterTitleForKey- a closure that returns footer title for a section for particular key.

Multivalued Sections

Eureka supports multiple values for a certain field (such as telephone numbers in a contact) by using Multivalued sections. It allows us to easily create insertable, deletable and reorderable sections.

Screenshot of Multivalued Section

How to create a multivalued section

In order to create a multivalued section we have to useMultivaluedSectiontype instead of the regularSectiontype.MultivaluedSectionextendsSectionand has some additional properties to configure multivalued section behavior.

let's dive into a code example...

header:"Multivalued TextField",
footer:".Insert adds a 'Add Item' (Add New Tag) button row as last cell."){
$0.title="Add New Tag"
$0.placeholder="Tag Name"
$0.placeholder="Tag Name"

Previous code snippet shows how to create a multivalued section. In this case we want to insert, delete and reorder rows as multivaluedOptions argument indicates.

addButtonProviderallows us to customize the button row which inserts a new row when tapped andmultivaluedOptionscontains.Insertvalue.

multivaluedRowToInsertAtclosure property is called by Eureka each time a new row needs to be inserted. In order to provide the row to add into multivalued section we should set this property. Eureka passes the index as closure parameter. Notice that we can return any kind of row, even custom rows, even though in most cases multivalued section rows are of the same type.

Eureka automatically adds a button row when we create a insertable multivalued section. We can customize how the this button row looks like as we explained before.showInsertIconInAddButtonproperty indicates if plus button (insert style) should appear in the left of the button, true by default.

There are some considerations we need to have in mind when creating insertable sections. Any row added to the insertable multivalued section should be placed above the row that Eureka automatically adds to insert new rows. This can be easily achieved by adding these additional rows to the section from inside the section's initializer closure (last parameter of section initializer) so then Eureka adds the adds insert button at the end of the section.

Editing mode

By default Eureka will set the tableView'sisEditingto true only if there is a MultivaluedSection in the form. This will be done inviewWillAppearthe first time a form is presented.

For more information on how to use multivalued sections please take a look at Eureka example project which contains several usage examples.

Custom add button

If you want to use an add button which is not aButtonRowthen you can useGenericMultivaluedSection<AddButtonType>,whereAddButtonTypeis the type of the row you want to use as add button. This is useful if you want to use a custom row to change the UI of the button.


$0.title="A Label row as add button"


Eureka 2.0.0 introduces the much requested built-in validations feature.

A row has a collection ofRulesand a specific configuration that determines when validation rules should be evaluated.

There are some rules provided by default, but you can also create new ones on your own.

The provided rules are:

  • RuleRequired
  • RuleEmail
  • RuleURL
  • RuleGreaterThan, RuleGreaterOrEqualThan, RuleSmallerThan, RuleSmallerOrEqualThan
  • RuleMinLength, RuleMaxLength
  • RuleClosure

Let's see how to set up the validation rules.

+++Section(header:"Required Rule",footer:"Options: Validates on change")

$0.title="Required Rule"

// This could also have been achieved using a closure that returns nil if valid, or a ValidationError otherwise.
let ruleRequiredViaClosure = RuleClosure<String> { rowValue in
return (rowValue == nil || rowValue!.isEmpty)? ValidationError(msg: "Field required!" ): nil
$0.add(rule: ruleRequiredViaClosure)


+++Section(header:"Email Rule, Required Rule",footer:"Options: Validates on change after blurred")

$0.title="Email Rule"

As you can see in the previous code snippet we can set up as many rules as we want in a row by invoking row'sadd(rule:)function.

Row also providesfunc remove(ruleWithIdentifier identifier: String)to remove a rule. In order to use it we must assign an id to the rule after creating it.

Sometimes the collection of rules we want to use on a row is the same we want to use on many other rows. In this case we can set up all validation rules using aRuleSetwhich is a collection of validation rules.


$0.title="Email Rule"

Eureka allows us to specify when validation rules should be evaluated. We can do it by setting upvalidationOptionsrow's property, which can have the following values:

  • .validatesOnChange- Validates whenever a row value changes.
  • .validatesOnBlur- (Default value) validates right after the cell resigns first responder. Not applicable for all rows.
  • .validatesOnChangeAfterBlurred- Validates whenever the row value changes after it resigns first responder for the first time.
  • .validatesOnDemand- We should manually validate the row or form by invokingvalidate()method.

If you want to validate the entire form (all the rows) you can manually invoke Formvalidate()method.

How to get validation errors

Each row has thevalidationErrorsproperty that can be used to retrieve all validation errors. This property just holds the validation error list of the latest row validation execution, which means it doesn't evaluate the validation rules of the row.

Note on types

As expected, the Rules must use the same types as the Row object. Be extra careful to check the row type used. You might see a compiler error ( "Incorrect arugment label in call (have 'rule:' expected 'ruleSet:')" that is not pointing to the problem when mi xing types.

Swipe Actions

By using swipe actions we can define multipleleadingSwipeandtrailingSwipeactions per row. As swipe actions depend on iOS system features,leadingSwipeis available on iOS 11.0+ only.

Let's see how to define swipe actions.

//add your code here.
//make sure you call the completionHandler once done.


//please be aware: `leadingSwipe` is only available on iOS 11+ only
//add your code here.
//make sure you call the completionHandler once done.


Swipe Actions needtableView.isEditingbe set tofalse.Eureka will set this totrueif there is a MultivaluedSection in the form (in theviewWillAppear). If you have both MultivaluedSections and swipe actions in the same form you should setisEditingaccording to your needs.

Custom rows

It is very common that you need a row that is different from those included in Eureka. If this is the case you will have to create your own row but this should not be difficult. You can readthis tutorial on how to create custom rowsto get started. You might also want to have a look atEurekaCommunitywhich includes some extra rows ready to be added to Eureka.

Basic custom rows

To create a row with custom behaviour and appearance you'll probably want to create subclasses ofRowandCell.

Remember thatRowis the abstraction Eureka uses, while theCellis the actualUITableViewCellin charge of the view. As theRowcontains theCell,bothRowandCellmust be defined for the samevaluetype.

// Custom Cell with value type: Bool
// The cell is defined using a.xib, so we can set outlets:)


row.updateCell()// Re-draws the cell which calls 'update' bellow


// The custom Row also has the cell: CustomCell and its correspond value
// We set the cellProvider to load the.xib corresponding to our cell

The result:
Screenshot of Disabled Row

Custom rows need to subclass `Row` and conform to `RowType` protocol. Custom cells need to subclass `Cell` and conform to `CellType` protocol.

Just like the callbacks cellSetup and CellUpdate, theCellhas the setup and update methods where you can customize it.

Custom inline rows

An inline row is a specific type of row that shows dynamically a row below it, normally an inline row changes between an expanded and collapsed mode whenever the row is tapped.

So to create an inline row we need 2 rows, the row that is "always" visible and the row that will expand/collapse.

Another requirement is that the value type of these 2 rows must be the same. This means if one row holds aStringvalue then the other must have aStringvalue too.

Once we have these 2 rows, we should make the top row type conform toInlineRowType. This protocol requires you to define anInlineRowtypealias and asetupInlineRowfunction. TheInlineRowtype will be the type of the row that will expand/collapse. Take this as an example:




publicfuncsetupInlineRow(_ inlineRow:InlineRow){

TheInlineRowTypewill also add some methods to your inline row:


These methods should work fine but should you want to override them keep in mind that it istoggleInlineRowthat has to callexpandInlineRowandcollapseInlineRow.

Finally you must invoketoggleInlineRow()when the row is selected, for example overridingcustomDidSelect:


Custom Presenter rows

Note:A Presenter row is a row that presents a new UIViewController.

To create a custom Presenter row you must create a class that conforms thePresenterRowTypeprotocol. It is highly recommended to subclassSelectorRowas it does conform to that protocol and adds other useful functionality.

The PresenterRowType protocol is defined as follows:



/// Defines how the view controller will be presented, pushed, etc.

/// Will be called before the presentation occurs.

The onPresentCallback will be called when the row is about to present another view controller. This is done in theSelectorRowso if you do not subclass it you will have to call it yourself.

ThepresentationModeis what defines how the controller is presented and which controller is presented. This presentation can be using a Segue identifier, a segue class, presenting a controller modally or pushing to a specific view controller. For example a CustomPushRow can be defined like this:

Let's see an example..

/// Generic row type where a user must select a value among several options.

/// Defines how the view controller will be presented, pushed, etc.

/// Will be called before the presentation occurs.


Extends `didSelect` method

Prepares the pushed row setting its title and completion callback.
openoverridefuncprepare(for segue:UIStoryboardSegue){

// SelectorRow conforms to PresenterRowType


Subclassing cells using the same row

Sometimes we want to change the UI look of one of our rows but without changing the row type and all the logic associated to one row. There is currently one way to do thisif you are using cells that are instantiated from nib files.Currently, none of Eureka's core rows are instantiated from nib files but some of the custom rows inEurekaCommunityare, in particular thePostalAddressRowwhich was moved there.

What you have to do is:

  • Create a nib file containing the cell you want to create.
  • Then set the class of the cell to be the existing cell you want to modify (if you want to change something more apart from pure UI then you should subclass that cell). Make sure the module of that class is correctly set
  • Connect the outlets to your class
  • Tell your row to use the new nib file. This is done by setting thecellProvidervariable to use this nib. You should do this in the initialiser, either in each concrete instantiation or using thedefaultRowInitializer.For example:

You could also create a new row for this. In that case try to inherit from the same superclass as the row you want to change to inherit its logic.

There are some things to consider when you do this:

  • If you want to see an example have a look at thePostalAddressRowor theCreditCardRowwhich have use a custom nib file in their examples.
  • If you get an error sayingUnknown class <YOUR_CLASS_NAME> in Interface Builder file,it might be that you have to instantiate that new type somewhere in your code to load it in the runtime. Callinglet t = YourClass.selfhelped in my case.

Row catalog

Controls Rows

Label Row

Button Row

Check Row

Switch Row

Slider Row

Stepper Row

Text Area Row

Field Rows

These rows have a textfield on the right side of the cell. The difference between each one of them consists in a different capitalization, autocorrection and keyboard type configuration.












All of theFieldRowsubtypes above have aformatterproperty of typeNSFormatterwhich can be set to determine how that row's value should be displayed. A custom formatter for numbers with two digits after the decimal mark is included with Eureka (DecimalFormatter). The Example project also contains aCurrencyFormatterwhich displays a number as currency according to the user's locale.

By default, setting a row'sformatteronly affects how a value is displayed when it is not being edited. To also format the value while the row is being edited, setuseFormatterDuringInputtotruewhen initializing the row. Formatting the value as it is being edited may require updating the cursor position and Eureka provides the following protocol that your formatter should conform to in order to handle cursor position:

funcgetNewPosition(forPosition forPosition:UITextPosition,inTextInput textInput:UITextInput,oldValue:String?,newValue:String?)->UITextPosition

Additionally,FieldRowsubtypes have auseFormatterOnDidBeginEditingproperty. When using aDecimalRowwith a formatter that allows decimal values and conforms to the user's locale (e.g.DecimalFormatter), ifuseFormatterDuringInputisfalse,useFormatterOnDidBeginEditingmust be set totrueso that the decimal mark in the value being edited matches the decimal mark on the keyboard.

Date Rows

Date Rows hold a Date and allow us to set up a new value through UIDatePicker control. The mode of the UIDatePicker and the way how the date picker view is shown is what changes between them.

Date Row
Picker shown in the keyboard.
Date Row (Inline)
The row expands.
Date Row (Picker)
The picker is always visible.

With those 3 styles (Normal, Inline & Picker), Eureka includes:

  • DateRow
  • TimeRow
  • DateTimeRow
  • CountDownRow

Option Rows

These are rows with a list of options associated from which the user must choose.

$0.selectorTitle="Pick a number"
$0.value="Two"// initially selected
Alert Row

Will show an alert with the options to choose from.
ActionSheet Row

Will show an action sheet with the options to choose from.
Push Row

Will push to a new controller from where to choose options listed using Check rows.
Multiple Selector Row

Like PushRow but allows the selection of multiple options.
Segmented Row
Segmented Row (w/Title)
Picker Row

Presents options of a generic type through a picker view
(There is also Picker Inline Row)

Built your own custom row?

Let us know about it, we would be glad to mention it here.:)

  • LocationRow(Included as custom row in the example project)

Screenshot of Location Row



CocoaPodsis a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

Specify Eureka into your project'sPodfile:

source'https://github /CocoaPods/Specs.git'


Then run the following command:

$ pod install

Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manageris a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code.

After you set up yourPackage.swiftmanifest file, you can add Eureka as a dependency by adding it to the dependencies value of yourPackage.swift.

dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github /xmartlabs/Eureka.git",from:" 5.5.0 ") ]


Carthageis a simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa.

Specify Eureka into your project'sCartfile:

github "xmartlabs/Eureka" ~> 5.5

Manually as Embedded Framework

  • Clone Eureka as a gitsubmoduleby running the following command from your project root git folder.
$ git submodule add https://github /xmartlabs/Eureka.git
  • Open Eureka folder that was created by the previous git submodule command and drag the Eureka.xcodeproj into the Project Navigator of your application's Xcode project.

  • Select the Eureka.xcodeproj in the Project Navigator and verify the deployment target matches with your application deployment target.

  • Select your project in the Xcode Navigation and then select your application target from the sidebar. Next select the "General" tab and click on the + button under the "Embedded Binaries" section.

  • SelectEureka.frameworkand we are done!

Getting involved

  • If youwant to contributeplease feel free tosubmit pull requests.
  • If youhave a feature requestpleaseopen an issue.
  • If youfound a bugcheck older issues before submitting an issue.
  • If youneed helpor would like toask general question,useStackOverflow.(Tageureka-forms).

Before contribute check theCONTRIBUTINGfile for more info.

If you useEurekain your app We would love to hear about it! Drop us a line ontwitter.



How to change the text representation of the row value shown in the cell.

Every row has the following property:

/// Block variable used to get the String that should be displayed for the value of this row.

You can setdisplayValueForaccording the string value you want to display.

How to get a Row using its tag value

We can get a particular row by invoking any of the following functions exposed by theFormclass:


For instance:




How to get a Section using its tag value


How to set the form values using a dictionary

InvokingsetValues(values: [String: Any?])which is exposed byFormclass.

For example:

form.setValues(["IntRowTag":8,"TextRowTag":"Hello world!","PushRowTag":Company(name:"Xmartlabs")])

Where"IntRowTag","TextRowTag","PushRowTag"are row tags (each one uniquely identifies a row) and8,"Hello world!",Company(name: "Xmartlabs" )are the corresponding row value to assign.

The value type of a row must match with the value type of the corresponding dictionary value otherwise nil will be assigned.

If the form was already displayed we have to reload the visible rows either by reloading the table viewtableView.reloadData()or invokingupdateCell()to each visible row.

Row does not update after changing hidden or disabled condition

After setting a condition, this condition is not automatically evaluated. If you want it to do so immediately you can call.evaluateHidden()or.evaluateDisabled().

This functions are just called when a row is added to the form and when a row it depends on changes. If the condition is changed when the row is being displayed then it must be reevaluated manually.

onCellUnHighlight doesn't get called unless onCellHighlight is also defined

Look at thisissue.

How to update a Section header/footer

  • Set up a new header/footer data....
section.header=HeaderFooterView(title:"Header title\(variable)")// use String interpolation
varheader=HeaderFooterView<UIView>(.class)// most flexible way to set up a header using any view type
header.height={60}// height can be calculated
header.onSetupView={view,sectionin// each time the view is about to be displayed onSetupView is invoked.
  • Reload the Section to perform the changes

How to customize Selector and MultipleSelector option cells

selectableRowSetup,selectableRowCellUpdateandselectableRowCellSetupproperties are provided to be able to customize SelectorViewController and MultipleSelectorViewController selectable cells.

$0.selectorTitle="Choose an Emoji!"
cell.textLabel?.text="Text"+row.selectableValue!// customization

Don't want to use Eureka custom operators?

As we've saidFormandSectiontypes conform toMutableCollectionandRangeReplaceableCollection.A Form is a collection of Sections and a Section is a collection of Rows.

RangeReplaceableCollectionprotocol extension provides many useful methods to modify collection.

publicmutatingfuncappend(_ newElement:Self.Element)
publicmutatingfuncappend<S>(contentsOf newElements:S)whereS:Sequence,Self.Element==S.Element
publicmutatingfuncinsert(_ newElement:Self.Element,at i:Self.Index)
publicmutatingfuncinsert<S>(contentsOf newElements:S,at i:Self.Index)whereS:Collection,Self.Element==S.Element
publicmutatingfuncremove(at i:Self.Index)->Self.Element
publicmutatingfuncremoveSubrange(_ bounds:Range<Self.Index>)
publicmutatingfuncremoveFirst(_ n:Int)
publicmutatingfuncremoveAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity:Bool)
publicmutatingfuncreserveCapacity(_ n:Self.IndexDistance)

These methods are used internally to implement the custom operators as shown bellow:


publicfunc+=<C:Collection>(inout lhs:Form,rhs:C)whereC.Element==Section{


publicfunc+=<C:Collection>(inout lhs:Section,rhs:C)whereC.Element==BaseRow{

You can see how the rest of custom operators are implementedhere.

It's up to you to decide if you want to use Eureka custom operators or not.

How to set up your form from a storyboard

The form is always displayed in aUITableView.You can set up your view controller in a storyboard and add a UITableView where you want it to be and then connect the outlet to FormViewController'stableViewvariable. This allows you to define a custom frame (possibly with constraints) for your form.

All of this can also be done by programmatically changing frame, margins, etc. of thetableViewof your FormViewController.

Donate to Eureka

So we can make Eureka even better!

Change Log

This can be found in theCHANGELOG.mdfile.