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Wikipedia:Abbyrlhit Sheeanagh Eddyr-ashoonagh

Ass Wikipedia.
(Aa-enmyssit assWikipedia:ASE)
Ta'n art shoh goaill stiagh kianglaghyn yn-linney gys coadanyn-sheean.My vel crampys eu as shiu geabbey cloie ny coadanyn, jeeagh-shiu erCooney meanyn.

Ny ta heese ayns shoh, shebun-ogherson cowraghyn ynAbbyrlhit Sheeanagh Eddyr-ashoonagh.Ta kuse veg dy chowraghyn ASE faagit magh; t'ad ry-gheddyn aynsard-alt yn ASE.

Ta sampleyr 'sy Ghaelg goll er taishbyney raad t'eh so-lhiggal. Mannagh vel sheeanyn bishee ry-chlashtyn 'sy Ghaelg, ta ymmyd jeant jeh çhengaghyn as ad er oayllys ec Gaelgeyryn, s'cosoylagh, lheid as yVaarle,yRangish,yGhermaanish,as ySpaainish.Son cowraghyn nagh vel coodit ec ny çhengaghyn shen, ta ymmyd jeant jeh çhengaghyn mooarey lheid asMandarin Chadjinit,yHindoostaanish,ynArabish,as yRooshish.Ayns cooishyn er lheh nagh vel ny sheeanyn shen coodit ec ny çhengaghyn shen, ta ymmyd jeant jeh çhengaghyn ny sloo agh, er y laue elley, ta foast goll er oayllys dy mie ain, lheid as yTwahilish,yTurkishas yToolooish.

Ta'n cholloo chlee taishbyney ny cowraghyn myr shoh:(i)[ a ].Crig er y jalloo loayrtagh son y sheean y chlashtyn; crig er y chowrey hene son art er lheh as cur sheese ny s'cruinney as sampleyryn ayns çhengaghyn elley.

Ard-chowraghyn[edit source]

Ta ny cowraghyn goll er rang-oardraghey rere y chosoylaght rish lettyryn yn abbyrlhit Ladjynagh. Ny cowraghyn nagh vel cosoylagh rish ny lettyryn shen, t'ad currit ec jerrey yn rolley.

Cowrey Sampleyryn Cur sheese
(i)[ a ] clashtyny Ghaelg, hắntāy Vandarin,Manny Ghermaanish
[ ä ] casay Spaainish,pattey Rangish
(i)[ aː ] balleyy Ghaelg,Aacheny Ghermaanish,garey Rangish [a]liauyr.
(i)[ ɐ ] cuty Vaarle RP,Kaiserslauterny Ghermaanish
(i)[ ɑ ] tammylty Ghaelg,Linnayn Innlynnish,badyn Ollanish
(i)[ ɑː ] bodjaly Ghaelg,fathery Vaarle,pâtey Rangish [ɑ]liauyr.
[ ɑ̃ ] Caen,sans,tempsy Rangish [ɑ]stroannit.
(i)[ ɒ ] coty Vaarle RP Cosoylagh rish[ɑ],agh marish meillyn beggan runtit.
(i)[ ʌ ] thutçheyy Ghaelg Cosoylagh rish[ɔ],agh marish meillyn runtit.
(i)[ æ ] caty Vaarle RP
(i)[ b ] bodjaly Ghaelg
(i)[ ɓ ] bwanay Twahilish Cosoylagh rish[b]agh marish sluggey
(i)[ ʙ ] Cosoylagh rish y çheeanbrrrtra t'ou feayr.
(i)[ β ] cabbylayns abbyrtyn ennagh y Ghaelg,laBambay Spaainish,abanay Chinyarooandish Sheean t'ayn eddyr[v]as[b];cosoylagh rish[b]agh cha nel ny meillyn bentyn rish nyn geilley.
(i)[ c ] kiarty Ghaelg,kebapy Turkish, stín y Çheckish,καιy Ghreagish Goll er ymmyd keayrtyn ayns ynnyd y [tʃ] ayns çhengaghyn cosoylagh rish y Hindish.
(i)[ ç ] chiarty Ghaelg,Ichy Ghermaanish
(i)[ ɕ ] Sligeachyn Yernish,Xi'any Vandarin,ścianay Pholynnish
(i)[ ɔ ] ry-akin foO
(i)[ d ] dady Vaarle;doonayns abbyrtyn er lheh jeh'n Ghaelg
(i)[ ɗ ] Dodomay Twahilish Cosoylagh rish[d]agh marish sluggey.
(i)[ ɖ ] hardery Vaarle Americaanagh Cosoylagh rish[d]agh marish y çhengey as ee lhoobit ny tayrnt er ash.
(i)[ ð ] moddeyy Ghaelg,the, bathey Vaarle
(i)[ dz ]1 adzey Vaarle,zeroyn Iddaalish
(i)[ dʒ ]1 jannooy Ghaelg,judgey Vaarle
(i)[ dʑ ]1 niewiedźy Pholynnish Cosoylagh rish [dʒ], agh ny s'keylley
(i)[ dʐ ]1 emy Pholynnish Cosoylagh rish [dʒ] agh marish y çhengey as ee lhoobit ny tayrnt er ash.
(i)[ e ] fey Spaainish;cléy Rangish
(i)[ eː ] sheyy Ghaelg;Kleey Ghermaanish [e]liauyr.
(i)[ ə ] carrane y Ghaelg;abovey Vaarle; ठग[ʈʰəɡ]thugy Hindish
[ ɚ ] runnery Vaarle Americaanagh
(i)[ ɛ ] leshy Ghaelg;bety Vaarle
[ ɛ̃ ] Agen,vin,mainy Rangish;mięsoy Pholynnish [ɛ]stroannit.
(i)[ ɜ ] birdy Vaarle RP
[ ɝ ] birdy Vaarle Americaanagh
(i)[ f ] Englishfun
(i)[ ɟ ] see underJ
(i)[ ʄ ] see underJ
(i)[ ɡ ] Englishgag (Should look like.No different from a Latin "g" )
(i)[ ɠ ] SwahiliUganda Like[ɡ]said with a gulp.
(i)[ ɢ ] Like[ɡ],but further back, in the throat. Found inPersianand some Arabic dialects for/q/,as inGaddafi.
(i)[ ʒ ] see underZ Englishbeige.
(i)[ h ] American Englishhouse
(i)[ ɦ ] Englishahead,when said quickly.
[ ʰ ] The extra puff of air in Englishtop[tʰɒp]compared tostop[stɒp], or to French or Spanish[t].
(i)[ ħ ] Arabic محمدMuhammad Far down in the throat, like[h],but stronger.
(i)[ ɥ ] see underU
[ ɮ ] see underL
(i)[ i ] Frenchville,SpanishValladolid
(i)[ iː ] Englishsea Long[i].
(i)[ ɪ ] Englishsit
(i)[ ɨ ] Russian ты "you" Often used for unstressed Englishroses.
(i)[ j ] Englishyes, hallelujah,GermanJunge
[ ʲ ] Russian Ленин[ˈlʲenʲɪn] Indicates a sound is more y-like.
(i)[ ʝ ] Spanishcayo(some dialects) Like[j],but stronger.
(i)[ ɟ ] Turkishgör"see", Czechdíra "hole" Between Englishdew(RP) andargue.Sometimes used instead for [dʒ] in languages like Hindi.
(i)[ ʄ ] Swahilijambo Like[ɟ]said with a gulp.
(i)[ k ] Englishkick,skip
(i)[ l ] Englishleaf
(i)[ ɫ ] Englishwool
Russian малый[ˈmɑɫɨj]"small"
"Dark" el.
(i)[ ɬ ] Welshllwyd[ɬʊɪd]"grey"
Rather like[l]and[ʃ]or[l]and[θ]said together. Found inWelshnames likeLloydandLlywelynandNelson Mandela's Xhosa nameRolihlahla.
(i)[ ɭ ] Like[l]with the tongue curled or pulled back.
(i)[ ɺ ] A flapped[l],like[l]and[ɾ]said together.
(i)[ ɮ ] Zuludla"eat" Rather like[l]and[ʒ],or[l]and[ð],said together.
(i)[ m ] Englishmime
(i)[ ɱ ] Englishsymphony Like[m],but lips touch teeth as they do in[f].
[ ɯ ] see underW
(i)[ ʍ ] see underW
(i)[ n ] Englishnun
(i)[ ŋ ] Englishsing
(i)[ ɲ ] SpanishPeña,Frenchchampagne Rather like Englishcanyon.
(i)[ ɳ ] Hindi वरुण[ʋəruɳ]Varuna Like[n]with the tongue curled or pulled back.
(i)[ ɴ ] Castilian SpanishDonJuan[doɴˈχwan] Like[ŋ],but further back, in the throat.
(i)[ o ] Spanishno,Frencheau
(i)[ oː ] GermanBoden,FrenchVosges Long[o].Somewhat reminiscent of Englishno.
(i)[ ɔ ] GermanOldenburg,FrenchGaronne
(i)[ ɔː ] RPlaw,FrenchLimoges Long[ɔ].
[ ɔ̃ ] FrenchLyon,son;Polishwąż Nasalized[ɔ].
(i)[ ø ] Frenchfeu,bœufs Like[e],but with the lips rounded like[o].
(i)[ øː ] GermanGoethe,FrenchDle,neutre Long[ø].
(i)[ ɵ ] Swedishdum Halfway between[o]and[ø].Similar to[ʊ]but with the tongue slightly more down and front.
(i)[ œ ] Frenchbœuf,seul,GermanGöttingen Like[ɛ],but with the lips rounded like[ɔ].
(i)[ œː ] Frenchœuvre,heure Long[œ].
[ œ̃ ] Frenchbrun,parfum Nasalized[œ].
(i)[ θ ] see underother
(i)[ ɸ ] see underother
(i)[ p ] Englishpip
(i)[ q ] ArabicQur’ān Like[k],but further back, in the throat.
(i)[ r ] Spanishperro,Scotsborrow "Rolled R". (Generally used for English[ɹ]when there's no need to be precise.)
(i)[ ɾ ] Spanishpero,Tagalogdaliri,Malaykabar,American Englishkitty/kiddie "Flapped R".
(i)[ ʀ ] A trill in the back of the throat. Found for /r/ in some conservative registers of French.
(i)[ ɽ ] Hindi साड़ी[sɑːɽiː]"sari" Like flapped[ɾ],but with the tongue curled back.
(i)[ ɹ ] RPborrow
(i)[ ɻ ] American Englishborrow, butter Like[ɹ],but with the tongue curled or pulled back, as pronounced by many English speakers.
(i)[ ʁ ] FrenchParis,GermanRiemann Said back in the throat, but not trilled.
(i)[ s ] Englishsass
(i)[ ʃ ] Englishshoe
(i)[ ʂ ] Mandarin Thiếu Lâm(Shàolín),RussianПушкин(Pushkin) Acoustically similar to[ʃ],but with the tongue curled or pulled back.
(i)[ t ] Englishtot,stop
(i)[ ʈ ] Hindi ठग[ʈʰəɡ](thug)"thief" Like[t],but with the tongue curled or pulled back.
(i)[ ts ]2 Englishcats,Russianцарьtsar
(i)[ tʃ ]2 Englishchurch
(i)[ tɕ ]2 Mandarin Bắc Kinh(i)Běijīng,Polishciebie"you" Like [tʃ], but with more of a y-sound.
(i)[ tʂ ]2 Mandarinzh,Polishczas Like [tʃ] with the tongue curled or pulled back.
(i)[ u ] Frenchvous"you"
(i)[ uː ] FrenchRocquencourt,GermanSchumacher,close to RPfood Long[u].
(i)[ ʊ ] Englishfoot,GermanBundesrepublik
(i)[ ʉ ] Australian Englishfood(long) Like[ɨ],but with the lips rounded as for[u].
(i)[ ɥ ] Frenchlui Like[j]and[w]said together.
(i)[ ɯ ] see underW
(i)[ v ] Englishverve
(i)[ ʋ ] Hindi वरुण[ʋəruɳə]"Varuna" Between[v]and[w].Used by some Germans and Russians forv/w,and by some speakers of British English forr.
(i)[ ɣ ] Arabic / Swahilighali"expensive", Spanishsuegro Sounds rather like French[ʁ]or between[g]and[h].
(i)[ ɤ ] MandarinHénán Like[o]but without the lips rounded, something like a cross of[ʊ]and[ʌ].
[ ʌ ] see underA
(i)[ w ] Englishwow
[ ʷ ] Englishrain[ɹʷeɪn] Indicates a sound has lip rounding,quick.
(i)[ ʍ ] what(some dialects) like[h]and[w]said together
(i)[ ɯ ] Turkishkayık"caïque" Like[u],but with the lips flat; something like[ʊ].
(i)[ ɰ ] Spanishagua
(i)[ x ] Scottish Englishloch,GermanBach,Russianхороший[xɐˈroʂɨj]"good", Spanishjoven between[k]and[h]
(i)[ χ ] northern Standard DutchScheveningen,Castilian SpanishDonJuan[doɴˈχwan] Like[x],but further back, in the throat. Some German and Arabic speakers have[χ]for[x].
(i)[ y ] Frenchrue Like[i],but with the lips rounded as for[u].
(i)[ yː ] GermanBülow,Frenchsûr Long[y].
(i)[ ʏ ] GermanEisenhüttenstadt Like[ɪ],but with the lips rounded as for[ʊ].
(i)[ ʎ ] Italiantagliatelle Like[l],but more y-like. Rather like Englishvolume.
(i)[ ɥ ] see underU
(i)[ ɤ ] see underV
[ ɣ ] see underV
(i)[ z ] Englishzoos
(i)[ ʒ ] Englishvision,Frenchjournal
(i)[ ʑ ] formal Russianжжёшь[ʑːoʂ]"you burn", Polishźle More y-like than[ʒ],something likebeigey.
(i)[ ʐ ] Mandarin Nhân Dân Nhật BáoRénmínRìbào"People's Daily", Russianжир "fat" Like[ʒ]with the tongue curled or pulled back.
[ ɮ ] see underL
(i)[ θ ] Englishthigh, bath
(i)[ ɸ ] Japanese phú sĩ[ɸɯdʑi]Fuji,Māori[ˌɸaːɾeː'nuiː]wharenui Like[p],but with the lips not quite touching
(i)[ ʔ ] Englishuh-oh, Hawaii,Germandie Angst The 'glottal stop', a catch in the breath. For some people, found inbutton[ˈbʌʔn̩],or between vowels across words:Deus ex machina[ˌdeɪəsˌʔɛksˈmɑːkɨnə];in some nonstandard dialects, ina apple[ʌˈʔæpl̩].
(i)[ ʕ ] Arabic عربي(carabī)"Arabic" A light sound deep in the throat.
(i)[ ǀ ] Englishtsk-tsk!ortut-tut!,Zuluicici"earring" (The English click used for disapproval.) Several distinct sounds, written as digraphs, including[ kǀ ], [ ɡǀ ], [ ŋǀ ].The Zimbabwean MPNcubehas this click in his name, as didCetshwayo.
(i)[ ǁ ] Englishtchick! tchick!,Zuluixoxo"frog" (The English click used to urge on a horse.) Several distinct sounds, written as digraphs, including[ kǁ ], [ ɡǁ ], [ ŋǁ ].Found in the name of theXhosa.
(i)[ ǃ ] Zuluiqaqa"polecat" (The English click used to imitate the trotting of a horse.) A hollow popping sound, like a cork pulled from a bottle. Several distinct sounds, written as digraphs, including[ kǃ ], [ ɡǃ ], [ ŋǃ ].
  • ^1^2These symbols are officially written with a tie linking them (e.g.t͡ʃ), and are also sometimes written as single characters (e.g.ʧ) though the latter convention is no longer official. They are written without ligatures here to ensure correct display in all browsers.

Cowraghyn scarreydagh[edit source]

Ta dagh fer jeh nyscarreydeeayns shoh goll er taishbyney er lettyr ymmyrkagh lheid as y breeocklea.

Symbol Example Description
[ ˈa ] pronunciation
Main stress. The mark denotes the stress of thefollowingsyllable.
[ ˌa ] Weaker stress. The mark denotes the stress of thefollowingsyllable.
[ aː ] Englishshh![ʃː] Long. Often used with English vowels or diphthongs:Mayo/ˈmeːoː/for[ˈmeɪ̯ɜʊ̯],etc.
[ aˑ ] RPcaught[ˈkʰɔˑt] Semi-long. (Although the vowel is different, this is also longer thancot[ˈkʰɒt].)
[ a̯ ] Englishcow[kʰaʊ̯],koi[kʰɔɪ̯] This vowel does not form a syllable of its own, but runs into the vowel next to it. (In English, the diacritic is generally left off:[kaʊ].)
[ ã ] Frenchvinblanc[vɛ̃blɑ̃]"white wine" Anasalvowel, as with a Texas twang.
[ n̥ ] Sounds like a loud whisper;[n̥]is like a whispered breath through the nose.[l̥]is found in TibetanLhasa.
[ n̩ ] Englishbutton A consonant without a vowel. (English[n̩]is often transcribed/ən/.)
[ d̪ ] Spanishdos,Frenchdeux The tongue touches the teeth more than it does in English.
[ kʰ ] Englishcome Aspirated consonant, pronounced with a puff of air. Similarly[tʰ pʰ tsʰ tʃʰ tɕʰ].
[ k’ ] Zuluukuza"come" Like a popped[k],pushed from the throat. Similarly[tʼ pʼ qʼ tʃʼ tsʼ tɬʼ].
[ á ] MandarinMẹMẹ[mámā]"mother" High tone (Pinyin:mā) Careful!
ThePinyinRomanization used for Mandarin has these same diacritics, but with different values.
However,ThaiRomanization uses them the way the IPA does.
[ ā ] Mandarin mẹMẹ[mámā]"mother" Mid tone (Pinyin:ma).
[ à ] Mandarin[màdɤ]"horse's" Low tone (Pinyin:mǎ).
[ â ] Mandarin mắng[mâ]"scold" Falling tone (Pinyin:mà).
[ ǎ ] Mandarin ma[mǎ]"hemp" Rising tone (Pinyin:má).
[. ] Englishcourtship[ˈkɔrt.ʃɪp] Syllablebreak. (this is often redundant and therefore left off)

Lhoobeenyn[edit source]

Two types of brackets are commonly used to enclose transcriptions in the IPA:

  • /Slashes/ indicate those meaningful sounds in a pronunciation that are most prominently and broadly distinguished as the basic sounds of a language by its own native speakers; these are calledphonemes.Changing the symbols between slashes would either change the identity of the word or produce nonsense. Since there is no meaningful difference to a native speaker between the two letter ‹l› sounds in the wordlulls,they are considered the same phoneme and so, using slashes, they are given the same symbol in IPA:/ˈlʌlz/.Similarly, Spanishla bombais transcribed phonemically with two instances of the same singlebsound,/laˈbomba/.Thus a reader who is not familiar with the language in question might not know how to interpret these transcriptions more narrowly.
  • [Square brackets] indicate the narrower or more detailedphoneticqualities of a pronunciation, not taking into account the norms of the language to which it belongs; therefore, such transcriptions do not regard whether subtly different sounds in the pronunciation are actually noticeable or distinguishable to a native speaker of the language. Within square brackets is what a foreigner who does not know the structure of a language might hear as discrete units of sound. For instance, the English wordlullsmay be pronounced in a particular dialect more specifically as[ˈlɐɫz],with different letter ‹l› sounds at the beginning and end. This may be obvious to speakers of other languages that differentiate between the sounds[l]and[ɫ],though a native English speaker will likely not hear the two as different (since in English they are both regarded as phonetic variations—allophones—of the same/l/phoneme). Likewise, Spanishla bombahas two unique ‹b› sounds to the ears of foreigners or linguists—[laˈβomba]—though a native Spanish speaker might not be able to hear it. Omitting or adding such detail does not make any difference to the identity of the word, but helps to give a more precise pronunciation, usually regarding a specific dialect of a language.

A third kind of bracket is occasionally seen:

  • Either //double slashes// or |pipes| (or occasionally other conventions) show that the enclosed sounds are theoretical constructs that are not actually heard. (This is part ofmorphophonology.) For instance, most phonologists argue that the-sat the ends of verbs, which surfaces as either/s/intalks/tɔːks/or as/z/inlulls/lʌlz/,has a single underlying form. If they decide this form is ans,they would write it //s// (or |s|) to claim that phonemic/tɔːks/and/lʌlz/are essentially//tɔːks//and//lʌls//underneath. If they were to decide it was essentially the latter, //z//, they would transcribe these words//tɔːkz//and//lʌlz//.


  • ⟨Angle brackets⟩ may be used to represent theorthographic representation:⟨lulls⟩, ⟨la bomba⟩, though these are not supported on all computers. To get around this technical limitation, ‹chevrons› are also used; in addition, because they're easier to type, the less-than and greater-than signs (< >) that appear on most keyboards are commonly used for this purpose.[1]

Cooishyn taishbynee[edit source]

Bleaystee choghooysagh chronnaneagh[edit source]

These two characters should look similar:


If in the box to the left you see the symbolrather than a lower-case open-tail g, you may be experiencing a well-known bug in the fontMS Reference Sans Serifor other; switching toLucida Sans UnicodeorArial Unicodeshould fix it.

On your current font:[ɡ].

Affricaidyn as fockley dooblit[edit source]

Thetie baris intended to cover both letters of an affricate or doubly articulated consonant. However, if your browser uses Arial Unicode MS to display IPA characters, the following incorrectly formed sequences may look better than the correct order (letter, tie bar, letter) due to a bug in that font:

ts͡, tʃ͡, tɕ͡, dz͡, dʒ͡, dʑ͡, tɬ͡, kp͡, ɡb͡, ŋm͡.

Here is how the proper configuration displays in your default font:

t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m,

and in other several fonts:

  • Chrysanthi Unicode:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • Doulos SIL:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • Charis SIL:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • Gentium:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • Quivira:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • GentiumAlt:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • Code2000:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • TITUS Cyberbit Basic:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • DejaVu Sans:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • Bitstream Cyberbit:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • Arial Unicode MS:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • Lucida Sans Unicode:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • Lucida Grande:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • Matrix Unicode:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m
  • Times New Roman:t͡s, d͡z, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, t͡ɬ, k͡p, ɡ͡b, ŋ͡m

Lhoobeenyn uillinagh[edit source]

True angle brackets,⟨ ⟩,are unsupported by several common fonts, and so have been replaced by‹ ›or< >in most Wikipedia articles.

  1. Because < > are used in html, they may trigger anhtml element.For example, <i> on a web page would not show up as such but would instead italicize text that followed. This can be avoided by writing &lt; or &#60; or<nowiki><</nowiki>instead of<.

Kianglaghyn mooie[edit source]

Clowan:IPA keys horizontal