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Qatar,Middle Eastke ekdeshae. Iske official naamState of Qatarhae.

Qatar ek chhhota des hae jiske area 10,360 km2hae. Qatar eninsula 160 km lamba hae.

Qatar kecapitalcityDohahae.[1]

Qatar ke log

[badlo|source ke badlo]

Qatar ke log keQatarisbola jaawe hae. Ii log Arbii hae. Iskeofficial bhasaArbiipura Qatar Islam hae

Qatar me 885,000 guest workers rahe hae.

Qatar ke economypetroleumaurnatural gashae. Qatar Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ke member hae.

Qatar kecurrencyQatari Riyalhae.

Lagbhag sab Qatari logIslamdharam ke maane hae.

  1. QuatarBritannica.com,23 April ko liya gaya