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Fundation pro Software Libere

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Fundation pro Software Libere
instantia de: charitable organization[*], nonprofit organization[*], non-governmental organization[*]

data de creation: 4 octobre 1985
sito web official:
Commons: Free Software Foundation

Le Fundation pro Software Libere (in anglese: Free Software Foundation, FSF) es un organisation sin scopo lucrative fundate per Richard Stallman le 4 de octobre 1985 pro supportar le movimento pro software libere, un movimento basate in copyleft que visa promover le libertate universal de crear, distribuer e modificar software de computatores. Le FSF es incorporate in Massachusetts, SUA.[1]

Ab su fundation usque al medio del decennio de 1990, le fundos del FSF esseva principalmente usate pro emplear programmatores de software a scriber software libere pro le Projecto GNU. Depost le medio del decennio 1990, le empleatos e voluntarios del FSF ha principalmente laborate a questiones legal e structural pro le movimento pro software libere e le communitate de software libere.

In conformitate con su objectivos, solmente software libere es usate in le computatores del FSF.[2]


[modificar | modificar fonte]
  1. FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC. Summary Screen. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Corporations Division. Recuperate le 2009-04-06.
  2. Stallman, Richard M. (2002). Linux, GNU, and freedom. Philosophy of the GNU Project. GNU Project. Recuperate le 2006-12-10.