International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR Conferences

The IACR's primary activity each year is the organization of the three main cryptologic conferences, four more specialized ones, and one symposium. We also, from 2014, organize a series of training schools.

The IACR board selects the venue of the main conferences, from a number of candidate places, although the Crypto conference is always held in Santa Barbara. The IACR board also selects the two programme co-chairs. The determination of the scientific programme is then delegated to the programme co-chairs.

For each of the area conferences and symposia there is an individual steering committee which appoints programme chairs, and determines the location.

For the schools, members can put forward proposals which are then discussed by a sub-committee of the board. Supported schools will recieve financial aid to help with fixed costs (for example room hire and speaker expenses).

General Conferences

Area Conferences


Cryptology Schools

Meetings in Cooperation with IACR

IACR cooperates with other organizations for their workshops and conferences, all of which arelisted here.

If you are organizing a future IACR event, you cansubmit it here. There is also a map showing thethe events calendarincluding non-IACR events.