found: nuc86-27193: Her In search of the sacred, c1983(hdg. on InNd rept.: Grey, Mary C.; usage: Mary C. Grey)
found: Her Redeeming the dream, c1989:t.p. (Mary Grey) p. 4 of cover (lecturer in theol., St. Mary's College, London) Brit. CIP (Grey, Mary C.)
found: Introducing feminist images of God, c2001:t.p. (Mary Grey) p. 122 (auth. of Redeeming the dream) p. 4 of cover (scholar in residence, Sarum Coll.; vis. prof., Univ. of Southampton; hon. prof., Univ. of Wales, Lampeter)
found: De Moeilijke waarheid, c1992:t.p. (Mary Grey) p. 126 (Dr., b. 1941, Katholieke Univ. Nijmegen)
found: KB Web OPAC, July 25, 2005(Grey, Mary (Mary C.); variants: Grey, Mary, Grey-Hughes, Mary C., Grey-Hughes, M.C., Grey-Hughes, M.C., Grey-Hughes, Mary)
found: Biog. & geneal. master index ,July 25, 2005(Grey, Mary Cecilia (1941-))
found: Unheard scream, 2004:t.p. (Mary Grey) p. 4 of cover (feminist liberation theologist; currently D.J. James professor of pastoral theology at the University of Wales, Lampeter)