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Tabel di bawah menunjukkan cara pelafalanAlfabet Fonetis Internasional (IPA)dalam peranannya sebagai perwakilan bunyi dalam bahasaSloveniadi artikel-artikel Wikipedia. Untuk panduan mengenai menambah karakter IPA ke artikel-artikel Wikipedia, lihat{{IPA-sl}}.

Lihatfonologi bahasa Serbo-Kroasiauntuk rincian bunyi bahasa tersebut.

Huruf mati
IPA Contoh Padanan bahasa Indonesia atau

Inggris yang paling mendekati

b bob bab
d dan di
dz brivecbrije[1] heads
ez jam
f film fam
ɡ gora gong
ɣ vrhdrevesa[1] rasgoSpanyol
j jaz[2] yang
k kolo kau
l luka[2] hal
m morje, Istanbul[3] map
ɱ simfonija, informacija[3] amfibi
n ne[3][2] nan
ŋ banka[3] sang
p pet pak
ɾ robot batter(Inggris Amerika)
s stol sang
ʃ šum syair
t ti tong
ts car tuts
čaj cincang
v filozofDolar[1] van
ʋ voda
w cerkev[4] wan
x harfa khatulistiwa
z zima zaman
ʒ žaba fusion
Combinations ofvowelsandtone[5]
Huruf hidup nada rendah atau "naik"
IPA Ejaan
Contoh Padanan bahasa Indonesia atau

Inggris yang paling mendekati

àː á danes ban
ɛ̀ː ê é zemlja squareInggris Britania
èː é ẹ́ cerkev pel
ə̀ è ə̀ sem (stressed) emas
ə̀ɾ ŕ vrba verbInggris AmerikadenganrIndonesia
ìː í hiša yin
ɔ̀ː ô ó poten dog
òː ó ọ́ erotičen nol
ùː ú truplo ufuk
Huruf hidup nada tinggi atau "jatuh"
á à ȁ brat ban
áː á ȃ grad ban denganapanjang
ɛ́ è ȅ met let
ɛ́ː ê ȇ adverb squareInggris Britania
éː é ẹ̑ kreda pei
ə́ è ə̏ pes emas
ə́ɾ ŕ ȓ tržnica verbInggris AmerikadenganrIndonesia
í ì ȉ bik yin
íː í ȋ list yin denganipanjang
ɔ́ ò ȍ on off
ɔ́ː ô ȏ alkova dog
óː ó ọ̑ pot nol
ú ù ȕ kruh ufuk
úː ú ȗ romunščina ufuk denganupanjang
ý ǜ ü̏ Türk[8] gyudon
Huruf hidup takbertekanan
a a žena ban, tetapi lebih pendeng
ɛ e e medved let
ə ə danes emas
əɾ er, r ər, r koder,potrditi verbInggris AmerikadenganrIndonesia
i i biti yin
ɔ o potok lot
u u mamut ufuk
IPA Ejaan
Contoh Penjelasan
ˈ N/A [ˈsə̀m] Penekanan utama
  1. ^abc[dz,ɣ,v]are allophones of/ts,x,f/that occur before voiced consonants (Herrity (2000)).
  2. ^abcOrthographic sequenceslj, nj, rjare pronounced/lj,nj,rj/only if a vowel follows; otherwise, the/j/is not pronounced. Forrj,it is reflected in the orthography, but forlj, njit is not.
  3. ^abcdNasalsalwaysassimilatetheir place of articulation to that of the following consonant. Beforevelar consonantsthey are[ŋ],and beforelabial consonantsthey are[m];the labiodental[ɱ]appears before/f/and/ʋ/.Orthographicnbeforepandbis rare and is confined mostly to loanwords.
  4. ^In Standard Slovene,[w]is an allophone of/v/(also/l/in some cases) before consonants and pauses (Šuštaršič, Komar & Petek (1999)).
  5. ^Some scholars have found that vowel length in Standard Slovene is no longer distinctive, (Šuštaršič, Komar & Petek (1999),Tatjana Srebot-Rejec."On the vowel system in present-day Slovene"(PDF).,Srebot-Rejec (1988)) and the only differences in vowel length are that the stressed vowels are longer than the unstressed ones,(Tatjana Srebot-Rejec."On the vowel system in present-day Slovene"(PDF).,Šuštaršič, Komar & Petek (1999)) with stressed open syllables longer than stressed closed syllables (Tatjana Srebot-Rejec."On the vowel system in present-day Slovene"(PDF).).
  6. ^Tonic marks are not part of the orthography but are found in dictionaries such as"Slovenski pravopis 2001".Tone marks can also be found onr,which signifies the sequence/ər/.
  7. ^abWherever possible, one should transcribe Slovene with both tonic and stress marks. If the correct tones are unknown, it is acceptable to put only a stress-based transcription.[this is clearly not the current practice as there are only a few transcriptions that indicate tone]
  8. ^/ý/appears only in loanwords and is often replaced by/í/.