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Display by Location Sector Type


This display shows Australian women's agencies and services over the period 1970-2013. It reveals the growth and diversity of the organisations emerging from the Australian women's movement.

View the organisations by Type, Location or Sector (whether government or non-government). Select a segment of the display to show a table of all organisations active during that year below. The height of each segment shows the number of active organisations. Focus on a particular location, sector or type for a more detailed view.


The types of organisation covered include services against sexual assault, domestic violence support services, refuges and other housing programs, working women's centres, women's information services, multi-function women's services, women's legal services, women's health centres, central women's policy offices and departmental women's units, rights and anti-discrimination bodies, women's advisory councils, Equal Employment Opportunity agencies, and women's budget programs.


This data was collected as part of a research project undertaken by Merrindahl Andrew at the Australian National University, which contributed to a larger project led by Marian Sawer and Sarah Maddison. The work was funded by the Australian Research Council: Discovery grant number DP0878688. Information design by Mitchell Whitelaw. Research assistance was provided by Gillian Evans, Veronica Oxman and Sarah Spiller.


Read more about the project: Mapping the Australian Women's Movement. The project's findings are presented in Sarah Maddison and Marian Sawer (eds), The women's movement in protest, institutions and the internet: Australia in transnational perspective. New York: Routledge, 2013. (More)

The data will be updated from time to time. If you have comments or questions about the project, please contact [email protected]