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Shablono:Cite web

De Wikipedio


{{cite web
| last =
| first =
| authorlink =
| coauthors =
| date =
| year =
| month =
| url =
| title =
| format =
| work =
| pages =
| publisher =
| language =
| accessdate =
| accessyear =

{{cite web|last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= | date= |url= |title= |format= |work= |pages= |publisher= | language= |accessdate= |accessyear= }}

Parametri bezonata

  • url:URL of online item.
  • title:Title of online item.
  • accessdate:Date (Month Day) when item was accessed. Should beISO 8601YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • accessyear:Year when item was accessed. (Optional if ISO 8601 date used)

Parametri fakultativa

  • author:Autoro
    • lastworks withfirstto producelast, first
    • authorlinkworks either withauthoror withlast&firstto link to the appropriate article
    • coauthors:allows additional authors
  • date:Full date of publication, inISO 8601YYYY-MM-DD format, eg.2006-02-17.Must not be wikilinked.
    • OR:year:Year of publication, andmonth:Name of the month of publication. If you also have the day, usedateinstead. Must not be wikilinked.
  • format:Format, i.e. PDF. HTML implied if not specified.
  • work:If this item is part of a larger work, name of that work.
  • publisher:Publisher, if any.
  • pages:Pages, if any, especially if pdf format
  • language:language of publication

Ca shablono uzaskomplexasintaxo-traiti uzata por konstruktar shabloni.
Ante ke vu modifikos ca shablono, vu mustas konocar olua strukturo, e tale nomizitafuncioniparser.Se vua redakti kreos neexpektita problemi, voluntezdesfacar lirapide, nam ca shablono povas uzesar en granda quanto di pagini.
Savez ke vu povos probar modifikuri, ma mustos probar li komplete, sive en lapagino ja kreita por facar ordinara probi,sive en vua uzero-pagino, ante ke vu enrejistrez vua modifikuri hike.