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Ben E. King

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Ben E. King (2006)

Ben E. King(fæddurBenjamin Earl Nelson28. september1938íHendersoníSuður-Karólínu;d. 30. april2015) varbandarískursöngvari þekktastur fyrir lag sitt „Stand by me “sem kom út árið 1961.

King á tónleikum íNew York-borg2007

Árið 1958 gekk Nelson ídoo-wop-sveitinaThe Five Crowns. Seinna sama ár rak umboðsmaðurThe Driftersliðsmenn sína og fékk meðlimi The Five Crowns í hljómsveitina. Nelson tók þátt í að skrifa fyrsta smell hljómsveitarinnar, „There goes my baby “(1959), auk þess sem hann söng aðalrödd í lögum á borð við „Save the last dance for me “, „Dance with me “, „This magic moment “, „I count the tears “og „Lovely winds “. Kom hann þá fram undir skírnarnafni sínu.

Ben E. King hljóðritaði einungis 10 lög með The Drifters, þar á meðal lagið „Temptation “sem kom ekki út á smáskífu. Árið 1960 yfirgaf hann sveitina og tók þá upp listamannsnafn sitt. Hann var með samning viðAtlantic Recordsog fyrsta lag hans var „Spanish Harlem “(1961). Næsta lag var „Stand by me “en það skrifaði hann ásamt þeimJerry LeiberogMike Stoller.

Plötur Kings héldu áfram að toppa vinsældalista allt til ársins 1964 þegar breskarpopphljómsveitirhófu innreið sína. Sumarið 1963 gaf hann út lagið „I (who have nothing) “en síðar meir hefur það meðal annars verið endurgert af listamönnum á borð viðJohn Lennon,Shirley Bassey,Tom Jones,Sylvester James,U2ogBruce Springsteen.

Aðrar smelli átti hann einnig, s.s. „What is soul? “(1967), „Supernatural Thing, part 1 “(1975) og endurgerði svo „Stand by me “árið 1986. Komst lagið þá aftur í toppsæti vinsældalista um allan heim. Nú orðið rekur hann eigin góðgerðarstofnun, Stand by me Foundation.

Útgefið efni

[breyta|breyta frumkóða]


[breyta|breyta frumkóða]
  • Spanish Harlem(1961, Atco) US: #57 UK: #30
  • Ben E. King Sings for Soulful Lovers(1962)
  • Don't Play That Song(1962)
  • Young Boy Blues(1964)
  • Ben E. King's Greatest Hits(1964)
  • Seven Letters(1965)
  • What Is Soul(1967)
  • Rough Edges(1970, Maxwell)
  • The Beginning of It All(1972, Mandala)
  • Supernatural(1975, Atlantic) US: #39
  • I Had a Love(1976)
  • Rhapsody(1976)
  • Benny and Us(1977) US: #33ásamtAverage White Band
  • The Atlantic Family Live in Montreaux(1977)
  • Let Me Live in Thy Life(1978)
  • His Love for Her(1980) US: #73
  • Street Tough(1981)
  • Save the Last Dance for Me(1986, EMI-Manhattan)
  • Stand By Me: The Ultimate Collection(1987, Atlantic) UK: #14
  • What's Important to Me(1991, Ichiban)
  • Shades of Blue(1993, Half Note)
  • I Have Songs In My Pocket(1998,Bobby Susser)
  • The Very Best of Ben E. King(1998, Atlantic) UK: #15
  • Person to Person: Live at the Blue Note(2003, Half Note)
  • I've Been Around(2006, True Life)
  • There Goes My Baby“(1959) R&B: #1 US: #2 meðThe Drifters
  • „Oh my Love “(1959) með The Drifters
  • „Dance With Me “(1959) R&B: #2 US: #15 UK: #17 með The Drifters
  • This Magic Moment“(1960) R&B: #4 US: #16 með The Drifters
  • „Lonely Winds “(1960) R&B: #9 US: #54 með The Drifters
  • Save The Last Dance For Me“(1960) R&B: #1 US: #1 UK: #2 með The Drifters
  • „Nobody but me “(1960) með The Drifters
  • „I Count the Tears “(1960) US: #17 UK: #28 með The Drifters
  • „Brace Yourself “(1960, Atco)
  • „Show Me the Way “(1960, Atco)
  • „A Help each other “(1960, Atlantic)meðLavern Baker
  • „How Often “(1960, Atlantic)með Lavern Baker
  • Spanish Harlem“(1961, Atco) R&B: #15 US: #10
  • „First Taste of Love “(1961) US: #53 UK: #27b-hlið Spanish Harlem
  • Stand By Me“(1961) R&B: #1 US: #4 UK: #27
  • „Amor “(1961) R&B: #10 US: #18 UK: #38
  • „Young Boy Blues “(1961) US: #66
  • „Here Comes the Night “(1961) US: #81b-hlið Young Boy Blues
  • „Ecstasy “(1962) US: #56
  • Don't Play That Song (You Lied)“(1962) R&B: #2 US: #11
  • „Too Bad “(1962) US: #88
  • „I'm Standing By “(1962) US:#111
  • „Tell Daddy “(1962) US:#122 R&B: #29
  • „Sometimes I Wonder “(1962) withThe Drifters
  • „How Can I Forget “(1963) R&B: #23 US: #85
  • I (Who Have Nothing)“(1963) R&B: #16 US: #29
  • I Could Have Danced All Night“(1963) US: #72
  • What Now My Love“US:#102(1964)
  • „That's When It Hurts “(1964)
  • „What Can A Man Do “(1964) US:#113
  • „It's All Over “(1964) US: #72
  • „Around The Corner “(1964) US:#125
  • „Seven Letters “(1965) R&B: #11 US: #45
  • „The Record (Baby I Love You) “(1965) Pop: #84
  • „She's Gone Again “(1965) US:#128
  • „Cry No More “(1965)
  • „Goodnight My Love “(1965) US: #91
  • „So Much Love “(1966) US: #96
  • „Get In a Hurry “(1966)
  • „I Swear By Stars Above “(1966) R&B: #35b-hlið Get in a Hurry
  • „They Don't Give Medals to Yesterday's Heroes “(1966)
  • „What Is Soul? “(1966) R&B: #38b-hlið They Don't Give...
  • „A Man Without a Dream “(1967)
  • „Tears, Tears, Tears “(1967) R&B: #34 US: #93b-hlið A Man Without...
  • „Katherine “(1967)
  • „Don't Take Your Sweet Love Away “(1967) R&B: #44
  • „We Got a Thing Goin' On “(1968)meðDee Dee SharpUS:#127
  • Don't Take Your Love from Me“(1968) US:#117
  • „Where's the Girl “(1968)
  • „It Ain't Fair “(1968)
  • „Til' I Can't Take It Anymore “US:#134
  • „Hey Little One “(1969)
  • „I Can't Take It Like a Man “(1970, Maxwell)
  • „Take Me to the Pilot “(1972, Mandala)
  • „Into the Mystic “(1972)
  • „Spread Myself Around “(1973)
  • „Supernatural Thing Pt. 1 “(1975, Atlantic) R&B: #1 US: #5
  • „Do It in the Name of Love “(1975) R&B: #4 US: #60
  • „We Got Love “(1975)
  • „I Had a Love “(1975) R&B: #23b-side of We Got Love
  • „I Betcha you Didn't Know “(1976)
  • „Get It Up “(1977)meðAverage White Band
  • „A Star in the Ghetto “(1977) R&B: #25með Average White Band
  • „Fool for You Anyway “(1977)með Average White Band
  • „I See the Light “(1978)
  • „Fly Away to My Wonderland “(1978)
  • „Music Trance “(1979) R&B: #29
  • „Street Tough “(1981)
  • „You Made the Difference in My Life “(1981)
  • „Stand By Me “[endurútgefið] (1986) US: #9 UK: #1
  • „Spanish Harlem “[endurútgefið] (1987)
  • „Save the Last Dance for Me “[endurhljóðritað] (1987, EMI-Manhattan)
  • „What's Important to Me “(1991, Ichiban)
  • „You've Got All of Me “(1992)
  • „You Still Move Me “(1992)
  • „4th of July “(1997, Right Stuff)