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Fáni Bretlands

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Hlutföll: 3:5
Hlutföll: 1:2

Breski fáninnerþjóðfániBretlands.Núverandi hönnun fánsins var tekin í notkun viðsameiningu Írlands og Stóra-Bretlandsárið1801enskuer fáninn kallaður „Union Flag“eða „Union Jack“.Fáninn samanstendur afrauðum krossisankti Georgs(verndardýrlingsEnglands), með hvítum brúnum, settum yfirkrossiHeilags Patreks(verndardýrlingsÍrlands), sem eru báðir settir yfirkrossiHeilags Andrésar(verndardýrlingsSkotlands).

Réttu hlutföll fánsins eru 3:5. Hins vegar notarbreski sjóherinnhlutföll 1:2.[1][2][3]

Tilvísanir[breyta|breyta frumkóða]

  1. „Union Flag: approved designs “.College of Arms.Sótt 9. október 2021.„For the avoidance of doubt and the sake of convenience, Garter King of Arms, under the authority of the Earl Marshal, has approved two versions of the Union flag as being accurate representations suitable for use. These are of the proportions 5:3, commonly flown on land; and 2:1, commonly flown at sea. “
  2. „United Kingdom Flag | Free official image and info | UK Flag Registry “.The Flag Institute(bresk enska).Sótt 9. október 2021.„The flag is 3:5 on land and 1:2 at sea. “
  3. „UK Flag Protocol | Free online guide | With illustrations “.The Flag Institute(bresk enska).Sótt 9. október 2021.„The normal proportions for the national flags of the United Kingdom are 3:5 on land, but ensigns are customarily made in proportion 1:2 “