Oriel College

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Oriel College
Nome completoTheProvostand Scholars of the House of the Blessed Mary the Virgin in Oxford, commonly called Oriel College, of the Foundation of Edward the Second of famous memory, sometime King of England
Origine nomeMaria, madre di Gesù
Fondato nel1324
Gemellato conClare College
Trinity College di Dublino
ProvostSir Derek Morris
IndirizzoOriel Square
Sito webwww.oriel.ox.ac.uk
Boat clubwww.orielrowing.org

L'Oriel College(nome completo:TheProvostand Scholars of the House of the Blessed Mary the Virgin in Oxford, commonly called Oriel College, of the Foundation of Edward the Second of famous memory, sometime King of England)[1]è uncollegedell'Università di Oxford,il quinto più antico.

Ilcollegefu fondato nel1324dal Adam de Brome. Nel1326il college fu rifondato dalEdoardo II.[2]

  1. ^Oxford University Calendar 2005-2006(2005) — Oxford University PressISBN 0199283702
  2. ^Watt, D. E. (editor),Oriel College, Oxford(1953) — Oxford University Archaeological Society

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