Philip Noel-Baker

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Philip Noel-Baker
NazionalitàBandiera del Regno UnitoRegno Unito
Atletica leggera
Specialità1500 metri piani
Competizione Ori Argenti Bronzi
Giochi olimpici 0 1 0

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Philip John Noel-Baker(Londra,1º novembre1889Londra,8 ottobre1982) è stato unmezzofondista,politicoediplomaticobritannico.

È stato un mezzofondista di ottimo livello avendo vinto un argento nei1500 metri pianialleOlimpiadi del 1920.Grazie al suo impegno in favore del disarmo mondiale, ricevette nel1959ilPremio Nobel per la pace.

  • Philip Noel-Baker (1925). The Geneva Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. London: P. S. King & Son Ltd.
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1926). Disarmament. London: The Hogarth Press. (Reprint 1970, New York: Kennicat Press)
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1926). The League of Nations at Work. London: Nisbet.
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1927). Disarmament and the Coolidge Conference. London: Leonard & Virginia Woolf.
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1929). The Present Juridical Status of the British Dominions in International Law. London: Longmans.
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1934). Disarmament. London: League of Nations Union.
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1934). Hawkers of Death: The Private Manufacture and Trade in Arms. London: Labour Party. (28pp pamphlet)
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1936). The Private Manufacture of Armaments. London: Victor Gollancz. (Reprint 1972, New York: Dover Publications)
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1944). Before we go back: a pictorial record of Norway's fight against Nazism. London: H.M.S.O.
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1946). U.N., the Atom, the Veto (speech at the Plenary Assembly of the United Nations 25 October 1946). London: The Labour Party.
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1958). The Arms Race: A Programme for World Disarmament. London: Stevens & Sons.
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1962). Nansen's Place in History. Oslo: Universitetsförlaget. (26pp pamphlet)
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1963). The Way to World Disarmament-Now!. London: Union of Democratic Control.
  • Philip Noel-Baker (1979). The first World Disarmament Conference, 1932-1933 and why it failed. Oxford: Pergamon.
  • Rear-Admiral Sir Anthony Buzzard, Philip Noel-Baker (1959). Disarmament and Defence. United Nations [Peacefinder Pamphlet. no. 28].
  • Louis Mountbatten, Philip Noel-Baker and Zuckerman, Solly (1980). Apocalypse now?. Nottingham: Spokesman Books.
  • Philip Noel-Baker et al (1934). Challenge To Death. London: Constable.
  • John Ferguson (1983). Philip Noel-Baker: the man and his message. London: United Nations Association.
  • Lorna Lloyd: Philip Noel-Baker and the Peace Through Law in Long, David & Wilson, Peter (eds) (1995), Thinkers of the Twenty Years' Crisis. Inter-War Idealism reassessed, Oxford: Clarendon Press,
  • Bertrand Russell (1960). "Philip Noel-Baker: A Tribute". International Relations 2: 1-2.
  • David J.Whittaker (1989). Fighter for peace: Philip Noel-Baker 1889-1982. York: Sessions.

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