WGS84 to KKJ converter

KKJ is not defined outside Finland!

This tool can be used to link WGS84 coordinates to map services that accept Finnish KKJ national grid coordinate system based coordinates only.
It converts the coordinates, subtracts the reference point, and redirects to the requested service with the results.

Formula used to localise coordinates:
PKKJ= PKKJ reference point+ PKKJ local
IKKJ= IKKJ reference point+ IKKJ local

Usage example:


latdegdecWGS84 latitude in decimal degrees
londegdecWGS84 longitude in decimal degrees
PrefPKKJ reference pointused in the map service
IrefIKKJ reference pointused in the map service
linkHTTP link to the map service, where{Plocal}and{Ilocal}will be replaced with PKKJ localand IKKJ localrespectively, and{PlocalS},{PlocalN},{IlocalW}and{IlocalE}with the viewpoint boundaries.
All parameters are required.

The WGS84 to KKJ code was written by Matti Aarnio and is available fromhttp://www.viestikallio.fi/tools/kkj-wgs84.php.