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Nguyên のファイル(2,995 × 3,838 ピクセル, ファイルサイズ: 2メガバイト, MIME タイプ:image/jpeg)

This appears to be an AI-modified version ofFile:Che Guevara - Guerrillero Heroico by Alberto Korda - Original.jpg- the source given is absolutely not the actual source.

このファイルは,File:Che Guevara - Guerrillero Heroico by Alberto Korda.jpgによってĐại thếされています. このファイルの đại わりに,Tha のファイルを sử うことをお tiến めします. Đại thế されたファイルの tước trừ には hợp ý が tất yếu なことに chú ý してください.
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Khái yếu

Giải thuyết
English:Popularized cropped version ofGuerrillero Heroico-Che Guevaraat the funeral for the victims of theLa Coubre explosion.
Français :Version populaire d'une photo rognée deChe Guevaraalors qu'il est présent aux funérailles des victimes de l'explosion de la Coubre.Photographie prise le 5 mars 1960 à Cuba, publiée à Cuba en 1961 et internationalement en 1967.
Italiano:Fotografia di Che Guevara scattata dal fotografo cubano Alberto "Korda" Gutierrez (1928-2001), durante il memoriale per le vittime dell'esplosione de "La Coubre", un mezzo militare belga esploso nel porto di Havana il 5 marzo 1960, in cui morirono 136 persone. Il quel periodo, Korda era un fotografo facente parte dello staff della testata giornalistica cubana "Revolution". Utilizzò una fotocamera Leica per scattare due frame del soggetto, che apparve brevemente sul palco durante un lungo discorso di Fidel Castro. Questa immagine non è completa, ma solo un cropping della parte centrale. La fotografia originale (misure 15,2 x 25,4 cm) fu intitolataGuerrillero heroico(letteralmente "guerrigliero eroico" ).
Suomi:Ernesto "Che" Guevara Havannassa 4.3.1960 Le Coubren räjähdyksen uhrien hautajaisissa. Kuvan ottaja: Alberto "Korda" Díaz Gutiérrez (14.9.1928–25.5.2001).
Nhật phó Photo taken on 1960 niên 3 nguyệt 5 nhật; published within Cuba in 1961, internationally in 1967.
Nguyên điển Museo Che Guevara, Havana Cuba
Tác giả Alberto Korda
Hứa khả
(ファイルの tái lợi dụng)

This file is in the public domain.The photo was used for the first time internationally in 1967. It is in the public domain by Decree Law no. 156, September 28, 1994, to amend part of Law no. 14 December 28, 1977, Copyright Act (Article 47) which states that the pictures fall into the public domain Worldwide, 25 years after its first use.

Cuba did not sign theBerne Conventionuntil 1997, and this photo was taken and publicized 30 years before that and thus is in the public domain.

  • This includes being in the Public Domain in the United States- Since the image was first published in Cuba without compliance of US copyright formalities and used in Cuba before February 20, 1972.
  • Of importance yes it is true that Alberto Korda sued that vodka maker Smirnoff based on his "moral rights" (under the belief that Che Guevara wouldn't support alcohol) that are independent of copyright status, while also attempting to obtain copyright ownership of the photograph. Although"moral rights"are not recognized in the U.S. - they are recognized through most of the World and part of international copyright law. Moral rights are included in Berne Convention, so if the photographer is still alive, he still can sue, even if the picture is public domain. However, the moral rights are not transferable, and when Korda died 2001, no one can control the use of the picture anymore under that premise. As to his desire to show he was the rightful owner of the Copyright for the image, that was never decided upon in court as the Case of(Korda v. Lintas & Rex)was settled "sensibly and amicably" out of court.
  • As Ariana Hernández-Reguant contends in (Copyrighting Che: Art and Authorship under Cuban Late Socialism Public Culture2004 v. 16 pp. 1-30.) ~"There was never any official ruling on whether the depiction constituted a violation of copyright."(pg 4). The author goes on to state that: ~"Korda took the picture while working for a state-run newspaper, his actual property rights would be questionable under both Cuban and international law."(pg 4)
  • Of note as well before the photographer of the photo died, in reference to the image becoming a ubiquitous worldwide symbol, he also stated“As a supporter of the ideals for which Che Guevara died, I am not averse to its reproduction by those who wish to propagate his memory”— Korda[1]
  • Moreover, Wikipedia allows for the use of"Images with iconic status or historical importance: As subjects of commentary"as fair-use. (Wikipedia:Non-free content). This image meets that criteria based on the fact that the Maryland Institute College of Art proclaimed this picture"the most famous photograph in the world and a symbol of the 20th century."[2]while The V&A Museum declared it"the most reproduced image in the history of photography."[3](Note that so long as it is argued that this photograph is in the public domain, this fair-use argument is not relevant to determining its status as such. Neither can the fair-use argument support the decision to host this photograph on Wikimedia Commons, which accepts only freely licensed media.)

All quotations come verbatim from ~A Copyright Revolution: Protecting the Famous Photograph of Che Guevara,by Sarah Levy, 13 Law and Business Review of the Americas, Am. 687. Summer of 2007.

  • "The Berne Convention, which 160 countries have signed, states in article 7(4) that" it shall be a matter for legislation in the countries of the Union to determine the term of protection of photographic works. "
  • "The Universal Copyright Conventiondoes notrequire protection for photographs. "
  • "In 1994, the World Trade Organization (WTO) implemented the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS), which allows the 150 WTO member countries toexclude photographsfrom the realm of protection provided for intellectual property. "
  • "The firstjurisdictionof relevance isCuban lawbecause Cuba is both the location where the photograph originated and the domicile of the photographer. "
  • "General copyright protection under Cuban law lasts for photographs retain copyright protection for only ten years from the date the work is first used. After the copyright expires, the Council of Ministers can declare the work as property of the State."
  • "It seems that in Cuba the copyright protection in Korda's Guevara photographwould have already expired,and despite the claims of ownership from Korda's heirs, theState would now hold any rightsassociated with the photograph. "

  • "A U.S. district court recently noted that" there isno uniform testto determine the copyright ability of photographs. "
  • "Under both the 1909 U.S. Copyright Act and the current act, in the absence of a will, courts determine the proper disposition of a copyright interest in accordance with the intestate succession law of the decedent's domicile. This holds true even if the decedent's domicile is in a foreign country. Korda was domiciled in Havana, Cuba."

  • "Furthermore, the question of ownership is a significant factor in determining not only the transferability of the copyright protection but also the duration of that protection within different jurisdictions. A comparison of the relevant laws of Cuba, the United States, and treaties adhered to by the international community shows a variety of possible results when looking at the protection afforded to the Korda photograph."
  • "The heirs of Korda may not find the copyright protection they desire in Cuba, but other countries, including the United States, hold promising atmospheres for future litigation brought by Korda's heirs."
  • "It remains to be seen what the result would be in the United States."
  • "The outcome of future litigation hinges upon the duration of protection available within a jurisdiction."
Hence = The image is not protected in the United States as a copyrighted image at this time.
その tha のバージョン
(Complete image)
  • このファイルの phái sinh đích trứ tác vật:Cheicon.jpg


Public domain キューバを bổn quốc とするこの trứ tác vật は, trứ tác 権の bảo hộ kỳ gian が mãn liễu しているため, hiện tạiパブリックドメインの trạng thái にあります.キューバの pháp luật #14 cập びその hậu の cải chính phápの định めるところによれば, キューバにおける trứ tác 権の bảo hộ kỳ gian は dĩ hạ の thông りです.
Tố tài の chủng loại キューバにおける trứ tác 権の mãn liễu điều kiện アメリカ hợp chúng quốc における trứ tác 権の mãn liễu điều kiện ¹
Tả chân 25 niên dĩ thượng tiền に sử dụng されたこと アメリカ hợp chúng quốc の trứ tác 権の chính thức な thủ 続きに y らずにキューバにおいて tối sơ に công biểu ( phát hành ) され, thả つ, 1972 niên 2 nguyệt 20 nhật dĩ tiền にキューバにおいて sử dụng されたこと
Nặc danh の trứ tác vật ( phi tả chân ) 50 niên dĩ thượng tiền に sử dụng されたこと アメリカ hợp chúng quốc の trứ tác 権の chính thức な thủ 続きに y らずにキューバにおいて tối sơ に công biểu ( phát hành ) され, thả つ, 1947 niên 2 nguyệt 20 nhật dĩ tiền にキューバにおいて sử dụng されたこと
Xí nghiệp ・ chính phủ の trứ tác vật Mãn liễu vô し ( trứ tác 権 vĩnh 続 ) 1929 niên ( 95 niên tiền ) dĩ tiền に công biểu ( phát hành ) されたこと
その tha toàn ての trứ tác vật Trứ tác giả の tử hậu tối sơ の1 nguyệt から50 niên dĩ thượng kinh quá したこと a ) アメリカ hợp chúng quốc の trứ tác 権の chính thức な thủ 続きに y らずにキューバにおいて công biểu ( phát hành ) され, thả つ, 1947 niên dĩ tiền に trứ tác giả が tử khứ したこと
b ) 1929 niên ( 95 niên tiền ) dĩ tiền に công biểu ( phát hành ) されたこと
Chú ký 1: ウィキメディア・コモンズにファイルを đề cung するためには, キューバ cập びアメリカ hợp chúng quốc の lạng quốc においてパブリックドメインの trạng thái になければなりません.
¹ アメリカ hợp chúng quốc において trứ tác vật をパブリックドメインの trạng thái にするためには, キューバが1997 niên 2 nguyệt 20 nhật にベルヌ điều ước に gia minh する tiền に, キューバにおいて trứ tác 権の bảo hộ kỳ gian が mãn liễu していなければなりません.
Chú ký 2: Thượng ký の điều kiện に câu らず, キューバは, キューバ trứ tác 権 pháp đệ 48º điều の định めるところにより, trứ tác giả への trứ tác 権の bảo hộ kỳ gian が mãn liễu した tràng hợp, その trứ tác 権を quốc に譲 độ することを quyết định することができます. このような trứ tác vật は trứ tác 権 thượng tự do ではなく, いつでも tước trừ される khả năng tính があります.

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Communist symbol Pháp luật に quan する miễn trách sự hạng
この họa tượng には,Cộng sản chủ nghĩa,Xã hội chủ nghĩa,Hựu は loại tự の chính phủ cấu tạo, hoặc いは quan liên するChính đảngや tổ chức を biểu すものとして, thứ のようにNhất bộ の quốc において pháp luật でCấm chỉされているシンボルが hàm まれています.

Hiện tại, cấm chỉ の hiệu lực が thất われているのは thứ の thông りです.

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Bình 価


このファイルはトルコ ngữ bản ウィキペディアで tú dật な họa tượng (Seçkin resimler) であり, もっとも chất の cao い họa tượng のひとつだとBình 価されています.

あなたが, このファイルはウィキメディア・コモンズでも tú dật と bình 価されるべきだ, とお khảo えなら, tự do にThôi tiếnしてください.
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このファイルの nội dung を1 hành で ký thuật してください
Portrait of Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

このファイルに miêu tả されている hạng mục

Đề tài




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Nhật phó と thời khắcサムネイルThốn phápLợi dụng giảコメント
Hiện tại の bản2020 niên 12 nguyệt 12 nhật ( thổ ) 03:172020年12月12日 (土) 03:17時点における版のサムネイル2,995 × 3,838(2メガバイト)HuntsterReverted to version as of 23:39, 26 November 2020 (UTC); new version has significantly degraded quality, introduces smoothing and contrast issues.
2020 niên 12 nguyệt 12 nhật ( thổ ) 02:382020年12月12日 (土) 02:38時点における版のサムネイル3,000 × 3,844(2.57メガバイト)RedthoreauHigher quality without dust spots and wrinkle, sharper. (last upload didn't work)
2020 niên 12 nguyệt 12 nhật ( thổ ) 02:192020年12月12日 (土) 02:19時点における版のサムネイル2,995 × 3,838(866キロバイト)RedthoreauHigher quality without dust spots and wrinkles, sharper.
2020 niên 11 nguyệt 26 nhật ( mộc ) 23:392020年11月26日 (木) 23:39時点における版のサムネイル2,995 × 3,838(2メガバイト)HuntsterReverted to version as of 17:48, 16 September 2020 (UTC); nonsensical revert. Please explain on the talk page.
2020 niên 11 nguyệt 26 nhật ( mộc ) 13:372020年11月26日 (木) 13:37時点における版のサムネイル2,995 × 3,838(2.71メガバイト)Hellbat31Reverted to version as of 05:43, 2 March 2014 (UTC) removing reminied image
2020 niên 9 nguyệt 16 nhật ( thủy ) 17:482020年9月16日 (水) 17:48時点における版のサムネイル2,995 × 3,838(2メガバイト)WilfredorMore image resolution from original source
2014 niên 3 nguyệt 2 nhật ( nhật ) 05:432014年3月2日 (日) 05:43時点における版のサムネイル2,995 × 3,838(2.71メガバイト)Redthoreausharpen, rmv dust spot.
2014 niên 3 nguyệt 2 nhật ( nhật ) 02:362014年3月2日 (日) 02:36時点における版のサムネイル2,995 × 3,838(3.16メガバイト)RedthoreauHigher res, sharpened.
2006 niên 10 nguyệt 9 nhật ( nguyệt ) 02:312006年10月9日 (月) 02:31時点における版のサムネイル1,774 × 2,400(388キロバイト)Shizhao{{Information| |Description= {{CopyrightedFreeUseProvidedThat|it is used to propagate the memory of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara.}} This is a photo portrait taken by the Cuban photographeren:Alberto Kordaand printed with strong contrast. Cuba didn't sign

このファイルへは 100 を siêu える sổ のページで sử dụng されています. Dĩ hạ の nhất lãm ではこのファイルを sử dụng している tối sơ の 100 ページのみを biểu kỳ しています. Hoàn toàn な nhất lãmも tham chiếu してください.

このファイルへのリンク nguyên を canh にを biểu kỳ する.

グローバルなファイル sử dụng trạng huống

Dĩ hạ に cử げる tha のウィキがこの họa tượng を sử っています:

このファイルのグローバル sử dụng trạng huốngを biểu kỳ する.
