
ブルノ điều ước (1478 niên )

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ブルノ điều ước( ブルノじょうやく ) は,ハンガリー vươngマーチャーシュ1 thếの đại biểu とボヘミア vươngヴラジスラフ・ヤゲロンスキーの đại biểu によって,ボヘミア・ハンガリー chiến tranh(Anh ngữ bản)を chung わらせるべく1478 niên3 nguyệt に khởi thảo された điều ước. マーチャーシュ1 thế は điều ước を thụ け nhập れ, 9 nguyệt 20 nhật に điều ước に thiếu し変 canh を gia えてボヘミアの phân cát を định めた. Điều ước ではヴラジスラフ・ヤゲロンスキーがモラヴィア,シレジア,ルチツェをマーチャーシュ1 thế に cát 譲, ただしマーチャーシュ1 thế の tử hậu には40 vạnフォリントで mãi い lệ せるとした. 2 nhân とも “ボヘミア vương” の xưng hào の sử dụng を hứa khả されたが, tương thủ をボヘミア vương と hô ぶ nghĩa vụ はマーチャーシュ1 thế にのみ khóa された. Điều ước は dực niên にオロモウツの hòa ướcとして phê chuẩn された[1].

Cước chú[Biên tập]

  1. ^Engel, p. 305.The division of the lands belonging to the Bohemian crown, which was made by the envoys of Mathias and Wladislas at Brno in March 1478, was accepted by the king of Hungary, with minor modifications, on 20 September. It was ratified by the two rulers on 21 July 1479 during the course of splendid festivities at Olomouc. According to the terms of the treaty, Wladislas was to retain the kingdom of Bohemia proper, while the greater part of the territory once ruled by the king of Bohemia, that is, Moravia, Silesia, and Lausitz, remained in Matthias's possession. Wladislas was entitled to redeem these domains for 400,000 florins after Matthias's death. Both rulers could use the title of king of Bohemia, but whereas Matthias was obliged to address his opponent as such, it was not to be the case the other way round. The peace treaty between Hungary and Poland had been signed somewhat earlier, on 2 April 1479, and thereafter until Matthias's death the three countries coexisted peacefully.

Tham khảo văn hiến[Biên tập]

  • Engel, Pál (translated by Tamas Palosfalvi).The Realm of St Stephen: A History of Medieval Hungary, 895-1526.I.B. Tauris, 2005.ISBN1-85043-977-X.