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Si Wikipedia, tasanayt tilellit.
Anaw infection virale des voies respiratoires(fr)Suqel,infections à Orthomyxoviridae(fr)Suqel,aṭṭan amesgunef,aṭṭan avirusan amanṭaṭ,maladie à virus(fr)Suqel
Tamuzzegt médecine générale(fr)Suqel,tujya n turin,tasensigemt
médecine d'urgence(fr)Suqel
Tamentilt Orthomyxoviridae(fr)Suqel
Isekna tawla, congestion nasale(fr)Suqel,myalgie(fr)Suqel,amaẓla, Atmelli, Tusut, rhinite(fr)Suqel,takma n yidmaren
Asemdu pandémie de grippe(fr)Suqel,Tasakrart
flambée épidémique(fr)Suqel
Akala n ugaǧǧi n yigem asiweṭ anafgan,contamination par les sécrétions respiratoires(fr)Suqel,transmission directe(fr)Suqel
transmission par surface contaminée(fr)Suqel
Examen clinique(fr)Suqel examen clinique(fr)Suqel,hémogramme(fr)Suqel,culture virale(fr)Suqel
Asafar peramivir(fr)Suqel,oseltamivir(fr)Suqel,zanamivir(fr)Suqeldbaloxavir(fr)Suqel
ICD-10-CM J11.1
ICD-9-CM 487d487.8
ICD-10 J10,J11dJ9
ICD-9 487
OMIM 614680
DiseasesDB 6791
MedlinePlus 000080
eMedicine 000080
MeSH D007251
Disease Ontology ID DOID:8469

Azzelgineɣtussitneɣinflwenzadaṭṭanamanṭaṭigellu-d yisuvirus n tussit[1].Iseknan tussit zemren ad ilin fsus-it neɣ d uzmiren (ujhiden)[2].Isekna ayyi gan dtusut,azzug n ugerjum,tazzla n yinzaren,takma tamaẓwalt,tawla,amaẓladutmelli.Di tuget n tegnatin, isekna-ayi d wid i d-yettneflalin seld n sin n wussan seg tefsert ar uvirus d unekcum-is ɣertfekkaw ad ṭṭfen azal n 7 n wussan i wakken ad kksen, maca tusut tezmer ad teṭṭef ugar n 15 n wussan[1].Ɣer warrac meẓẓiyen yezmer ad yeglu ula sumuktudyiriranmaca isekna-ayi ur d-ttilin ara ɣer yimedanen imeqranen

Timukrisinn tussit gant d: azzug n turin, azzug abektir n turin d unerni n wuguren idawsanen amuneggafdyibriren n wul.[2][3]

Isragen (ssebbat)

[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]

Llant 3 n telmas n ivirusen n tussit ttaɣent amdan, tilmas-a gant d:Talmest A,Talmest B,Talmest C.[3]Ivirusen-a d wid yettenfufuden swezwudtusutdunezzu.[1]aladɣa mi ara ad ilin seg yistumen gezzilen neɣ meẓẓiyen.[4],Akken yezmer ad yenfufed s tuṭsa (anali) n tiggiwin yummsen s uvirus sin akin ad tili tuṭsa n yimi neɣ n wallen.[2][4].Amdan i tuɣ tussit yezmer adyessigem(ad yessenṭeṭ) avirus send d seld n teflalit nIseknafell-as.[2],Asentem n yigem yezmer ad yili s ukayed n uvirus deg ugerjum,alɣuɣneɣ inzaren akken illan iberdan d tirrayin tiruradin, maca imdanen imi i d-yeffeɣ ukayad-nsen d ibaw zemren ad ilin ddmen igem. Dɣa tella telmest ntsedmirt tanmezrit n Polimiraz(PCR) id yesnaramen (id ikeccfen) ɣefuzeffar aṛibuɣsann uvirus, dɣa akayad-a igan yakk d usdid.[3]

Taggaẓt d ussuji

[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]

Asired n yifassen yessedras (yessenqas) seg umihi nyigemacku avirus yettmettat mi ara ad yessemres (yessexdem) wemdanaserrad.[1]timelsiwt nunaffar afetkand ayen igerrzen daɣen.[5],Tuddsa tamadlant n tdawsatessmagel (tweṣṣa) swegzay neɣ acraṭamseggas (n yal aseggas) mgal tussit i wid yettwafesren i yimihiyen meqqren.Tigeztd tin yettilin d tamellilt mgal 3 neɣ 3 n telmas n tussit.[6]

Agzay (acraṭ) mgal tussit

Tuddsa tamadlant n tdawsadAmmasen i wsenɣed d tesɣilt ɣef waṭṭanenssmetren (weṣṣan) swecraṭ mgal tussiti yimdanen yettwafesren i wmihi am warrac meẓẓiyen d yimɣaṛen d yixeddaen deg tɣult n tasnujjya d wid ilan (yesɛan)aṭṭanen imezrayenamuneggafd wuguren wul. Ma d imdanen imawaṭen izemren yettili-d ucraṭ ɣur-sen d amellil cwiyya deg usedres nyiseknayettemcabin agla n tussit, Dɣa anzaten (ttbut) ttɣananen tadersi deg yisig n tussit ɣer igerdan yugaren sin n iseggasen. Ɣer wid-ak yettnegririfen (iɛetben) seg wecraṭ itekksasen cwiya waṭṭan n wergal aberfaw maca ur yiban ara ma iy tekkesaneggaf.[7][8][9][10][11][12]

Amezruy n tussit

[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]

Deg yal aseggas, tussit tettenfufud deg tamiwin n umadal yakk. Ayen id igellun s 3 ar 5 n imelyan n tegnatin tinamsadin (qessiḥen) d wazal n 200,000 ar 500,000 n tegnatin ntmekkest(lmut).[1],deg tamiwin tigafanin d tinaẓulin ttilin-d isefrurten degtegrests talɣa tagejdant ma deg yideggan isbegsanen d tamiwin id yezzin ttilin-d deg yal akud n useggas.[1],Timekkest (lmut) tettili-d gar idrasen n ilemẓiyen ilan (yesɛan) uguren deg tdawsa-nsen d yimɣaren meqqren.[1][3],degtsut tis 20lfant-d (ḍrant-d) 3 nyirwasen n tussit:*Tussit Taspenyulitdeg useggas n1918yegla-d s 50 n tmekkisin, *Tussit n Asyadeg useggas n1957tegla-d s sin n imelyan n tmekkisin, *Tussit n Hong Kongdeg useggas n1968tegla-d s umelyun n tmekkisin.[13].Tuddsa tamadlant n tdawsatelɣet-d s usefruret d unfufed n telmest tamaynut n tussit isem-is A / H1N1 id yeglan sArwas n tussit A (H1N1) n 2009.[14],Tussit tezmer ad tessemdu w ad taɣ ula deg iɣersiwen amyilfandiyasdyigṭaṭ.[15]

assegzi n uvidyu
Isekna n tussit yakk d tawla d tusut[16]d isekna imezdiyen s waṭas[17]

Azal n 33% n yimdanen i tuɣ tussit ur lin ara (ur sɛan aran)isekna.[18].Isekna n tussit zemren ad ssemtin (ad bdun) s tugnit (taswiɛt kan) seld n yiwen ar sin n wussan seld nyigem.Isekna imenza ttilin daqiccew n weglimd ufray s usemmiṭ, maca ula d tawla tettili d timezdit deg wakud imizik n yigem stseddart n teẓɣeltyettilin gar n 38° ar 39°C. Amur ameqran n imuṭan ttawin-d ussan n tudna-nsen deg wusu s usrag n wagazen deg yakk tamiwin n tfekkiwin-nsen aladɣa deg uzagur d iṭarren.[19][20].Isekna n tussit d wid izemren ad ilin d:

Ar warrac meẓẓiyen, Isekna n tussit ttilin degunagraw amesgunefambeṛṛiṭ,Agaz n wadis(Isekna ayyi zemren ad ilin d inamsaden ɣer warrac i tuɣ tussit B.[22][23][24] Aserwes (ameyyez) gar n tussit dyidisd win imrayen (iweɛṛen) deg talliyin timezwura nwazzugen-a.Tussit d arway n yisekna n yidis d wazzug n turin asemmaṭ d igazen gtfekkad umaẓla d utmelli.[17][17][23][25][26]

Myaisafareninemgalen n ivirusen d imellilen deg usuji n tussit ma ttwafken-d zik, ad yili d axatar i tukza (aɛqal) n tignatin deg wakud imizik. Akken i yezmer i tegrawin n tawla d tusut d wazzug n ugerjum neɣ asekfel n yinzaren ad sselhunt seg tseddi ntwessna.Snat n tezrawin sseknen-tt-d d akken s isefrurten idiganen n tussit, isig n unfufed n waṭṭan yettugar 70%.[27][28][29] Ikayaden inamalen zeddiɣ (mazal) lehhun,immasen n usenɣed n waṭṭanen(CDC) di Marikan tetteffer agzul amsetrer i yikayaden inamalen n isnuda s unect n CDC, ikayaden ntwessnataruradt tla (tesɛa) tanefrayt 50-75% d tulmist 90-95% mi ara ad yettwaserwes s yidles anvirus.[27][30][31]. Deg kra n tikwal, Tussit tezmer ad teglu s waṭṭan anamsad am wazzug n turin anvirus. Akken illan isekna ibanen am wemray n usgunef.

Avirus n tussit

[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]

Tilmas n ivirusen n tussit

[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]
Taɣessa (tamsukt) n uvirus n tussit tesskanay-d Hemagglutinin (HA) d ipṛutinen n Neuraminidase (NA) deg tiggi n tzelɣiwin. Yettwafser uzeffar aṛibuɣsan anvirus id yessiliɣen ajinum am tkurin tizeggaɣin s agensu (daxel) n tzelɣiwin yettiwṭen ar (RNP).

Avirus n tussit s unect nusesmel n ivirusenyettwameggez davirus n ARNyettmag-d seg 5 ntewsitinn twacult nivirusen inezɣiwen uzmiren.[32]

Ivirusen-a teqqnen kan ar ivirusen ntussit n yilfantalsant, igan d ivirusen n uzeffar aṛibuɣsan yeṭṭafaren tawacult nMaramixerosyettumeggezen d asrag (ssebba) imezdi iwazzugnunagraw amesgunefar warrac meẓẓiyen am waṭṭan ntaɣiṭṭ,akken i yezmer ad yeglu s waṭṭan yettemcabin i tussit ar imeqqranen.[33][34]

Tettwasumer-d twacult tis 4 n ivirusen n tussit igan d (Avirus n tussit D).[35][36][37][38][39][40][41],Talmest-a tamaynut iga d tussit n tsita yettwasinfen (yettwaɛezlen) i tikkelt tamezwarut deg useggas n 2012

Avirus n tussit A

[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]

Igṭaṭ n waman gan d imsnugaten igamanen i tegrawt meqqren n tussit A, Tikwal ivirusen-a ttenṭaṭen i telmas n iɣersiwen n iden, sin akin yessisrig-d s unfufed d usefruret id igellun s twaɣit iyiwuzaṭimegrudenid t-yessenṭaṭen s iman-is ar wemdan i wakken ad telfu (ad teḍru)tẓidmeltn tussit gar n imdanen. Dɣa ivirusen A i yemrayen (i weɛṛen) yakk gar n 3 n ivirusen n tussit acku ttaken-d Aṭṭanen inamsaden. Yezmer ad yili beṭṭu n ivirusen n tussit A ar waɣanen d inawen yemgaraden s usizder ɣer tririt ntfekkamgalini yivirusen-a, inawen inmegzayen i yessentamen ar wemdan gant d:[42][43]

Avirus n tussit B

[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]
Ismawen n uvirus n tussit (i wvirus ntussit n Fujian)

Avirus n tussit B yettaɣ imdanen kan (maca yezmer daɣen ad yaɣ snat ntelmasn iɣersiwen:isiferdunessas), Dɣa tussit B ur telli ara s tuget am tussit A, Talmest-a n tussit yesniffil s yisig n 2 ar 3 n tikkal s ddaw n telmest A, s usrag n tdrwsi ayyi n tuggta tasemgalt tettili-d tseddart nwaffalmgal n tussit B deg temẓi, ɣas akken tussit B tesdeṛmis ɣer tfesna anda ur yettili ara waffal amaɣlal mgal-is, isig-a anamum (uḍɛif) i wessnifel asemgal yakk d tegrawt n umesnubget (asekref n tuddit n telmas s usemgal) s wakka ad yettwasegger (ad yettwaḍman) ur ttilin arairwasenn tussit B.[42][45][46][47][48][49]

Avirus n tussit C

[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]

Tussit C tettaɣ imdanen dyiqjandyilfan.Aṭṭanen inamsaden gellun-d stzitmuratidiganin. Maca talmest-a d tin ur nelli ara s tuget yakk yerna tettaɣ kan arrac meẓẓiyen s tefses.[50][51][52][53]

Tuddit d unfufed n uvirus

[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]

Mi ara adyenzi(yeɛḍes) neɣyusuwemdan yudnen s tussit, ugar n wezgen n umelyun n tfekkiwin n ivirusen nettgen ar wezwu. Anṭaṭ n uvirus ɣer yimdanen irennu s waṭas deg wezgen n wass ar yiwen n was seld nyigem(akud deg acu yettili deg-s wemdan yessenṭaṭ-it i wayeṭ) ma d isig n wenṭaṭ yeflalin (ɛlayen) i wemdan niden deg taggara n wass wis sin akken i yettaṭṭaf azal n 5 wussan maca yezmer ad yeṭṭef alammi d 9 n wussan.


[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]
Ideggan yettufesren i tussit tasemhayt: wamber ar yebrir (azegzaw), wamber ar yebrir (azeggaɣ), s teɣzi n useggas (awṛaɣ).

Tussit tettawaṭ ar waggi-ynes degtegrest,llant snat n tsemhuyin n tessut yal aseggas acku tagrest tettas-d deg sin n wakuden yemgaraden gar n wezgen agafan ntegnitd wezgen anaẓul, ɣef waya tuddsa tamadlant n tdawsa tettaked isemtar (ttewṣiyat) i snat n tsuddsin yemgaraden n wecraṭ yal aseggas (yiwet deg wezgen agafan tis snat deg wezgen anaẓul).[54]

amezruy n tussit

[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]

Tigmayin (inadiyen)

[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]

Ẓeṛ daɣen

[ẓreg|ẓreg aɣbalu]
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